A Review of The Causes of Bullwhip Effect in A Supply Chain: Original Article

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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1245–1261

DOI 10.1007/s00170-010-2987-6


A review of the causes of bullwhip effect in a supply chain

Ranjan Bhattacharya & Susmita Bandyopadhyay

Received: 16 November 2009 / Accepted: 11 October 2010 / Published online: 27 October 2010
# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010

Abstract A review of the past research studies on the effect. Among these performance evaluation procedures, we
causes of bullwhip effect is presented in this paper. This concentrate on the bullwhip effect, since bullwhip effect is one
paper is an effective study from the point of view that it of the key areas of research in supply chain management
presents a detailed classified study of the overall research applications [3].
studies on the effect of both the operational and the According to Chopra et al [4] and Geunes et al [5],
behavioral factors on bullwhip effect. A total of 19 causes bullwhip can be defined as the amplification in the
of bullwhip effect have been shown here. We have fluctuation of order, as we move upwards in a supply chain
identified the various gaps of research in the past research from the retailer to the manufacturer. The phenomenon can
studies. An overview of the steps taken by the industries in be depicted through Fig. 1.
order to tackle the bullwhip effect is also provided at the Figure 1 shows a simple five-echelon serial supply chain
end of this paper. Directions for further research studies are with five entities–the supplier, the manufacturer, the
also provided in each subsection of this study and at the end distributor, the wholesaler, and the retailer. Retailer places
of this paper. order to a wholesaler based on the customer demand; the
wholesaler, in turn, places order to a distributor, and
Keywords Bullwhip effect . Supply chain . Operational distributor places order to the manufacturer. The manufac-
causes . Behavioral causes tured product is delivered to the end customer following the
same chain in the reverse direction as shown in Fig. 1.
Thus, each echelon in this chain needs to forecast demand
1 Introduction of its customer in order to fulfill the demand. If a particular
entity (say, the distributor) cannot access the actual demand
A simple serial supply chain is generally composed of data of the end customers, then that entity will have to
several independent organizations representing supplier, depend on the order of its immediate customer (the
manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, and retailer ([1, 2]; wholesaler, in this case), resulting in the error in the
Fig. 1). There are several ways of evaluating the perfor- demand forecast. In addition to this, each entity will tend to
mance of a supply chain, viz., (1) total cost of supply chain, satisfy all customer orders resulting in the amplification of
(2) service level, (3) average inventory held, (4) bullwhip the variability in customer demand upwards in the supply
chain, which is termed as bullwhip effect.
The term “bullwhip” was originally coined by the
R. Bhattacharya (*)
logistics executives at the Procter & Gamble (P&G).
Jadavpur University,
Kolkata, West Bengal Pin–700 032, India Besides P&G, firms like Hewlett-Packard in the computer
e-mail: rbhattacharya@production.jdvu.ac.in industry, Bristol-Myers Squibb in the pharmaceuticals
industry, and Wal-Mart in the retail industry also experi-
S. Bandyopadhyay
enced a similar phenomenon [6]. Bullwhip is observed
West Bengal University of Technology,
Kolkata, West Bengal Pin–700 064, India frequently in industries that serve developing markets
e-mail: bandyopadhyaysusmita2008@gmail.com where demand surges suddenly [7]. Examples of such
1246 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1245–1261

Fig. 1 A serial supply chain Order Order Order Order

Lead Lead Lead Lead

Order Order Order Order

Production Demand
Lead Time

Deliver Deliver Deliver Deliver

Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery

Lead Lead Lead Lead

industries include telecommunications manufacturing, com- Among the previous research studies, we observe that
puter components manufacturing, grocery, retail, automo- Geary et al. [18] highlighted ten operational causes of
tive industry, electronics industry, furniture industry, food, bullwhip effect. In this paper, we present a review of the
apparel, and so on. past research studies on the causes of bullwhip effect. This
Bullwhip effect was first studied by Simon [8] and paper is an effective one in the view that it presents a
Forrester [9]. Forrester [9] studied bullwhip through detailed “classified” study of the overall research studies on
simulation analysis and termed this phenomenon as bullwhip effect (BWE) in terms of its causes. We also
“demand amplification.” Sterman [10] studied bullwhip in present directions to further research scope in this area. The
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) through “Beer remaining sections of this paper are organized as follows.
Distribution Game1” developed in MIT and played with Section 2 provides a brief overview of the classification of
students. He indicated the requirement of appropriate the causes of bullwhip effect; section 3 reviews the
training for managers in order to get rid of bullwhip effect. operational causes; section 4 reviews the behavioral causes;
Other earlier studies observing bullwhip effect include the section 5 provides an overview of the mitigation of BWE;
research studies of Blanchard [11], Blinder [12, 13], and and section 6 provides conclusion and directions to further
Kahn [14]. Burbidge [15] had provided a detailed definition research issues.
of bullwhip effect. Bullwhip has become an ever-increasing
problem because the phenomenon is either misunderstood
or ignored. 2 Causes of bullwhip effect
Bullwhip can affect the supply chain in several ways. It
can lead to the following problems in a supply chain [16]: The causes of bullwhip are twofold: (1) operational causes
(1) excessive inventory throughout the whole supply chain; and (2) behavioral causes. The operational causes of
(2) insufficient or excessive capacity; (3) product unavail- bullwhip include the following:
ability; (4) higher total supply chain cost; (5) loss of (1) Demand forecasting [19]; (2) order batching [19]; (3)
revenue; (6) inaccurate production plans, and so on. price fluctuation [19]; (4) rationing and shortage gaming
Bullwhip effect can further be extended to “Extended [19]; (5) lead time ([20–22]); (6) inventory policy ([23,
Bullwhip Effect” [17], which can be defined as “any 24]); (7) replenishment policy ([25–27]); (8) improper
change in demand expectation and/or variability, except control system [18]; (9) lack of transparency ([28–32]);
one condition—stable expectation and increasing variabil- (10) number of echelons [33]; (11) multiplier effect [18];
ity.” According to Wang et al. [17], the causes of extended (12) lack of synchronization [3]); (13) misperception of
bullwhip effect can either be contrived or physical, viz., feedback [34]; (14) local optimization without global vision
product attribute, characteristics of decision makers, quality [34]; (15) company processes [34]; (16) capacity limits
of supplies, characteristics of supply chain management, [33].
macroscopic policies. Wang et al. [17] said that the Lee et al. [28] also pointed out another cause. According
extended bullwhip effect can lead to the following prob- to Lee et al. [28], the strategic interaction of two rational
lems: (1) reduction in efficiency; (2) manpower wastage; supply chain members can also be a cause of bullwhip effect.
(3) material wastage; (4) wastage of other resources; and (5) The behavioral causes include the following: (1) neglect-
unsatisfied customer demand. ing time delays in making ordering decisions ([35, 36]); (2)
lack of learning and/or training [37]; (3) fear of empty stock
Beer Distribution Game: Beer Distribution Game is a role-playing ([35, 36]).
simulation developed at MIT in the 1960’s. The purpose is to clarify
The causes depicted above are summarized in Fig. 2.
the advantage of adopting integrated approach in order to manage a
supply chain. It demonstrates the value of shared information across The root of all the causes is the lack of coordination among
the components of a supply chain. the supply chain members.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1245–1261 1247

Demand Neglecting their robustness in dealing with the non-linear methods,

Forecasting Time Delays
easy-to-use feature, and flexibility. According to Skiadas
Ordering Lack of Learning [38], Mahajan et al. [39], and Islam and Meade [40], time
Policy & and /or Training
Batching series models do not provide effective and satisfactory
Fear of Empty results for the high-tech products. Chaharsooghi et al. [41]
Price Stock
compared the effect of ARMA forecasting method with
Capacity Limits those for MA and ES methods and had shown that the use
of accurate forecasting method does not necessarily lead to
Shortage Processes the reduction of BWE.
However, researchers have contributed significantly to
Lead Time Local Optimization the impact of forecasting, as delineated next. Some of the
Without Global
Vision significant research studies are mentioned below.
Inventory Policy
Lee et al. [19, 28] used AR(1) demand process for a two-
Misperception of echelon serial supply chain. Chen et al. [42] used AR(1)
Replenishment Feedback
Policies demand process for a two-echelon serial supply chain and
Improper Control Lack of derived a lower bound of BWE, when the retailer uses MA
System Synchronization method to forecast lead time demand. Hosoda and Disney
Lack of Multiplier [43] considered AR(1) demand process for end customer
Transparency Effect demand for a three-echelon supply chain and derived an
Number of Echelons expression for BWE and net inventory variance for each of
the three echelons.
Fig. 2 Causes of bullwhip effect in a supply chain Chen et al. [44] used ES to forecast lead time demand.
Muth [45], Goodman [46], and Graves [47] used MA
process as the forecasting method. Zhang [48] measured
3 Operational causes of bullwhip effect differences in BWE for the MA and ES methods used to
measure the lead time demand. Bayraktar et al. [3]
This section reviews the research studies on the operational investigated the impact of ES forecasting method on
causes of BWE. bullwhip effect for Electronic Supply Chain Management
(E-SCM). They considered Winter's ES with three param-
3.1 Effect of forecasting eters: α (for “levels”), β (for “trend”), and γ (for
“seasonality”). The paper finds out the following: (1)
The selection of a forecasting method makes a significant bullwhip effect decreases with the increase in seasonality;
influence on the BWE. This creates mismatch of demand (2) α and β parameters should be small in order to reduce
information that propagates upwards in the supply chain. A BWE; (3) BWE increases with the increase in the lead time.
vast number of research studies are observed in this area. Alwan et al. [49] used minimum mean squared error
The various methods of forecasting in the existing literature (MMSE) technique to study the BWE under Order-Up-To
can be categorized into the following divisions: (OUT) policy. Sun and Ren [16] studied the impact of three
forecasting methods, such as, MA, ES, and MMSE on the
1. Time series models
BWE. Reiner and Fichtinger [50] developed a dynamic
2. Machine learning models
model in order to evaluate the process improvement in a
3. Agent-based models
supply chain under the various forecasting methods. The
4. Control engineering models
various methods of forecasting used in this paper are: (1)
The following subsections discuss the research studies on the MA, (2) mean squared error, (3) regression model. The
effect of forecasting on the BWE for each of the above models. authors had shown that the time series models perform better
than the simple regression models, in terms of the BWE.
3.1.1 Time series modeling Sima et al. [51] used Kalman Filter for forecasting and
had shown that, in case of L≤2 (L: lead time), the use of
The various time series modeling approaches used in the Kalman filter may not lead to BWE.
literature include the following: (1) moving average (MA); Chen and Disney [52] considered AutoRegressive Inte-
(2) exponential smoothing (ES); (3) auto-regression (AR); grated Moving Average (ARIMA) demand pattern and
(4) auto-regressive moving average (ARMA). developed a discrete control theory for a myopic OUT policy.
Among these methods, the MA and ES methods have Gaalman and Disney [53] studied BWE under stochastic
been observed to be the most popular methods because of ARIMA(1, 1) demand process. They have proved that the co-
1248 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1245–1261

variance between the inventory level and the demand forecast methods. They used linear regression based on 10 days'
can be a cause of BWE. Sohn and Lim [29] analyzed the data to find the trend that was used to forecast demand.
impact of forecasting method and information sharing on the This forecast was the source of demand signal distortion
BWE using ANOVA technique. They used Speece and that resulted BWE. Carbonneau et al. [56] used three types
McClachlan's method to represent customer demand. of ANN models, viz., back propagation, recurrence neural
Table 1 summarizes some of the major research studies net (RNN), and support vector machine (SVM) and had
along with their forecasting methods as mentioned above. shown that the forecasting errors for SVM and RNN are
Review of the time series models reveals that the less than those in the case of traditional forecasting
previous research studies have dealt mostly with the simple methods, such as, MA, regression, causing reduced bull-
demand processes such as MA, ES, AR(1), ARIMA(1,1). whip, because of less distortion. The statistical learning
Research studies dealing with more complex demand theory, in the form of SVM had been applied before by
processes need to be considered to fill this gap of research. Vapnik et al. [57]. Other works in the area of machine
Forecasting based on more generalized demand processes, learning include the research studies of Herbrich et al. [58].
such as AR (p) and ARIMA (p, q), are more relevant since However, the literature reveals little research studies based
they may represent the demand process better [54]. Besides, on the machine learning techniques. Different types of neural
forecasting using Kalman Filter needs more investigation. nets have not been experimented to show their effect on BWE.
The literature also shows that the time series models are not More research studies using other machine learning techniques,
appropriate for the high-tech products. According to Lynn such as, genetic algorithm, are required to be done. Problems
et al. [55], the internal qualitative forecasting techniques, in these techniques lie in the fact that these methods are much
such as, “Delphi method” are more reliable for forecasting more complex than the traditional methods.
of high-tech products, whereas, the conventional quantita-
tive forecasting techniques are reliable for the low-tech 3.1.3 Agent-based modeling
products. Thus, further research studies on BWE based on
the qualitative forecasting techniques are required. There A few research studies are based on agent-based modeling.
has also been little research studies on the effect of Liang and Huang [59] used agent-based forecasting along
forecasting on BWE in the Electronic Supply Chain. with real-coded genetic algorithm (RGA) to show the
Investigation on the effect of forecasting based on the decrease in total cost and smoother ordering variation
common techniques used in industries is also relevant. compared with the traditional methods. They compared the
These gaps are required to be abridged in order to performance of a supply chain in terms of ordering
understand the effect of forecasting more effectively. variation and total cost between the agent-based forecasting
with those for traditional forecasting methods. Other works
3.1.2 Machine learning modeling applying agent-based forecasting include the works of
Swaminathan et al. [60], Fu et al. [61], Kimbrough et al.
The machine learning techniques include techniques like [62], and McBurney et al. [63]. Fu et al. [61] applied agent-
the Artificial Neural Network (ANN), the Genetic Algo- based simulation of a PC assembling case to manage
rithm. Carbonneau et al. [56] used different types of ANN inventory in a supply chain. They had developed a
models and compared their performance with that of the framework of collaborative inventory management and
traditional methods in terms of their effect on bullwhip. had shown the impact of demand uncertainty and lead time
They proved that the machine learning techniques provide on inventory variability. Kimbrough et al. [62] used Beer
better results than the traditional methods. Traditional Distribution Game simulation that produced BWE when
methods included MA, regression, and other time series agents acted independently.

Table. 1 Summary of past

major research studies on Forecasting method Contributors
the effect of forecasting on
bullwhip effect MA Sun and Ren [16], Chen et al. [42], Muth [45], Goodman [46], Graves [47],
Reiner and Fichtinger [50]
ES Bayraktar et al. [3], Sun and Ren [16], Chen et al. [44].
MMSE Sun and Ren [16], Alwan et al. [49].
AR Lee et al. [19, 28], Chen et al. [42], and Hosoda and Disney [43].
ARIMA Chen and Disney [52], Gaalman and Disney [53]
Regression model Reiner and Fichtinger [50]
Kalman Filter Sima et al. [51]
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1245–1261 1249

The agent-based modeling shows clearly that BWE is different lot sizing, namely, Silver Meal (SM) and Least
the result of the lack of coordination among the supply Unit Cost (LUC), with non-integer values under stochastic
chain members. It can be reduced or even be eliminated demand. They had shown that SM rule results in more
through proper control of the agents' activities. The research stable order interval than LUC, but variable order quanti-
studies on the control of agents' activities are lacking in the ties, whereas LUC results in stable order quantities but
existing literature. This area seems to be a promising one in variable order intervals.
terms of the possibility of proper control, mitigation, or Potter and Disney [74] considered the effect of order
elimination of BWE. batch size on BWE. Order sizes are taken to be multiple of
In addition to the time series modeling, the machine fixed batch size, in case of both deterministic and stochastic
learning techniques and the agent-based modeling, another demand rates. Two types of batching have been considered
type of modeling approach used in the literature is the in this paper: (1) time-based (or periodic) batching and (2)
control engineering approach. Although this approach has quantity-based batching. They suggested that the batch
been used to control BWE, we find it worth mentioning here sizes should be reduced as much as possible, in order to
because of the number of research studies in this direction. reduce the negative impact of batching.
Dejonckheere et al. [64] analyzed BWE using control Riddalls and Bennett [75] proved that the bullwhip
engineering theory under ES forecasting. They performed levels are related to the remainder of the ratio between the
transfer function analysis for both passing-on-orders mode batch size and the average demand. Chen and Disney [52]
and within inventory control feedback systems. According to studied myopic OUT policy. They had shown that bullwhip
Dejonckheere et al. [64], transfer function approach is effect is basically caused by the co-variance between the
powerful since this approach includes “the ability to predict inventory level and the demand forecast. The paper also
system behavior in the time and frequency domains.” Some reveals that the classical OUT policy with ES or MA
of the transfer function related research studies include the forecasting will always produce bullwhip for all possible
research study of Towill [65]. demand patterns. Warburton and Disney [66] calculated
inventory variability and order variability in both discrete
3.2 Effect of ordering policy and batching and continuous time representations and compared them to
show that the two domains are managerially equivalent and
A significant level of research studies on ordering policy either domain can be used to study supply chain, in
and batching has been observed in the literature. Among the practice. The paper studied OUT policy. A delay differen-
various ordering policies, the OUT policy has been used in tial equation was formed to formulate the problem. Yan et
most papers because OUT policy is known as an optimal al. [76] has shown that the increase in the pack size
policy since “for a given sequence of forecast errors of increases the batching effect which in turn increases BWE.
demand over lead time, the policy minimizes the variance Rong et al. [77] studied reverse bullwhip effect (RBWE)
of the inventory levels” [66]. In OUT policy, order up to a caused by the supply disruptions. They used beer distribu-
certain level S is placed if the inventory level is below a tion game as the simulation study where it was seen that the
certain quantity s. It is customary to choose s and S such players change their ordering behavior which causes the
that S–s = EOQ, where EOQ is the Economic Order reverse bullwhip effect. A discussion on RBWE is provided
Quantity, the quantity to order each time at minimum cost. in subsection 3.7 in this paper. Lalwani et al. [78] presented
Cachon and Lariviere [67] analyzed balanced ordering a framework for developing a controllable and observable
policy and suggested that the balanced ordering along with state space model of the production and inventory control
the small batch size and long order interval can reduce policy. Other significant research studies include the study
supplier's demand variability. Cachon and Lariviere [68] of Childerhouse et al. [79]. The various research studies
and Cachon and Fisher [69] investigated the impact of the discussed so far are summarized in Table 2.
allocation mechanisms on retailer actions and supply chain However, in summary, the various ordering policies are (1)
performance in terms of BWE. Higuchi and Troutt [70] order the same quantity in fixed intervals of time, irrespective
suggested that the repeat purchasers can reduce the impact of the current inventory position; (2) order fixed quantity Q
of BWE at higher stages of supply chain. Holland and (EOQ) if the inventory level is below s; (3) order following
Sodhi [71] found that the level of bullwhip across one OUT policy. The policies other than OUT policy are also
echelon is proportional to the square of the batch size. practiced in reality, but they have been considered much less
Disney et al. [72] analyzed the impact of transportation than OUT policy while investigating the combined effects of
batching within VMI Supply Chain [vendor-managed ordering policies in the existing literature. Besides, effects of
inventory (VMI)]. They proved that it is possible to achieve different types of ordering policies along with the different
reduction in bullwhip effect and full transportation batches types of forecasting techniques have not been analyzed.
simultaneously. Pujawan [73] considered the effect of two BWE can also be a result of different ordering policies
1250 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1245–1261

Table. 2 Summary of past major research studies on the effect of ordering policy and batching on bullwhip effect

Contributors Contributions on ordering/batching policy adopted

Cachon and Lariviere [67, 68] Balanced ordering along with small batch size and long order interval can reduce supplier's demand variability.
Riddalls and Bennett [75] Bullwhip levels are related to the remainder of the ratio between the batch size and average demand.
Disney et al. [72] It is possible to simultaneously achieve reduction in bullwhip effect and full transportation batches.
Holland and Sodhi [71] The level of bullwhip across one echelon is proportional to the square of the batch size.
Higuchi and Troutt [70] Repeat purchasers can reduce the impact of bullwhip effect at higher supply chain stages.
Pujawan [73] SM (Silver Meal) rule results in more stable order interval than LUC (Least Unit Cost), but variable order
quantities, whereas LUC results stable order quantities but variable order intervals.
Gaalman and Disney [53] Bullwhip effect is basically caused by the co-variance between the inventory level and the demand forecast.
Lalwani et al. [78] Presented a framework for developing controllable and observable state space models of the production and
inventory control policy.
Potter and Disney [74] Batch sizes should be reduced as much as possible, in order to reduce the negative impact of batching.
Warburton and Disney [66] For a given sequence of forecast errors of demand over lead time, the policy minimizes the variance of the
inventory levels under OUT (Order-Up-To) Policy; calculated inventory variability and order variability in
both discrete and continuous time representation and compared them showing that the two domains are
managerially equivalent, and either domain can be used to study supply chain.

adopted by different supply chain partners. Investigation of (b) Echelon stock policy: ordering decision is based
effect on BWE as a result of using different ordering policies on the echelon stock. Echelon stock is the
by various members may lead to the possibility of summation of the installation stock of an echelon
controlling the BWE in a new way. Thus, we observe a and the installation stock of the preceding echelon.
large gap of research in this direction. Ordering policies
The authors had shown that–
based on the stochastic or fuzzy demand can also be a
realistic approach in this field. 1. Inventory on-hand policy is unstable in practical
scenarios in terms of its effect on the order and the
3.3 Effect of inventory policies inventory variability, since small fluctuation in demand
may result into uncontrollable order and inventory
Inventory policies specify decision rules with respect to the variability.
point in time when a replenishment of the inventory should be 2. Both (a) and (b) are stable in terms of variability and
initiated as well as to the replenishment quantity that should be suitable for controlling inventory, and (b) is better than
ordered from the supplying node in the supply network. (a).
Inventory and ordering policies are inter-related, since, order
amount and time of ordering depends on the inventory level. The related literature using various base stock policies
Thus, in this subsection, the ordering policies will be are given below.
mentioned in relation to the inventory policies, as discussed Veinott [81] developed base stock policy for a single
in the literature. The various inventory policies considered in echelon system. Clark and Scarf [82] proposed echelon
the existing literature are discussed below. stock policy for a multi-echelon supply chain. Axsäter and
Hoberg et al. [80] discussed the effect of the following Rosling [83] found out the circumstances under which
three inventory policies on both the order and the inventory echelon stock policy is better than installation stock policy.
variability. Aharon et al. [24] used Affinely Adjustable Robust
Counterpart method to control inventory and had shown
1. Inventory on-hand policy: here, the ordering policy is that the method helps to reduce BWE.
simply dependent on the on-hand inventory. Liang and Huang [59] considered three independent-
2. Base Stock policy: Two types of base stock policies demand inventory systems as defined below in brief.
have been discussed.
1. Periodic Review System (P System): inventory is
(a) Installation stock policy: ordering decision is reviewed at fixed interval of time, and order is placed
based on installation stock. Installation stock is at the end of the review. Thus, inventory is reviewed
the summation of the amount of inventory on- periodically, not continuously. Thus, here, the time
hand at an echelon and the order amount ordered between the successive orders is fixed, but order
by the preceding echelon. quantities vary.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1245–1261 1251

2. Continuous Review System (Q System): inventory is Response; (3) Efficient Customer Response (ECR); (4)
reviewed or checked each time a withdrawal is made Centralized Inventory Management; (5) Continuous Replen-
from the inventory. Thus, it is the fixed ordering ishment; (6) Rapid Replenishment; (7) Collaborative Plan-
quantity system where the ordering quantity is fixed, ning Forecasting Replenishment. The major inventory
but the time between the successive orders varies. policies considered in the literature and their contributors
3. Optimal System (O System): inventory is reviewed at are listed in Table 4.
fixed time intervals and order is placed at the end of Inventory policies discussed so far are single-level inven-
each review to reach the inventory up to a predeter- tory policies. The effect of multi-level inventory policy has not
mined level, if the actual inventory is below that level. been discussed in the literature. Multi-level inventory policy is
Thus, ordering quantities vary. applicable for geographically spread inventory system. Here, a
local inventory store may be a customer of a higher level
The authors used a combination of these three inventory inventory store or a centrally located warehouse. Besides,
systems for a four-echelon supply chain and applied RGA effect of inventory policies based on stochastic demand needs
with each chromosome representing a combination of these to be considered. Effect of consignment stock policy on
policies and each gene representing one of the echelons. bullwhip has not been investigated in the existing literature.
They had shown that the best combination is a (P Q P O) Consignment stock is the stock legally owned by one party,
inventory policy for Supplier (P system), Manufacturer (Q but held by another party. Ownership of consignment stock is
system), Distributor (P system), and Retailer (Optimum passed only when the stock is issued. Un-issued stock in a
system), respectively. warehouse may be returned to the manufacturer. We also feel
Lalwani et al. [78] found out the stability bound of the that the proper coordination in terms of VMI, consignment
ordering system under the following (Table 3) inventory stock, and the effect of the combination of various inventory
and order-based production control system (IOBPCS). policies adopted by various echelons need to be investigated.
The various research studies considering these systems
(IOBPCS) include the research studies of Simon et al. [84], 3.4 Effect of lead time
Towill et al. [85], Tang and Grubbström [86], and Disney
and Towill [87, 88]. There are a few research studies on the impact of lead time
Chandra and Grabis [23] considered Material Require- on bullwhip effect.
ment Planning-based inventory control policy and had Liao and Shyu [91] are said to be the first researchers in
shown that this policy reduces BWE. this area who had built a probabilistic inventory model
Disney and Towill [89] compared the performance of a where lead time was one of the decision variables. Ben-
VMI supply chain with that of traditional serial supply Daya and Raouf [92] expanded this work by adding another
chain, in terms of BWE. They had shown that the VMI supply decision variable—“ordering quantity”. These two research
chain performs better than the traditional supply chain, in studies did not consider the shortage. Thus, Ouyang et al.
terms of their impact on bullwhip. VMI is basically a strategy [93] extended these studies by considering shortages.
in which a vendor manages customer's inventory. Wal-Mart Ouyang et al. [93] also considered “re-order point” as
had applied VMI in the past, and since then, the policy has another decision variable.
become a popular one, especially, in the grocery sector. Ryu and Lee [94] and Bookbinder and Çakanyildirim
Contributions from Cachon and Fisher [90], Lee et al. [28] [95] considered lead time reduction to be an investment,
and Lee et al. [30] have classified VMI into the following indicating the requirement of further research in this
sub-classes: (1) Quick Response; (2) Synchronized Customer direction. Heydari et al. [20] investigated the lead time

Table 3 Types of IOBPCS family

(Lalwani et al. [78]) Types Full form

OUT Order-Up-To
APVIOBPCS Automatic pipeline, variable inventory and order-based production control system
APIOBPCS Automatic pipeline, inventory and order-based production control system
VIOBPCS Variable inventory and order-based production control system
IOBPCS Inventory and order-based production control system
VIBPCS Variable inventory-based production control system
IBPCS Inventory-based production control system
OBPCS Order-based production control system
MPVIOBPCS Matched parameter variable inventory and order-based production control system
1252 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1245–1261

Table 4 Summary of past major

research studies on the effect Inventory policies Contributors
of inventory policies on
bullwhip effect Inventory on-hand policy, base stock policy Hoberg et al. [80], Veinott [81], Clark and Scarf [82],
Axsäter and Rosling [83]
Periodic review system, continuous review Liang and Huang [59].
system, optimal system
Inventory and order-based production Lalwani et al. [78], Simon et al. [84], Towill et al. [85],
control system Tang and Grubbström [86], Disney and Towill [87, 88]
Material requirement planning (MRP)-based Chandra and Grabis [23].
inventory control policy
Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) Lee et al. [28], Cachon and Fisher [69], Disney
and Towill [89]

variability in a serial supply chain and had shown that the indicates the requirement of information sharing. A
order variability increases with the increase in lead time considerable number of research studies have been con-
variability, but if the order variability increases uniformly ducted in the existing literature in this area of BWE.
throughout the entire supply chain, then that will make no The information sharing for reducing bullwhip effect is
impact on BWE. Huang and Liu [22] have shown that the the “result of transfer risk and speculation of the down-
increase in the remanufacturing lead time increases the stream enterprises in supply chain, which increases the
bullwhip effect. instability, disorder of production, inventory management
Wang et al. [21] investigated the impact of lead time on and marketing” [31].
bullwhip effect. They had shown that bullwhip effect Information sharing may be of several types [96]. Some
increases with the increase in lead time. The paper also of them are: (1) Echelon demand history; (2) Downstream
highlights some other important information such as: order schedule; (3) End-user demand history; and (4)
reduction in lead time may be beneficial through–(1) Lower Downstream inventory information.
safety stock; (2) Reduction in out-of-stock loss; and (3) Information sharing as a way to reduce BWE has been
Improvement in customer service level. recommended by several authors in the existing literature.
The contributions and findings discussed above are listed Some of them have considered the beneficial effect,
in Table 5. whereas the others have considered the negative effect.
From the above review on the effect of lead time on Some of the significant research studies considering the
BWE, we observe enough scope for further research study beneficial effects include the studies of Lee et al. [28], Lee
in this area. First of all, the effect of fuzzy lead time et al. [30], and Agrawal et al. [32].
consideration in research on bullwhip has not been The policy of information sharing has been categorized
addressed in the existing literature. Research on the from several views in the existing literature. Sohn and Lim
stochastic lead time is also insufficient. Lead time also [29] have categorized the information sharing into three
depends on inventory, ordering, and replenishment policies types, namely, decentralized policy, centralized policy, and
used and the coordination among the supply chain separated policy.
members. These issues have not been addressed in the
literature. Research studies on the reduction of lead time Decentralized policy “Information is not shared between
through supply chain coordination also need to be explored. the supplier and retailers. Supplier only receives orders
from the retailers”.
3.5 Effect of lack of transparency
Centralized policy “Information is completely shared. The
One of the major causes of bullwhip effect is the lack of retailers share their net sales with the suppliers and with
transparency about the system and some of its data, which these data, the supplier forecasts the future sales.”

Table 5 Summary of past major

research studies on the effect Contributors Contributions
of lead time on bullwhip effect
Liao and Shyu [91], Ben-Daya and Built inventory models where lead time is one of the decision
Raouf [92], Ouyang et al. [93] variables
Heydari et al. [20] Order variability increases with the increase in lead time variability,
but if the order variability increases uniformly throughout the entire
supply chain, then that will make no impact on bullwhip effect.
Wang et al. [21] Bullwhip effect increases with the increase in lead time
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1245–1261 1253

Separated policy Information is not shared. “The retailers inventory position, safety stock, and lead time have
forecast the future demand and order them to the been incorporated in this rule and is expressed as,
Thonemann [97] has divided the information sharing Ot ¼ Dt þ ð1  gÞðIPtT  IPt Þ
into two types—Aggregated and Detailed. Where

Aggregated policy Considers aggregate information or the IPtT target inventory position
information as a whole. IPt net stock plus stock on order

4. Fourth replenishment rule, called (R, βIP) rule, is

Detailed policy Considers the details of all the information
expressed mathematically as,

The study of Sohn and Lim [29] had shown that the Ot ¼ Dt þ b IPtT  IPt ;
complete information sharing policy does not always
produce best performance. Thus, selection of appropriate where
information policy is essential for reducing BWE. b parameter of inventory position smoothing
Viswanathan et al. [96] considered a four-echelon supply
chain along with the assumption that each echelon has 5. Fifth replenishment rule, called (R, gO, βIP) rule, is
access to end-user demand history to forecast and plan expressed mathematically as,
inventory at all echelons resulting lowest cost.
The existing literature shows the benefits of information Ot ¼ Dt þ ð1  gÞðOt1  Dt Þ þ bðIPtT  IPt Þ
sharing more than the effect of the lack of transparency. Among these rules, rule (1) and rule (2) cannot reduce
Few papers have observed that the inconsistency of the variability, whereas rule (3), rule (4), and rule (5) can
information and the sharing of distorted information lead to reduce variability.
BWE. Moreover, most business organizations do not want Boute [99] analyzed the impact of replenishment policy
to share their vital information with their supply chain and had shown that the supply chain cost can be reduced
partners. In this case, the role of supply chain contracts considerably if the echelons align their replenishment
plays a vital role in sharing information among the supply policies. Lee and Wu [100] discussed the effect of two
chain members. Although there are a considerable number replenishment policies, namely,
of research papers on information sharing, but this area is
1. Traditional replenishment policies, including the above
still lacking new ideas towards proper way of information
2. Statistical Process Control (SPC)-based replenishment
3.6 Effect of replenishment policies
SPC-based policy had shown better reduction of vari-
The existing literature has discussed various types of ability than the traditional methods. The significant works
replenishment policies. in the field of SPC-based replenishment theory include the
Jakšič and Rusjan [25] discussed the effect of five research studies of Watts et al. [101] and Pfohl et al. [102].
replenishment policies as given below. Zhang and Zhang [27] considered two replenishment
systems: (1) time-based and (2) quantity-based, in VMI-
1. First replenishment rule, called (R,D) rule, is expressed
based system. They had shown that the BWE in quantity-
mathematically as, Ot ¼ Ot1 þ g ðDt  Ot1 Þ, follow-
based system is more than that in the time-based system. In
ing exponential smoothing equation, where
time-based system, the vendor has small orders till a
Ot order quantity at time t replenishment level and dispatches the accumulated order
Ot-1 order quantity at time t-1 quantity at a certain time to its downstream customer. In
g exponential smoothing coefficient quantity-based system, the vendor does not dispatch at
Dt demand forecast for period t certain time, but rather waits until a certain quantity of
order is accumulated.
2. Second replenishment rule, proposed by Bowman [98], Su and Wong [26] used Ant Colony Optimization
is expressed mathematically as, algorithm to design a replenishment system for a two-
stage supply chain for a “stochastic dynamic production/
Ot ¼ Dt þ ð1  gÞðOt1  Dt Þ
forecast lot sizing problem under bullwhip effect”.
3. Third replenishment rule, derived from Bowman [98] is Table 6 shows the research studies on replenishment
OUT policy or (R, S) policy. New concepts such as policy and the contributors in this field.
1254 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1245–1261

Table 6 Summary of past major research studies on the effect of replenishment policy on bullwhip effect

Contributors Contributions

Jakšič and Rusjan [25] Discussed the effect of five replenishment policies; shown that some of these policies induce bullwhip effect
while the others reduce the effect
Boute [99] Supply chain cost can be reduced considerably if the echelons align their replenishment policies.
Lee and Wu [100] Discussed the effect of two replenishment policies, namely, traditional replenishment policies, including the
policies and Statistical Process Control (SPC)-based replenishment policy.
Su and Wong [26] Designed a replenishment system using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm.
Zhang and Zhang [27] Bullwhip effect in quantity-based system is more than that in time-based system.

The adoption of a replenishment system depends on stability. Mujaj et al. [106] investigated the effect of reverse
ordering and inventory policy and customers' demand. pricing on the business-to-business (B2B) case and had
Thus, the designing of appropriate replenishment systems shown the reduction in BWE as a result of reverse pricing
for various combinations of ordering and inventory policies under stochastic demand and local information. Reverse
need to be considered. The existing literature has discussed pricing is a form of dynamic pricing where price of a
the effects of various types of replenishment policies on transaction is given by the buyer instead of the seller.
BWE. The literature has also shown the classified effects of Some of the other research studies in this direction
replenishment policies. include the studies of Gerstner and Hess [107], Tyagi [108],
and Corbett and Karmarkar [109].
3.7 Effect of price fluctuation The existing literature is basically concerned with the
reverse BWE as a result of the price variability. There are a
Price variability is another main cause of BWE. A few few research studies in this direction, and thus, this area needs
research studies on the effect of pricing on BWE have been to be explored further. Moreover, the effect of price variability
observed in the existing literature. The relevant studies on B2B (Business-to-Business) case has been discussed, but
basically have analyzed the effect of price variability in the the same effects for B2C (Business-to-Customer) and C2B
upstream supply chain over the downstream supply chain. (Customer-to-Business) cases have not been investigated.
Since this effect flows from upstream to downstream in the Effect of pricing has more economic implications than those
supply chain, which is the reverse to the direction of which have been considered in the existing literature. Thus,
bullwhip effect (from downstream to upstream), it is thus this area needs more exploration by the researchers.
called the Reverse Bullwhip effect in pricing [103].
Reverse Bullwhip effect occurs “when there is a high 3.8 Rationing and shortage gaming
degree of postponement in inbound logistics flows and a
high degree of speculation in outbound logistics flows” In this case, the shortage gaming indicates the buyer's
[103]. The reasons for Reverse Bullwhip effect are: strategy to face shortages in supply, and rationing is the
limitation in production capacity, deficiencies in product counteracting of supplier to the shortage gaming. In case of
quality, unreliable/inaccurate information, unreliable trans- supply shortage, buyers tend to over-order to secure their
portation, and other uncertainties in the upstream supply inventory position, which is termed as shortage gaming.
chain. It may also happen due to promotional sales, supplier Supplier, on the other hand, satisfies its customers by
quantity discount, and future market speculations, etc. rationing to smaller quantities. Shortage gaming causes
Özelkan and Çakanyildirim [104] had shown that the order variability in a supply chain. This leads to the
forward BWE in order variability increases with the increase in the supply chain cost. The effect is amplified
increase in the price variability. Thus, reverse bullwhip if the buyer does not consider the orders that have already
effect increases with forward BWE in order variability. been placed [110].
They have also analyzed the effect of various demand
functions on the reverse bullwhip effect. They have shown 3.9 Miscellaneous operational causes
that iso-elastic demand function results into the reverse
bullwhip effect. Logarithmic demand function may/may not 1. Improper control system: selection of an improper
result in reverse bullwhip effect. Linear and logic demand control system for an echelon of a supply chain to
function does not result in reverse bullwhip effect. achieve target may lead to BWE.
Hamister and Suresh [105] also indicated the same 2. Number of echelons: greater the number of echelons
theory suggesting the reduction of BWE through price greater is the possibility of aggravating BWE. A
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1245–1261 1255

minimum number of echelons facilitate having opti- 2. Lack of learning and/or training
mum levels of inventories. Negligence on the part of the participants and
3. Multiplier effect: these are the scenarios where “orders various decision-making problems generally arise out
directly multiply in a knock-on effect, usually between of the lack of proper knowledge and/or training. Yan
product manufacturers and their capital equipment and Katok [37] suggested two types of training:
suppliers” [18].
(a) Role-specific training in which participants are
4. Lack of synchronization: the lack of synchronization in
allowed to assume a role to play and are allowed
terms of delivery, receiving of goods, ordering, ship-
to take a decision to solve a particular problem.
ping, and the like, may lead to BWE. To prevent the
The participants learn to take critical decisions
risk resulting from the lack of synchronization, the
through this kind of training.
echelons may over-order, leading to the bullwhip effect.
(b) System-wide training which permits system thinking
5. Misperception of feedback: sometimes, the players in
that directs attention to underlying interrelationships.
an echelon do not understand the dynamics of their
3. Fear of empty stock
supply chain [34]. For example, they may not correctly
The echelon players may place excess order amount
interpret the incoming delivery schedules.
out of the fear of facing empty stock and losing
6. Local optimization without global vision: this problem
customers. This behavior may lead to tremendous order
deals with optimization of own echelon without
variability causing BWE.
considering its effect on the other echelons, resulting
Nienhaus et al. [112] also investigated the effect of
into increased supply chain cost and increasing BWE
human behavior on bullwhip effect using online beer
distribution game. They had shown that human
7. Company processes: company processes [34] indicate
behavior can act as a barrier to proper information
the “variability of machine reliability and output” and
flow in a supply chain causing BWE. The reduction of
“variability in process capability and subsequent prod-
BWE is possible through proper information exchange
uct quality” [111]. These problems may cause uncer-
among the partners of a supply chain.
tainties among companies, which in turn, may lead to
From the above studies, it can be inferred that BWE
the greater order variability [111].
is caused by both operational and behavioral causes.
8. Capacity limit: capacity limits of echelons may lead to
Thus, both the causes should be taken care of while
BWE. A particular limit to the supplier capacity may
controlling the BWE. In an attempt to mitigate BWE,
lead to the customer order variability.
learning has a positive effect on both information
The research studies on miscellaneous causes, rationing, acquisition and interpretation [113]. Thus, learning
and shortage gaming as observed in the existing literature should be emphasized to get rid of order variability.
are insufficient. Some of these causes, such as, mispercep- While studying the behavioral causes, we realized that
tion of feedback and local optimization without global both operational and behavioral causes need to be
vision, are the results of the lack of proper knowledge and considered in an integrated fashion in order to mitigate
learning, which is discussed under the following section. or eliminate BWE. Besides, all the research papers rely
These causes are required to be investigated further. on the laboratory experiments to draw conclusions on
the behavioral causes. The difference in settings between
controlled laboratory environment and real industrial
4 Effect of human behavior environment indicates the need for drawing conclusions
on behavioral causes based on the experiments conducted
The behavioral causes have mostly been tested in labora- in real industrial setup.
tory settings or through case studies. Beer game, as a
simulation tool, has been used in laboratory setting.
1. Neglecting time delays in making ordering decisions 5 Mitigation of BWE
Croson and Donohue [35] noted that, in many cases,
the supply chain players do not consider time delays The mitigation of BWE becomes a relevant issue whenever
while making ordering decisions, especially. They also the causes of BWE are discussed. Although this paper is
investigated coordination risk and uncertainties of the focused on the causes of BWE, we realize that the mitigation
actions of the decision makers, which in turn, lead to of BWE is a related area as well. Thus, we give a brief
instability and variability in orders. The time delays may overview of the mitigation of BWE below. We present this
include ordering delay, delivery delay, shipping delay, brief study in two subsections. Subsection 5.1 presents a brief
which can be reduced [36] in order to reduce BWE. overview of the research studies on the mitigation of BWE in
1256 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1245–1261

the existing literature and subsection 5.2 provides a brief BWE. Other significant studies include the studies of Sheu
overview of how the industries are handling BWE. Although [132] and Lin et al. [133].
the content of subsection 5.2 is also obtained from the
existing literature, we divide the discussion in this section in 5.2 Mitigation of BWE in industry
two subsections so as to make it easy to differentiate between
the treatments practiced in practical and theoretical handling Industry leaders are facing BWE through: (1) information
of BWE. sharing, (2) channel alignment strategies, (3) implementing
new incentives to the supply chain partners, (4) increasing
5.1 Mitigation of BWE as proposed in the existing literature operational efficiency, and (5) “defining new original
relationships” [19].
The proper identification of the causes of bullwhip is In case of “demand forecasting” as a cause of BWE, one
required for the mitigation of its effect. The research studies remedy is to make downstream supply chain partners' data
on the reduction of BWE as observed in the existing available to the upstream supply chain partners [19]. As a
literature have reduced BWE through agent simulation result, more information will be available to the upstream
([114, 115]), H∞ control ([116–118]), Genetic Algorithm supply chain partners. Thus, the understanding of the
([119, 120]), Fuzzy Controller [121], and contracts. system dynamics and the use of the Point-Of-Sales data
However, since BWE is the result of the lack of information are required. IBM, Apple, and HP have made “sell-
transparency which is the result of the lack of coordination through” data as the part of their contract with resellers
among the supply chain partners, thus, proper coordination [19]. The Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Computer-
is the key to mitigate BWE. Therefore, new avenues of Assisted Ordering (CAO) are also being used by the
research studies on the supply chain coordination are companies to facilitate information sharing. The channel
required to be carried forward so as to get rid of BWE. alignment strategies to reduce BWE include: (1) the
Some of the significant research studies, investigating the application of VMI, (2) the application of Continuous
mitigation of BWE, are mentioned below. Replenishment Policies (CRP), (3) Consumer Direct Pro-
The existing literature is basically showing the various grams, and (4) offering discount for information sharing.
coordination mechanisms to mitigate BWE. Zarandi et al. Many companies like Campbell Soup, Scott Paper,
[114], De La and Lozano [115], Zarandi et al. [122], and M&M/Mars, Procter and Gamble (P&G), Nestle, Nabisco,
Hassan and Soh [123] discussed agent-based coordination and Quaker Oats have adopted CRP. The significant names
to mitigate BWE. Each of these studies considered agent- of companies using VMI strategy include P&G, Apple, HP,
based coordination in different forms. For instance, Zarandi Motorola, and Texas Instruments. The companies like Dell
et al. [114] considered two agents—middle agents and sell their products directly to their customers avoiding the
software agents. Middle agents include brokers, controllers, use of distribution channel, thereby reducing the number of
facilitators, or mediators, and they collect data for the supply chain echelons in between, which, in turn, reduces
software agents. The software agents make use of these BWE. Many companies also offer discount through con-
data to coordinate among supply chain members. Disney et tracts in exchange of information sharing or access to vital
al. [124] discussed the coordination of retailers with other information of the customers.
supply chain members to mitigate BWE. Guo et al. [116], In order to increase operational efficiency to reduce BWE,
Huang et al. [117], Liu et al. [118], Guo [125], and Guo and companies often use the following policies: (1) lead time
Huang [126] proposed coordination among supply chain reduction and (2) echelon-based inventory control. “Echelon
members through control theory in the form of H∞ method. inventory—the total inventory at its upstream and down-
Ouyang and Daganzo [127] also suggested negotiation stream sites—is the key to optimal inventory control” [19].
schemes to mitigate BWE. O'donnell et al. [120] applied In case of “order batching” as the cause of BWE, the
Genetic Algorithm to mitigate BWE. strategies used by industry are: (1) use of EDI, (2) internet
Among the other research studies, Wright and Yuan ordering, (3) truck load considerations, (4) use of third-
[128] have proposed a better forecasting method called party logistics (3PL), and (5) CAO.
Holt's and Brown's method to mitigate BWE. Boute et al. A reason for large-order batches is the “high cost of placing
[129] suggested that a smoother order pattern and less an order and replenishing it” [19]. Companies like GE,
variable lead time can mitigate BWE. Lu et al. [119] Nabisco, and P&G use EDI and CAO to reduce both the cost
suggested that the use of appropriate ordering policies for of paper work while ordering and replenishing stock and the
the echelons of a supply chain may mitigate BWE. cost of other transactions. The cost of transportation is
Gaalman [130] suggested the use of appropriate ordering another reason for ordering in large batches. Because of this
policy for a particular forecasting method. Lin and Lin reason, companies find it economical to order full truckloads,
[131] proposed the mitigation of demand variance to reduce even if this strategy leads to infrequent replenishments from
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1245–1261 1257

the suppliers. The effort to increase order efficiency is exists. Thus, research studies for finding new directions in
wasted completely because of ordering full truckloads. A respect of supply chain coordination are needed.
remedy is to order full truckloads of various products instead
of just one product. As a result, for each product, the order
efficiency and transport efficiency are preserved. P&G has 6 Conclusion and further research issues
encouraged its distributors by offering discounts for ordering
in mixed Stock Keeping Units. The use of “Composite Bullwhip is one of the traditional problems in supply chain.
Distribution” is another concept in industry for food products A large number of research studies in this area have been
or products which need different temperatures to be stored. observed in the existing literature. The overall research
This can be made possible by making separate compartments studies on bullwhip fall into three categories: (1) factors
in a truck, each having different temperature suitable for causing bullwhip; (2) quantifying bullwhip; and (3)
particular products. Since breaking order batches reduces mitigating bullwhip. In this paper, we have reviewed only
BWE and increases ordering costs at the same time, the use the causes of bullwhip effect. The causes of BWE have
of 3PL is thus observed in the industry. The use of 3PL has been categorized into: (1) Operational Causes and (2)
the following advantages: (1) small batch replenishments Behavioral Causes. A total of 16 operational causes and
become economical, (2) allows economies of scale, (3) full three behavioral causes have been discussed in this paper.
truckloads of products from different suppliers can be Some of these operational causes are classified into further
realized. Sainsbury and Tesco in UK have used National subdivisions. Thus, we have presented a “classified” form
Freight Company for logistics [19]. of the detailed review in this paper. We have also analyzed
In case of “price fluctuation” as the cause of BWE in the past research studies to show the gap of research at the
supply chain, industries generally use the following end of each subsection. These gaps of research indicate the
strategies: (1) use of CRP, (2) application of Everyday scope for further research studies in the respective field as
Low Price (EDLP), (3) Activity-Based Costing (ABC). The discussed in a particular subsection. We have also provided
purpose is to “reduce both the frequency and the level of directions to further research scope in this section in the
wholesale price discounting” [28]. Some of the companies following paragraphs. We have also provided a brief
adopting EDLP policy include P&G, Kraft, and Pillsbury. overview of the mitigation of BWE as obtained from the
ABC is another strategy that helps the companies to know existing literature, in section 5 of this paper.
about the excessive costs of forward buying and diversions. We have observed that there are more factors whose
This type of costing “provides explicit accounting of the effects have not been studied. One such factor is the effect
costs of inventory, storage, special handling, premium of economic recession on bullwhip. The effect of recession
transportation and so on” [19]. on BWE can also be an interesting and unearthed research
In case of “Shortage Gaming” as the cause of BWE, area in view of the recessive trend of the world economy.
companies like General Motors, HP, and Texas Instruments Furthermore, since agent-based simulation has been
allocate products based on past sales record or orders. proved to be effective in terms of the supply chain
Companies also share sales, capacity, and inventory data by coordination, there is a need thus for more research studies
making contracts among them. Besides, many companies dealing with agent-based modeling.
are in the endeavor to de-motivate retailers to exaggerate Besides, there are some factors like order batching and
their need and cancel orders by enforcing stricter returns pricing, on which sufficient number of studies have not
and cancelation policies. been observed. Moreover, the effect of an integration of
However, BWE is caused basically by the lack of more than two factors has not been observed in the existing
coordination among supply chain partners. The lack of literature. For example, research studies on the integrated
coordination leads to improper, insufficient, inconsistent, effects of demand forecasting, order batching, and price
and distorted information that results order variability. fluctuations under various replenishment policies will make
Thus, proper coordination among the supply chain partners the researchers visualize the scenarios, since, in reality,
is the key to mitigate or eliminate BWE. Supply chain more than one factor causes BWE. The integrated effect of
contracts play a vital role in this regard. The type of at most two causes has been observed in the literature.
contracts depends on whether an organization adopts make- Moreover, most research studies have considered only
to-order or make-to-stock policies [134]. Although some two-stage supply chain while developing their model. The
research studies on supply chain contracts are observed in complex network structure of a supply chain or the multiple
the existing literature ([135–140]), the proper coordination stages of a supply chain has not been considered in the
is still lacking among the supply chain partners. Some existing literature.
supply chain partners are taking steps in mitigating BWE Another well-practiced way of coordination among the
through consignment stock or VMI. But, the problem still supply chain partners is the use of “contracts”. The purpose of
1258 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 54:1245–1261

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