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Extensive Reading Programme for Secondary Students

By Daw Aye Chan Toe

Number of Students – about 30-35

Level of Students – Grade 8 (Local Curriculum)
Allocated Time per week – 90 min (2 periods)

Extensive Reading

Extensive reading is reading for pleasure and to develop general reading skills. It
can be compared with intensive reading, which is reading in detail for specific
learning purposes.

Benefits of Extensive Reading

For Students, ER will help to gain reading and writing proficiency, oral and hearing
skills, vocabulary growth, and increase in motivation, self-esteem and empathy.
Students who read extensively also become more independent learners.

Objectives of Extensive Reading Program

In this “Extensive Reading Programme”,

 Students will know the benefits of extensive reading,
 They will learn language skills through reading for enjoyment,
 For most students who have always been afraid of reading (especially in
English), will become good readers after this program.
 This program will support them to gain different knowledge of the world
outside classrooms.
No. Date & Activity Remark
1. 18.11.2022  Introduction & Make 5 groups of six
(FRI) students Teacher borrowed
2:15 – 3:00  Brainstorming about Extensive some books from
45 min Reading Vs Intensive Reading school library.
 Give a random book to each group Note:
and give 10 min to discuss in-group. The books should be
 Share each group ideas about their easy to read but
book to the class using the following should not be boring
outlines given by teacher. for them.
What is the book about? I chose some
What grammar point did you notice in stories books with
the book? lots of pictures to
Is it an enjoyable book? Why? let the students
find fun and least
*** Assignment*** stressful.
To browse the benefits of Extensive
Reading at home! (No need to share it
back to the class, just for their

2. 24.11.2022  Sharing knowledge about “genres”

(THU) Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Humor,
2:15-3:00 Mystery, Fiction, Non-fiction, etc.,
45 min  Short exercise on Fiction vs Non-
fiction (worksheet)
 Group the students according to
their genre preference.
Each group has to find a text (short
story or a piece of joke or whatever
they like but it should only be a short
one) according to the genre they have

3. 25.11.2022  Students have to share the text Teacher should be

(FRI) they chose (As per assignment) to careful enough not
2:15-3:00 the other groups. to make any student
45 min  Reading Time stressed about
 Sharing their different thoughts as their reading by not
a whole class discussion. asking difficult
questions to
individual student.

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