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Comparisons between the two Plays

The Crime in both Plays

In Macbeth
It was done confidentially without anybody knows because the murders
knew they’re doing something wrong. They were trying to settle the plan in
order to get it done and prove themselves innocent of their guilt.
In Caesar
After Brutus and the Conspirators committed their deed, they confessed in
front of all people of Rome saying that they did it for the greater good of

Macbeth and Brutus

Their Differences
-Both of them were ambitious. The difference is that Macbeth ambition was
a shameful one, while Brutus ambition was honorable. Macbeth wanted to
be crowned taking the illegal way of killing the king. While Brutus killed
Caesar while he was convinced that he is doing that for the greater good of
Rome. He was against the idea of the monarchy as he used to support
democracy. For him, Monarchy represents tyranny, so he was persuaded he
did the right thing by killing Caesar.
-Macbeth was leaded by his wife as she used to give him instructions and
lessons about what to do in front of Duncan to prevent their crime from
being revealed and she was taking the lead of the whole murder , while
Brutus was never leaded by his wife, he only act upon his will not according
to what his wife instruct him to do.
-Brutus was governed by his principles and his ideals that went so extreme
that leaded to killing his friend and then later on leaded to his death. While
Macbeth, he did all his awful crimes just for his own sake, he never thought
about being ideal however he was leaded to his death at the end of the play
which was done in shameful way.
-Macbeth committed murders for the sake of tempting himself, he turned out
to be a monster that kills for the sake of killing. He has gone mad. He
murdered a lot of innocent unarmed souls. While Brutus, only killed once
and he was persuaded at the beg that he did that for the greater good of
Rome. When Cassius told him to kill Antony in order to prevent him from
talking about what they did and turn the people of Rome against them but
Brutus refused. He said that they will talk to Antony about their reasons he
will persuade him they did that for the sake of the country.

Their Similarity
-Both of them were the tragic hero of their plays. Their Hamartia was their
-Both of them were easy to manipulate. Brutus was manipulated easily by
Cassius who used to hate Caesar, the main reason why he wanted to kill him.
However, he persuaded Brutus that they need to kill Caesar to get rid of the
idea of the monarchy that Cassius knew that Brutus hated. Cassius knew that
Brutus care for the sake of his country more than anything and that’s the
point he was playing on. Also, Macbeth was easily manipulated by his wife,
when she told him that he couldn’t return back after he promised to kill
Duncan and questioned his manhood. So, after he decided to quit, he
returned back to the plan after Lady Macbeth manipulated him.
-Despite their reasons, both of them ended up being hypocrites. Macbeth
was receiving Duncan as his guest in the castle and treating him well while
he plans to murder him. Same goes for Brutus who was treating Caesar very
well while he has an agreement with the conspirators to kill him.

Caesar and Duncan

They share many common characteristics.
-Both of them trusted the wrong people
-Both of them were betrayed by people whom they trust.
-Both of them were killed viciously
-Both of them were honorable, kind, generous and strong leaders.
-Macbeth used to describe Duncan as a strong leader and a virtuous man.
Same as Caesar who was very generous, he gave his gardens and what
equalize 6000 dollars today to every roman.

Lady Macbeth and Portia

Lady Macbeth used to instruct Macbeth about the way he should behave in
front of the king to make their crime confidential and prove their innocence
after the murder. She used to give him lessons until he started to act in a
cruel way to apply the lessons, he has learned from her. Most of Macbeth
actions were done because of Lady Macbeth manipulation and instructions.
She used to control everything in their life. When Macbeth was too
frightened after the murder Lady Macbeth said that she wishes to commit the
murder by herself which prove that she is acting like men, and she wishes to
be one.
Portia was very tender with her husband. She was really scared about him
and kept asking him what’s wrong but Brutus didn’t tell her anything. So, he
manages to lead his life without his wife’s instructions. Portia didn’t have
any impact on her husband’s actions which is the total opposite of Lady
Macbeth character. She committed suicide at the end out of her love for her
-Both of them committed suicide, but their reasons was quite different.
Portia committed suicide because she couldn’t bear to wait and see her
husband defeated by Antony’s army. She loved him so much so she couldn’t
wait until she see that moment. While Lady Macbeth killed herself because
she couldn’t bear her sense of guilt for killing Duncan anymore.
Macbeth and Brutus reaction in the Ghost’s scene
Macbeth was facing his id and his superego having a conflict with each other
during that scene. He was too frightened of the ghost. His superego wanted
to reveal his crimes while his id that was represented by Lady Macbeth was
trying to stop him. When he saw the ghost, he told him that he will never
dare to say what he done to him. He was frightened from the fact that the
dead will come out of their graves and take revenge from him, and then he
will drink from the same poisoned cup again.
Brutus reaction to the ghost was very nervous. He challenged the ghost by
sending his men after him. So, it was a message for both characters to realize
their mistakes. Macbeth was too frightened and he seemed unstable as his
superego was driving him and was about to reveal him. While Brutus
managed to stay strong and challenge that ghost.

Macbeth and Brutus Reaction when they knew about their wife’s death
-Brutus was very calm, trying to focus on logic and facts to stay away from
any unwanted emotions. He was a little nervous which was obvious when he
was fighting with Cassius then it was revealed that he is angry because of his
wife’s suicide. But he was trying to stay calm and prepare for the war
silently without talking in details about what happened to Portia.
-When Macbeth knew his wife is dead, he told SEYTON that its not the
right time to receive such news and that she could have died any time later
but for now he is preparing for the battle. He became so cruel that even his
beloved wife’s death does not influence him at all.
Malcolm and Antony
-Both characters were smart. They were ego driven. They used to rationalize
everything before they take any actions. For example, when Malcolm
decided to fled to England in order not to be killed right after his dad, then
he matured and decided to prepare for his battle against Macbeth and take
back his throne. Antony was the same. He was taking every step quietly. He
was smart enough to deceit Brutus and Cassius. He told them he will talk in
Caesar’s funeral about their reasons and will not blame them for the
murders. When he was talking in the funeral, he succeeded in turning the
Romans against the conspirators. So every step he take was well done.

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