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THE LAWS OF HEALTH by Pastor Manny Reyes, MPH 1. INTRODUCTION: EVERY THINGin the whole universe—trom the smallest atorn tothe biggest planet, to solar systems— isruled by LAWS. Any deviation or disobedience from them will bring chaos, trouble disharmony, and destruction. NATURAL LAWS Laws that contro! nature ja its most atnazing complexity, balance, and perfection, we call NATURAL LAWS. (The Unfathémable inteligencethat formulated those laws, we call God—-SUPERNAT- URAL BEING). NATURAL BEING And since MANis a natural being, his existence and functions must. follow very closely the’ LAWS OF NATURE that gover him... or he plunges into trouble TROUBLES: WHY, you may wonder, are there family troubles, broken homes, broken hearts, crimas, wars, immorality, diseases, and deaths? “ao THE ANSWER IS SIMPLY BECAUSE NATURAL LAWS—THE LAWS OF GODCHAVE BEEN TRANSGRESSED AND BROKEN. Man is granted FREEDOM OF CHOICE. He'can choose to obey or disobey, to do goad or evil, THE WAY TO HAPPINESS, therefore, TO renee HARMONY, HEALTH, USEFULNESS, AND LONGEVITY is OBEDIENCE TO vV THE ETERNAL LAWS OF NATURE-“THE LAWS OF GOD. NL THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF HEALTH Here, then, in brief summary are TEN COMMANDMENTS OF HEALTH 4. THOU SHALT BREATHE CORRECTLY OF PURE, FRESH AIR. PURE AIR can mean life. Abundance of it may mean an abuncant, longer life, Ourlungs needto be filed akvays with pure air ior healing of our body systems. Lack of it results in disease, decay, and death. Poor breathing habits, poor ventile -on, polluted or, and smoking also cause the same result

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