Sentence Correction

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Which of phrases given below each sentence should

replace the phrase printed in bold type to make the
grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it
is, mark 'E' as the answer.
1. The small child does whatever his father was
has done
had done
No correction required

Answer C does

2. You need not come unless you want to.

You don't need to come unless you want to
You come only when you want to
You come unless you don't want to
You needn't come until you don't want to
No correction required

Answer A You don't need to come unless you
want to

3. There are not many men who are so famous that

they are frequently referred to by their short
names only
middle names
No correction required
Answer A initials

4. The man to who I sold my house was a cheat.

to whom I sell
to who I sell
who was sold to
to whom I sold
No correction required
Answer  D to whom I sold

5. They were all shocked at his failure in the

were shocked at all
had all shocked at
had all shocked by
had been all shocked on
No correction required


Answer E

6. I need not offer any explanation regarding this

incident - my behaviour is speaking itself.
A. will speak to itself
B. speaks for itself
C. has been speaking
D. speaks about itself
E. No correction

Answer B. speaks for itself

7. He is too important for tolerating any delay.

A. to tolerate
B. to tolerating
C. at tolerating
D. with tolerating
No correction required
Answer A to tolerate

8. The population of Tokyo is greater than that

of any other town in the world.
A. greatest among any other
B. greater than all other
C. greater than those of any other
D. greater than any other
No correction required
Answer  E

9. The performance of our players was rather worst

than I had expected.
bad as I had expected
worse than I had expected
worse than expectation
worst than was expected
No correction required


Answer  B worse than I had expected

10. Why did you not threw the bag away?

A. did you not throw
B. had you not threw
C. did you not thrown
D. you did not thrown
E. No correction required
Answer  A did you not throw

11. Shapes of gods and goddess are worshipped by

A. Images
B. Reflections
C. Clay shapes
D. Clay toys
E. No correction required
Answer  A Images

12. The intruder stood quietly for few moments

A. for few time
B. for the few moments
C. for moments
D. for a few moments
No correction required


Answer  D for a few moments

13. The police has so far succeeded in

recovering only a part of the stolen property.
thus far succeeded for recovery
so far succeeded in recovery of
as for as succeeded in recovery of
so far succeeded to recover
No correction required


Answer E

14. Why should the candidates be afraid of

English Language is not clear.
A. the candidates should be
B. do the candidates be
C. should be the candidates
D. are the candidates
No correction required


Answer  A the candidates should be

15. He found the gold coin as he cleans the floor.

A. as he had cleaned
B. while he cleans
C. which he is cleaning
D. while cleaning
No correction required


Answer  D while cleaning

16. Maria unnecessarily picked up a quarrel with

Rani and left the party hurried.
A. has picked up
B. picked on
C. picked
D. picking up
No correction required


Answer  C picked

17. She cooks, washes dishes, does her homework

and then relaxing.
A. relaxing then
B. then is relaxing
C. relaxing is then
D. then relaxes
E. No correction required
Answer D then relaxes

Directions: Pick out the most effective word
from the given words to fill in the blank and
make a meaningful sentence.

1. The two brothers look so _________

that it is difficult differentiate them.

a. same
b. similar
c. identical
d. alike
Answer alike

2. My friend has good __________ over

English and Hindi.

a. authority
b. command
c. expertise
d. hold
Answer command

3. Every week, in the office, one hour is

__________ to games and sports.

a. conferred
b. dedicated
c. conceded
d. devoted
Answer devoted

4. Some people __________ themselves

into believing that, they are the only
honest and hardworking employees in
the company.

a. keep
b. fool
c. delude
d. force
Answer delude

5. The bus met with an accident and was

_____ the traffic, so he had a hard time
driving through the downtown.

a. obstructing
b. obviating
c. hiding
d. disturbing
Answer obstructing

6. His interest in the study of Forensic

pathology is indeed very _______.

a. strong
b. large
c. deep
d. vast

Answer deep

7. The thief had managed to _____ on

many occasions, but was finally _____
by the police and put behind the bars.
a. cheat, robbed
b. abscond, kidnapped
c. deceive, cheated
d. defend, acquitted
e. escape, arrested

Answer escape, arrested

8. Rajesh, two of _____ brothers play

cricket, wishes to be a coach after his
a. whom
b. which
c. them
d. whose

Answer D whose

9. The _____ effect of suitably chosen

books on children's minds should not be
under estimated.
a. educational
b. baneful
c. educative
d. boost
e. debilitating

Answer educative

10. The signals are _____ through the


a. transported
b. transmitted
c. transferred
d. carrying
e. transplanted

Answer transmitted

11. The wrong values we impart to our

children at home are solely to be blamed
for the moral _______ of the society.

a. devaluation
b. degradation
c. advocacy
d. revival

Answer degradation

12. Even a _____ glance will let you

catch the mistake.

a. critical
b. crude
c. curious
d. cursory
e. prefer

Answer cursory

13. _____ students whether from

primary or secondary divisions struggle
to understand mathematics.

a. The large number of

b. A large number of
c. Large
d. More

Answer A large number of

14. Consumption of alcohol in large

quantity _____ judgement.

a. impedes
b. imposes
c. improves
d. impels
e. impairs
Answer Impairs

15. The finance secretary _____ the

NGO's funds _____ he was dismissed.

a. misplaced, soon
b. misappropriated, so
c. rolled, thus
d. continued, for
e. pirated, therefore
Answer misappropriated, so

16. The rail ministry has tied up with

corporates to ______ cleanliness and
hygiene at various railway platforms
across India.

a. start
b. suggest
c. maintain
d. motivate
Answer maintain

17. _______ : _______ of small stones.

a. Tiara, Collar
b. Numismatist, Design
c. Connoisseur, Seller
d. Lithograph, Mound
e. Mosaic, Pattern
Answer Mosaic, Pattern

18. I thought over this decision to a

great length after we ______ it the other

a. discussed
b. discussed about
c. discussed regarding
d. discussed on
Answer discussed

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