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John Michael L Antipala Grade 12 Bloodstone



Project Title: Paper Mache
Proponent: John Michael L Antipala

I. Materials:

Flower Pot ( Mold )

Poster Paint
Poster Brush
1 cup of water
Scratch Paper

II. Procedures:

Step #1. Prepare All the Materials Needed to perform the activity.
Step #2. Start to cut off scratch paper into pieces, after doing that put 1 cup of
also of flour ( Take Note: Scratch Paper needs to this activity is a bunch so that
flour can match up ).
Step #3. Start to put One ( 1 ) cup of flour into a container then add water not
much and not less, add water depending on your choice.
Step #4. After mixing the flour to the water now add up the scratch papers you
cut off into pieces and mix them well. After that prepare your flower pot.
Step #5. Lastly slowly apply little bit of amount everytime in the flower pot. After
covering the whole pot, you can now set it aside and let it dry through the heat.
III. Drawing / Illustration with Label
IV. Importance / Relevance
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Q1. How do I feel while working with my flower pot?
How I felt while working with my flower pot is confuse because this is the first time I did
something like this. Challenging because you need patience to let your pot dried out after
designing it with pieces of scratch paper mixing it with flour and slowly make a statue
out of it. It also worth it , after completing the project you can feel at ease when you look
at the pot you been working on, beautiful like how artistic can I be , you can know just
look at the Paper Mache you made.
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Q2. How do I describe my flower pot in reference to my self-
We all know that the Pot we created shows how we are , our thoughts , feelings ,
emotions , and behaviors self-concept showing or telling others what are you. In my case
the flower pot I created and I describe it as simple but strong I referred it on myself I’m
just a simple minded person but I have strong will whenever I choose my goals like if I
want to pass then I have the will to pass. “ Simplicity is beauty “ we all know this quote
and I agree not showing a lot like just being simple is not that bad as you think simple is
a sign that even what you are , your beautiful just how I created my project it’s just a
simple pot but has a strong will that says that “ People’s dream have no end “.
GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 Q1. How do you describe the properties of matter as observed,
while making the Paper Mache project?
How I describe the properties of matter observed while making the Paper Mache project
in my case , I observed a lot of things connected in General Chemistry what it is. First is
the Properties of Matter this conclude the Liquid I use which is Flour + Water mixture and
the result that shows Solid because it’s now hard after days of waiting and letting it dried
up. There’s also a Phase of Matter found in this activity this is the “ Freezing “ where a
liquid turn into solid , from flour + water mixture and mixed with pieces of paper we can
say that it’s a liquid after applying it to all space of the pot and leaving it for 3 to 4 days
it will turn to solid like a rock those are my observation presented while working on this
Project known as “ Paper Mache “.
GENERAL BIOLOGY 1 Q1. How do you explain the impact of the project to human life?
How I explain the impact of this activity to human life there’s a lot of benefits doing this
kind of activity I noticed. Garbage Problems we know that anywhere we look there’s a lot
of garbage can be seen one of this is papers , papers that been used already and throw
away anywhere but this activity will help you to recycle to protect nature to save our
Earth and to become more clean our surrounding is , this activity make you realize that a
single scratch paper can be used in making outstanding and beautiful things like Paper
Mache a single scratch papers can used to make a simple but can caught others
attention because of it’s nature design.

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