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Nurse Education in Practice 54 (2021) 103124

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A literature review of emotional intelligence and nursing education

Manon Dugué a, b, *, Olivier Sirost a, b, Fabrice Dosseville c, d
Université Rouen Normandie, 76130 Mont Saint Aignan, France
EA3832 Centre d′ Etudes des Transformations des Activités Physiques et Sportives, 76821 Mont Saint Aignan, France
Université Caen Normandie, UMR-S 1075, 14032 Caen, France
INSERM, UMR-S 1075 COMETE, 14032 Caen, France


Keywords: Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate the current state of knowledge about emotional intelligence (EI)
Emotional intelligence in nursing education
Health Background: Human relationships and emotions are an integral part of nursing care and contribute to care
Nursing education
quality. This part of the profession must be addressed in nursing education to prepare students and deal with
Social relationships
their emotions and the patients’s. Research on emotional intelligence (EI) in nursing has been particularly
Training developed recently. A broad understanding of many benefits of EI is crucial to include EI in this training program.
Design: Systematic literature review
Methods: Undertaken using electronic database (Cairn; PubMed; Science Direct; Wiley online library) and specific
search terms. This research covered articles published in English and French between 2007 and 2021. The
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines (PRISMA) directed the sys­
tematic review process.
Results: 57 articles are included in this systematic review. The literature focuses on EI and nursing education. The
findings categorized into four themes: EI and performances; EI and Physical and mental health; EI and Social
Relationship; and EI program.
Conclusions: This literature review reveals that EI has many benefits in nursing students. Several training pro­
grams aimed at developing this concept have proven to be effective in nursing education. We believe that a
synthesis of this knowledge will then allow us to better understand the benefits of EI for a further implementation
in nursing education. Perspectives and recommendations will also be formulated to enable the implementation of
emotional skill development programs in such training.

1. Introduction manage their own and patients’ emotions, satisfaction with the patient
experience and care provided is enhanced (Nightingale, Spiby, Sheen
The demands of nursing practice, such as facing death or illnesses, and Slade, 2018). Nursing students currently appear poorly prepared for
increasing workloads, time pressure, and disregard for hierarchy, trigger this emotional labor (Dugué and Dosseville, 2018). It is important that
significant perceived stress in this professional field (Del Sarto Azevedo, they be prepared, but this is not often the case and the teaching content
Nery and Cardoso, 2017; Moustaka and Constantinidis, 2010). This job, is sometimes weak. Nursing students experience high stress and emo­
which is focused on technical and compassionate care, requires signifi­ tions related to clinical training, particularly in the first year (Dugué and
cant emotional and physical commitment. Moreover, increasing Dosseville, 2018; Dugué, Garncarzyk, and Dosseville, 2018; Gurková
knowledge about emotional labor improves care for patients (e.g., and Zeleníková, 2018).
respect for dignity and integrity, support; Culha and Acaroglu, 2018). Some researchers showed a positive influence of Emotional Intelli­
Emotional labor refers to the management of feelings to generate facial gence (EI) on emotional labor (Foster and McCloughen, 2020; Karimi
and bodily expressions for the public (Hochschild, 1983). Human re­ et al., 2014; Mikolajczak et al., 2007; Yin et al., 2013). EI is defined as
lationships and emotions are an integral part of nursing care and the ability of an individual to understand use, identify, express and
contribute to care quality. When nurses understand, identify, and regulate his or her emotions and those of others (Mikolajczak, 2009). To

* Corresponding author at: Université Rouen Normandie, 76130 Mont Saint Aignan, France.
E-mail address: (M. Dugué).
Received 19 October 2020; Received in revised form 14 June 2021; Accepted 16 June 2021
Available online 21 June 2021
1471-5953/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Dugué et al. Nurse Education in Practice 54 (2021) 103124

include this psychological determinant in training would promote pre-registration nursing programs (Foster et al., 2015). In our view, EI
adaptive functioning and resilience in stressful situations (Schneider, plays a role in many more areas than resilience or affective events. That
Lyons, and Khazon, 2013). Furthermore, these students could cope more is why we decided to carry out this review to identify more areas where
effectively with the stress in their work environment (Por, Barriball, EI plays a role. This literature review is particularly built on the work of
Fitzpatrick and Roberts, 2011). Research devoted to EI has two con­ Petrides et al. (2016). Their work presents the results of research on EI
ceptual models: the Ability model (Mayer and Salovey, 1997) and the and its role on different areas of life (i.e., performance, health, social).
Traits model (Bar-On, 2006). A third elaborate theoretical perspective of Thus, the aim of this article is to briefly present the research findings
EI that is gaining momentum in health-related contexts is the Tripartite about EI on these different life areas as well as on EI training for nursing
model (Mikolajczak, 2009). students. The synthesis of this knowledge will then allow us to under­
On the one hand, the ability model conceives EI as an “ability to stand the influence of EI on the performance, physical and mental
perceive accurately, appraise, and express emotion; the ability to access health, and social relationships of nursing students. Perspectives and
and/or generate feelings when they facilitate thought; the ability to recommendations will also be formulated to enable the implementation
understand emotion and emotional knowledge; and the ability to of emotional skill development programs in such training.
regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth”
(Mayer and Salovey, 1997, p. 10). This ability encompasses four di­ 2. Method
mensions: perception of emotion, emotion’s facilitation of thinking,
understanding, and analyzing emotions, and regulation of emotions. 2.1. Data source
These dimensions are classified hierarchically by the authors. Thus, the
emotional management branch is considered the most important and This systematic review targeted all empirical studies on EI in nursing
complex (Mayer and Salovey, 1997). The ability model of El (ABEI) is education. Four search engines were used: Cairn, PubMed, Science
based on the Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test Direct, and Wiley Online Library. The search was conducted in
(MSCEIT) and is a performance measure on specific tasks (Mayer et al., September of 2020, reconducted in April 2021 and included different
2002). combinations of the following keywords: nursing students, nursing ed­
On the other hand, trait models consider EI as a characteristic ucation, nurse education, Emotional Intelligence (EI), emotional skills
associated with the individual’s personality. It is a set of social skills and (ES), and emotional competencies (EC). These keywords were used for
personality traits (Bar-On, 2006). This ability encompasses five di­ each database.
mensions: intrapersonal skills (e.g., self-esteem, assertiveness, etc.),
interpersonal skills (e.g., empathy), adaptability (e.g., flexibility, 2.2. Inclusion and exclusion
problem-solving), stress management, and general mood components (e.
g., optimism). In this trait model, EI is evaluated via personality-like We limited the search to articles published in the French and English.
questionnaires (e.g., Bar-On EQi, Bar-On, 2004; SEIS-Schutte Research on EI in nursing education is recent so there is no restriction on
Emotional Intelligence Scale, Schutte et al., 1998; Trait Emotional In­ the year of publication. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
telligence Questionnaire, TEIQue, Petrides, 2009; TMMS, Trait Reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines (PRISMA) directed the systematic
Meta-Mood Scale, Salovey et al., 1995). While ability tests assess a review process (Moher et al., 2009). The search strategy is the same for
maximum performance, trait questionnaires assess a global performance each database. Keywords are combined (e.g., nursing students and
(Petrides and Furnham, 2003). emotional intelligence) and the titles associated with these keywords are
The third theoretical foundation, the tripartite model, is presented as analyzed. Articles were excluded if they did not focus on nursing stu­
a useful alternative to the traditional conceptualization of EI as a trait or dents and EI and if compares EI between students without other vari­
ability. This theoretical underpinning has several practical advantages ables. Non-peer-reviewed works such as doctoral dissertations and
that could be useful for nursing training. This model has three levels: published abstracts (without a full method section) were excluded
knowledge, abilities, and traits (Mikolajczak, 2009). The knowledge (Fig. 1).
level refers to the knowledge that the individual may have about
emotional regulation techniques without being able to apply them. The 2.3. Study selection
ability level refers to the ability to apply emotion regulation strategies
when asked to do so during an implementation exercise such as Articles identified in the Fig. 1 as relevant are uploaded. Abstracts
breathing exercise. This does not mean that the individual is able to reviewed by the researcher and those that met the inclusion and
apply these strategies in all emotional experiences. The trait level refers exclusion criteria were fully reviewed. Screening of the articles began
to the way the individual usually copes in emotional situations. with examining methodology, focusing on the EI model used and vari­
Currently, a lack of consensus about EI’s definition and the many ables measured. The search identified 465 titles in the databases. After
measurement tools complicate the search on emotional intelligence and deleting duplicates and unavailable articles, 94 papers are analyzed.
the understanding of this concept. The connection between the three After title and abstract screening following by detailed analysis of the
levels of the tripartite model might be helpful for nursing education and full papers, 57 articles met the inclusion criteria and were reviewed.
this model enables encapsulation of the previously opposing perspec­
tives (i.e., EI as an ability vs. as a trait). However, the models used in 2.4. Analysis
studies of nursing students focused on one of the two approaches
mentioned above. Overcoming this barrier could prove to have benefits Analysis of the articles began with an examination of summary,
for nursing education. keywords, methodology, and text. Relevant data, such as authors,
Research on EI in nursing has particularly developed recently, country, year, study purpose, sample, methods, EI model used, and
highlighting the importance of including this concept in the existing variables studied are summarized in Table 1. After the synthesis of ar­
training. Four previous literature reviews have addressed the topic of ticles, different themes were identified and studies with similar themes
emotional intelligence of nursing students. However, the first focuses on were grouped. To include studies in the literature review, it was
the link between EI and resilience (Cleary et al., 2018). The second necessary that (a) the inclusion/exclusion criteria be described in suf­
studies the link between EI and affective events (Lewis et al., 2017). The ficient detail to allow replication, (b) the characteristics of the popula­
third analyses EI and academic performance in health students but only tion be indicated, (c) the methodology be detailed. Finally, the issue of
seven studies concern nursing students (Singh et al., 2020). The last one study reproducibility was central to the qualitative assessment of the
explores the state of knowledge on emotional intelligence education in studies.

M. Dugué et al. Nurse Education in Practice 54 (2021) 103124

Literature source and search tems

Science direct Pubmed Wiley online library Cairn (in french)
EI+ Nursing student : 22 EI+ Nursing student : 125 EI+ Nursing student : 15 EI+ Nursing student : 1
ES + Nursing student : 5 ES + Nursing student : 130 ES + Nursing student : 2 ES + Nursing student : 0
EC+ Nursing student : 1 EC+ Nursing student : 123 EC+ Nursing student : 2 EC+ Nursing student : 0
EI+ Nursing educaon : 2 EI+ Nursing educaon : 1 EI+ Nursing educaon : 1 EI+ Nursing educaon : 0
ES + Nursing educaon : 0 ES + Nursing educaon : 3 ES + Nursing educaon : 1 ES + Nursing educaon 0:
EC+ Nursing educaon : 0 EC+ Nursing educaon : 0 EC+ Nursing educaon : 1 EC+ Nursing educaon : 0
ES + Nursing student : 2 ES + Nursing student : 8 ES + Nursing student : 1 ES + Nursing student : 0
EC+ Nursing student : 0 EC+ Nursing student : 9 EC+ Nursing student 0 EC+ Nursing student :0
EC+ Nursing student : 0 EC+ Nursing student : 9 EC+ Nursing student 0 EC+ Nursing student :0
Total : 33 Total : 408 Total : 23 Total: 1

Arcles were found in the selected databases

465 tles

371 papers excluded (duplicates, or not in French or

in English, Full arcle not available)

Arcles analyzed according to the inclusion and

exclusion criteria idenfied in the tle and in the
94 papers

Exclusion criteria Inclusion criteria

Reference lists read for arcles missed during Arcle on nursing students Arcle on nursing students
the search only and EI
Arcle on the comparison of Arcle in French or English
EI between students without Full arcle available
other variables Replicable study
Arcle on EI and an audience
other than nursing students
Paper is not an arcle
Only abstract is available
16 arcles retrieved
Arcles validated against criteria
41 arcles
16 arcles added

57 Arcles included for review

Fig. 1. Search strategy with PRISMA guidelines.

3. Results because it enables the implementation of evidence-based nursing prac­

tice and thus improves the patient care (Rubenfield and Schefer, 1999).
Data analysis uncovered 57 relevant articles published between 2007 Moreover, three studies demonstrated interest in the link between EI and
and 2021. Most studies included in our review originated in Spain and this dimension (Hasanpour et al., 2018; Kaya et al., 2017, 2018; Kim and
the USA with smaller representations from France, Canada, Egypt, Italy, Shin, 2021). However, the results of these studies are controversial. Two
South Korea, and Israel. To address our research question, we catego­ of them do not highlight any significant difference between EI and
rized the findings into four themes: EI and performances; Physical and critical thinking (Hasanpour et al., 2018; Kaya et al., 2018) while the last
mental health; EI and Social Relationship; and EI program. Each theme one shows that students with a high level of critical thinking have higher
has been discussed with more details. EI and that this increases over time (Kaya et al., 2017; Kim and Shin,
2021). Further studies are needed to establish links between these two
3.1. EI and Performances dimensions.
EI is also linked to academic success. Students who better manage
The influence of EI on students’ performances has been the most their emotions than others have better academic performance (Beauvais
frequently mentioned themes in our corpus since 24 studies addressed et al., 2014; Codier and Odell, 2014; Fernandez et al., 2012; Foster et al.,
this subject. Several studies show that EI linked to improved produc­ 2017; Por et al., 2011; Sharon and Grinberg, 2018; Shanta and Gargiulo,
tivity and clinical performance (Beauvais et al., 2011; Cleary et al., 2014) and only one study does not demonstrate a significant effect
2018; Culha and Acaroglu, 2018; Foster and McCloughen, 2020; Kim (Stenhouse et al., 2016). EI and self-efficacy are negatively associated
and Shin, 2021; Marvos and Hale, 2015; Li et al., 2015; Por et al., 2011; with academic procrastination (Guo et al., 2019). Academic procrasti­
Sánchez Expósito et al., 2018; Singh et al., 2020). Moreover, increasing nation leads to range of negative outcomes (Guo et al., 2019). Active
students’ emotional skills improve their patient care practices. When coping strategies such as focus on solving problems and emotional
students managed and were aware of their own and patients’ emotions, expression and satisfaction with learning correlated with EI (Alconer­
care was more individualized, ethical and professional (Culha and o-Camarero et al., 2018; Por et al., 2011). In addition, these students
Acaroglu, 2018). Their clinical performances were also better (Marvos persevere in their training more than students with lower EI levels who
and Hale, 2015). Furthermore, emotional intelligence can helps nursing are more likely to leave the program (Cleary et al., 2018; Marvos and
students cope with difficulties in clinical work (Foster and McCloughen, Hale, 2015). The risks of dropping out of nursing studies are generally
2020; Li et al., 2015). Consequently, students will focus more on solving due to poor stress management, which can have harmful consequences
the problem and openly expressing their emotions, which will allow for the students, particularly on their health.
better management (Alconero-Camarero et al., 2018; Kim and Shin,
2021). Only one study did not influence EI level on student academicals 3.2. EI and physical and mental health
success (Benington et al., 2020).
Critical thinking is considered as key element of clinical performance The literature search identified 12 studies that had examined the

M. Dugué et al. Nurse Education in Practice 54 (2021) 103124

Table 1
Articles analyzed.
Auteurs Year Pays Aim Study design Sample size Variables EI model

Abdali et al., 2019 2019 Iranian Relation between EI, sleep disorders Cross-sectional 400 students Sleep quality BGEII
and fatigue in health students Fatigue
Alconero-Camarero 2018 Spain Relation between EI, coping style and Descriptive, 74 nursing students in Dealing with stress TMMS24
et al., 2018 self-learning satisfaction observational and second year Satisfaction and self-
correlational study confidence Learning
Aradilla-Herrero 2014 Spain Risk prevalence and link with EI, Cross-sectional 93 nursing students Suicide risk TMMS
et al., 2014a depression, anxiety study 24
Aradilla-Herrero 2012 Spain Link between EI and death attitudes Cross-sectional and 243 nursing students Fear of death TMMS
et al., 2012 correlational study Death anxiety 24
Death depression
Death obsession
Aradilla-Herrero 2014 Spain Link between EI and death anxiety, Cross-sectional and 1208 nursing students and Alexithymia TMMS
et al., 2014b self-esteem and alexithymia observational 209 nurses Self-esteem 24
study Death anxiety
Augusto Landa et al., 2009 Spain Link between self-concept, Cross sectional 123 nursing students Personality TMMS
2009 personality and EI study Self-Concept 24
Beauvais et al., 2011 2011 USA Relation between EI and nursing Descriptive 87 nursing students Performance MSCEIT
performance correlational
Beauvais et al., 2014 2014 USA Relationship between EI, Descriptive 129 nursing students Psychological MSCEIT
psychological empowerment, correlational empowerment
resilience, spiritual well-being, and design Resilience
academic success Spiritual well-being
Benington et al., 2020 2020 USA Link between EI and successful Comparative 110 nursing students Successful SSEIT
completion descriptive study completion
Benson et al., 2012 2012 Canada Development of EI, leadership, and Longitudinal and 52 nursing students Leadership Bar-On
caring correlational study Caring ability EQ-i
Carragher and 2016 United Discussion on leadership and EI Discussion paper Leadership
Gormley, 2016 kingdom concept in nursing and midwifery
Carvalho et al., 2018 2018 Spain Relationship between EI and well- Longitudinal study 303 health student Burnout WLEIS
being (164 medecine, 45 Satisfaction de vie
physiotherapy, 94 nursing
Chan et al., 2014 2014 China Conflict management style, Transversal study 568 nursing students Organizational SEIS
personality and EI Conflict
Choi et al., 2015 2015 South Effect of teaching communication Quasi experimental 87 nursing students (45 test Global interpersonal AEQT
Korea skills using a video clip on study et 42 control) communication
communication competence and EI competence
Cleary et al., 2018 2018 Synthezize research that explore Integrative review 14 articles included Resilience
resilience and emotional intelligence
Codier and Odell, 2014 USA Relationship between EI ability and Exploratory, 72 nursing students in first Academic MSCEIT
2014 grade point average descriptive study year performance
Culha and Acaroglu, 2018 Turkey Relationship amongst student nurses Descriptive and 218 nursing students Nurses professional EIAS
2018 values, EI and individualized care correlational study values
perception Individualized care
Di Lorenzo et al., 2019 Italy To explore EI, empathy and Cross-sectional 237 nursing students Empathy SSREIT
2019 alexithymia survey Alexithymie
Donnaint et al., 2016 2016 France To develop reflective practice and Qualitative study 15 nursing students
emotional intelligence
Dugué and Dosseville, 2018 France To investigate psychological Descriptive and 519 students (301 nursing Resilience PEC
2018 characteristics of nursing students in correlational study students, 89 sport science, Coping
an attempt to understand why they 87 health students, 42 Perceived Health
are more subject to stress than others. psychology) Personality
Perceived Stress
Risks Behaviors
Erkayiran and 2018 Turkey Impact of improving EI skills training Quasi- 72 nursing students (36 test Interpersonal Style Bar-On
Demirkiran, 2018 on interpersonal relationship styles experimental study and 36 control) EQ-i
Fernandez et al., 2012 2012 Australia EI predictor of academic performance Prospective survey 81 nursing students Academic TEIque
design performance
Foster et al., 2015 2015 investigate the state of knowledge on Integrative review 17 articles included
emotional intelligence education in
pre-registration nursing programmes.
Foster et al., 2017 2017 Australia To measure EI in pre-registration Longitudinal study 111 nursing students Academic AES
nursing students from program performance
commencement to conclusion
Foster et al., 2018 2018 Australia To measure emotional intelligence Cross-sectional 201 Students (58 nursing, Stress GENOS
(EI) and perceived stress (PS) in final study 35 dentistry, 112 pharmacy)
year healthcare students
Foster and 2020 Australia To identify the emotionally intelligent Qualitative study 20 Students (12 nursing, 8 GENOS
McCloughen, 2020 behaviours used by students in pharmacy)
(continued on next page)

M. Dugué et al. Nurse Education in Practice 54 (2021) 103124

Table 1 (continued )
Auteurs Year Pays Aim Study design Sample size Variables EI model

difficult interpersonal situations with

the patient and family during clinical
Gomez-Diaz et al., 2017 Spain To explore the effect of EI education Interventional 108 nursing students Training TMMS
2017 program study
Goudarzian et al., 2019 Iranian Effect of self-care education on EI Quasi- 60nursing students Training BGEII
2019 experimental study
Guo et al., 2019 2019 China Relationship with EI, self-efficacy and Cross sectional 347 nursing students Self-efficacy EIS
academic procrastination study Procrastination
Hajibabaee et al., 2018 Iranian relationship between empathy and EI Transversal, 320nursing students Empathy SSEIT
2018 descriptive and
correlational study
Hasanpour et al., 2018 Iranian Relationship between EI and critical Descriptive and 169 nursing students Critical Thinking Bar-On
2018 thinking correlational study EQ-i
Hurley et al., 2019 2019 Australia Understand students used the Qualitative study 12 nursing students Training GENOS
knowledge and capabilities from the
training in clinical placement
Kaya et al., 2017 2017 Turkey The relationship between critical Longitudinal 197 nursing students Critical Thinking EIAS
thinking and emotional intelligence in design
nursing students
Kaya et al., 2018 2018 Turkey The relationship between critical Longitudinal study 182 nursing students Critical Thinking EIAS
thinking and emotional intelligence in
nursing student
Kim and Shin, 2021 2021 South Relationship between academic Cross-sectional 195 nursing students Critical thinking WLEIS
Koréa achievement and social-emotional study Self-directed
competence learning
Problem solving
Subjective academic
Kong et al., 2016 2016 China To explore whether resilience Cross-sectional 377 nursing students Resilience BGEII
moderate the relationship between EI design Clinical
and clinical communication ability communication
Lana et al., 2015 2015 Spain To explore relationship between EI Cross sectional 275 nursing students Health risk SSRI
and health risk behaviors study behaviors
Lewis et al., 2017 2017 Synthezize research that explore Narrative review 10 articles analyzed Affective events
affective events in nurse education
and emotional intelligence
Li et al., 2015 2015 China To investigate the relationships Cross sectional 202 nursing students Resilience EIS
among post-traumatic growth, study Posttraumatic
emotional intelligence and growth
psychological resilience in vocational Childhood
school nursing students who have Adversities
experienced childhood adversities
Marvos and Hale, 2015 USA To explore relationship between EI Exploratory and 104 nursing students Retention MSCEIT
2015 and clinical performance/retention descriptive study Clinical
McCloughen and 2018 Australia To identify interactions between EI Qualitative study 20nursing and pharmacy Training GENOS
Foster, 2018 and behaviours to manage students in last year
challenging interpersonal situations
with staff during clinical placement
Montes-Berges and 2007 Spain Exploring the relationship between Cross sectional 119 nursing students in first Coping TMMS
Augusto, 2007 perceived EI coping, social support study year Social support
and mental health Mental health
Orak et al., 2016 2016 Iranian Investigating the effect of emotional Quasi- 66 nursing students in first Training MSEIS
intelligence education program experimental study year (31 test and 35 control)
Por et al., 2011 2011 United To explore the relationship between prospective 130 nursing students Stress SEIS
Kingdom EI, coping, well-being and correlational Coping
professional performance survey Academic
Satisfaction with life
Nursing competence
Ramadan et al., 2020 2020 Egypt Measure the effects of and EI program Quasi- 100 nursing students 6-DSNP (clinical SSEIT
on the clinical performance experimental study performance)
Ruiz-Aranda et al., 2014 Spain To examine the relationship between Descriptive and 264 female students (38,3% Stress MSCEIT
2014 emotional intelligence (EI) and well- correlational study Physiotherapy, 33,3% Satisfaction with life
being indicators nursing, 17% of Subjective
occupational therapy and happiness
11,4% of chiropody)
Sanchez-Exposito 2018 Spain To explore the relationship between Descriptive and 91 nursing students in last Health
et al., 2018 social-emotional skills and clinical transversal study year communication
practice performance skills
(continued on next page)

M. Dugué et al. Nurse Education in Practice 54 (2021) 103124

Table 1 (continued )
Auteurs Year Pays Aim Study design Sample size Variables EI model

State-trait anxiety
Motivation to
Work engagement
Senyuva et al., 2014 2014 Turkey Relationship between self-compassion Cross sectional 571 nursing students Self Compassion EIAS
and EI study
Shahbazi et al., 2018 2018 Iranian Effects of problem-solving skill Quasi- 43 nursing students (20 test Training Bar-On
training on EI experimental study and 23 control) EQ-i
Shanta and Gargiulo, 2014 USA investigated if baccalaureate-level Quasi- 251 students (67 test) Academic MSCEIT
2014 nursing education increased the level experimental and performance
of EI as operationalized by J. D. Mayer quasi-longitudinal
and P. Salovey’s (2004) four-branch study
abilities model.
Sharon and Grinberg, 2018 Israel To explore influence of EI on the 110 nursing students Academic SSRI
2018 degree success performance
Stenhouse et al., 2016 2016 United To explore impact of previous caring Longitudinal quasi 598 students Academic SEIS
Kingdom experience, and EI on academic experimental performance TEIQue
success design SF
Szeles, 2015 2015 USA Effect of EI program in student nurse Mixed method 13 nursing students Training MSCEIT
leaders exploratory study
Teskereci et al., 2020 2020 Turkey Effect of EI and compassion program Quasi- 73 nursing students Training EIAS
experimental study
Yildrim et al., 2021 2021 Turkey Relationships between EI and Cross-sectional and 320 nursing students Leadership EIAS
leadership orientations descriptive study orientations
Zhang et al., 2016 2016 China To explore the mediating role of EI Cross sectional 467 nursing students Life events C-EIS-R
between negative life events and study Psychological
psychological distress distress

AEQT, Adult Emotional Quotient Test (Moon, 1997); AES, Assessing Emotions Scale (Schutte et al., 1998); Bar-on EQ-i, Bar-On Emotional Quotient-Inventory (Bar-On,
2004); BGEII, Bradbury-Graves’s Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Inventory (Ganji et al., 2006); C-EIS-R, Chinese Emotional Intelligence Scale (Chan, 2003);
EIAS, Emotional Intelligence Assessment Scale (Hall., 1999); EIS, Emotional Intelligence Scale (Schutte et al., 1998); GENOS, GENOS Emotional Intelligence Inventory
(Gignac, 2010); MSCEIT, Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (Mayer et al., 2002); MSEIS, Modified Schutte Emotionnel Intelligence Scale (Austin et al.,
2004); PEC, Profile of Emotional Competence (Brasseur et al., 2013) ; SEIS, Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (Schutte et al., 1998); SSRI, Schutte Self-Report
Inventory (Schutte et al., 1998); SSEIT, Schutte Self Report Emotional Intelligence Test (Schutte et al., 1998); TEIQue, Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire
(Petrides, 2009); TEIQue-SF, Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (Petrides, 2009); TMMS, Trait Meta-Mood Scale (Salovey et al., 1995); Wong & Law EIS, Wong
& Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (Wong and Law, 2002).

relationship between EI and students’ physical and mental health. Neuroticism trait, high anxiety, and low self-esteem correlated with
Emotionally more competent the students are, the more satisfied they EI level (Aradilla-Herrero et al., 2012, 2014b; Augusto Landa et al.,
are with their life and happiness (Aradilla-Herrero et al., 2014b; Car­ 2009; Dugué et al., 2018). Thus, it could be interesting to identify stu­
valho et al., 2018; Ruiz-Aranda et al., 2014). They also have lower levels dents with these characteristics at the beginning of the training, to allow
of stress, anxiety, and depression and are less prone to burnout (Ara­ specific support for preventing potential risks related to this emotional
dilla-Herrero et al., 2014b; Carvalho et al., 2018; Dugué et al., 2018; trait. In fact, it is extremely important that a student feels good in his
Foster et al., 2018; Lewis et al., 2017; Ruiz-Aranda et al., 2014; Zhang clinical training to provide adequate care and maintain good relation­
et al., 2016). In addition, these students have a better health and greater ships with patients, family, and health care team.
well-being (Dugué et al., 2018; Montes-Berges and Augusto, 2007; Por
et al., 2011; Ruiz-Aranda et al., 2014). Moreover, a study of 400 Iranians
students in health training (i.e. medicine, pharmacy and nursing) shows 3.3. EI and social relationships
a positive correlation between EI and sleep quality and a negative cor­
relation between EI and general tiredness (Abdali et al., 2019). Ten studies showed a link between EI and social relationships. Two
Furthermore, a study of 275 Spanish nursing students found that stu­ studies showed that EI positively correlated with empathy (Di Lorenzo,
dents with a higher EI level have a low tendency to consume alcohol and Venturelli, Spiga, and Ferri, 2019; Hajibabaee et al., 2018). Emotionally
have protected sex and have a balanced diet (Lana et al., 2015). Finally, intelligent students establish better relationships with patients and their
these students have less risk to have suicidal thoughts (Aradilla-Herrero family and better manage their emotions (Foster and McCloughen,
et al., 2014a) and EI may have a protective effect against stress for 2020; Hajibabaee et al., 2018). It also plays a role in the students’
nursing students. self-compassion, which is more likely to make them attentive to the
Different studies show that some personality traits correlated with emotions he or she perceives (Senyuva, Kaya, Isik and Bodur, 2014).
the EI level (Augusto Landa et al., 2009; Dugué et al., 2018). The study Thus, this emotional listening will allow more effective communication
of Dugué et al. (2018) revealed that the neuroticism trait is a variable with the patients and their family during the course of care (Senyuva
that can explain the high level of stress among students. Augusto Landa et al., 2014). In addition, EI positively correlated with the students’
et al. (2009) showed that students with a high extroversion trait are clinical communication (Kong, Liu, Li, Fang, Kang and Li, 2016). This
more emotionally intelligent than those with a high neuroticism trait. means that the student will transmit information to the patient more
Clinical training entails situations involving death and anxiety. In fact, effectively and have a better relationship with the patient (Kong et al.,
several studies have shown that students with low EI have a high level of 2016).
anxiety when confronted with such situations (Aradilla-Herrero et al., The EI level also affects students’ ability to manage conflict, espe­
2012, 2014b). The amount of self-esteem also correlated with the level cially with their supervisor (Chan et al., 2014; McCloughen and Foster,
of anxiety about death and EI level (Aradilla-Herrero et al., 2014b). 2018). In fact, students will integrate emotionally intelligent behaviors
such as reflection and reframing, compromise, calm, discomfort control,

M. Dugué et al. Nurse Education in Practice 54 (2021) 103124

and appropriate emotional expression (Chan et al., 2014; McCloughen The integration of the concept of EI into nursing education using the
and Foster, 2018). When the EI level is low, students will attempt to tripartite model may help to better prepare students for the emotional
avoid confrontation with their supervisor (Chan et al., 2014). demands of the profession. Indeed, an EI development program that
Finally, it would appear that the implementation of emotionally integrates knowledge of what EI is can be useful in nursing education,
intelligent leadership promotes the achievement of high-quality care combined with exercises in applying this knowledge (i.e., ability), which
and compassion from health professionals (Carragher and Gormley, could improve students’ behaviors in emotional situations (i.e., trait).
2016), Indeed, a study of 320 students found a significant relationship Moreover, a study by Campo et al. (2015) with athletes based on the
between EI and people-oriented leadership (Yildrim et al., 2021). tripartite model shows that an intervention that affects EI knowledge
Indeed, a longitudinal study of 52 nursing students found that changes in and ability promotes long-term change in the EI trait. Thus, we can infer
EI correlated with changes in leadership and some care capacities that this kind of intervention based on tripartite model and the pecu­
(Benson, Martin, Ploeg and Wessel, 2012). The implementation of liarity of nursing practice could prepare students to deal with emotional
intervention programs focused on EI development could improve these demands of practice. The implementation of experimental qualitative
different dimensions necessary to achieve quality care. studies in nursing education using this method would make it possible to
address this hypothesis.
3.4. EI program From the literature review, we found that EI can help nursing stu­
dents to be better prepared for the emotional work that this profession
Eleven studies focus on intervention program for developing entails. Indeed, a high level of EI allows students to perform better,
emotional skills in nursing education (Donnaint et al., 2016; better manage stress and emotions (Akhu-Zaheya et al., 2015;
Gómez-Díaz et al., 2017; Goudarzian et al., 2019; Hurley et al., 2019; Aradilla-Herrero et al., 2014b; Beauvais et al., 2014; Carvalho et al.,
Orak et al., 2016; Ramadan et al., 2020; Shahbazi et al., 2018; Szeles, 2018; Dugué and Dosseville, 2018; Foster et al., 2018; Laborde et al.,
2015; Teskereci et al., 2020). Programs have different forms. Seven 2010; Lewis et al., 2017; Ruiz-Aranda et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2016),
studies each provided 6–14 sessions with 45–120 min per session (Choi be healthier, and have better relationships with patients, their family,
et al., 2015; Erkayıran and Demirkiran, 2018; Goudarzian et al., 2019; and the health care team (Chan et al., 2014; Di Lorenzo et al., 2019;
Orak et al., 2016; Ramadan et al., 2020; Shahbazi et al., 2018; Teskereci Hajibabaee et al., 2018; Kong et al., 2016; McCloughen and Foster,
et al., 2020). These sessions took the form of lectures, role plays, case 2018; Montes-Berges and Augusto, 2007; Por et al., 2011; Ruiz-Aranda
studies and group discussions. While others opted for short programs, et al., 2014; Senyuva et al., 2014). Research has shown the positive
two of these programs focused on setting up four-hour workshops on influence of these competencies on students’ success in nursing profes­
specific topics (Gómez-Díaz et al., 2017; Hurley et al., 2019). The last sion. In nursing practice, coping with emotions is essential because
two consisted of individual interviews based on the analysis of the stu­ nursing practice is not only about technical care but also includes rela­
dents’ emotional situation (Donnaint et al., 2016; Szeles, 2015). Except tional care and human relationships. Emotions are an integral part of the
for Donnaint (2016), Gómez-Díaz, (2017) and Szeles (2015), all re­ care professions (LeBlanc, McCornel & Monteiro, 2015).
searchers used control and experimental groups. Mosy studies showed There are many stressors in the nursing education (Barboza and
significant improvement in EI for students who participated in the EI Soares, 2012; Dugué et al., 2018; Edwards et al., 2010; Gibbons et al.,
intervention (Choi et al., 2015; Donnaint et al., 2016; Erkayıran and 2008; Gibbons, 2010; Pulido-Martos et al., 2012; Shaban et al., 2012;
Demirkiran, 2018; Gómez-Díaz et al., 2017; Goudarzian et al., 2019; Sharma and Kaur, 2011). However, EI could help students to manage
Hurley et al., 2019; Shahbazi et al., 2018) and the study of Ramadan and them better (Aradilla-Herrero et al., 2014b; Carvalho et al., 2018; Dugué
collaborators also showed significant improvement in clinical perfor­ and Dosseville, 2018; Foster et al., 2018; Lewis et al., 2017; Ruiz-Aranda
mance in addition to the level of EI (Ramadan et al., 2020). Only the et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2016) but also in the health professions (Tri­
studies of Orak et al. (2016), Szeles (2015) and Teskereci et al. (2020) funovic, Jatic and Kulenovic, 2017; . Karimi, Leggat, Donohue, Farrell
could not highlight this significant improvement. Therefore, EI can be and Couper, 2014). In fact, in a favorable context of the individual, stress
increased through targeted educational interventions; moreover, will increase vigilance, attention, motivation, and concentration,
including EI in training programs would promote the students’ allowing improvement in performance. In this case, the stress correlated
well-being. Although the interest of EI for nursing students is known, positively with academic and clinical performance (Akhu-Zaheya et al.,
programs oriented towards this concept are not sufficiently present in 2015; Beauvais et al., 2014). Indeed, some perceived stress and physi­
the training programs (Foster et al., 2015). ological excitation is necessary to realize an optimal performance
(Gibbons et al., 2008). In addition, the optimal stress level allows stu­
4. Discussion dents to experience a sense of psychological well-being and general
satisfaction (Gibbons et al., 2008, 2011; Walker et al., 2016).
This review synthesized several articles related to EI and nursing Conversely, in an unfavorable context, stress can lead to absenteeism,
students. Most the studies included in our review originated in Spain and dropping out of training somatic illness, emergence of risk behaviors,
the USA with smaller representations from France, Canada, Egypt, Italy, sleep disorders, and increasing consumption of psychotropic drugs
South Korea, and Israel. All articles identified in this review were pub­ (Rice, 2012). Stress is not necessarily harmful for an individual’s health,
lished after 2007. This reduced number of articles published within 10 and it can even be beneficial. It depends on the students’ perception and
years shows that EI in nursing students is a relatively recent subject and use of coping strategies. Educating students about the beneficial effects
can develop in view of the demands of this profession. The integration of of stress and effective coping strategies for stress management would
the concept of EI into nursing education therefore seems important. help limit the unavoidable negative effects of stressors. Indeed, the
However, several approaches are possible (i.e., ability vs. trait model) nursing profession involves being confronted with situations that can be
and many assessment tools can be used. Many instruments, mainly self- emotionally exhausting (e.g., the confrontation with death, the
assessment questionnaires, were used in the various studies analyzed. announcement of a serious pathology.; Karimi et al., 2014). Moreover,
Comparison of the different studies is difficult as the tools and measures the emotions generated by these situations can also lead to stress.
used are different from one another. It shows a lack of consensus about Furthermore, nursing profession is recognized as being particularly at
the meaning of EI and a variety of methods and tools complicates the risk of burnout (Jeung et al., 2018; Shah et al., 2021). Nurses must be
understanding of research on EI and nursing care. Some tools such as trained to deal with the psychological and emotional difficulties of the
MSCEIT are difficult to access because they are not free. This concept job.
still needs to be studied to enable it to be integrated into nursing edu­ In addition, to overcome stress, students spend most of their time on
cation and meet the students’ needs. academic tasks (Mirzaei et al., 2012). This leads to attrition or even

M. Dugué et al. Nurse Education in Practice 54 (2021) 103124

decrease in physical activities practice (Dugué and Dosseville, 2018). emotional regulation techniques. The conferences could then be fol­
Students also are more susceptible to poor physio-psycho-social health lowed by exercises based on specific situations in nursing practice.
(Labrague, 2013). However, EI correlated negatively with psychoactive Finally, an evaluation could allow to assess if these attitudes change
substance consumption (Trinidad and Johnson, 2002) and positively gradually in their private and professional life.
with the health of the individual (Montes-Berges and Augusto, 2007; Por Several programs have been implemented for nursing students. None
et al., 2011; Ruiz-Aranda et al., 2014). In addition, students regularly of the studies compared the influence that both program duration and
participating in physical activities had higher EI level, managed stress content could have on improving EI level. For example, we believe that a
better, and adapted more effectively than inactive students (Wang et al., short intervention focused on few conferences would be less effective
2020). Thus, the implementation of an intervention program focusing on than a long one focused on applying emotional regulation exercises in a
the development of EI integrated with physical activity might be an nursing context. In addition, according to Wang et al. (2020), students
effective way to improve psychological, physical, and emotional health. who practice regular physical activity have higher EI level, manage
These interventions could also benefit to all health professionals. The stress better, and cope better than do the inactive students. We can
setting up of sports halls in schools and health institutions could be a suggest that physical activity including emotional development exer­
solution to develop this type of intervention in these structures. cises could be effective. This could also be beneficial to students’ health,
Student-centered learning environments that emphasize human and as physically active students experience less stress and have a better
caring relationships within the academic and clinical environment help perception of their health (Décamps et al., 2012; Sundblad et al., 2008).
students to face new challenges and cope with their training-related Finally, such training should be implemented from the first year of the
stressors (Del Prato et al., 2011). However, people with low levels of program. In fact, the level of stress and emotion is particularly high
interpersonal skills may have difficulties in social interactions, particu­ among students when they enter the training (Dugué and Dosseville,
larly with supervisors and patients, and isolate themselves (Riggio and 2018).
Lee, 2007). Several studies suggest that EI correlates with good conflict However, this study has some limitations. Only articles were used. A
management skills with supervisors, better clinical communication, and review of the grey literature could have provided additional data to
better relationships with patients and their families (Chan et al., 2014; support the findings. Moreover, not all databases are accessible in
Di Lorenzo et al., 2019; Hajibabaee et al., 2018; Kong et al., 2016; France. Thus, some references could not be accessed in their entirety and
McCloughen and Foster, 2018; Senyuva et al., 2014). These skills are at be included in the review. However, searches using the major search
the heart of nursing profession. It is important that students can learn to engines as quoted in this review provide a comprehensive review to the
develop these skills in their training. Thus, the implementation of an EI research question. Only articles in French and English were included,
intervention emphasizing human and caring relationships could be corresponding to the languages mastered by the papers’s authors. Thus,
beneficial for these students. These interventions could also be benefi­ some studies could not be analyzed. In addition, only the main author
cial for health professionals. Indeed, there was a significant improve­ carried out the literature review on the subject. The involvement of
ment in nurses’ EI levels after participation in an EI program as well as in several researchers could have made it possible to obtain more articles.
their general health, job satisfaction, emotional care planning,
task-oriented coping strategies and a decrease in situational anxiety Conflict of interest
(Codier et al., 2013; Kozlowski et al., 2018; Nooryan et al., 2012;
Sarabia-Cobo et al., 2017; Sharif et al., 2013). This study was not funded and there is no conflict of interest.

5. Conclusion References

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