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10/25/22, 10:50 PM Med-Surg: Cardiovascular Review Questions Flashcards | Quizlet

Science Medicine Surgery

Med-Surg: Cardiovascular Review Questions

Terms in this set (575)

1. A client complains of Answer: 1. Aspirin, oxygen, nitroglycerin, and

crushing chest pain that morphine
radiates to his left arm. He
should be presented with the
following treatment:

1. Aspirin, oxygen,
nitroglycerin, and morphine

2. Aspirin, oxygen,
nitroglycerin, and codeine

3. Oxygen, nitroglycerin,
meperidine, and thrombolytics

4. Aspirin, oxygen,
nitroprusside, and morphine

2. Which lifestyle changes Answer: 4. All of the Above

should a client diagnosed with
coronary artery disease

1. Smoking cessation

2. Establishing a regular
exercise routine

3. Weight reduction

4. All of the Above 1/5
10/25/22, 10:50 PM Med-Surg: Cardiovascular Review Questions Flashcards | Quizlet

3. A client's cardiac monitor Answer: 2. Assess the client.

alarm sounds, indicating
ventricular tachycardia. The
nurse should:

1. perform immediate

2. Assess the client.

3. Call the physician.

4. Administer a precordial

4. A complication of peripheral Answer: 1. stasis ulcer.

vascular disease may be:

1. stasis ulcer.

2. Pressure ulcer.

3. Gastric ulcer.

4. Duodenal ulcer.

5. A key diagnostic test for Answer: 2. B-type natriuretic peptide.

heart failure is:

1. serum potassium.

2. B-type natriuretic peptide.

3. Troponin I

4. cardiac enzymes. 2/5
10/25/22, 10:50 PM Med-Surg: Cardiovascular Review Questions Flashcards | Quizlet

6. While auscultating the heart Answer: 2. S3.

sounds of a client with mitral Rationale: An S3, is heard following an S2. This
insufficiency, the nurse hears indicates that the client is experiencing heart failure
an extra heart sound and results from increased filling pressures. An S1 is
immediately after the S2. The a normal heart sound made by the closing of the
nurse should document this mitral and tricuspid valves. An S4 is heard before S1
extra heart sound as a:
and is caused by resistance to ventricular filling. A
1. S1.
murmur of mitral insufficiency occurs during systole
2. S3.
and is heard when there's turbulent blood flow
3. S4.
across the valve.
4. mitral murmur.

7. A nurse administers heparin Answer: 1. PTT

to a client with deep vein Rationale: The therapeutic effectiveness of heparin

thrombophlebitis. Which is determined by monitoring the patient's PTT, PT,
laboratory value should the HCT, and CBC don't monitor the therapeutic
nurse monitor to determine the effectiveness of heparin. Monitoring the PT
effectiveness of heparin?
determines warfarin's effectiveness.
1. PTT

2. HCT

3. CBC

4. PT 3/5
10/25/22, 10:50 PM Med-Surg: Cardiovascular Review Questions Flashcards | Quizlet

Answer. 3. Monitor peripheral pulses.

Rationale: After cardiac catheterization, monitor

8. A client has just returned peripheral pulses to assess peripheral perfusion.
from cardiac catheterization. Helping the client ambulate to the bathroom is
Which nursing intervention incorrect because the client should be on bed rest
would be most appropriate?
for 4 to 8 hours after the procedure to reduce the
1. Help the client ambulate to risk of bleeding at the insertion site. Restricting
the bathroom.
fluids is incorrect because the client should be
2. Restrict fluids.
encouraged to drink fluids after the procedure,
3. Monitor peripheral pulses.
unless contraindicated. Adequate hydration reduces
4. Insert an indwelling urinary the risk of nephrotoxicity that can occur with the
catheter. use of contrast dye. Although urine output is
monitored following cardiac catheterization, the
insertion of a urinary catherter isn't necessary.

Answer: 3. On his right side

9. A client is in the first Rationale: Following revascularization, avoid

postoperative day after left positioning the client on the surgical side. Because
femoropopliteal this client had left femoropoliteal revascularization,
revascularization. Which he may be positioned on the right side. Placing the
position would be most client on the left side is incorrect because this
appropriate for this client?
would position the client on the operative side.
1. On his left-sided
Positioning the client in high Fowler's position is
2. In high Fowler's position
incorrect because the client should avoid flexion at
3. On his right side
the surgical site. Placing the client in a left lateral
4. In a left lateral decubitus decubitus position is incorrect because this would
position place the client on the surgical side and cause
flexion at the site. 4/5
10/25/22, 10:50 PM Med-Surg: Cardiovascular Review Questions Flashcards | Quizlet

10. A nurse is evaluating a client Answer: 2. Dyspnea

with left-sided heart failure. Rationale: Dyspnea may occur in a client with left-
Which finding should the nurse sided heart failure. Ascites, hepatomegaly, and
expect to assess? jugular vein distention are assessment findings in
1. Ascites
right-sided heart failure.
2. Dyspnea

3. Hepatomegaly

4. Jugular vein distention

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