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Chapter 1


We have an intrinsic need to learn about the environment in which we reside and to

discover what other places may be like in terms of their inhabitants, their culture, their animals

and plants, and their landforms. There are many reasons to travel, but the most popular ones

are for pleasure, business, and education. When we consider visitors, we generally consider

those who are there to sightsee, visit friends and family, go on vacation, and have a wonderful

time. During their free time, they might play different sports, sunbathe, chat, and sing, go on

excursions, go reading, or just relax and take in the surroundings.

Many nations in Asia and the Pacific view tourism as a key engine for societal and

economic advancement. In terms of employment and contribution to the global gross domestic

product over the past ten years, tourism has overtaken all other industries as the largest

worldwide. In the global context, tourism has been a significant source of income for nations,

and it has allowed us to maintain our tourism business. The possibility to promote ecotourism

was made possible by the Philippines' abundant biodiversity. The tourist business has been

expanding and evolving quickly. As more individuals become interested in embracing outdoor

activities, ecotourism has emerged as one of the sector's fastest-growing subsectors. This

opens up possibilities in regions with natural attractions, wildlife, and wilderness settings.

Indigenous councils might gain economically and forge a commitment to sustainability

and restoration. For host communities, tourism has both financial and non-financial benefits and

expenses. Other areas of benefit exist as well, but they have not drawn much scientific

attention. These are related to the benefits gained by the tourist, such as the benefit of leisure
travel on relaxation and rejuvenation the educational benefit, the appreciation of different

cultures and people, and the traveler's physical and mental health.

The archipelago of the Philippines is rich in culture, bountiful in natural features, and full

of fascinating discoveries. Every adventurer enjoys and experiences a variety of locations,

activities, and events in this "archipelago of wonders." Massive volcanoes and mountains reveal

great legends. The histories of old cities are shared. Caves are exciting. Travelers are drawn to

tropical climates and glittering waters all year long. The three main islands that make up the

Philippines are Mindanao, which is the largest island, in the south, Visayas, a network of smaller

islands, and Luzon in the north.

With so much hidden wonders, a population of roughly 3.7 million, it is the Philippines'

most densely inhabited province (2015). Due to its proximity to Metro Manila, the region's

northern regions have developed into expansive residential districts that are still expanding

today. With industries moving to industrial parks dispersed around the region, industrial

expansions are also driving the province's expanding economy. As one of the provinces that

spearheaded the Philippine Revolution against the Spaniards, the province is likewise rich in

history. Cavite was designated as the historical capital because it was here that the Philippines

gained its independence.

In order to increase traveler pleasure, we suggest a system in this study that enables

one to locate a secret location that is beautiful yet uninhabited. These secret locations may offer

visitors a brand-new location to explore even though they are not yet included in the existing

tourism services. The researchers carried out this study while taking the importance of

ecotourism in social and economic development into consideration.

Background of the Study:

The Philippines, which comprises 7,100 islands, might be the world's top tourism

destination. The country is endowed with incredible natural attractions that are just awaiting to

be discovered. The Philippines is an archipelagic country endowed with a variety of natural

riches, as well as a rich historical past and distinctive cultural heritage. Its attractions are as

many and diverse as it is, with each island providing something unique and exceptional to the

most discerning traveler. Philippines by itself is a world. Philippines is comparable to other Asian

nations in terms of its historical landmarks.

The historical capital of the Philippines has been referred to as the province of Cavite.

The Aguinaldo Shrine, where the first Republic of the Philippines was proclaimed, is the most

important of the province's many historically significant sites. The city of Tagaytay, one of the

most popular tourist attractions because of its temperate climate and stunning surroundings, is

another reason the province is well-known. Because of its proximity to Metro Manila, the

province is a popular place for day trips and quick stays. Short treks, unusually themed

restaurants, retreats and conventions, wellness, and other leisure pursuits are also popular in

the province.

A suburban province called Cavite is located south of Manila Bay. Only 33 kilometers, or

2 to 3 hours, separate it from Manila, the nation's capital. The birthplace of Filipino national

heroes like Juan Saraza Castaeda, and former president Emilio Aguinaldo, Cavite is home to

some of the best historical landmarks in the Philippines. Cavite, commonly known as the

Historical Capital or the Land of the Brave, is famed for its lush landscapes and scenic


The City of Tagaytay and the Municipality of Kawit, in particular, have seen significant

growth in the province's tourism economy. The last area to be conquered by Japanese soldiers,
the island of Corregidor, is developed. Although the island technically belongs to the province of

Cavite, Sun Cruises, a Manila-based corporation, is in charge of managing its tourism economy.

There isn't yet a master plan for province tourism. Additionally, the province's tourist impact has

not been researched, which is in line with the findings of Ballantyne, Parker, and Axelsen's

study (2009). Numerous municipalities and localities have expressed a desire to expand their

tourism sector. Given these constraints, it is crucial that the province's tourism industry is

developed under the auspices of sustainability.

Tourism that is sustainable takes into account the physical environment, society, and

economy. This implies that efforts to build sustainable tourism may differ significantly depending

on the needs of the local economy, community, and physical environment. The majority of the

community may not necessarily agree with an expert who claims that tourism has a favorable

impact on the area. Therefore, it is crucial to ascertain how people view the effects of tourism

(Mason, 2012).

Kreag (2001) also noted that the caliber of tourism resources may have a role in how the

public perceives the effects of tourism. This indicates that increasing tourism resources could

result in a greater perception of adverse effects. Another issue is that the influence is

sometimes imputed to the tourist economy as a whole without taking into account the fact that it

is made up of a number of related but distinct industries. Therefore, it is necessary to ascertain

which industry the public believes has a greater impact on a certain aspect of tourism.

One of the biggest, most prevalent, and fastest expanding segments of the tourism

business today is the number of people exploring cultural and historical resources. In reality,

cultural landscape seems to be expanding far more quickly than all other types of tourism,

especially in developing nations, and is therefore considered a major potential instrument for

reducing poverty and fostering local economic growth (UNWTO 2005).

Aguinaldo's Shrine and Sky Ranch are two well-known tourist destinations, but the South

has a lot more to offer than just the typical tourist traps, and locals will show you some of

Cavite's best undiscovered treasures that aren't included on any maps.   Residents prefer to

keep their safe havens in the community discreet, however they aren't granted the credit they


According to the Provincial Tourism Office of Cavite, some of the underestimated

tourism attractions in Cavite are Alitaptap Artists' Village, Puente de Binambangan, Balite Falls,

La VeryOl's Mountain View Garden, Korean Buddhist Temple, and Museo Orlina. Due to the

spread of an unseen lethal invader via-the Covid strike, natural catastrophes, and other

ecological transgressions by mankind, the formerly major attractions have lost their appeal.

Since the study's goal is to promote Cavite's underutilized tourism attractions. The

researchers' major objective is to figure out how to make a neglected tourist destination popular

once more. Due to Cavite's reputation for being home to numerous of tourist attractions and

places of interest, the study's scope and limitations are restricted to its residents exclusively.

Statement of the Problem

This study's fiscal objective is to identify the various promotional strategies for Cavite's

Underrated Tourist Spots. Considering Cavite a popular tourist destination due to its diverse and

rich heritage. Not only historical sites but also a wide range of scenic features may be

discovered in the province of Cavite.

It answered the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Sex

1.3 Marital status

1.4 Location

2. What are the different strategies to promote the existence of Underrated Tourist Spot in


2.1 Advertising

2.2  Personal Selling

2.3  Sales Promotion

2.4 Public Relations

2.5 Internet Marketing

3. What impacts do underrated Tourist Spots in Cavite have towards the development of the


4. How imperative it is to revive a neglected tourist destination in Cavite?

5. Why Cavite's overlooked tourist destinations necessitate greater focus from the province?

Significance of the Study

The researchers of the study really expects that this study will be useful and can give

contribution to some parties, as follows;

Provincial Tourism Office- This study will give importance to the tourism management which

plays a huge part in the development of economic sustainability.

Local Government Unit- This study will serve as baseline data for the Local Government Unit

of Cavite to strategies in reviving and strengthening t mohe foundation of underrated tourist spot

in Cavite.

Local People - This study will help them to explore the place and help the Local   Government

Unit to promote those underrated places to their friends and relatives.

Future Researchers- This study will finally serve as a source of information for future research

and may be studied continuously by others.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: Conceptual Paradigm of Study of Promoting the Underrated Tourist Spots in Cavite
The Conceptual Framework illustrated on Figure 1, shows the predictor and outcome

variable model for the study investigation. Existence of Underrated Tourist Spot in Cavite is

employed as a factor in determining and identifying the various promotions directed at

Underrated Tourist Spot in Cavite.

This study determined the quality of tourism resources (QTR), level of tourism activity

(LTA), and impacts of tourism (IOT), and how the QTR and LTA affect the IOT. The study of

Notorio (2010) was used as concept for to assess the QTR, namely the natural resources

(NR), cultural resources (CUR), human resources (HR), and capital resources (CAR), but

has added and excluded selected variables that would apply to the study area. The

assessment of LTA adapted the concept outlined in the Tourism Development Planning

Guidebook for Local Government Units (Department of Tourism, 2012) and the United

Nations Statistics Division (2016) which categorized the variables into hotel and restaurant

industry (HRI), land transport industry (LTI), water transport industry (WTI), travel service

industry (TSI), and attraction industry (AI). The IOT used the triple bottom-line concept of

Kreag (2001). Lastly, the IOT variables were clustered as positive economic impact (PEcI),

negative economic impact (NEcI), positive socio-cultural impact (PSCI), negative socio-

cultural impact (NSCI), positive environmental impact (PEnI), and negative environmental

impact (NEnI).

Scope and Delimitation

The objective of this research is to identify the most efficient methods for advertising

lesser-known tourist attractions in Cavite based on how locals perceive about the locations. This
primarily evaluates the several aspects that influence how undiscovered tourist destinations are

promoted, the difficulties they face, and also yearns to uncover how the general public and

researchers may grow and aid these difficulties.

Only local Cavite tourists are included within the study's purview. Case studies are

utilized in the qualitative research design. Through the utilization of several data sources, a

qualitative case study is a research methodology that aids in the evaluation of a phenomenon

within a specific context. Additionally, it explores the phenomenon under study from a variety of

angles to highlight its various qualities.

According to esquiremag.ph, a number of the undervalued tourism destinations in Cavite

are Alitaptap Artists' Village, Puente de Binambangan, Balite Falls, La VeryOl's Mountain View

Garden, Korean Buddhist Temple, and Museo Orlina. There are 30 respondents who were

chosen at random. The respondent has to be a bonafide Cavite resident between the ages of 18

and 45.

Definition of Terms

The following words were used in the study for the better understanding of the readers. They

are herein operationally defined:

Collective consumption- Collective consumption” involves people consuming (using up)

services (and some goods) that are particularly subject to political and state influence.

Cultural relativism- Cultural relativism is the view that ethical and social standards reflect the

cultural context from which they are derived

Existence- the state or fact of having being especially independently of human consciousness

and as contrasted with nonexistence 

Phenomenon- a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause

or explanation is in question.

Promotion- In marketing, promotion refers to any type of marketing communication used to

inform target audiences of the relative merits of a product, service, brand or issue, most of the

time persuasive in nature.

Tourism- the commercial organization and operation of vacations and visits to places of interest.

Tourist- It is a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure.

Tourist Spot- a place that people visit for pleasure and interest, usually while they are on


Underrated- is rated or valued too low



This chapter comprises different ideas from finished studies and literature as

generalization or conclusion of methodologies and others. These includes information that

supports and will helped in familiarizing ideas that were relevant and kindred to the present


Foreign Literature

According to Mansilla (2019) Moving on to unpopular tourism destinations, previous

scholarly studies suggest that some of the reasons for these destinations receiving a low

number of visitors can be solved by connecting them with other popular ones. These studies

also recommend increasing community participation and collaboration with local actors, which is

thought to push tourism development to be more sustainable. Sustainable ecotourism

development in destinations with low development potential can be a sustainable income-

generating scheme for local residents as well as a place for visitors to spend their leisure time.

As a result, it is critical to prioritize the use of these services based on proximity as well as the

residents' income level, which should be considered during the conservation plan arrangement

and implementation.

However, Margaryan (2020) stated that the local community does not receive any

economic benefits from tourist destinations that are generally underutilized despite having the

ability to attract visitors. In certain circumstances, locations that are rich in historical importance

are significantly more susceptible to having their capabilities damaged, lost, or completely

destroyed. A suitable plan is required in order for the community to make the most of the

opportunities presented by the utilization of these cultural heritage structures and ancient sites

as tourist attractions. Therefore, it is necessary to come up with a development strategy in order

to strike a balance between the unpopular tourist attraction, the revenue of the community that

surrounds the tourist site, and the preservation of the tourism site itself.

One of the biggest, most prevalent, and fastest expanding segments of the tourism

business today is the number of people visiting cultural and historical resources. In reality,

heritage tourism seems to be expanding far more quickly than all other types of tourism,

especially in developing nations, and is therefore considered a major potential instrument for

reducing poverty and fostering local economic growth (UNWTO 2005).

The Philippines is an archipelagic country equipped with a diversity of natural riches, as

well as a rich historical legacy and distinctive cultural heritage. Its attractions are as many and

diverse as it is, with each island providing something unique and exceptional to the most

discerning traveler. Philippines by itself is a world. Philippines is comparable to other Asian

nations in terms of its cultural attractions. Cultural tourism encompasses any travel-related

activities that teach visitors about one another's customs and worldviews. As a result, tourism

plays a key role in fostering cross-cultural understanding and international collaboration. On the

other hand, strengthening cultural aspects within a country might improve resources for drawing

tourists. Tourism and "cultural relations" policies can often be linked in different nations. It is

employed in the travel industry to advance not just knowledge and comprehension but also a

positive perception of the country among foreigners (Goeldner, 2006).

Although few anthropologists currently support the full version of cultural relativism that

was first put forth by students of Franz Boas, it has remained intimately associated with

anthropology. When used wisely, cultural relativism can serve the limited but essential purpose

of keeping anthropology aware of viewpoints that challenge accepted truth. This is suggested by

a review of the progressive narrowing of the scope of cultural relativism since the early decades

of the twentieth century.

Local Literature
Heritage Tourism. National Trust for Historic Preservation of the Philippines. (2019). The

most up-to-date definition of heritage tourism states: "visiting a location for the purpose of

learning about and appreciating its cultural, historical, or natural resources, as well as the

stories and people associated with those resources," while older definitions tended to focus

more on the former. These factors are unique to a given area but can help foster a sense of

community and stability as well as economic progress.

The Philippines, with its more than 7000 islands and extensive cultural legacy, is well

renowned as a desirable location for tourists from throughout the world. In periods before the
epidemic, the country's tourism sector generated about US$50 billion, or 13% of the national

GDP. In 2019, the Philippines welcomed 8.26 million foreign visitors, and 5.7 million Filipinos

worked in the travel and tourism industry. As a result of the pandemic, revenue in the tourism

industry plummeted by 28.4%, and in 2021 there were only 160,000 foreign visitors. The

Department of Tourism is promoting sustainable tourism models through significant waste

management systems, road linkages, and ecological rehabilitation initiatives in an attempt to

entice more foreign visitors. Hidden locations in Cavite is an excellent example.

The nation is also eager to capitalize on the expanding "workation" market, which refers

to the practice of combining leisure time with remote work. In contrast to mass tourism, the

Philippines would be able to offer high-quality experiences because to this. Additionally, the

government seeks to expand air connectivity by launching 40 new international routes in order

to increase international air traffic. By doing this, 1.6 million more seats would be available in

airplanes, reducing airport gridlock. (Samonte 2021)

As cited to Maningas (2018) saying that tourism has it percussions for the economy, the

environment (both natural and artificial), the local population, and the visitors themselves. There

is a need for a comprehensive strategy to tourism development, management, and monitoring

because of the multiplicity of effects, the complexity of the production factors needed to create

the goods and services purchased by tourists, and the breadth of the range of stakeholders
involved in or affected by the industry. Unfortunately, there is no obvious benefit to the time,

money, and effort that heritage tourists put into their visits.

The participation of local residents in tourism and heritage management and tourism

development contributes toward improving their quality of life and, at the same time, the

sustainable conservation of the heritage site itself to know the tourist and help to be more

popular ( Burra 2014).

In addition, Vito (2015) stated that the involvement of local residents not only

strengthens their sense of belonging and contributes to the revitalization of underrated tourist
spots in the Philippines, but it also fosters the development of social networks and instills in

them a deeper appreciation and comprehension of the value of the surrounding area.

In the case of Cultural Relativism, since the Philippines is a developing and expanding

nation, we are welcoming of other cultures and are attempting to adopt their customs. Despite

the fact that it is unethical to judge a book by its cover, we must develop the ability to graciously

accept or reject items that no longer correspond to our moral principles. The Philippines has

undergone significant transformation as a result of cultural relativism, and we are now observing

both positive and negative effects. The Philippines is evolving and changing, possibly to our

detriment but also for the better.

As stated by Ramon Doles et.al (2013) on his study entitled "The Effects Of Cultural

Relativism On Society In The Philippines", Cultural relativism could either enhance or hinder the

development of a civilization. Cultural relativism can either change a culture for the benefit or

drive a nation to its doom, depending on how it has affected the populace. A person's culture

makes sense in terms of moral standards. It does become simpler to maintain and appreciate

the customs that humanity has established over the centuries by building individualized cultures,

whether on little or huge stages. Educating the public and the next generation about it is the

greatest approach to adapt to the modifications it brings about and to foster awareness as early

as feasible.
Foreign Studies

It is becoming more and more clear how crucial it is to preserve buildings and natural

scenic spots with historical significance in order to raise people's quality of life (Tekeli, 2014, p.

274). There are several instances of it, especially in industrialized nations with a wealth of

historical and cultural resources like the United Kingdom (Williams, 1998). David Harvey coined

the phrase "the right to the city," which refers to designing cities with the needs of both residents

and visitors in mind. It is crucial to plan, administer, defend, and make cities sustainable in this

sense. What kind of people and social relationships we pursue, the relationships we forge with

nature, the importance we place on aesthetic ideals, and the way of life and pursuits we choose

all have an impact on what kind of city we want to live in (Park, 1967; Harvey, 2012).

One of the best ways to preserve historically significant structures is to use the assets

that have been restored for tourist and recreational purposes (Smith,1988, s. 246). Currently, it

is a common occurrence for budgets to be set aside for conservation planning with regard to

streets and even cities that have a great potential for tourism and receive a lot of both domestic

and foreign visitors (Shaukland, 1996, p. 24). Over time, neighborhoods in cities that have

undergone conservation efforts and added recreational features grow to be popular destinations

(Castells et al., 1990). This fact is amply reflected by conservation initiatives around the world.

For instance, district-scale projects were used to restore and preserve valuable historical

resources related to Asian cultures (old-style buildings).

On the one hand, tourism is a well-known economic booster, but on the other hand, it

has a profound impact on residents' lives, such as the touristification and acidification of city
centers, leading to speculation over those areas because of higher tourists' willingness to spend

in comparison to residents and the exponential growth of short term rental solutions (González-

Pérez, 2020). Tourism has both positive and negative effects.

According to the past studies of Gilbert (2017) he mentioned that In World Heritage Site

(WHS) destinations, a “community” refers to the residents within a WHS area who are

instrumental in reviving the WHS. Community participation constitutes a relationship,

established by the members of the community, through their collaboration in achieving common

goals and making the community a better place in which to live

In the studies of Theodora (2019) Three types of community participation can be

identified in the context of tourism development and heritage management: coercive

participation, induced participation, and spontaneous participation Coercive community

participation refers to the lowest level of participation in which residents have no power over the

course of the tourism development. Their involvement is limited to various predefined activities

revolving around tourism destination promotion and they receive few economic benefits in

induced community participation, although local residents have a say in the heritage

management and tourism development process, they have no actual power or control over the

decisions being made by those in positions of authority. In spontaneous participation, local

residents have the power to make decisions and control the development process.

When viewed as a living entity, built-up space changes throughout time by renovating

itself in a natural and organic way (Treister, 1987). The importance of the impact of tourism and

recreational opportunities on the completion of this shift, which often takes place as a natural

process, is highlighted the most (Hall and Page, 2006).

Historical streets, neighborhoods, and cities that are today recognized as part of the

historical and cultural legacy are assets that need to be preserved1, and this preservation is

mostly funded by various funds (Ahunbay, 2017, p. 8). Economic stimuli, rather than "protection

of historical and cultural heritage," take primacy in the preservation of historical habitats or of

those environments that are significant for humans (Zgüç, 1988–1992). Urban infrastructure and

superstructure are enhanced as a result of tourism, making cities more ideal locations to reside.

In actuality, the growth of mass leisure in nineteenth-century Europe and the availability of

vacations all contributed to the rapid development of cities and resorts for day trips, which in

turn caused the capital to influence the nature of the continent (Mullins, 1994).

Local Studies

One of the key drivers of the Philippines' robust and long-term economic growth has

been highlighted as the tourism sector. On a study made by Cherry Pilapil-Anasco,

it investigates the evolution of the Philippine tourist sector by tracing its historical modifications

and identifying its typology in order to ascertain whether it is going towards sustainable growth.

The tourism industry's substantial effects on related events and countless initiatives made by

government organizations, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector are

discussed and assessed. It is concluded that the Philippines' well-established tourist sector

helps to the nation's inclusive economic growth. Philippine tourism will undoubtedly become

sustainable as long as all industry players remain committed to working together to implement

these measures.

More people are backing attempts to safeguard historical remnants, and a growing

number of cities are having their historical and cultural aspects put under conservation. For
instance, the province of Cavite and Vigan, built by the Spanish in the north of the Philippines in

the 16th century to strengthen the economic network between the colonial areas, has developed

into a regional tourism hotspot since the city was designated by UNESCO as a "heritage site"

(Cruz, 2017). While 76,000 visitors visited these provinces in 2009, 1.4 million or more did so in

2017, according to UNESCO figures.

In the study of Delgado et.al., (2020) indicating that in the context of multiple repurposing

of rural spaces, tourism represents a path for development, with the ability to rejuvenate these

places. This can be done through multiple repurposing of rural spaces. It is possible for the

preservation and restoration of history, as well as the promotion of heritage through tourism, to

become an opportunity for community development. In this scenario, a variety of stakeholders

fulfill various roles in the execution of the processes that are involved.

Also, Delgado et al., (2020) et al, cited in his study that the intersection of cultural

heritage and tourism is a topic that has received a significant amount of attention as it presents

opportunities for the economic growth of areas rich in heritage while at the same time posing

challenges for the administration of attractions.

Delgado et al; (2020) mentioned that this is due to the fact that the intersection of these

two fields creates both opportunities and challenges. Because of its significance, it has been

institutionalized in public policy and in the process of community development. This has resulted

in an interdependence between the preservation of cultural heritage and the expansion of

tourism, despite the fact that this relationship is not free of tensions and disagreements. In this

way, the conjunction has the potential to generate both positive and negative impacts, the

majority of which are effects that are shared by rural and heritage tourism.
Even while areas that were formerly mostly utilized for relaxation have now developed

into important tourist hubs, many nations benefit greatly from such tourism. The real estate

value of the land and buildings rises as old inner-city areas are revitalized, mostly by enhancing

infrastructure, cleaning, and preserving worn-out structures using a variety of repair techniques.


Overall, the collected literature and studies from both domestic and international sources

stated that in order to revitalize an underrated tourism industry in Cavite, it should have taken an

effort and time to develop prior strategies. This was stated in the context of the accumulation of

these sources. Reviving underappreciated tourist destinations requires the active cooperation of

the local community. On the other hand, it is possible to say that because the first person or

item that promotes their tourism is the one who is familiar with the traditions, values, and

customs of that particular tourist destination. Bringing an underutilized tourist destination back to

life will provide locals with employment opportunities and contribute to the growth of the town.

As a result, with the assistance of one another, a previously unappreciated tourist destination

rose to prominence when a group of people worked together, invested their time, and labored

hard to make it happen. When underappreciated tourist destinations are brought back to life

Preservation and self-control are essential components of every successful conservation effort.

People are able to advertise it through the use of various marketing tactics. People who live in

the region as well as the person authorized to make decisions about it should not allow the

location to be undervalued once more. It should be promoted in a variety of various ways,

particularly by utilizing the power of social media itself, which is one of the most topical and

relevant marketing or promotional platforms available in the modern era.



This chapter presents the research methods and procedures that were utilized in the

study. It includes the research design, locale of the study, the respondents and sampling

procedure, research instruments, the treatments of the study, the general procedure, the data

gathering procedure, and the data analysis.

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted exclusively at different Municipalities of Cavite as to where the

hidden tourist spots are located. In addition, it is for the conveniency of the researchers’

residential service.

Research Respondents
The respondents of the study are the residents of the Province of Cavite. The sampling

frame was sourced from the National Statistics Office (2021), where the population is 3,090,691.

Krejcie & Morgan’s method for sample size computation was used, generating 30 respondents.

The researchers were able to distribute 30, yielding a 100.00 percent retrieval rate.

Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling was used where the respondents are subdivided into

different districts, cities and municipalities, and barangays.

Research Design

In order to satisfy the objectives of the research, the researcher utilized Descriptive

method to test the hypotheses essential to the final output of the results and to further identify

hidden gems of Cavite. Descriptive research is also known as statistical research that describes

data and characteristics about the population or the phenomenon being studied. Descriptive

research answers the question who, what, where and how. This kind of research also deals with

the present existing condition and data gathering (Murray, et.al., 2005). Descriptive method will

be used to show comparison on the promotional patterns used by the Province of Cavite in

promoting their hidden cultural heritage sites. Afterwards, a survey will be conducted to

determine the respondents’ evaluation on product in terms of appearance, fragrance, texture,

effectiveness and general acceptability. The survey research approach was used in this study,

allowing the researchers to collect data from the study's population. The researchers were able

to examine data quantitatively using descriptive and inferential statistics thanks to the survey

technique, which used questionnaires to collect data. The data was also analyzed using a

quantitative approach in this study. When examining numerical data, a quantitative method is
applied. In order to analyze the data, the method used a questionnaire, graphs, tables, or


Research Instrument

In accordance with the study's conceptual framework, indicated that the method to be

used in data-gathering will be trough conducting a survey to the respondents of the study. With

full adherence to the research instrument, a survey will be conducted that will utilize the use of

survey questionnaire in line with the objectives of the research. The questions in the instrument

will be the guide of the researchers as they obtain data for analysis, towards the satisfaction of

the objectives that will later result to the output that will be analyzed.

Research Sampling Procedure

The present investigation employed purposive sampling in selecting the individuals as

evaluators according to the purposes of the researchers. This sampling method is a type of

nonprobability sample where a researcher selects the participants due to good evidence that

he/she is a representative of the total population.

Data Gathering Procedure

The procedure in the structured approach of the research was specified as conducting a

survey towards the respondents, the data accumulated will later be analyzed and tabulated in

the preceding chapter. In order to obtain information about the heritage tourism in Cavite and

their promotional strategies, the researchers utilized library, resources online and data

searching online. After the approval of the questionnaire the survey was conducted. The
questionnaire was used to obtain information from the participants. The researchers personally

distributed the questionnaire and retrieved it immediately. They are expected to elicit proper

answers from the respondents. The result will be tabulated and presented.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data obtained from the respondent’s response to the statement checklist were

carefully tallied, tabulated, and organized. Data were subjected to Analysis of Variance

(ANOVA) to ascertain which mean yield among the treatments used were highly significant.

Least significant difference (LSD) was likewise performed to determine whether there are any

statistically significant differences within and between the means of the treatment groups.

And the percentage which is rate or proportion per hundred. It is use as descriptive

measure together with the frequency distribution to show the relationships of the magnitude of

the item of the variables described in relation to the whole.

The formula is %= f x 100

Regression was used to test the hypothesis. The results were then statistically analyzed using

Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The results were validated by a statistician.

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