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Week 8

I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It refers to the separation of the soul and body.

a. happiness c. sadness
b. life d. death

2. It means that our lives are temporary.

a. temporality c. body
b. permanent d. spirit

3. It is a kind of good that provides form of pleasure.

a. noble good c. useful good
b. pleasurable good d. permanently good

4. It is a kind of good that is pursued for its own sake.

a. permanently good c. noble good
b. useful good d. pleasurable good

5. It is a kind of good that is found only on what it can provide.

a. useful good c. permanently good
b. pleasurable good d. noble good

6. It refers to the separation of the soul and the body.

a. Sickness c. Death
b. Coma d. All of the above

7. It takes place when we patiently endure unpleasantness, discomfort and pain.

a. Sickness c. Mental illness
b. Suffering d. Death

8. If we are willing to suffer through adversities, it makes the pursuit to

happiness _________
a. Livable c. Nurturing
b. Worthwhile d. Surviving

9. It is the essence of freedom which is the capacity to choose and act for oneself.
a. Reason c. Happiness
b. Free will d. Success

10. It is the kind of suffering that refers to discomfort, hunger, stress and pain.
a. Physical c. Mental
b. Psychological d. Internal

11. It is the kind of suffering that includes depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness & grief.
a. Physical c. Mental
b. Psychological d. Internal

12. The following are causes of physical suffering except;

a. Discomfort c. Hunger
b. Fear d. Pain

13. The following are causes of mental suffering except;

a. Hunger c. Anxiety
b. Depression d. Grief

14. Without it, we are unable to grow & improve, & our positive experiences lose meaning & significance.
a. Suffering c. Teachings
b. Choices d. Existence.

15 The following are reasons why Man is put on earth; except

a. live a meaningful life c. achieve excellence
b. experience hardships d. none of the above
Directions: Write T on the blank if the statement is correct and F if the statement is incorrect. Write your answers in
your activity notebook.
1. Death is commonly understood as the end of bodily functions which
signals the end of a person’s life.
2. As biological beings bound by natural laws and the inevitability of
death, we can stop aging and the eventual decline of our bodies.
3. Our efforts are often marked by difficulties and discouragement. The
pursuit of happiness requires that we go through the effort to achieve it.
4. The reality of death means that our existence is unique and that we will
always get another chance to do things we want in this life.
5. Reflecting on the reality of death enables us think of how we can best
live a meaningful life.
6. Human persons in their natural states have the tendency to form bonds
with others, meaning, that human persons can also find meaning in life
when they open themselves to others.
7. When we have genuine relationships with others, we not only share in
each other’s happiness but we also bring happiness to others.
8. The human person is an embodied spirit or the unity of a body and a
spirit. The body grows and dies, while the soul continues to exist even
after the body has passed.
9. Accepting the fact that we have a limited time in this world allows us to
determine the course of our life – to paint a picture of how our life will
10. The person exercising his/her freedom is the author and protagonist
who determines the development and conclusion of his or her life story.
11. Death is one of the surest thing in the world.
12. Death comes at the time we expect it will come.
13. We can always say that there is still time.
14. Though we don’t know when we will die, we can prepare for it.
15. Immortality can be achieved by man.

III. Essay. Choose and answer 2 questions (5 points each). Refer to RUBRIC.

1. How are death and meaning of life related?

2. What can death teach us about life?

Criteria Rating
The content is relevant to the topic. 5 4 3 2 1
It conveys a genuine personal view regarding the 5 4 3 2 1
topic or issue.
The use of English language is clear and 5 4 3 2 1
Total /3


Teacher III

Checked: Noted:


HT III/ OIC- Assistant Principal II School Principal IV

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