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Name: Cheska Mae Verdejo Course Code: SSED4

Course Title: Integrative Methods in Semester/AY: 1st /2021-2022

Teaching Social Science Instructor’s Name: Delia P. Casasis

Discipline in Basic Education

Group members:

Canon, Princess Noble, Mary Ann

Olarve, Ezekiel Verdejo, Cheska Mae


Each person has diverse methods of learning and different intelligences they use in their daily lives. All
human beings have multiple intelligences. These multiple intelligences can be developed and reinforced
or disregarded and enfeebled. While all people have some extent of each intelligence, most will
experience more dominant intelligences that impact the way they learn and connect with the world
around them.


1. Linguistic

- We use this intelligence in listening, speaking, reading and writing.


- Create an interview regarding with your community. And as an output make a booklet or newsletter
about the information you will gain in the interview.

2. Logical/Mathematical

- Logic smart intelligence deals with inductive and deductive reasoning, numbers and relationships. It
entails the ability to recognize patterns, to work with geometric shapes and make connections between
pieces of information.
- Categories facts and information

- Ask people to reinvent or improve upo. the designs of everyday objects

- Doing financial planning

3. Bodily- Kinaesthetic

- Body smart intelligence is related to physical movement and the knowledge of the body.

-Design and build an architectural model out of materials

-Using different body parts to measure objects

4. Music

- Music smart intelligence incorporates the ability to recognize patterns in tone, rhythm and beat. It
entails sensitivity to environmental sounds, the human voice and musical instruments.


- Create a song or rap that explains the beauty of your community

5. Nature/Environment

- Nature Intelligence is the ability to recognize, group and control components of the nature , creatures
or plants.They care about the environment and like to be in contact with nature.


●Community Pet Show

● Tree Planting activity

● Clean Up drive

● Gulayan sa Paaralan

6. Existential intelligence
- is the ability to make and answer deep questions about human existence by using insight, thought and


•Thinking about life's purpose

•Engaging in special causes

•Work with charitable groups

•Community service voluntary work

•Discussion group on journal writing

7. Self/Intrapersonal Intelligence

- pertains on the intellect of an individual having self-awareness, and personal sense within his/herself
allowing them to comprehend more on themselves.


• Keep a daily diary

• Ask for self assessment and/or evaluation

• Provide personal time to analyze and realize about themselves and/or let them to have ‘me-time’.

8. People/Interpersonal Intelligence

- involves intellect on understanding, working, and interacting with other people which enables people
to socialize effectively upon understanding others.


• Involve in a interactive activities such as getting to know each other with a twist on discovering other’s
strengths and weaknesses

• Discuss, review, and brainstorm with a group regarding specific topics

• Team building activity

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