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Sara Sanjuán Villaescusa 1st IB

Climate change: Spike in Amazon emissions linked to law enforcement
The green center of the planet is being increasingly destroyed, and we are not even aware
of it. Between 2019 and 2020, the percentages of CO2 emissions increased until a 122%
compared to the previous 10 years.
Last four years, that emission increased because of the forest fires, massive hunting,
excessive logging, excessive logging of forests, also emissions of polluting gases from
factories are also an affecting factor.
According to an article in BBC News, written by Matt McGrath (Environment
Correspondent), Over the last few decades, the forest has been under growing pressure as
land has been cleared in Brazil and neighboring countries, primarily for farming.
Last year researchers published data indicating that the eastern part of the forest was being
cut down at such a rate that more carbon was being released than absorbed by the trees
and vegetation.
For this reason, deforestation of the Amazon, whether caused by fires or logging, is
detrimental to the world, since trees and plants are the beings that provide us with oxygen
by transforming CO2 through photosynthesis, so the fewer plants there are, the less
photosynthetic rate will be produced and therefore less and less oxygen will be emitted.
emissions from factories, cars, and other emissions of toxic and harmful gases to the
atmosphere and the greenhouse effect. This leads to overheating of the earth, as these
harmful gases are trapped instead of escaping. This warming makes forests more prone
to fires. The greenhouse effect not only has repercussions on forests, but also affects
animals, icebergs, seas and oceans, and mainly us.
"In consequence of this big deforestation, in the wet season of 2020 we saw a decline of
26% in rainfall during January, February and March, while the temperature has gone up
by 0.6C," said lead author Dr Luciana Gatti, from Brazil's National Institute for Space
Research (INPE).
The increase in temperature in recent years has caused a shortage of rain, and therefore
drought in many areas of the world, especially in the Amazon. The lack of water in
ecosystems makes them more prone to receive and spread fire.
People, and especially companies, are becoming more and more aware of this issue, so
little by little, carbon dioxide emissions are being reduced and companies are choosing to
give a much more sustainable profile, as this makes buyers have, in addition, a better
impression of the company for being committed to the environment.
"We need to have an international commitment with countries in international commerce,
that they don't buy the products that result in the destruction of nature," she said.
An immediate response is needed, because if these deteriorations in nature are
progressive, it will be too late to put an end to irreversible problems.

Word count: 465

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