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Technological Institute of the Philippines

938 Aurora Blvd. Cubao, Quezon City

College of Information Technology Education

GEE 003 – General Education Elective 3

Preliminary Period
The Entrepreneurial Mind-Set in Individuals: Cognition and Ethics

Name: TORRESES, AAROH JON PICHOLLO Q. Date: November 27, 2022

Program / Section: BSIT / IT41S2 Instructor: Neil Patrick John M. Martin
Assessment Task: Assignment 2.1


1. In your own words, what is corporate entrepreneurship?

2. What are some of the corporate obstacles that must be overcome to establish a corporate
entrepreneurial environment?
3. Explain the differences between radical and incremental innovation.
4. Identify the five specific entrepreneurial climate factors that organizations need to address in
structuring their environment.
Note: Compile your answers (word/pdf/txt-notepad format) and upload them only to the assigned
submission bin.

1. In your own words, what is corporate entrepreneurship?

○ Corporate entrepreneurship, also known as intrapreneurship, is a technique used to create
new ventures, goods, or services within an already-existing company in order to add value
and spur new revenue growth.

2. What are some of the corporate obstacles that must be overcome to establish a corporate
entrepreneurial environment?
○ Lack of Strong Data
■ New businesses seldom have hard data to back their products or technologies.
This is especially the case if your business is dealing with some high-end product
or technology that isn’t yet being widely used in the market. The challenge here is
to gather information and gain insights into a market that doesn’t yet exist. It is not
enough to depend upon financial forecasts, as that can lead to huge errors in
calculations. This is one of the biggest challenges when you plan to start up a new
business in some cutting-edge field or industry.
○ High Risks
■ No matter what kind of business you may be wanting to start, you will be faced
with a huge amount of risk – even if you are backed up by a strongly established
organization. Starting a new business requires constant innovation and the
development of ideas. Although this may seem exciting, innovation or anything
new and unconventional, for that matter, comes with a huge amount of risk.

3. Explain the differences between radical and incremental innovation.

○ Radical innovation: The core idea of radical innovation is the development of a

completely new technology, which can provide a product that has never been available

○ Incremental innovation: The intention of incremental innovation is to use the insights

from customers or others to develop better solutions that are attractive and would add to
the profits from the existing products.

4. Identify the five specific entrepreneurial climate factors that organizations need to address in
structuring their environment.

○ Venture capital Availability.

○ Presence of experienced entrepreneurs.
○ Technically skilled labor force.
○ Accessibility of suppliers.
○ Accessibility of customers or new markets.

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