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Lesson Proper for Week 11 (HPC314)

Mobile technology can certainly improve the hotel guest
experience. Not only does it allow hoteliers to manage day-to-day
operations more effectively but it helps meet escalating guest
expectations and serve guests better by providing greater immediacy
and personal engagement. To top it off, mobile has the ability to
improve the bottom line and give you that competitive edge over
your rivals.
Part of providing a great experience is being present
wherever your guests are, and today, they are on mobile. Travelers
are utilizing mobile technology more than ever before and there are
so many different ways to increase guests’ satisfaction through Smartphone Keys 
mobile.  Smartphones are even being used in place of room keys in
No matter how big or small, every hospitality business some hotels, and this is a technology that is sure to catch on more in
dwells into mobility technologies to optimize operations and reach the future. By getting rid of room keys and allowing guests to use
new potential guests. For instance, Marriott International is using their smartphones to enter and lock their doors, it is just one more
chatbots and artificial intelligence for real-time guest engagement. In way in which the customer experience can be improved. 
addition, the Marriott mobile app has made leaps and bounds since How Mobile Technology Is Changing the Hospitality Industry? 
its release in 2017. The intuitive mobile app provides some great Mobile technology, powered by the internet and the
features that include: presence of apps, is a game changing development for various
industries with regard to better consumer service and engagement.
 Mobile bookings & reservations  But, what impact does mobile technology have on the
 Mobile check-in & check-out  hospitality industry? How are hotels or resorts leveraging mobile
 Mobile Room Key  platforms for branding, guest loyalty, marketing, advertising, cross-
 24 Hour mobile requests  selling, and so on? 
Let us take a look at several ways in which the hospitality
industry adopts mobile technology and apps to provide a superior
While mobile technology is still in its adolescence in the
service experience to the customers.
hotel industry, like the Marriott group several others including Hilton
Mobile technology statistics in the hospitality industry 
Hotels and Hyatt Hotels are also rolling out fully functional mobile
Here are some of the facts that will let you how mobile technology is
apps to stay connected with their guests.
impacting the hospitality domain: 
How Hotels Use Mobile Technology to Serve Customers Better?   Approximately 85% of the international tourists use a mobile
Smartphones are becoming commonly used across the world. They device during their travel 
have made life so much easier and more convenient in many ways,  Around 74% of the travelers say that they would prefer using a
and they are particularly useful for travelers. Smartphones become a hotel application for booking and other details 
companion on the road, providing us with up-to-date information and  Nearly 70% of the last-minute bookings are done using a
a source of entertainment. It is therefore no surprise that the hotel mobile device 
industry is taking notice of smartphones and using them to enhance  Hotel mobile applications help approximately 70% of the
the customer experience. But how exactly is the hospitality industry travelers in taking booking decisions 
going about this?
 88% of the hotel guests wish to have a mobile application that
can deliver them a personalized experience.
Mobile Websites 
Clearly, mobile technology, powered by the internet and
The simplest way in which hotels are adapting their mobile
the presence of apps, is a game changing development for various
strategies is through creating intuitive mobile websites. Because so
industries with regard to better consumer service and
many people now use their smartphones to access the web, it makes
engagement. But, what impact does mobile technology have on the
sense for businesses, including hotels, to be better prepared for
hospitality industry?
mobile visitors.
How are hotels or resorts leveraging mobile platforms for
Hotel guests are also likely to search for hotels online
branding, guest loyalty, marketing, advertising, cross-selling, and so
when they are on the road and do not have access to a computer. By
making sure that their websites are optimized for mobile devices,
Let us take a look at several ways in which the hospitality
hotels can make the experience of finding their hotel and booking a
industry adopts mobile technology and apps to provide a superior
room a lot more convenient. 
service experience to the customers.
QR Codes 
Mobile technology trends in the hospitality industry 
Technologies like QR codes are now being put to use all
over the place, and hotels are not missing out on these. QR codes  AI-powered chatbots 
provide a way to quickly use a smartphone to scan a code and the  Use of big data and virtual assistant 
user is then sent directly to a web page to get more information.   Use of IoT to make smart rooms that can deliver exceptional
This is being put to use by hotels in areas such as their restaurants. In comfort and convenience to the guests. 
some hotels, customers can now find QR codes next to menu items,  Use of blockchain technology 
which they can scan to immediately get more information about the  Rise of tech lounges 
ingredients and the preparation of the food. 
Smartphone Payment   Use of AR and VR to deliver exceptional booking experience
Paying via smartphones is set to become one of the biggest Features of Mobile Apps for Hotel Industry 
developments in the industry over the coming years. Making  Mobile-friendly Websites and Apps 
payments using NFC is still in its infancy, but it is easy to see how  Live and Up-to-date Information Sharing 
they will take off in the near future. This is particularly useful in  Better Trend Predictions Based on Customer Behavior 
hotels because travelers often don’t want to carry around large  Maintaining Long-term Relationships and Connecting with
amounts of cash, and paying by phone can help them to control their Customers 
 Leveraging the Loyalty Program Feature 
 Encouraging Self-service
The hospitality industry is meant to be a service industry.
Technology in hospitality industry is creating new parameters for
Service industries by creating personalized seamless experiences for
clients. Now in this tech era Hospitality Company takes the different on the hotel’s Facebook page or Twitter handle. Such prompt
approach to drive the growth. responses help to build a rapport with the guests and increase the
As the customer experience has to be top of the line hotel are customers’ trust in the business.
taking support of the mobile Apps. Therefore, having a strong mobile Also, hotels use social media pages strategically to offer
app for hospitality industry is a must for hotels and hospitality brands more discounts and freebies to their followers during lull periods. In
in general.  this way, they attract guests easily to use off-season times for
Strong features within the app can provide entire customer cheaper accommodation, food and drinks and thereby ensure better
experience. Thus creating a bridge between the user and the hotel. business!
Apps with such features breeds customer loyalty. Customer loyalty
leads to referral and reviews on the portal that leads to growth. Leveraging the Loyalty Program Feature 
The ability to offer “loyalty programs” in mobile apps
Mobile-friendly Websites and Apps helps hotels bring about up selling and repeat business through their
customers who also become their indirect brand ambassadors. 
For example, many hoteliers and resort owners adopt the use of push
notifications to send context based messages to their customers on
the basis of their behavior, purchase history, location, profiles, and so
on. In fact, all the promotions and discounts, along with special
events, are targeted through push notifications to encourage the app
users to make the booking or purchase. 
More importantly, such loyalty programs are applicable before, after,
and during the stay of the guests at the hotel.

Encouraging Self-service 
While customers may prefer face-to-face interactions, there is always
Many hotels have gone the mobile way. They realized that scope for them to take advantage of specialty services which can be
mobile websites and apps are ideal for encouraging potential obtained instantly on their smart devices. The mobile apps can serve
customers to book rooms and check availability, browse through as a self-service option for the hotel guests in terms of: 
hotel services, read reviews, view hotel pictures, and more. What is  Check-ins and check-outs; 
more, they can even do so while on the move! So, the use of mobile  Laundry and dry cleaning; 
websites ensures that people can enjoy a seamless browsing  Dinner reservations; 
experience from their smart devices and do not need to wait till they
get hold of a desktop computer. 
 Room service orders; 
Similarly, mobile apps are a great way to ensure a quick  Appointments for spa treatments or massages; and 
booking experience for the customers and keep them updated about  Online payments. 
any offers, events, and so on through regular app notifications. Also, Above are some of the popular ways in which the
apps empower hotels to market their property as well as their hospitality industry is undergoing transformation in order to leverage
amenities to a much wider audience in unique and engaging ways. the benefits of mobile apps and technology. Mobile technology is
Live and Up-to-date Information Sharing  focused on streamlining services, improving customer experiences,
Hotels use online Content Management Systems (CMSs) to and offering clients more value for money. And, mobile apps are a
ensure real-time information access for the end consumers. They are great opportunity for hotel management teams to get more business
able to control the information that is presented to the users and can as well as ensure ease of operations.
easily insert, modify or delete any data within seconds. 
The benefit of using a CMS is that all changes are instantly How to integrate top mobile technologies into your existing hotel
reflected on all the mobile devices of customers and, thus, hotels are mobile application? 
able to save time which would otherwise have been spent in For this purpose, speak to one the mobile application
informing clients over the phone. Once the information about a company’s professionals with your specific requirements. The
services is modified, an automatic email is sent to guests to keep professional will provide you all the required details and how the
them updated. This content control ability enables the hotel company can meet your requirements. You can also hire dedicated
management team to add any offers or events in real time and get mobile app developers from the company to embed the latest
engagement from the mobile users. technology to your existing application. 
Better Trend Predictions Based on Customer Behavior  In case, if you want to build a new application, then reach
The way in which customers or guests behave once they out to a mobile application company with your particular app
are inside the hotel-related mobile app and their subsequent in-app requirements. The company will provide you a fast, scalable, and
interactions help hotels gain valuable insights into the consumers’ robust mobile app. Here are the benefits of some mobile application
preferences. Would a hotel not be in a better position to predict the development partner: 
trending services for its existing guests with a large chunk of 1. Experienced and qualified developers developing your app 
customer behavioral data at its disposal? Of course, the app data does 2. On-time delivery 
go a long way in helping with such trend predictions and contributes 3. Regular reports to update you with the ongoing success of your
toward better decision-making.  project 
Such customer data even helps the daily operational 4. Affordable plans with no compromise in the quality of the app 
activities of the hotel by enabling them to know the peak time 5. Testing at every phase of development to ensure a flawless
intervals during which particular services are more in demand by the development 
guests. The management team can thus ensure appropriate 6. Efficient project management
availability of the relevant hotel staff at such peak times. 

Maintaining Long-term Relationships and Connecting with

Apart from the traditional ways (telephone calls or
messages) of staying connected with guests, hotels can now learn
about the stay and food experiences of their customers via social
media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, and so on) as well. More
importantly, they are able to respond immediately to any consumer
comments, feedback or queries directly from the social media apps

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