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Incest/TabooTell Me Tell Me byAgnol Note: All characters over 18. Work of fiction, blah blah blah...

* Eric sat at the dining table finishing the last of his breakfast slowly. Sunlight streaming in through the large windows looking out over the backyard brought unseasonable warmth into the house. He plucked at his t-shirt as beads of sweat began to form on his skin. Turning back to his food his attention was immediately caught by his mother entering the kitchen in her robe. "Morning dear," Rachel sang heading to the fridge. Eric only grunted in response, his eyes caught on the soft white silk peeking out from under his mother's robe. "Oh I'm so excited! Your sister and Rick will be here today. I can't wait to see how big her belly has become." Watching his mother bustle about the kitchen, Eric was amused at how animated she had become since learning that his sister and her husband were coming to visit. Karen had called and said that she was six months pregnant and was really starting to show. At first Rachel was a little put off that her only daughter hadn't informed her immediately that she was with child but her anger soon evaporated when Karen said they were coming for a visit. Rachel had busied herself all week preparing for her daughter and son in laws arrival. Eric had been thankful that his mother's attention had been diverted from him, even for a short while. He was a dutiful son and diligent student but sometimes he felt smothered. "What's got you smiling so?" Rachel asked. Her son's mouth was open and split into a smile. His eyes appeared as if he might be daydreaming. "Hello? Earth to Eric?" "Oh, sorry," Eric said shaking his head. "What did you say?" "Why the big smile?" She stood alongside the counter, a hand upon her hip. The top of her robe had slipped a little more and the swell of her breast was easily visible. "Oh no reason," Eric replied slowly before turning back to the last of his eggs. Swallowing the last bite he gathered up his plate and stepped around his mother to put the dishes in the sink. When he had left the room Rachel looked down at her clothing and noticed how much cleavage she had been showing. With a small blush she covered herself more completely, gathered her coffee and went up to her room to change.

As she made her way towards her room she passed by Eric's door and poked her head in to tell him something. Looking in she could see him putting a shirt on and when her eyes scanned lower she could see that his boxers were tented with what could only be an erection. Her blush returned and she could feel the heat rise in her cheeks as she looked upon her son. Quickly she darted away and went on to her own room, a smile on her own lips now. The excitement of her daughter coming was now tinged with a slight amount of sexual satisfaction that she could get a rise out of a man, even if it was her own son. Five years without a husband, or any man for that matter, had made her forget what it was like to be looked at with desire. "Your sister will be here at 5," Rachel called down the hall. "Make sure you're here okay?" "Sure thing mom," Eric replied heading towards the front door. When the front door closed Rachel began picking through her clothes, looking for something that would be more flattering than she would normally wear around the house. "Wow! Look at you," Eric said as he enveloped his obviously pregnant sister in a hug. "Hey Rick, looks like you guys did it right." Rick smiled as he took his young brother in laws hand and shook it. "Let me help you with those bags." Stepping aside he let his sister into the house and then started towards the car. "Is Mom home?" Karen asked. "I think so, I haven't seen her since I got home about half an hour ago," Eric replied over his shoulder. "Mom?" Karen called making her way down the hall. When she got to her mother's room she pushed the door open and found her mother putting on a pair of earrings. "Karen! Oh honey!" Rachel squealed seeing her daughter in the mirror. She rushed to her and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, hugging her tight. "Oh my, you are getting big, but you look so beautiful. My baby is going to have a baby!" Rachel's eyes were beaming with pride "I know, thank god Rick likes me this way," Karen said with a laugh. "You look great mom, hot date tonight?" She stood back and admired the dress on her mother. It was a soft yellow number that clung to her form nicely. "What? Oh, no, " Rachel said. "Well I know you didn't get dressed up like this for me," Karen laughed. "I just felt like getting out of my old fuddy duddies, sometimes a gal likes to look nice." Rachel smiled and led Karen out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen.

"I had better keep Rick away from you, he see's all that cleavage and he'll forget which one of us he's married to." "Ha! Yours look to have swollen at least a cup size, I'm sure he's got his hands full with you." "Yeah, I never knew that some men get really turned on by pregnant women. I'm just not sure," Karen trailed off as they entered the kitchen where her husband and brother were sitting at the counter enjoying a drink. "Rick," Rachel said and gave her son in law a very motherly kiss on the cheek. "I'm so glad you guys are here." "You look lovely mom," Rick said sitting back down in his chair. Eric sat contentedly watching his mother and sister gush about her pregnancy. He was surprised by the dress she was wearing, surprised but not upset. It accentuated her curves very nicely, giving her a very feminine appearance. Lately his mother had been doting around the house in nothing but sweats so this change was more than welcome. He tried to be discreet but he found himself staring at her more than once and he thought she might have caught him a time or two. Rick and Rachel had begun talking about his work giving Karen a moment to take in her brother. She noticed that Eric's eyes were drawn to their mother's body quite frequently. "Boys will be boys," she thought to herself with a small chuckle. "Oh I had better get dinner going," Rachel said bringing Karen out of her thoughts. "Eric will you help me in here?" "Rick can help you mom," Karen offered. "I want to talk to my brother before we eat." With a mischievous smile Karen went in to the living room. "What's up?" Eric asked, sitting next to his sister on the couch. "Nothing, just wanted to catch up with you is all. How is school?" "It's good. Just finished first semester finals; got my applications off for college and now it's just a waiting game." Eric tried valiantly not to stare at his sister's chest. He remembered growing up trying to sneak peaks at her while she was changing and now she was even bigger. "Any girlfriends?" Karen asked, jabbing him in the ribs with a finger. "A couple," he answered.

"Well I hope you are being safe, you don't want to get any girl in the condition I'm in any time soon," Karen rubbed her belly for emphasis. "No, nothing like that. Just a couple of girl's I go out with on occasion. Nothing serious or anything. Guess girls just don't see me like that." "Oh, is Eric still a virgin?" Karen teased. She felt bad immediately when she saw the black look come over her brother's face. "Look I'm sorry; I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Don't worry, it'll happen and soon if I remember how high school girls are." "Well," Eric said looking up, no longer angry, "you kind of set the bar pretty high for 'adventurous girls'. Or is that setting the bar low?" Karen punched him in the arm playfully. "Stop it now or I'll tell Rick just what kind of girl you really are!" He squirmed away from Karen's tickling fingers. "Oh? You think he doesn't know? Why do you think he married me?" Karen said triumphantly. "So he wanted to marry the tramp?" Eric said breathlessly. "Well, when I'm 'his' tramp its okay." Karen might have said more but at that moment their mother called out needing help. After dinner Rick begged off anymore conversation and headed off to bed. Eric left his mother and sister alone in the dining room as he went to study. Karen and her mom were more than happy to stay up half the night gabbing about her pregnancy and all sorts of things the men weren't really that interested in. After a time Karen finally got the courage to ask her mother something that had been bothering her for a while. "Mom," Karen began, "did Dad and you ever," she paused searching for the right words. "Did you ever role play?" Rachel looked at her daughter thoughtfully for a moment before responding. "What do you mean?" "Did Dad ever want to pretend you were someone else? Not like a particular person, not someone you knew, but like a certain type of someone? Like a nurse or a schoolteacher?" "Well yeah a couple of times," Rachel answered softly. "Your father wasn't very imaginative I guess. But I do remember there were a couple of times that he liked to pretend I was a naughty school girl or something. Why?"

"Was that the only thing Dad ever liked to pretend? There wasn't anything or anyone else?" Karen seemed a little nervous to her mother. Rachel moved her chair closer and put a hand on her daughter's leg and patted it softly. "Whatever you and your husband do is between the two of you. So long as you feel safe and loved there is nothing wrong in pretending. Okay?" She looked into her daughter's eyes trying to offer comfort. "I know that Mom," Karen said quickly, "But did Dad ever- ever regress?" Rachel's eyes squinted and she tilted her head in confusion. "Regress? Like what?" Karen bit her lip. "Did Dad ever want you to be his Mommy?" "No," Rachel said softly, trying not to sound judgmental. "Are you okay honey? This seems like its bothering you a lot." "I don't know Mom," Karen said in confusion. "It's just ever since I've started to show", she patted her belly, "Rick has gotten into this kink of calling me Mommy. And it's not just him calling me Mommy he wants me to call him 'My big boy' and other stuff. It's all very weird." "Does it turn him on?" Rachel asked after a moment. "Oh yes, it turns him on very much." Karen replied enthusiastically. "Does it turn you on?" Rachel asked softly. She searched her daughter's face and she already knew the answer before she spoke. "Yes," Karen said looking up. "Does that make me a bad person?" "No dear, it doesn't make you a bad person. You are two people who love each other very much. What the two of you do in the privacy of your bedroom is between just the two of you." Rachel could see that her answer was of little comfort to her daughter. "When I was your age it was unheard of for a couple to have oral sex. It was considered degenerate to do those kinds of things. I'm sure the two of you do that and more," Rachel laughed when Karen looked up with a sheepish grin. Karen hugged her mother and went to join her husband in bed. Rachel shook her head and slipped off to her own bed. Eric had a normal day at school capped off by basketball practice. He rushed home to shower and change so that he'd be ready to go out with his mother, sister and brother in law. When he arrived home he could hear his sister and Rick in Karen's old room so he grabbed his clothes and headed to the shower.

He opened the door and plopped his clothes on the counter and turned to grab a towel out of the closet. When he turned around he saw his mother step from behind the shower curtain, a towel over her head as she dried her hair. Her breasts were full and flush from the hot water and Eric could feel his heart begin to pound as he stared at her. He knew he should say something but he could hardly breathe. His eyes darted down and he noticed the faint hair protruding from between her trim legs and he swallowed hard looking at her. His cock began to stiffen as he continued to gaze upon her. Rachel pulled the towel down and tossed her head back to finish drying it. She slid the towel across her chest and over her tummy. She opened her eyes and for the first time noticed her son standing there. A gasp escaped her lips and she instinctively pulled the towel up to cover herself. She couldn't control herself, she looked down at his crotch and she saw his erection tenting his shorts. The sight of his arousal caused her own nipples to stiffen up and her breasts began to ache. "Sorry mom," Eric said simply. "I didn't know..," his voice trailed off as his mind couldn't continue while he relived the moment over and over. "It's ok. But can you wait outside while I finish?" Rachel asked. He nodded dumbly and then turned to leave. When the door closed behind him Rachel sank to the edge of the tub and exhaled deeply. The drive to dinner was a little strained as Eric and his mother sat in the backseat of Rick's car trying not to look at one another. Karen prattled on and tried to engage her mother in conversation but couldn't quite draw her out. When she asked what the matter was Rachel assured her it was nothing. At dinner Rachel excused herself to the restroom and Karen asked Rick to get her mother a drink from the bar. "Okay, what's wrong with Mom?" Karen asked her brother. "I saw her coming out of the shower," Eric admitted in a rush. "She was drying herself off and I saw everything. I'm so embarrassed." "Oh my!" Karen said trying not to laugh. "Look its okay, not like you planned it right?" When Eric didn't respond she asked again. "Did you plan it?" "No!" Eric answered defensively. "I didn't know anyone was in there. When I saw the steam on the mirror I just figured someone had used it recently. I was in a hurry and everything." He thought for a moment. "What I can't figure out is how come she didn't hear me come in? The water wasn't on and I wasn't exactly quiet opening the door or the towel closet. She must have heard me." "Maybe she wanted you to see her?" Karen said coyly. "You think?" Eric asked unbelieving.

"It's possible. You are a good looking guy and she hasn't had anyone in a long time. Maybe she likes the idea of someone looking at her." "You're sick, you know that Karen?" "Okay maybe I am sick, but tell me, did you like looking at our mother naked?" Karen saw the blush creep across his face. "You did! You liked looking at our mother naked!" Eric looked around nervously to see if any of the people near them had heard what she had said. Eric sat back in the booth and began to ponder the possibility that his mother had wanted to be seen naked in the bathroom. Maybe she had thought Rick might wander in. Or maybe she had wanted to be seen by her own son. Could it be that Mom was trying to be noticed as a woman again by someone? By anyone? Rachel and Rick returned to the table and dinner proceeded as normal as possible under the circumstances. Karen began to ply her mother with wine and wouldn't let the conversation die down. Karen made crude sexual advances towards her husband in front of everyone. At first Eric was mortified and embarrassed for his mother but he noticed that after her second glass of wine she was laughing along with Karen. He shook his head and chalked it up to his sister having fun at his expense. When they returned home Eric quickly excused himself to his room and Karen and Rachel sat on the couch laughing and joking loudly. Before it was time to turn in Rachel could feel the effects of the alcohol wearing off and she made her way to her bedroom. "Better have a talk with Eric, Mom", Karen said pausing at the door to her room. "Clear the air and all that." Karen smiled as she stepped into her own room and shut the door. Rachel stared at the closed door and wondered if she knew about what had happened in the bathroom. After a moment she concluded that her daughter was right. No point in avoiding each other forever over something so silly. Knocking on Eric's door softly she waited for him to answer. No need to barge in on him and possibly catch him in a compromising situation. That thought brought a small flush to her cheeks and a tingling feeling coming from below. The idea that her son might be masturbating on the other side of this closed door was a delicious thought. She only had a second to ponder though before she heard his voice saying "Enter." "Hi dear, just wanted to have a little talk, if you're not too busy." Eric was under the sheet, could she see any sign of excitement? He was sitting up and the sheets were awfully ruffled, no way to be sure. "Sure Mom," Eric said with a nervous chuckle. "I can guess what this is about."

"Yeah, well we kind of need to get past it, don't you think?" Rachel came around to his side of the bed and sat by his legs. "Look, it's not that big a deal really. I'm really very sorry if you are embarrassed by it at all." "Uh, wow," Eric laughed nervously. "Really not what I expected you to say." "Oh? What did you expect me to say?" Rachel looked at her son coyly. She turned her head to the side and the soft smile on her face was disarming to her only son. His eyes traced the soft material of her dress from around her shoulders, down her neck and to the plunging neckline that led to her bosom. Though the cleavage was appropriately covered he could imagine her breasts beneath the material even now. "I kind of thought you would be mad or something," Eric said returning his eyes to meet his mother's gaze. "Well I didn't think you did it on purpose and it was my fault really," Rachel said. For a moment she wondered if he did do it on purpose. "Could he have really wanted to see me naked?" She thought. "Did he want to look at my body? He had gotten hard from looking at me in my robe just the other day; perhaps it had sparked an interest in him." "No it was an accident, really Mom!" Eric said plaintively, breaking Rachel's thoughts. "I was actually surprised you didn't hear me come in." "Well it's over now. I'll be sure to shower in my bathroom from now on." Rachel leaned forward to kiss her son on his forehead. As she pressed her lips to his warm skin she wondered if he were peeking once again. She held the kiss a lot longer than she normally would have and then they both heard something from the next room. The sound of muffled voices for a second and then a moan. Rachel sat back and looked at her son with a guilty grin as both of them knew they were listening to Karen and Rick. For a moment they sat in silence and then clearly, "Momma, I've got something for you!" Rick said loudly. "Oh, my! What a big boy you have become. Look and it's all hard. Is this for Momma?" Karen sounded excited and playful. Rachel held her hand to her mouth and giggled. Eric's face was white with embarrassment. "Momma, will you do that thing for me? To help me when it gets all hard?" Rick asked. "You know you have to ask Momma the right way. Now try again," Karen said. "Mom, will you suck your son's cock? Please? Will you take it in your mouth and kiss it and lick it and suck it?"

"Do you like it when your Momma sucks your cock?" Karen asked. Eric closed his eyes tightly and tried to suppress a groan. Listening to his sister and her husband play their sick games was having a terrible effect on him. His own mother was sitting next to him on his bed and he could feel his own dick starting to unfurl and become hard. Rachel turned her head to the side to hide the surprised look on her face. She knew she should leave, flee to her own room where she couldn't hear what was going on between her daughter and son in law. She knew it was wrong to sit here and eaves drop, but she couldn't help it. She was curious to know exactly what it was that went on, especially after Karen had confided in her. "Oh yes Mom, I love it when you open your mouth and take my cock deep in and make it feel oh so good." Report Story byAgnol 7 comments/ 249532 views/ 9 favorites Share the love Share Report a Bug Submit bug report Next 2 Pages:12 Literotica Toy Store ADULT TOY & DVD STORE WITH FAST & DISCREET SHIPPING AND A GREAT SEXY SELECTION Taboo: The Series CLASSIC TALES OF FORBIDDEN FAMILY LOVE. SEE THE ENTIRE SERIES!

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Poems Story Series Tags Portal Chat Forum Adult Store Movies Webcams Mobile Version FAQ Search English|Spanish|German|French|Dutch|Other languages All contents Copyright 1998-2011. Literotica is a trademark. No part may be reproduced in any form without explicit written permission. Terms Of Services|Report A ProblemIncest/TabooTell Me Ch. 02 Tell Me Ch. 02 byAgnol Eric lay in his bed gasping for breath. His mother had just sucked his cock until he came in her mouth and now she was busily playing with her pussy waiting for him to help her in return. He could hear her saying something but his mind swam with the bizarre set of circumstances that had put him in this position. Only a few feet away were his sister Karen and her husband Rick who were at least partially responsible for what had just occurred in Eric's room. Opening his eyes completely Eric looked at his mother, Rachel, who was saying something in a pleading tone to him. As the buzzing in his ears lessened he could make her words out more clearly. His gaze dragged from her face down her chest where one of her slender hands was alternately tweaking a nipple through her blouse and squeezing the entire breast. Eric's heart quickened as he imagined that it was his hand caressing her bosom. Licking his suddenly dry lips he lowered his gaze even further and became lost in the sight of her fingers sliding through the light hairs of her sex. Rachel had pulled her underwear to the side and was anxiously teasing the area around her pussy. Suddenly aware of what he was looking at Eric looked up at his mother's face again only to find her eyes filled with hunger and desire. "Baby, momma needs your help," Rachel whispered in a husky voice. "You're going to help momma, right?" Eric nodded slowly, sitting up and pulling his legs up under him. "I've never done this so you will have to tell me what to do."

"Just kiss momma right here," Rachel said softly laying back on the bed and spreading her legs wide. Her fingers held open her sex and she circled her clit lightly with one finger. "Right there baby, kiss momma right there." Getting on his knees Eric positioned himself between his mother's thighs and leaned in close to her pussy. He took a deep breath and his head swam again as her scent filled his nostrils. He stared openly at the slickened lips of her sex, the tender folds of flesh glistening just before his quivering lips. He had heard of going down on girls, but the idea had never been especially appealing to Eric. Now, just inches from his own mother's pussy, he knew that this would be something he would want to do again and again. Tentatively he stuck his tongue out and tasted the saturated lips of her sex. "Oh yes," Rachel groaned. She slipped her hand behind Eric's head and pulled him harder against her body. His tongue began to slather haphazardly all over her pussy. Rachel's eyes rolled back in her head and her mouth hung open limply as her only son explored her sex. His noisy slurping was very pleasing but Rachel didn't need the buildup, she was ready to burst and couldn't wait for it to happen. "Here baby," Rachel said as her hands guided his face so that his tongue was over her clit. "Lick Mommy there." Eric grunted in response and his mouth began to work over the slippery nub carefully. As his tongue worked on the soft protrusion he could feel it getting bigger. His mother's breathing became a series of ragged gasps as he tried to suck her clit into his mouth. Feeling more confident in his task Eric slid his hands up her legs until he was gripping her ass and pulling her pussy harder onto his mouth. "Oh fuck," Rachel gasped, "Lick me, lick momma you naughty boy!" Eric didn't respond, his focus solely upon devouring his mother's sex completely. His tongue swiped from her clit down into her opening as he tried to press into her as far as he could go and lick everywhere he could reach. Rachel pulled on his hair as he brought her ever closer to orgasm. A moment later he could feel her beginning to tremble. Moving back to her clit, swiping it rapidly with his tongue, Eric could feel the trembles becoming more pronounced. "Oh god, oh god, here it comes, here I come baby," Rachel said her voice rising with each word. She pulled his face tight against her pussy, burying Eric's nose within the folds of her sex. For a moment he wondered if she might suffocate him and then he felt her explode. He worked his tongue furiously trying to extend the wave but after a few moments she pushed him away abruptly, the sensations becoming painful for her hypersensitive pussy. Eric wiped his face with the back of his hand as he sat back and proudly admired the orgasm he had given his mother. Rachel lay with her blouse and bra pushed up around her neck leaving her heaving breasts open to his view. A light sheen of sweat covered her exposed skin as she regained her breath and began to calm down. Sliding along the bed Eric lay his face next to her's and kissed her mouth softly. Rachel returned his kiss

automatically and for a moment allowed her tongue to slip into his mouth, tasting herself there. Suddenly Rachel realized the house was silent. The house was dead silent and she hadn't been at all quiet when she had cum. Her daughter and son in law were in the next room, surely they must have heard. In a panic she pushed Eric away and scrambled off the bed trying to close her blouse and put her bra on properly all at once. "Oh God, Eric, what are we going to do?" Rachel hissed. "What do you mean?" Eric said, not lowering his voice at all. Rachel winced at his volume. Crossing the room quickly she pushed a finger to his lips to quiet him. "Your sister and her husband are right there!" Rachel hissed pointing vigorously at the wall that separated his room from his sister's. "Oh shit," Eric breathed, "Oh god mom, they had to hear..." He trailed off not sure what they could possibly say. He looked to his mother to make it all better. "What are we going to do?" "I don't know," Rachel answered lamely. "I don't know, but I think I better go." Rachel turned and walked to his bedroom door. She stopped for a moment as if she was considering something then opened the door quietly, looked down the hall at her daughter's room and then stepped out into the hall, closing the door as she left. Eric collapsed on his bed unable to believe what had just happened. He turned out his light and tried to sleep but his mind was filled with terror about what his sister would say. After what seemed like an hour in the dark his mind began to replay the image of his mother devouring his cock with her mouth. His fear was soon replaced with erotic reminiscing which was only reinforced by the smell of his mother still heavy in the room. He found his rapidly hardening cock with his hand and masturbated to a lesser orgasm before exhaustion over took him before he could even bother to clean himself. In the morning Eric woke late for school and was able to escape without having to face his sister and brother in law across the table. Rachel for her part waited anxiously for her daughter or son in law to say something, anything that would let her know they had heard what had gone on last night. But it never came. After breakfast Rick took a call on his cell and when he hung up informed them that Karen and he would have cut their trip short, work was calling and she was a demanding mistress. Rachel had to suppress the sigh of relief and tried to act sad that their visit was so brief. "I'm sorry we have to leave mom," Karen said hugging Rachel as Rick loaded the car with the luggage. "But I'll call as soon as I get home and I know you will be coming down when it's my time to deliver."

"Oh of course dear, you know I wouldn't miss it for the world," Rachel gushed hugging her daughter tightly again. "And I want to thank you for the advice you gave me. You made me feel a lot better. What two people who love each other do in the privacy of their own home is their own business and no one else's." Rachel tensed at her words, a pensive look crossing her face. Karen smiled warmly and hugged her mother again. Rachel watched as Karen and Rick drove away, a heavy weight lifted off her shoulders. She turned and went back into the house and busied herself with her daily chores. At one point she was picking up dirty laundry from Eric's room and found a small envelope on his bed. She picked it up carefully and stared at it for a moment and then peeled open the unsealed flap and pulled out a small slip of paper. Sounds like you had fun last night. Call me tomorrow, - K. Rachel stared at the words for a long while, a sinking feeling in her stomach. Report Story byAgnol 3 comments/ 133019 views/ 1 favorites Share the love Share Similar stories Four-way with Mom: The Beginning by kelkel79 3.93 2 Helping Hands: The Beginning by bearlee 4.48 2 Stepmom by BarondeSade 4.58 8 Brian and Kara Ch. 01 by mary0256 4.54 6 The Dream Ch. 01 by BarondeSade 4.52 12 Also in this series Tell Me 4.57 Tell Me Ch. 03 4.67 Tags For This Story incest oral oral mother mother son milf older woman younger man Report a Bug Submit bug report 1 Pages:1 Please Rate This Submission: 1 2 3 4

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All contents Copyright 1998-2011. Literotica is a trademark. No part may be reproduced in any form without explicit written permission. Terms Of Services|Report A ProblemIncest/TabooTell Me Ch. 03 Tell Me Ch. 03 byAgnol Rick shook his head quickly and let out a gasp of air. His fingers loosened on the steering wheel as he drove away from his mother in law's house. "You okay?" Karen asked as she watched the row of familiar houses slip past through the car window. "Yeah," Rick replied, "I wasn't sure how long I could face your mom though." "So do you really have to go back to work?" "No," Rick answered guiltily. "We just couldn't stand there and pretend we didn't hear what we heard though," he added defensively. "I don't know about you but I was going to crack sooner or later." Karen smiled with her face turned towards the window. "Guess Mom is just as bad as me," she said. "Could be," Rick chuckled. "But I wouldn't want it any other way," he said smiling at his wife. Karen turned, her eyes alight with adoration. Her gaze lowered to Rick's lap and saw that his cock was pressing against his pants. Reaching for the bulge she curled her fingers around his hard flesh. "Oh babe," Rick sighed. "You really are naughty." He enjoyed the sensations of her fingers squeezing and rubbing his erection as he drove onto the freeway. "I can't believe you convinced me to do that last night." "I thought you liked my little games?" Karen whispered into his ear, her hot breath sending a twitch to his groin. "Don't you like it when mommy makes you feel good?" "I do," he answered truthfully. "When you first got pregnant and started on this 'Mommy' trip I was scared to admit to you that I liked it. I was afraid you'd think I was perverted or something." "I told my mom it was your idea," Karen laughed. Rick's eyes grew wide with horror. "You didn't!" he exclaimed.

"I did. I told her you convinced me to play the games and that I was feeling uncomfortable with it." "What did she say?" Rick was aghast. "She said that whatever two people do who love each other is their own business," Karen answered with a grin. "Your mom must think I'm a pervert," Rick sighed. "Well if she does then she must think I'm perverted too. But after last night I don't think she's really going to bring it up." "I still can't believe they did-". Rick wasn't sure exactly what had happened last night between Eric and Rachel, but he was certain both had climaxed. "Do you think that listening to us was all it took to push them over the edge?" "Well after Eric saw mom naked and admitting that he liked the way she looked and mom not having any in so long I figured it wouldn't take much." Karen pulled the zipper down on Rick's pants. Fishing for a moment she pulled his cock out and began to stroke it properly. "You totally set them up, huh?" Rick said glancing at her. "I did. Does that make me bad?" "Very bad. What do you think will happen now?" "If I know mom she will try to pretend it didn't happen and Eric is still too nave to press the issue. He could get in her pants anytime he wanted to now that the ice has been broken, but I doubt he'll try." Karen was silent awhile, idly stroking her husband's cock, luxuriating in the feel of it in her hand. "You're plotting aren't you?" Rick asked after a time. "Aren't I always?" Karen replied huskily. Eric arrived home from school and approached the front door with a mixture of longing and apprehension. After what happened last night he wasn't sure how his mother would react to him. Would she want to continue where they had left off as he so desperately hoped? Would she be mad at him for taking advantage of her? Could the guilt be killing her? With a deep breath he entered the house. Rachel heard the front door open and close. Her heart began to beat faster, fear welled up in her stomach and she desperately wanted to flee. She could hear his footsteps crossing

the hardwood floors as he approached the kitchen where she was standing at the sink looking out on the backyard. "Hi mom," Eric said softly. For a minute neither moved. Finally Eric stepped closer to her. "I was thinking we might talk-" "What would you like for dinner, dear?" Rachel interrupted. She spun around and opened the refrigerator and began to rummage through the shelves. "Uh- whatever you want is fine with me mom," he answered simply. Eric stood numbly as his mother began to prepare dinner, bustling around him as if he wasn't even there. "I'm going to go do my homework," he said leaving the kitchen in a daze. Eric walked slowly to his room. Confusion settled in as he tried to make sense of his mother's reaction. Too afraid to talk to her, Eric tried to do his homework. For a couple of days the awkward feeling persisted between mother and son. Eric tried looking for opportunities to bring up what had happened between them but Rachel quickly changed the subject and pretended not to hear him. After a time Eric gave up and tried to ignore the memory of what they had done. Except at night when he closed his eyes he could once again see her face buried in his lap, his cock lodged in her mouth. He would masturbate dreaming of her coming into his room and offering to help. During the time he was in the house with her he tried to pretend, like his mother, that nothing had happened. Rachel was a tightly wound ball of nerves whenever her son was in the same room. She could feel his eyes upon her body almost like a soft hand caressing every inch of her. The torture of it was tearing her apart. She could feel her nipples becoming stiff underneath her heavy clothing. She had stopped wearing the flattering clothes that had led up to the incident in the first place so as not to encourage her son. "Mother's do not have sex with their son's. It wasn't right. It was a horrible thing I did to him when I was drunk," Rachel told herself. But she hadn't been drunk. The effects of the wine had worn off long before she climbed the stairs and her daughter had suggested she go in and talk to Eric. Guilt would well up in her anew each time she recalled sucking her son's cock, hearing those deliciously dirty words he had spoken to her. She felt shame that her daughter and son in law had heard the encounter between mother and son in the next room. When they had to cut their trip short she was relieved not to have to face them and their 'pretending not to know' stares. At night Rachel too dreamed of the encounter with her son. Except in her dream when she looked up after satisfying her son, Karen was standing in the doorway, a disgusted look on her face. The arousing and agonizing dreams were leaving Rachel more exhausted than before she had gone to sleep. By the time a week had gone by since that

fateful night Rachel was a mess. So much so that Eric called his sister, alarmed by his mom's condition. "Hello," Karen said into the phone. "Karen? Oh god, I'm glad you're home," Eric said worriedly. "Hey Tiger, how come it took you so long to call me?" Karen giggled. "Huh? What do you mean?" "You know, after that night you and mom-," Karen let the pause speak volumes. "Anyways before I left I put a note on your bed telling you to call me cuz it sounded like you had a great time. Figured you could use someone to talk to about it. Not the kind of thing you can go talking to your buddies about." Karen's words crashed into Eric and he crumpled to the kitchen floor. "Oh god," was all he could say. "Eric? ERIC? Are you okay?" Karen felt panic rising. "Yeah," Eric replied softly. He kind of suspected his sister had heard them but he had never fully thought it through what it would mean if she had. After his mother had tried to pretend it never happened he had assumed his sister would to. "So you left a note on my bed?" "Yeah, didn't you get it?" "No, I never got it." The words came out mechanically, like someone else was speaking them. Karen was silent for a minute trying to come up with any other reason why the note would not have been where she left it except for her mother finding it. When she couldn't she remembered that her brother had called her and he was relieved to hear her voice, like something had happened. "Why are you calling now? What's wrong?" Karen demanded. "Its mom, something's not right." "What do you mean?" The worry was rising in her voice. "She looks terrible, like she's not sleeping or something. I hardly see her eat and she's piling on the clothes like its freezing in the house." Eric lay back on the cool tile floor, still stunned from what his sister had told him. "It kind of makes sense now. She knows you know what we did." "Did you guys ever talk about what happened?" Karen inquired.

"I tried for a couple of days, but she didn't want to. She acted like she didn't hear me, so I gave up." "I'm coming home Eric. Whatever is bothering mom can't be fixed over the phone. I'll be there in a couple of hours." "Thanks sis," Eric said with a sigh of relief. "I'll let mom know you are coming." "No, don't," Karen ordered. "Just trust me." Karen packed a small overnight bag and headed out right away. She called Rick at his office and told him that she would be at her mother's for a couple days and not too worry. When she finally arrived Eric let her in. "Where is mom?" Karen asked looking about for her. "She won't be home for a while yet. She's been out of the house a lot lately." "I never asked you, how are you doing?" Karen asked softly, tilting his chin up to make him look into her eyes. "I'm doing okay," he replied, embarrassed at being caught staring at her chest again. "Their big, huh?" Karen asked with a twinkle in her eye. "What are?" Eric said, trying to sound like he didn't know what she could be referring to. "These." Karen took his hands and placed them upon her breasts. At first he tried to pull back but she held him firm. She pressed his fingers into the soft flesh of her bosom in a kneading fashion. "Karen, we can't do this! You're my sister!" Eric had stopped pulling away and began to eagerly cop a feel. "And you're my brother and I can't think of anyone I've ever wanted to touch them more than you," she stated with certainty. "Well, maybe one..." she added softly under her breath. "Why? Why now?" he asked, confusion mixing with arousal evident in his face. "Because mom got the first piece of you, now I want mine." "You can't be serious," Eric gasped.

Karen began to unbutton her blouse from the top down. With each fastener undone more and more flesh was being revealed. She watched her brothers gaze fall to the middle of her chest and she smiled in self satisfaction when she pulled the garment free, leaving her bra covered breasts exposed to him. Stepping closer to him she pulled his head down into the valley of flesh between her tits and held him there. "It opens in the front," she whispered softly into his ear. She felt his fingers fumble with the clasp uncertainly. She waited patiently until he got it undone and then it popped free. His hot breath on her flesh caused goose bumps to spread across her skin until her nipples tightened into painfully hardened nubs. "Oh Eric," she breathed as his tongue tentatively flicked across one nipple as he tenderly pinched the other. "How I've dreamt of this day. Take me to your room." Eric only nodded and took her hand as he headed toward his bedroom. Karen sat on his bed and made him stand before her. She traced the outline of his erection with a single finger through his pants. She looked up at him as she felt his cock through the clothing and watched his expression pass through pain, anticipation and pleasure all within a second. "Tell me Eric, have you ever dreamed of this?" "Yes," he whispered through gasps. "Tell me, how did it happen in your dreams?" Karen pressed one palm against his hardness and pushed her other hand up under his shirt and began to stroke his chest. "I would be passing by your room and your door would be open and I would see you in your nightgown lying on your bed. You would be playing with yourself. Just before you would cum you would open your eyes and see me standing there. You would crook your finger, asking me to come in. When I would walk forward you wouldn't say anything you would just open your legs wide and I would crawl on top of you." "Ooh, if I had only known it would have been that easy, I would have had you a hundred times." "Really?" Eric asked, nearly choking. "Yes," Karen said. She placed both hands on his ass and pulled him closer so that her face was pressed up against his crotch. He could feel her hot breath through his clothes, his cock aching to be freed. "Now, tell me what you and mom did that night?" "We heard you and Rick and we just stared at each other. Neither one of us could move." "Did you get turned on?" Karen asked.

"Uh, well yeah, I did," Eric replied, embarrassed. "It's okay. I would have been disappointed if you hadn't. Then what happened." "When you guys got done I wasn't the only one turned on. Mom touched me and realized how hard I was and then she pulled off the sheet and I was naked underneath." "Ooh," Karen said as she gripped his erection through his pants again. She lowered his zipper and undid the button on his pants, pulling them down. "Just like you are now?" she asked as she held him through his boxers. "Yes," Eric groaned. "And then what?" she prodded. "Mom took me in her mouth and began to suck me," Eric gasped as his sister reenacted his words. Her hot mouth engulfed his dick, taking it deep into her mouth so only the last half inch was uncovered by her lips. He could feel her tongue snake along the underside of his dick. For a few seconds she played with him and then pulled off of him. "What did you say to her while she was sucking on you?" "I called her a slut mommy and asked her to swallow my cum," Eric panted. "Did she like that?" Karen wanted to know. "I think so, she sucked harder and faster when I called her that. She said she liked being naughty." "Do you like being naughty Eric? Do you like being naughty with your sister?" Her fingers squeezed his balls gently, rolling them around in her hand. "Oh god, I do. I love it!" Eric roared. His hands found the back of her head and he pulled her face towards his groin. Karen accepted his direction and opened her mouth to take him in and allowed him to thrust into her face. She fluttered her tongue close to the base of his cock and then the ridge of the head as he pulled out. She prepared for each lunge and was able to take him in readily enough. A few times he pressed too far and she choked a little but her discomfort didn't seem to sway Eric's enthusiasm. She could feel his orgasm building and she pushed him away. Eric's face was crestfallen as he looked down with imploring eyes. Karen sat up straight and pressed her full bosom up to his groin and wrapped her breasts around his jutting cock. She spat upon his already slippery cock and then began to slide her chest up and down his cock.

"Fuck my tits Eric. You know you've always wanted to." She smiled when his eyes rolled back in his head as the new sensation was overcoming his ability to hold back. "Cum on my tits brother, cum on your big sis." Eric grunted and strained. Just as the first spurt was rocketing up his cock he forced his eyes open and watched as it came blasting out of him and onto her creamy flesh. Karen sighed happily as her chest was covered in the hot sticky discharge. Eric stumbled back and held himself up by the edge of his dresser. When he could see clearly again Karen was atop his bed on her hands and knees, her naked ass pointed straight at him. Her pants were on a pile next to the bed along with her shirt. "Come on big boy, my turn," Karen said with a lascivious grin. Eric approached his sister slowly smelling her wanton arousal. He lowered his face to her bare pussy and began to lick as he had done with his mother. 'This is my sister' he thought and a growl emanated from his throat as he attacked the tender folds of her flesh with his tongue. Karen squealed in delight for a moment and then lowered her bottom to the bed forcing Eric back. "I don't want you to go down on me, now. I want you to fuck me Eric. Fuck your sister." Once again she raised her ass off the bed and presented him with her waiting pussy. "But you're my sister, we can't do that," Eric stammered. "Why not? I can't get anymore pregnant." She turned her face back towards the wall and wiggled her ass invitingly at him. A moment later she felt him climb up on to the bed and his hands grabbed her hips. Reaching back Karen guided his dick into the wetness of her cunt. "Oh my god," Eric moaned, "I never imagined." For a moment he just let himself be in her. The utter warm wetness engulfing him was beyond anything he had ever imagined. He finally understood that movie about sex being like warm apple pie. Only this was so much more that words failed. Karen leaned forward slowly and then pushed back. He could feel the squishy walls of her pussy sliding over the head of his cock only to grasp the shaft as he passed through. It was like a thousand fingers knowing exactly where to touch to make him feel wonderful. If he hadn't come just a minute ago he would have lost control in just a few seconds. He pulled out again and pressed just the head of his cock up against her vaginal lips; pushing them to the side and feeling them kiss the tip. Karen whimpered softly and he thrust back into her forcefully and for the first time he heard the slap of skin on skin. He grabbed her hips and began a rough rhythm of pulling almost all the way out and then slamming back in.

He watched in awe as her ass rippled beneath his hands on each thrust into her body. His fingers pressed into her flesh deeply, causing red marks to form on the pale skin. Karen leaned forward, resting her weight on her arms crossed before her so that her ass was sticking up further into the air. Eric lunged into her at an irregular pace; enjoying each of the dizzying sensations he was feeling. His hands slipped on her sweaty backside and he caught his grip with his thumb atop her asshole. Before he could pull his hand away Karen groaned and thrust back against him. Tenderly he pressed down with his thumb, never quite penetrating her. She obviously liked what he was doing as she began to buck her hips back against him. Though it had only been a couple of minutes since he had entered her he could feel the orgasm building and he didn't know how to hold it off. "Karen, I'm going to cum," he whined. "It's okay baby, cum in me. Give me your cum," Karen coaxed. She jerked her hips back and forth, their skin slapping out a steady beat that reverberated throughout the room. Eric pulled back on her ass as he thrust forward, trying to get his cock as deep into her as possible. With each thrust he felt the wetness spread from her pussy onto his groin and down both of their legs. The walls of her pussy seemed to contract and at last he could no longer control his desire. "OH GOD!" he bellowed and then the exquisite torture of orgasm was ripping through his loins. He felt his sister's pussy grip him tightly and pulse around his shaft as she too flooded their coupled bodies with her own climax. Eric slumped against her, sliding off of her back and onto the bed next to her heaving body. He thought he heard the click of heels but it was drowned out by the beating of his heart pounding in his ears. Karen heard the heels as well and was waiting patiently. Her plump ass was still propped up in the air, cum dribbling obscenely from her well fucked cunt. She leaned over her brother's sprawled body and kissed him noisily on the mouth, exploring him with her tongue. She didn't let up until she heard the small squeal that announced her mother's arrival. Turning slowly she looked at her mother standing in the doorway. Rachel leaned heavily against the doorframe, one hand grasping her chest and the other over her mouth. Karen slipped off the bed and began to close the distance. Rachel backed away until she was stopped by the wall behind her. Report Story byAgnol 7 comments/ 90751 views/ 2 favorites Share the love


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Incest/TabooScarlet Levinsons Ch. 01 Scarlet Levinsons Ch. 01 byAgnol Author's Note: Thanks to MasterTiberius for his help in editing this story. "Alone at last," Jeremy sighed watching his mother's car disappear down the road as he closed the front door. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest and his pulse racing as he prepared himself for what he planned to do. Take a moment, he thought to himself, make sure she doesn't return home suddenly. Walking to the kitchen he poured himself a glass of orange juice from the fridge and drank it slowly. He checked the table by the front door and was assured that she had not left anything behind that would require an unexpected return. Satisfied that he would not be disturbed the college freshman made his way to his mother's bedroom. Walking down the hallway he passed his own room without a glance and pushed open the door that led to his mother's room. A soft comforter covered the bed in a light floral mural. Scanning the room he found that it was a bit disorganized and a little messy. Clothes spilled out of a hamper near the master bathroom and a pile of work laid scattered on the unused left half of her king size bed. A smile spread across his face as he discovered his excuse. *** Marianne Levinson sat in traffic at the end of another work day. She looked about at the other people in the cars near her and noted their anxious faces as they sat as helpless as she in the daily bumper to bumper grid lock. At least I'm not late for anything, she thought. Or anyone, she added wistfully. She tried to remember what was left in the freezer as her car inched forward along with all the others. She wasn't sure when the traffic thinned out but the late summer sun was casting long shadows as she pulled up into the drive of her modest suburban home. For a moment she just sat and stared at the home she shared with her only son. The paint was peeling in places, some weeds were clinging to life in a few of the flowerbeds and the grass looked as if it needed a trim. All in all the house was in decent shape, it just needed some attention. Stepping out of the car she smelled the aroma of a barbecue grilling steaks and a rumble in her stomach reminded her that she had skipped lunch yet another day. With a sigh she remembered the days of having dinner ready for her husband as he walked through the door. A part of her ached at the thought. Before she could succumb to guilt she steeled herself and marched to the front door. "I'm home!" she called as she shut the front door and placed her briefcase upon the entry table. A pleasant smell came from the kitchen and Marianne headed towards it. As she

turned into the dining area she saw Jeremy bent over pulling something out of the oven. When he straightened up and turned around she could see a casserole dish filled with steaming potatoes and vegetables. Incest/TabooScarlet Levinsons Ch. 02 Scarlet Levinsons Ch. 02 byAgnol With Thanksgiving less than two weeks away Jeremy had learned that his girlfriend, Allison, was going to have to join her parents on their annual trek to her grandmother's house for the holiday. While it was disappointing, to say the least, he wasn't all that torn up over it. His mother had assured him that they would have a wonderful time. At first he assumed his father would be joining them for the traditional feast but it turned out that he had already been booked on a sales trip long before his mother had invited him back into their lives. Ron tried valiantly to get out of it but could find no one to take his place on such short notice. "It's okay," Marianne had assured Ron over the phone. "I won't hold it against you. You had no way of knowing that I would thaw out and call you," she laughed. Ron marveled at yet another change in this woman he thought he knew. The old Marianne would never have been able to make a joke at her own expense. It had only been a week since Marianne and Ron had spent a wild night in bed make believing that she was his mother. Her story of how she had discovered their son's desire to wear women's underwear had led into a graphic description of how she ended up giving their only child a hand job in his bedroom that ultimately culminated in his cumming all over her naked chest. The tale had so supercharged Ron that he couldn't even think of being angry with his former wife and her sudden willingness to participate in his fantasies had sent his libido into overdrive. While Ron was ready to resume his place in their family home, Marianne wasn't ready to move so quickly. She had just recently shed her cocoon, she wanted to test her new wings a bit before coming back down to reality. In the week since her night with Ron, her son Jeremy had left a pair of stained panties on her pillow twice. The first time she found them she felt the warmth between her legs immediately but it was tinged with doubt and budding guilt. Should she continue to play this game with her son after what had occurred with his father? Was she now cheating on Ron? Ron certainly had no objections the other night, but did he expect their games to stop? What would he say if he moved back in? The questions tumbled in Marianne's mind with not an answer in sight. Ultimately she set aside her concerns and pressed the treasure to her face and inhaled her son's scent. The pleasure she gave herself as she lay on her bed, her legs spread wildly as she rubbed her fingers through her soft, soaking lips, was pleasant, but somehow less than satisfying. Her weak orgasm wasn't the powerhouse explosion she had become used to and craved. Tossing her clothes into the hamper she took a shower, trying to shake the empty feeling that enveloped her.

Dinner was a solitary affair, Jeremy was out with Allison on a date and Ron was unavailable. After a made for t.v. movie and the late news, Marianne turned out the lights and headed to her room. Just as she put on a nightgown she heard the front door open and the hushed whispers of her son and his girlfriend. Smiling to herself she imagined what they might get up to alone and soon found her fingers exploring her sex for the second time that evening. Lying on the bed she absently played with her breast while she stroked the fire between her legs all the while her bedroom door was wide open. Allison turned down the hall to use the restroom and stopped dead in her tracks. There, for anyone to see, was Marianne lazily masturbating. The bedside lamp cast a soft hue on her body and the nightgown pulled up to the waist and the shoulder strap shrugged off exposed most of her body. Sudden excitement made it difficult for Allison to breathe, her chest felt tight and a dizziness forced her to grab the wall for support. Watching Marianne slide her fingers noisily through her labia and drive deep into her body suddenly made Allison ache to be filled. Biting her lip, knowing that to stand here and watch her boyfriend's mother finish was to risk getting caught peeping, she quickly entered the bathroom and pushed the door shut, stopping just before it clicked. Without thinking Allison flushed the toilet, the sudden noise sounding like the crashing flow of a water fall. Panic gripped her as she knew Marianne would have heard the noise and would have pieced together that she had been seen. Pulling the door open she looked down the hall and saw Marianne pulling the sheet over her body. Looking up the older woman saw Allison standing just outside the bathroom door, the sexy grin upon her face confirmation that she had seen everything. With an exaggerated sway of her hips Allison strutted away from Marianne's bedroom and back to Jeremy. "Oh babe," Allison rasped, "I am so hot right now." Jeremy was sitting on the couch waiting for her return and at her words his cock was rapidly becoming stiff in his pants. Allison quickly unzipped his trousers and pulled them down around his ankles and then pulled back his panties until they were just tucked under his scrotum. His turgid member swung freely in the air, viscous liquid forming at the tip. "Geez, you are on fire, aren't you?" Jeremy gasped as she bunched her skirt up around her hips and climbed atop his lap facing him, a leg on either side of him. His stalk of flesh pressed against her panty clad pussy, the heat of her sex washing over his loins in waves. Allison slipped her hand between them and pulled the white cotton panties to the side and then positioned the tip of his member at her slick lips. The head of his cock pressed against her clit and she let out a deep moan, laying her head on his shoulder as the pleasure washed over her. Turning her head, Allison looked to her right where the hall dead ended at the edge of the living room. In the darkened corner she could see Marianne standing there, one hand holding a breast tightly while the other was pressed covering her pussy. Allison could see the woman's fingers moving rapidly in and out as she spied on the young couple.

"Fuck me," Allison whined, her voice becoming high pitched with need. Her gaze never left the corner though and for a second Marianne felt a pang of jealousy as her son was carrying out the order she felt was intended for her. Allison sank back on Jeremy, his barrel of steel sliding deep into her wet holster. Allison's eyes rolled back in her head and fluttered as she took Jeremy to the hilt, her undulating hips rocking his pubic bone against her clit rhythmically. The slap of ass on thighs quickly filled the room, punctuated by grunts and gasps. Marianne watched as her son pulled up the skirt and gripped Allison's ass cheeks, holding her up so that he could thrust up into her quickly, eliciting a long squeal from the young woman. Marianne pinched her nipple tightly, pulling it away from her body until she winced, the pain soothing to the ache she felt. Leaning heavily against the wall, her fingers were slick with the flow of her nectar coming from her overheated sex. The meager cum she had eked out earlier in the day paled in comparison to the crescendo she was building to now. Jeremy huffed as Allison continued to slide up and down his staff. The sound of their union was wet and sloppy, the stirring of her inner core filled the room. Rapidly thrusting back and pulling forward Allison dictated the pace of their fuck and she was ready to cum. Hunching and bouncing she rode him like a stallion, her hair flailing as she arched her head back and a series of shallow gasps punctuated the spearing in her loins. Her breath came raggedly and Allison turned to look at Marianne, biting her lips as she reached for the peak and when at last it came air exploded from her chest. Collapsing onto Jeremy she was tossed about as his hands held her hips in place as he drove his cock deep into her at a blinding pace. The collapse of her pussy around his cock caused Jeremy's brain to explode in pleasure. Unable to control himself, he drove one last time into her body and then the lava flow of sperm erupted from his cock, filling her with his white hot seed. Marianne, watching her son cum inside Allison, bit her hand to keep herself from crying out. Her fingers were a blur as they rubbed against her pussy and then a slight whimper escaped her lips as she felt the crash of her orgasm. Sliding down to the floor she thrust her fingers deep into her body and let her brain shut down as the pleasure overtook her. Allison heard the sound of Marianne's collapse and kissed Jeremy noisily. She kept her body between him and his view of the hallway, hoping that Marianne would make her escape quietly. After long moments of languid kissing Allison stole a glance and saw that the hallway was empty. Lifting herself off of Jeremy's lap she felt her underwear cover her leaking sex as his spent cock was removed from her cavity. Within seconds their copious flow was leaking from her and soaking the gusset of her panties. As she sat down she could see the remnants that had already spilled out covered Jeremy's thighs and had pooled in his satin underwear. "I'll be right back," Allison whispered in his ear and then pecked his cheek. Walking down the hallway she saw that Marianne's bedroom door had been partially closed and that only a strand of moonlight illuminated the room. At the edge of the bed on the floor

Allison spied a rumpled piece of clothing and after a puzzled moment she realized it had to be the discarded underwear Marianne had been wearing. Tiptoeing in the darkness to the threshold of the room she stared intently at the pair of panties she so suddenly coveted. Marianne lay still in her bed, listening for the sound of the front door being locked as Jeremy shut down the house for the night. Her body was still tingling with the echoes of her orgasm and the delicious memory of watching her son fuck Allison. When at last she was certain that Jeremy was in her room she flipped on the bedside lamp and looked about. What had Allison done? Why did she come into the room? Casting about she couldn't make out any change or item of interest that might have enticed the young woman to sneak into her bedroom. Her eyes landed on the panties she had taken off, the white cotton obviously soaked where her juices had leaked from her body. White cotton? Marianne looked closely at the dirty underwear. She hadn't been wearing anything so simple. Her underwear had been a beige satin pair with a floral lace pattern on the front. Then if these weren't hers, it begged two questions: Whose were these? and Where were hers? Reaching down she picked up the underwear and felt the wetness that spilled out and covered her fingertips. Without thinking she lifted the plain garment to her nose and took a sniff. The overpowering aroma was one she knew well, her son's seed. But it was mixed with another equally as intoxicating scent: Allison. The little vixen had exchanged underwear with her in the dark. "I do the same thing as you," Marianne recalled Allison whispering to Jeremy through the changing room door. A vision of Allison holding up the beige satin panties to her face as she played with herself caused wetness to saturate Marianne's tired pussy once more. Instead of pleasuring herself for a third time Marianne turned out the light and fell asleep with the delicious ache in her loins. --"What are you thankful for this year?" Marianne asked as she lifted a fork full of pumpkin pie to her mouth. Jeremy looked up, his chin resting on his hand as he sat at the food laden table. Most of a turkey, two thirds of a platter of mashed potatoes, stuffing, rolls, three untouched pies and one pumpkin pie with two slices missing littered the large dining table. His mother had overdone it as usual, though she claimed innocence with so many new people in their lives she couldn't believe they were eating alone again. "My understanding mother," he said at last, shooting her a sickly sweet smile. "And you?" "Revelations," Marianne said cryptically after a long thought.

"You like the doom and gloom of bible prophecy, eh?" Jeremy kidded his mother. Through a mouthful of pie he couldn't hide his smile. "Well I really thought you would have been thankful for underwear in your own size," Marianne jabbed, a surprised look coming over her son's face. "I can't imagine how uncomfortable you had to be wearing mine." "Thats why I cut the elastic," Jeremy explained. "Anything else you are especially thankful for?" Marianne asked. "Allison," he said sheepishly. The softness in his eyes when he said the girls name made her heart melt. She wondered if her son knew yet this girl was the one for him. Men can be so slow sometimes, she thought. "Well?" Jeremy asked, bringing her out of her reverie. "What about you?" Marianne chewed on her bottom lip. She knew her answer but suddenly she was afraid to broach the subject. The incident had happened at the beginning of the month, seemingly a lifetime ago. As her mind replayed the events of that afternoon her body reacted to the memory: her nipples became stiff and they pressed tightly against the material of the silk shirt she wore. "Come on, tell me," Jeremy prodded. "The day I gave you the underwear," Marianne said, tossing caution to the wind. In the last weeks she knew her relationship with her son was escalating dangerously, blazing into uncharted and forbidden territories. The excitement she had felt in the beginning was fading and though she knew that it must, this newfound sexual freedom wouldn't let her give it up easily, not while there was more to explore. The fork in Jeremy's hand hung in the air as he tried to wrap his mind around his mother's words. "The underwear?" he repeated questioningly. "So that I would stop ruining yours?" "Well, partially," Marianne shrugged. "But everything about that day." Jeremy recalled the feel of his hand sliding down his mother's back and her arching so that his fingers could slide into her body. He could still feel her hand upon his cock and the sight of her kneeling before him, telling him to cum on her chest. The memory of that day had replayed in his mind many times, it was the primary visual he used when jacking off into the underwear he would leave on her bed. He had dreamed of a repeat encounter but never knew how to initiate it.

"I liked touching-" he couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence, the hopeful look in her face causing his voice to fail. "Me too," Marianne whispered softly. "But," she continued after an awkward silence, "you have Allison now and don't need me for that." The look on Jeremy's face said that his mother's words were not entirely true. "Well, maybe not need," he said. Marianne's eyes held his and he felt his stomach turn into knots. "Want..." The word hung there in the air. For a fearful moment he wished he could take it back but his pounding heart knew it was too late. Now the only thing left to do was wait for her reaction. Marianne stared intently at her son, his youthful handsome face free of deceit. His brave admission that he still yearned for her was more than she had been able to bring herself to do. Leaning closer to him she took his face in her hands and kissed his lips tenderly. Opening her eyes she was taken aback by the longing and desire she saw before her. "Is it wrong?" Jeremy asked at last. "Are we wrong?" "I don't think so baby," Marianne answered quietly. "I'm afraid though." "I am too," Jeremy said as he placed his hands over hers. "I wouldn't want to get in the way of you and dad." "And I wouldn't want to do anything that would jeopardize your relationship with Allison." Unsure of what the next step was Jeremy stood up from the table and they began to clear away the dishes. Marianne found comfort in the mundane chores, freeing her mind from dwelling on the confessions she and her son had made. They were more comfortable now than they had been in the last few weeks. Their desires were out in the open, honestly spoken of and acknowledged. Wherever they went from here would be a conscious decision they could make together. At the end of the day Marianne lay down to sleep, her exhausted body quickly falling into a dream with familiar surroundings. She could see Jeremy on the couch with Allison. He was pumping up into her, his face awash in bliss as he drove her towards her own release. She could hear his voice calling out. "Mom, oh mom," she could hear Jeremy panting. "Oh yes baby, fuck me," came from where it should have been Allison, but it wasn't. Marianne's eyes flew up the body of the woman atop her son and she looked into her own face. Her son was rutting with her! Unable to look away she watched as she used her body to bring her boy to orgasm.

In her bed, body covered in a light sheen of sweat, Marianne came in her sleep. Her orgasm soaked the fresh pair of panties she had put on just after her shower. --"I can't believe you dragged me to do this," Jeremy huffed, his arms loaded down with shopping bags as his mother tried to press through the throng of people crowding the mall. Wall to wall people in sweaters and coats jam packed into a herd of human flesh and the indoor temperature approaching 80 degrees, the humid smell of sweat was beginning to rise. "Oh hush," Marianne ordered him, as she angled past people to get to the entrance of Victoria's Secret. As another person bumped into her with the distinct feeling that someone had brushed her ass with their hand Marianne began to wonder if it was wise to venture to the mall on the day after Thanksgiving. At last they emerged from the crowd and were able to rest for a moment between the racks of lingerie. Jeremy set down the bags at his feet and rubbed his shoulder tenderly. "I seem to end up here a lot," he said bemusedly. His mother shot him a conspirational smile and then ventured further into the store. Jeremy browsed carefully, thankful there were a dozen other guys in the store looking through the garments on the tables and hangers. He had lost track of his mother but was confident she would find him to give him bags to carry when it was time. Winding his way through the store he suddenly heard his cell phone ringing in his pocket. Looking at the display he chuckled when it read 'Mom'. "Did you get lost in a pack of wild shoppers?" "No," Marianne laughed. "I want your opinion on something. Come to the last dressing room closest to the back." "Ok, I'm here," Jeremy whispered through the wooden slats. He could hear the small latch being undone and then his mother was pulling him into the cramped box. The pile of bags he carried with him hid his mother from view until at last with nothing else to be done he dropped them unceremoniously on the ground. Looking up he found his mother with just a pastel pink bra and a matching pair of panties on her body. Marianne fought to control her shaking hands as she stood before her son, her mind returning to the day she had spied on him and Allison in much the same situation. Biting her lower lip she could feel her pussy grow wet as his eyes took her in. "It looks great," Jeremy whispered, his eyes darting to the people that he could see through the tiny slivers of the door.

Marianne slapped him playfully and then held up a bra and panty set to her body and gave him a questioning look. Jeremy's nod of approval and smile made her place the set on one hook and then she pressed another set close to her skin. Jeremy nodded again, though not as enthusiastically. Marianne could tell he liked the underwear that was more sheer. She twisted to put the hanger on a hook and had to fight for a long moment to get it to stay in place. Once she turned around she found him staring at her legs. Looking down she could see that her underwear was pulled tight against her sex, her mound clearly visible despite the covering pubic hair. She spied a drop of liquid that had slipped from her sex and onto her thigh and she realized that it was what had caught her son's attention. Knowing that he was seeing her aroused only fueled her fire even more. Within seconds she could smell her desire and knew that Jeremy must as well. Report Story byAgnol 6 comments/ 23657 views/ 1 favorites Share the love Share Report a Bug Submit bug report Next 2 Pages:12 Literotica Toy Store ADULT TOY & DVD STORE WITH FAST & DISCREET SHIPPING AND A GREAT SEXY SELECTION Taboo: The Series CLASSIC TALES OF FORBIDDEN FAMILY LOVE. SEE THE ENTIRE SERIES!

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Incest/TabooA Pleasant Wednesday Afternoon A Pleasant Wednesday Afternoon byMoondrift Wednesday afternoon, the dead heart of the week and I was stretched out on top of the bed with one foot propped up on a couple of pillows, doctor's orders. A few days before I'd twisted my ankle and it had swollen up. So there I was, propped up at both ends -head and foot I mean. I must admit that most of the swelling had gone down and all that remained was a bit of blue-black bruising. But I was enjoying being off work and the attention I'd been getting from my son Robert, so I was trying to stretch it out. Robert was in and out of the place between whatever it is he does at university and had been keeping the place tidy and would you believe, even doing some cooking. So there I was, snug in my green track suit, no constricting underwear and breasts floating comfortably free. I hate bras but with me they are essential at times; I mean, when you're a 36DD you have to wear them sometimes otherwise they bounce all over the place. Rob had fixed up a portable television for me and I was looking at an early afternoon slightly sexy sit-com. The guy had just got her naked to the waist and was doing something with her breasts and it got me mildly turned on. I thought a little fingering was in order and so I slipped my hand inside the waistband of my track suit and pulled down the zip of my top and had just started to play with my clitoris and fumble a breast when Robert stuck his head round the door. The finger came out and the zip came up rather quickly. "Fancy a cup of tea mum?" "," the fingering would have to wait. I turned off the TV with the remote and picked up the book I'd been reading earlier. The story was set in the eighteenth century and the guy had just kissed the girl's hand. I think the hand kissing was equivalent of having sex with a guy today. Of course contraception wasn't around in those days. Robert came in with a cup of tea and put it on the bedside table. I lay there looking at him and it occurred to me that time really does go by fast. It was as if one minute I'd been feeding him at the breast and the next he's six feet tall and feeding me. Actually he had made lunch for me, soup. When I say "made," it really came out of can, but the thought had been there. Lying there looking up at him I thought that if I was twenty years younger and he wasn't my son I could really fancy him.

"Are you having a cup of tea?" I asked. "Yes." "Then why don't you bring it in here and keep me company for a while, it gets pretty boring laying here on my own?" "Sure," he said, and went to get his tea. When he came back he asked, "How's it feeling mum?" "Not so bad," I replied, "I might be able to stand on it tomorrow." I patted the bed beside me and said, "Come and lie down with me and tell me what you've been doing." He got onto the bed and there we were, side by side, half sitting half lying with pillows behind us, our shoulders touching. I thought it felt really sexy but I suppose I was still a bit turned on from the sit-com and the hand kissing. Robert was saying something about having done the washing and hung it out and what he might cook for the evening meal. "You're a good boy I said, patting him on the cheek, "and you deserve a reward." I wasn't sure if he would see it as a reward but at the moment I thought it was all I had, and so I kissed him. I suppose it was a reward because he put his arm round my shoulders and held on to the kiss for several moments. When the kiss ended his arm stayed round my shoulders and I thought to myself, "I could get to like this a lot," and so I kissed him again, and this time it was me who hung on. When we broke off we were both breathing rather heavily and I had a ticking sensation in my clitoris and my nipples had started to swell. "You know," I said, "it was on this very bed that I used to feed you when you were a baby." "At the breast?" "Of course; you were a greedy little devil." "Was I? A pity I can't remember it." "Yes, just a few moments ago I was thinking how time flies and we forget things, but I don't think I'll ever forget breast feeding you; there's something very seductive about breast feeding." "For the baby or the woman?"

"Well certainly for the woman, or it was for me, but I don't know about the baby. It's strange isn't it; men are so attracted to a woman's breasts?" "Yes," he said thoughtfully, "I suppose it is, but what about the woman, how does she feel about men being attracted to her breasts?" I laughed and said, "Why do you think women show so much of their breasts, or why do they have then pumped up with plastic stuff, breast reconstructions and things like that?" "Mmm, I wonder if it's the breast feeding that makes a man want to do things with a woman's breasts, I mean...when..." "Make love?" "Yes." Somehow my head had come to rest on his shoulder and I wondered what it would be like if he touched my breasts. The thought ran on and I wondered what it would be like if I touched his penis. I glanced down and was fascinated to see a hard lump in his groin. I was still experiencing some of the effects of the sit-com and the hand kissing, and the sight of an erect penis was enhancing that experience. As if to change the subject he said, "Your hair smells nice, but it always does." "I washed it with Allure shampoo this morning," I replied. He kissed the top of my head and said, "Who were you going to allure?" "Anyone who wants to be allured," I replied. "Anyone? Not much chance lying here on the bed is there?" "Is there a better place to allure someone?" "Yes that's true," he said, "but what I meant was who is there to allure, the only visitors you've had are Mrs. Thomas from next door and a girl from the office." "There's you," I replied. "But that's different." "Why, you're a man aren't you?" "Yes but I'm your son."

"All right, let me ask you this, if you weren't my son and I tried to seduce you, would you want to have sex with me?" "I wouldn't get that lucky." "I take that to be a yes; you would like to make love with me." "Yes, but..." "No buts Robert, you've admitted you'd like to make love with me." "Are you serious, you're my mother." "Yes, but does that make any real difference, I'm a woman you'd like to have sex with, that's right isn't it?" "Well yes." "Good, so I'm a woman and I'm alluring and let's say I've succeeded, so what are you going to do?" "Er...nothing." "Nothing! You beast, have you got any idea what it's like for a woman to get aroused and then be left in the lurch?" " you?" "Am I what?" "Aroused." "Of course I am, what do you think I've been talking about, and as you put it, you've got lucky." "Mum, I want to if you want me to." My arms encircled his shoulders and I drew his lips to mine, and his mouth was suddenly eager as it pushed hard against mine. One of his hands began to stoke my hair and he gently pulled my head back and as we kissed his tongue entered my open mouth. Our tongues twined as we tasted each other. "I've got the young devil," I thought. I'd never known anyone to change as fast as he did and I wondered where he had learned the sex trade he seemed so expert.

Finally we broke from out frantic kiss breathing hard. I felt his lips on my neck, sucking and licking the flesh. A hand pulled down the zip of my track-suit top and my breasts were exposed to him. I heard him gasp as he looked at them and he murmured, "I always knew you would have beautiful breasts," and then his hand enveloped one of my breasts, and his mouth closed over its nipple. I felt the heat and wetness building in my genitals and the pressure of his erection against my stomach. I whimpered and moved my hips against him. My hand dropped down to touch his penis and I could feel its hardness through the cloth of his jeans. He groaned and tried to push against my hand. His hand slipped inside the waist band of my track-suit and a finger began to caress the cleft of my vulva, and then his finger found he spot. "Oh yes...yes..." I yelled, "There...there...that's the spot." He was driving me crazy. I closed my eyes and tried to relax and let the waves of delicious sensations flow over me. He was going fuck me and I hadn't been fucked for...I couldn't remember how long but it had seemed like years. He continued to circle my clitoris with his finger and then he gave it a gentle pinch, and all hope of relaxing vanish. I lay there howling and moaning, helpless under his stimulation. I was on the verge of coming when he stopped. "You're so wet," he said, "I know what you need." He pulled off my track-suit pants, and grabbing a couple of pillows he stuffed them under my buttocks and then pulling my legs apart he knelt between them. I looked down at him and saw his head between my thighs and then his tongue was in me licking and sucking." "What are you doing to me," I yelled, "I can't stand it...I can't stand're driving me mad." I was on the verge again and I cried out, "I'm going to come...I'm going to come," and the beast stopped. "No you don't," he said, "not until I let you." "Please...please don't stop," I begged him. "No," he said, and started to strip. Naked I saw his penis standing up like a column, long and hard. He pulled me to him so that we were facing each other, our bodies touching. "Do you know what I'm going to do to you?" he said.

"Wer- what," I stammered. "I'm going to fuck you, I'm going to fill you with cum; and after that I'm going to fill you again." He began to kiss my neck and bite into my flesh. I screamed but didn't stop him; I wanted to feel his passion and he bit again and again. He reached my breasts and looked at them for a few moments, and then said, "Yes, this is your punishment for making me horny," and he bit one of my nipples. I shrieked but clutched him to me, "The other one," I screamed, "the other one," and he obediently bit my other nipple. Foolish boy, I got my revenge because the next moment he was looming over me, the distended purple head of his precum coated penis brushing against my lips. I took it into my mouth and started to suck and lick it. I hadn't tasted a penis for a long time and I was going to enjoy this one. I went on just long enough to give him a sense of false security and then I bit hard. He bucked violently and yelled out, "Aaaargh," but I hung on with my teeth and gave him a bit more punishment. When I finally let him go he rolled off me that I thought for a moment I'd turned him of with the pain I'd inflicted, but it was okay because the next moment he was over me again and this time with the head of his penis probing for my vagina. I guided him in and he gave a long contented sigh as he felt my hot wetness. Once I felt he'd got his whole length in me I made a grab with my vaginal muscle. He gasped and then cried out "Aaaah...mum...mum." "That feel good sweetheart?" I asked. "Aaaaargh," he yelped again and taking that to be a yes I clutched him again full bore several times and got some very satisfying responses. The run up to the big moment began as he started rhythmic in and out movements; I caught the pace and moved with him, thrusting up against him with my hips. I could feel him getting close to ejaculating and I suddenly released the orgasm I'd been holding back and yelling out, "You animal...oh God...God...ooowaaaa..." I felt the first thump of his sperm and then he seemed to go berserk as he pumped what I swear felt like a bucket load of cum into me. As I felt he was getting near the end of his ejaculations I gripped him repeatedly with my vaginal muscle trying to drag the last drops out of him. He moaned and howled and I kept gripping as I came down from the pinnacle.

He hung on in me for a while and then rolled away onto his back. "What happens now?" I wondered. He lay with his eyes shut and I would have thought he was asleep but for the fact that he had a hand on one of my breasts and was gently squeezing it. I reached down and took hold of his penis; it was sticky with our mlange of love juices. I decided to take control. I began to massage it and he moaned, "Mum...mum...ah...oh mum..." and what I'd hoped for was fulfilled, it started to rise and harden. His eyes flew open as I sat across him and said, "This is what you get for ravishing your moher," and I slowly slid his penis into me. It took a while but I got another bucket full out of him and an exquisite orgasm for myself -- very satisfying. I got off him and waited for a response. My ex -- rot him -- usually went to sleep after only one screw and I was sure that Robbie would do the same after a second one, but the boy was full of surprises because he sat up, got off the bed and said something about getting the evening meal ready and having some studying to do. That was a bloody let down if ever there was one. He grabbed his clothes and headed for the door, but at the door he turned and asked, "Will it be okay if I come to bed with you tonight?" All was well. "Why not," I replied, "I don't see anyone else offering." He still hesitated, and then said, "Er...could that be a permanent arrangement?" "Naturally," I replied. He grinned at me and I went on, "Now go away, I've got to go to the shower and wash you're cum out of me." He left and I got out of the bed and walked to the shower holding a bunch of tissues over my vagina because those bucket loads were oozing out of me. I examined the bite marks he'd left on me and I could see I was due for some bruises a bit later. "It's been a very pleasant Wednesday afternoon, with good future prospects," I thought, "and all because of a twisted...," good heavens, I forgotten all about my ankle. Report Story byMoondrift 6 comments/ 129030 views/ 6 favorites Share the love Share

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