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Name: Pacardo Aljon T.


Progress Check:
1. What do you think is the best mode of public land transport for people living in big
cities? Why?
Public transit allows you to relax, read, or take a sleep during your commute
rather than arguing, freaking out, or experiencing road rage. It also decreases emissions,
eases traffic congestion, and provides you plenty of opportunity to watch and get to know
your neighbors. To be honest living in a city with accessible public transit makes life a lot
simpler. They can move about more effectively and cope with less traffic congestion and
pollution. Of course, we're referring to the system of buses, trains, and even trolleys that
helps some cities run more efficiently.
2. Pick 3 criteria which you think are the most important from the seven criteria used to
measure the usability of different types of public transport and its overall appeal and
explain why?
Speed, cost and safety are the most important for me from the seven criteria that
are used in measuring the usability of different types of public transport and its overall
appeal. As a student there are times that we cannot avoid being late and we must arrive at
school as soon as possible. There are some public jeepneys that are very slow which I do
not like. As a student we just rely on our allowances and the cost of the fare also impacts
our lives. Lastly, the most important criteria is safety. We must prioritize our safety from
3. Can a railway system transport help alleviate traffic? Why?
When compared to other modes of transportation, railroads are a safe type of land
transportation. When considering lower traffic levels, railway transport is generally less
flexible and more capital-intensive than road transport, despite being capable of high
levels of passenger and cargo utilisation and energy efficiency.

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