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20 June 22

20 June 22
by Ayuna Nurfazriyah

General metrics
1,408 270 10 1 min 4 sec 2 min 4 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
time time

Score Writing Issues

22 61 43 18
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 22%

of all texts checked by Grammarly

Writing Issues
43 Correctness
4 Wrong or missing prepositions
3 Incorrect verb forms
7 Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.)
4 Incorrect noun number
3 Comma misuse within clauses
1 Punctuation in compound/complex
8 Faulty subject-verb agreement

Report was generated on Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022, 07:58 AM Page 1 of 6

Report: 20 June 22

7 Misspelled words
2 Commonly confused words
1 Pronoun use
1 Mixed dialects of english
1 Confused words
1 Conjunction use

1 Clarity
1 Wordy sentences

Unique Words 52%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 15%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 4.1

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 27
Measures average sentence length words per sentence

Report was generated on Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022, 07:58 AM Page 2 of 6

Report: 20 June 22

20 June 22
1 2 3,4
In this day, I have not do a lot of things, just a little bit, I have read some page of
5 6
book from my college material about private law. From that book I learned
about law person, law subject, and law object. And then I also learned about
English from YouTube video, I hope I can improve my English, because my
8 9 10
career dream require me to have good skill ini English. Beside that I also
11 12
watched Korean drama entitled Juvenile Justice, that drama tell about the
judges who handle mischief of teenager cases, I think the drama is very good,
and people should watch that. I get an opinion based on the drama, that
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
teenager who do many of mischief is come from broken family, all of things that
21 22 23
childs do is to expressions what them feel, to reach atention from their parents
and to show that they are not okay. S I think to all parents in this world don't
24 25 26
forget to care of their childs, don't make them grow up to be a bad person who
can dangerous others. The childs just need love from their parents. By the way,
28 29 30
talks about family, everytime I feeling grateful to have my family, especialy my
31 32 33 3
mom who always love me so much, she always give me my favourite foods, care
35 36
of me, and she has a lot of jokes that makes me laugh. I love her so much more
37 38,39 40
than everything. In the future I want to be succes person, have a good nancial,
41 42 43 44
and makes my parents proud of me and of course stay healthy and happy with

Report was generated on Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022, 07:58 AM Page 3 of 6

Report: 20 June 22

1. In this Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

2. do → done Incorrect verb forms Correctness

3. some page → Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.) Correctness

a page

4. page → pages Incorrect noun number Correctness

5. the book, or a book Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.) Correctness

6. book, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

7. English, Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


8. require → requires Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

9. ini → in Misspelled words Correctness

10. Beside → Besides Commonly confused words Correctness

11. a Korean Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.) Correctness

12. tell → tells Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

13. the mischief Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.) Correctness

14. teenager → teenagers Incorrect noun number Correctness

15. do → does Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

16. of Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

17. is come → Incorrect verb forms Correctness

comes, has come

18. a broken Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.) Correctness

19. family → families Incorrect noun number Correctness

Report was generated on Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022, 07:58 AM Page 4 of 6

Report: 20 June 22

20. the things Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.) Correctness

21. childs → children Misspelled words Correctness

22. them → they Pronoun use Correctness

23. atention → attention Misspelled words Correctness

24. of → for Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

25. childs → children Misspelled words Correctness

26. person → people Incorrect noun number Correctness

27. childs → children Misspelled words Correctness

28. everytime → every time Commonly confused words Correctness

29. feeling → feel Incorrect verb forms Correctness

30. especialy → especially Misspelled words Correctness

31. love → loves Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

32. give → gives Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

33. favourite → favorite Mixed dialects of English Correctness

34. care → cares Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

35. of → for Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

36. makes → make Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

37. future, Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

38. succes → success Misspelled words Correctness

39. a succes Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.) Correctness

40. nancial → nances Confused words Correctness

Report was generated on Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022, 07:58 AM Page 5 of 6

Report: 20 June 22

41. and Conjunction use Correctness

42. makes → make Faulty subject-verb agreement Correctness

43. , and Comma misuse within clauses Correctness

44. of Wordy sentences Clarity

Report was generated on Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022, 07:58 AM Page 6 of 6

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