Top 40 Words and Meanings and Synonyms

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75-Most Important Vocab for Bank exams FREE ENGLISH LANGUAGE EBOOK

Vocabulary in competitive examinations (banking and government examinations) is

quite important. In several cases, it might be possible that the student does not know
the meaning of a word which can cause them to lose a mark by selecting the wrong
option. However, in this case, negative marking can ruin their efforts if they do not
manage to clear a cut-off. So, it is quite necessary to be well prepared against such
problems or cases.
To understand how a question may be included in an examination (such as SBI PO),
check out this question below –
“Select the most effective words from the given options to fill the blanks and
make the sentences meaningfully complete.”
John did not readily accept the standards, being a ______________, there is no
surprise that he is so __________________.
a. Madman, Crazy
b. Neophyte, Salacious
c. Maverick, Audacious
d. Prodigy, Radical
Answer here is [c.] Maverick, Audacious because option [a.] and [b.] do not make
sense as Salacious means obscene which isn’t hinted anywhere while not accepting
the standards does not make anyone crazy, and if someone is a Prodigy, they may
not always be radical in their ways. However, someone who is a Maverick tries to
follow unconventional ways to achieve their objectives or deliver results and hence
they must be bold or audacious. Therefore, [c.] is the correct answer.
75-Most Important Vocab for Bank exams FREE ENGLISH LANGUAGE EBOOK

Sr. No. Word Meaning Synonyms

Excessive Outrageous, Unreasonable,
1 Inordinate
Angry Furious, Enraged,
2 Infuriated
3 Fulmination Violent Protest Reprobation, Obloquy
4 Tangential Divergent, Digressive Unrelated, Extraneous
Someone who does not conform Nonconformist, Rebel,
Maverick to the societal standards
5 Radical
Someone who is reckless and
Audacious Fearless, Brave, Bold
6 daring
To drink (most likely an alcohol)
Quaff in large amounts Guzzle, Gulp, Ingurgitate
Opposing the norm or Blasphemy, Dissent,
Heresy established rule/standards
8 Heterodoxy
Someone who suffers from lack Insecurity, Meekness,
Diffidence of confidence
9 Timidity
Someone who is awkward and
Uncouth Awkward, Crude, Coarse
10 clumsy
A great flood of water (or any Avalanche, Barrage,
11 liquid) Cataclysm
12 Idiosyncrasy A peculiar habit of an individual Oddity, Quirk, Eccentricity
To feel severe displeasure Offense, Chagrin,
13 Indignation
To confuse ignorantly or Misinterpret, Misquote,
Garble unintentionally
14 Confuse
To mock or ridicule Mockery, Disdain,
15 Contempt
Treachery Betrayal, Duplicity,
16 Corruption
Dishonesty (in a person or a
Chicanery Deception, Trickery
17 deal)
18 Salacious Obscene, grossly indecent Lewd, Lecherous, Prurient
Pointless repetition of words Reiteration, Repeat,
19 Recurrence
20 Demur To object or hesitate Disagree, Hesitate, Waver
75-Most Important Vocab for Bank exams FREE ENGLISH LANGUAGE EBOOK

Word Meaning Synonyms
To distribute, scatter, or publish Publicize, Spread,
21 Propagate
A false statement intended to
Calumny damage someone's reputation Defamation, Lie, Libel
A beginner or novice, Newcomer, Novice,
Neophyte particularly in some belief
23 Amateur
Completely transparent and
Diaphanous Delicate, Flimsy, Clear
24 light
25 Bequest To leave behind wealth (in a will) Inheritance, Endowment
26 Acarpous Not yielding any result Fruitless, Arid, Barren
27 Quiescence Being still, motionless Calm, Quiet, Rest
Quite distressing and painful Bitter, Disturbing,
28 Heartrending
Very loud and powerful (voice) Resounding, Sonorous,
29 Loud
Based on pretense and
Meretricious Misleading, Sham, Spurious
30 deception
Happy Light-hearted, Carefree,
31 Cheerful
Someone who is not emotional Unexcitable, Emotionless,
32 Detached
Wanting to fight (used for a Aggressive, Combative,
Belligerent person)
33 Contentious
34 Bedizen Ornament Bedeck, Embellish, Adorn
To cause or influence someone
Inculcate with an idea or belief Impart, Instil, Indoctrinate
Something that's harmful Damaging, Deadly,
36 Destructive
Easily visible, obvious, plain Evident, Apparent,
37 Conspicuous
Easy-going, Casual Light-hearted, Nonchalant,
38 Carefree
Full of promise; good; Advantageous, Opportune,
Propitious favourable
39 Auspicious
Something that's performed Superficial, Cursory,
Perfunctory quickly and with little meaning
40 Sketchy
75-Most Important Vocab for Bank exams Free PDF

Sr. Word Meaning Synonyms


41 Modalities A Specific mode in which something is methods, procedures,

expressed or is experienced something processes, approaches

42 Cognizant Having knowledge or awareness Aware, conscious,

apprised, informed,

43 Contours The broad outline of something, a way in Outline, shape, form,

something varies blueprint

44 Predicament A difficult, unpleasing or embarrassing Circumstances, crisis,

situation deadlock, dilemma

45 Unanimously Without opposition / with the approval of all Collectively, commonly,

the people involved consistently

46 Precious of great value Adored, cherished,

beloved, dear

47 Unravelled investigated or solved and explained Deciphered, undid,

something complicated and difficult / undo resolved, solved
twisted or knotted or woven threads

48 Mooted raised a question or topic for discussion / broached, discussed,

made a suggestion regarding something introduced

49 Voluntary Done, given or acting on one’s own will / Discretionary, optional,

done or working or maintained without any elective

50 Subsume Include or absorb something in something include, classify,

else contain, involve

51 Discarded got rid of something or someone as no Rejected, damaged,

longer desirable or useful abandoned, relinquished

52 Penance Punishment inflicted on oneself for Atonement, Expiation,

expressing repentance for any wrongdoing Reparation
of one’s own.

53 Hooliganism Disruptive or unlawful behavior such as Rowdiness,

rioting, vandalism, bullying etc disorganization,

54 Fading gradually grow faint or disappear/come or evanescent, dying.

cause to come gradually into or out of view Paling, declining
(about a television image or a film)

55 Anticipate regard as probable / expect or predict Expect, foresee, predict,

75-Most Important Vocab for Bank exams Free PDF

56 Presume Suppose that something is the case on the Surmise, guess, believe,
basis of probability/be arrogant or impatient assume
enough to do something

57 Disruptive Causing or tending to cause disruption disturbing, rowdy,

troublesome, unruly

58 Precipitate done, made or acting suddenly or without Hasty, rash, rushed

careful consideration

59 Consensus A general agreement Harmony, accord,

concord, unison

60 Condemnation The expression of very strong damnation, reproach

disapproval/the act of condemning someone
to a punishment or sentencing

61 Denunciation public condemnation of someone or Indictment, accusation,

something / informing against someone. censure, disapproval

62 Notion a conception or belief about something / an Concept, approach,

impulse or desire assumption

63 Startling very surprising, astonishing or remarkable Alarming, astonishing,


64 Denunciation public condemnation of someone or Indictment, accusation,

something / informing against someone. censure, disapproval

65 Embody Be an expression of or give a visible or Represent, Epitomize

tangible form to an idea, quality or feeling

66 Cumbersome Heavy or large & therefore difficult to carry Awkward, clumsy,

or use. inconvenient

67 Foster Encourage the development of something Encourage, promote,

(especially something desirable). further, stimulate.

68 Fraught causing or affected by anxiety or stress, Charge, filled, replete

filled with something undesirable

69 Multitude A large number of people or things A great/large quantity, a

great/large number

70 Dormant Having normal physical functions leeping, slumbering,

suspended or slowed down for a period of resting,
time; in or as if in a deep sleep.

71 Dismantle Take a machine or structure to pieces. Break up, Destroy,


72 Impute Represent (something, especially something Assign, blame, lay

undesirable) as being done or possessed by
75-Most Important Vocab for Bank exams Free PDF

73 Reliant having or showing dependence on Confident, Dependent,

something susceptible, subservient

74 Robust Sturdy in construction (in case of objects); Durable, Resilient,

strong and rich in flavor and smell (in case tough, strong, long-
of wine or food) lasting

75 Quintessential Representing the most perfect or typical Prototypical,

example of a quality or class. stereotypical,
archetypal, classic,
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