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17/10/2022 9:31:21 4 / 8 Inés Rodríguez Gonzales.

the foto i can see a hand in the midel of a lot of bottels of water that are maded of plastic. the
climet is sow claudy it look's like is going to rain. the bottels of water look's saw dirts. this foto
represent that the contaminacion is going to destruid all the persons the plants and animals... the
hand looks saw but it look's like it if lookking for help because he or she don't have food or water.
this foto make me think that the humans destroit all but the natural is more big than as.

17/10/2022 9:32:52 4/ 8 Noelia "In this photograph there is

a hand of a person into all the trash that the humans throw .There are bottles.... its most made of
plastic and the sky its have a bad weather ,there are lots of clouds ,and some of they are grey, and a
little bit of the light of the sun. The person can not move because of the trush ,and its posible that
when more people throw the trush can happeneed this to us this picture is traying to tell us that we
need to stop throwing the trash or this can happened . "

17/10/2022 9:34:20 3/ 8 enzo marrero "I see a hand camin

out from a lost of botelle, begin is comin a storm ,the hand is comin from

under the botelles , some botelles are made of plastic un some other botelles are made of cristal,
the botelle are derty , i can see that the hand is derty, in the foto it is montain of botels of water the
storm is comin from a side and is comin quicli and is goin to rain a lot and if he dont come out he is
goin to die , the hand is so bing , is goin to be a person of 45 years old ."

17/10/2022 9:35:07 6/ 8 Pablo Dopico Nodal "I think, this

photo can be of a horror movie , I also think that this hand may be from a child of ten or eleven
years old.I think that the child is in a type of a enormus bottle cantainers. the person that made this
photo meyby wanted to express that the world is bad cause the contamination and that we ned to
recicle all things and put it in the right cantainer. or it can meyby express the there are lot of poor
people in the world and that they don´t have food or drinks to eat.


17/10/2022 9:35:09 4/ 8 Mykhaylo Kyreiev I see a lot of

dirty bottles and the hand which is the tallest object in the picture. In this picture I see cloudy
weather. But I see interesting thing , the hand is clear inside the dirty bottles. In the picture I don´t
see a lot of closed bottles. I see three closed bottles , one whith green cap , other with purple cap
and the last two bottles are with blue cap. I think this is don´t very beautiful picture. I see in the left
side of the hand the dirtiest bottle.

17/10/2022 9:36:43 6 / 8 Pablo Méndez Morales In this

image I can see that there is a hand like growing up in all the trash that the human is throwing to the
nature and to the ocean because that is destroying the enviroment. The hand is in the middle of the
image it's not clean he is probably an adut. In my opinion this image is a very good represantation of
what is going to end the planet if we continue throwing trash to the enviroment. This photo reminds
me that we need to stop throwing trash to the enviroment so thet means that we need to recicle
more plastic things instead throwing them to the enviroment.

17/10/2022 9:36:44 6 / 8 Aroa Chablani Álvarez. In this

picture, I can see many bottles, they're very dirty. Also they're made of plastic. Inside the bottles, I
think that there is an arm, but I can only see a hand. The right part of the hand is in the shadow, but
the left part I can see it very good. The weather is very bad, there're lots of grey clouds, and I can't
see a blue sky and a shiny sun. This photograph can be taked from an horror film. This picture
remembers me that if we throw plastic bottles to the ocean, in the street, or if we don't throw it to
the yellow bin, we are going to die under all this plastic!

17/10/2022 9:36:55 7.5 / 8 Linnea Wilms This photograph

depicts the world being flooded by garbage. A hand sticks out of the sea of plastic bottles,
symbolysing how littering and trash will affect humans as well as the nature. There are storm clouds
in the background, showing that it is bad and sad that there is so much garbage in the world. The
dark tone of the photo also shows how sad it is that the world is full of trash. The plastic bottles are
dirty, as if they have been there for a long time. This picture makes me feel a little sad, but also
determined to do something to help. I have seen trash and garbage lying on the street or flying in
the air. I think that this picture has a sad, angry feeling, and that it symbolyses the littering that
humans cause.

17/10/2022 9:37:11 7/ 8 María " In this image I can see a

lot of trash, a hand, and a very grey sky. I think this picture represents contamination and trying to
let us know that we need to recycle.

The trash is very dirty, its brown, it looks very old and there’s a lot of it. There is so many that we can
only see a hand, the hand is dirty too, we can see that he or she has a very light skin colour, and it
looks like he or she is asking for help.

The sky has a lot of black clouds, it looks like it will rain. I think the sky is very contaminated.

I haven’t seen so much trash in my life but, I can believe this picture is real."

17/10/2022 9:38:11 2.5/ 8 Elizabeth Betancor Herrera "In

this photo y cant see a lot of plastic.

There is a hand of color black and is like in a see of plastic.

There are a lot of bottel of plastic , y sing that other person are yousing that bottel of water

and then frowid to the floor , and the planet is haven a lot of plastic bacause the person that live on
the planet earth dont clined. The skid on the photo is bery black and have a lot of clouds. I sing that
old the human on the earth we need to froud old the pearper and the plastic we need to froud to
the beging old because we dont like a planet like that.

This photo is feeling bery sad because this is not good old the plastic on the floor and we cant die
because are a lot of plastic in the earth , clean the planet old time ."
17/10/2022 9:39:22 5/ 8 Airam Gómez González "This photo
shows a hand that is surrounded by trash and plastic, the day is foggy and cloudy . The hand is
pointing to the sky. I think that it is in a mountain. I reckon that is a adult, I reckon that the person
is angry , frightened and sad . The picture reminds me that we can´t pollute to the planet because if
we polluted the planet is going to be like this . This picture is very sad to me because we continue
like this the planet is going to be full of trash and plastic .


17/10/2022 9:39:55 6 / 8 Paola Ramos Ojeda In this

picture I can see a lot of rubbish around a hand. In the image are a lot of grey clouds, I think the
person showing the hand are a adult of 39 or 40. This image represent the contamination and if we
didn´t do nothing now all the world can be contaminated and all the persons and animals can die. In
my opinion, this image is sad and can change the mind of a lot of people and the message of this
picture is: "We are killing the world, and if we continue like this the world can kill the persons, plants
and all the criatures of the world".

17/10/2022 9:40:08 0 / 8 María "In this image I can see a lot
of trash, a hand, and a very grey sky. I think this picture represents contamination and trying to let us
know that we need to recycle.

The trash is very dirty, its brown, it looks very old and there’s a lot of it. There is so many that we can
only see a hand, the hand is dirty too, we can see that he or she has a very light skin colour, and it
looks like he or she is asking for help.

The sky has a lot of black clouds, it looks like it will rain. I think the sky is very contaminated.

I haven’t seen so much trash in my life but, I can believe this picture is real."

17/10/2022 9:41:00 7 / 8 Andrea "In this photograph I can

see a hand drowning in the many contaminated bottles of plastic, the atmosphere seems very
contaminated the clouds are really gray.

There are many bottles of plastic, I think before this happened people were throwing many bottles
of plastic to the sea and continued, continued until the whole planet ended up like this, the other
people might be under all those bottles.

This photograph makes me sad, I think it has an important message for the world: If we keep
throwing bottles of plastic, or other plastic things to the sea or in any place we want, the world will
end up sadly like this.

17/10/2022 9:47:02 6 / 8 César In this picture I can see a
hand trying to survive of the contamination. There is a lot bottles of plastic and of glass, the sky looks
grey and black, with a lot of clouds, mayby it's would be going to rain but I'm not sure. The hands
look dirty and black. In everywhere you see are plastic, glass and botles. In my opinion if we still
throwing papers, masks and bottles to the floor in 2040 is going to be like this. This picture it
transmits me sadness and this is unacceptable. I think that this picture is not real.

17/10/2022 9:49:58 4/ 8 Sofía "In this photo there is a

hand is around of plastic (contamination) the sky is claudy and the sun not apierss in the photo the
battles are oxided and also the hand is dirty, and the hand is loking for helps.

I think the contamination... Are in a ocean. Because: One day at the beach y found a lot of plastic
and we go out of the beach a sad thinks). at the picture there is not so much colours only grey,
blue and the color of the skin I dont like the picture because is scary, and ugly I dont liked in


17/10/2022 9:59:59 6/ 8 Maximiliano Martínez

alexandre "There is a hand sticking out of a lot of plastic bottles that are really dusty.The
wether is really cloudy and it looks like it will rain.There are a lot of bottles some of them look crystal
bottles plastic bottles and very dusty.The hand is really dusty and creepy.Some bottles have the lids
on and some of the bottles do not have the lid. The bottles look very old and the hand is tryng to
reach out. The hand is tryng to reach so that the person can get out. it looks like the person has been
buried and haven been out in a long time."

Gabriel 4/8

I can field worse because i see a lot of contamination and the sky is black and this to me field
worse but i can see a human that survive.i can not see this picture because is very sad ,and i
can see that the human is contamination the earth .The human is bad because whe are
contamination the earth . where not see because for persons not innored but this for me yes
the contamination is killing the earth but we need stop now because this is bad for the earth
and for the human.

Rita Maria

In this photo I can see a hand with a lot of bottle of water. The weather is very cloudy. The men or
women is anther all the bottle of water. The photo feels me sad because is very sadder because we
didn´t now that he very hungry. We can help him but the human doesn't care. I think that the person
is very scary. I don´t now that is the person is ok.

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