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ITM, Kharghar

Lesson 17

KAPALABHATI (The Forehead Brightener) KAPALA in Sanskrit means the FOREHEAD and BHATI means BRIGHTENING. It is a cleansing process or SHUDDHI KRIYA or SHODHANA KRIYA meant for cleaning the inner cavities of the nose and the forehead. As a result the forehead becomes bright. The forceful abdominal quick strokes given while exhaling allows some air to enter the sinuses. This pressurized air removes the dust and dirt deposited in the sinuses, when the kriya at a faster speed is done for over hundreds of times. Besides cleansing the sinus cavities it also activates the nerve tips in the nasal cavity, the olfactory nerves, and the auditory nerves. Thus the Kapalabhati Kriya serves like a guard protecting the health of the ears, nose and throat. Hence it is referred as ENT special.


ITM, Kharghar

CONTRA-INDICATIONS: Severe pain in the abdomen. Appendicitis. Enlargement of the liver. Throat infection. Any growth in the nose. Lung disorder. Technique : 1) Sit in Ardha Padmasana or Padmasana. Hands in dronamudra. 2) With deep inhalation raise the shoulders and expand the chest and fix it. Relax the abdomen 3) Do abdominal breathing 2-3 times. Start giving active, forceful and quick abdominal epigastrick strokes followed by passive inhalation. BENEFITS: 1) 2) 3) Excellent remedy for frequent cold and cough. Useful in attacks of Asthma. Increases sportsmens skills like runners, swimmers, hockey, tennis and football player, because it increases lungs capacity.


ITM, Kharghar









teachers, actors, singers etc. 5) 6) 7) Reduces indigestion, gases, constipation, acidity etc. Burns excess fat accumulation on abdomen. Daily practice of minimum 3 rounds, @ 120 to 150 strokes per minute induces deep and sound sleep by reducing tension.

PRATYAHARA MUDRA The Fold 5th step Yoga Path) in the is



PRATYAHARA. It means withdrawal of senses. It is very essential for achieving MEDITATION quality (DHYANA,

the 7th step). Normally our senses are left in a wide-open state and the energy flowing through them is not chanelized, which in turn leads to total lack of concentration and one pointed ness. Concentration of mind can generate superior knowledge and distracted mind cannot do that.


ITM, Kharghar



The procedure is very simple. By sitting in Padmasana or Ardha Padmasana, keeping the spine erect, one should: 1) 2) 3) Close the ears with-thumbs, Close the eyes with index fingers, Keep the middle fingers on both the nostrils, (not pressing them) 4) 5) 6) Keep the ring finger above the upper lip, Keep the smallest finger below the lower lip. Continue slow and deep inhalation and exhalation.

BENEFITS: 1) Facilitates Pratyahara and creates ground for Dharana and Dhyana 2) 3) Increases one pointed ness and concentration. Develops habit of exercising control over sense organs.


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