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Student Name ilian

Professional Development: Task 2 – Identifying

job roles in your chosen area/industry(U3: LO 3.2, AC 2.1
& 2.2))

You are required to carry out the following three tasks to complete this
assignment. I’ll be looking for these headings on your page:

Skills Audit Analysis: This section is designed to get you thinking about your own
strengths as well as identifying things you’d like to be better at.

Transferable Skills Analysis: We’re then going to look at skills you feel can be
applied to the course and your career as an Esports professional, which you may have
learned in other aspects of your life.

Identifying and applying effective working practices: Finally, we’ll look at some
established effective working practices which you’ll discuss the importance of. You’ll
then grade yourself out of ten for each one.

You can copy and paste the relevant tasks of this worksheet on to your
Weebly page in order to complete for submission

• Use this worksheet to help you construct your response to this section of
the assignment brief.
• You will be given certain assignment tasks to be completed in class
• You may also undertake ‘extended learning’ outside of the class time
when required
• You will use your Weebly page for your response. No hard copy is
required, but you are advised to keep any work safe by uploading it
• You must reference ALL sources that you use in researching this
assignment, and this must be made clear in your response.
• Remember, plagiarism will result in your work being failed and possible
disciplinary action taken.

The first task we’re going to look at is a skills audit…

Task 1 – SKILLS AUDIT ANALYSIS (Do this task on your Weebly page)

Part 1: Look at the twelve skills and place them in order of difficulty, with the most
difficult first (you can do this by cutting and pasting them in order):
Motivation and staying motivated 3
Getting started on work 1
Memory 11
Time management 8
Working with others 12
Effective use of session time 2
Speaking in front of people 9
Presentation skills 10
Writing skills 7
Use of IT skills 5
Reading skills 6
Evaluating own work 4

Part 2: Now use the ‘traffic light’ system to highlight which you feel is the most or
least difficult for you (you can do this by changing the text colour)
Red – major priority which needs working on a lot
Amber (or yellow) – difficult, but manageable
Green – confident

Part 3: Write a few lines of what you can do to turn each of the red and amber
priorities into green.

 One thing I can do to help getting started on my work is getting any homework done as
soon as possible and not postpone it to last minute. Another thing is to breakdown my
work into ‘research’, ‘planning’, ‘1 st attempt to formulate the ideas gathered into a piece
of work, then, refine it with the help of feedback from my tutor and classmates.

 To help myself stay focused and productive in class is to eliminate distractions like music
or others speaking, also I tend to be scared to ask for help in class by the tutors which
leads to me being stuck in one place the entire session, this is ending now <3

 I am a very motivated person which leads me to work until I achieve what I want.
However, once I do, I just lose motivation to keep going. For example, I reach Diamond
in a competitive game, but don’t have the motivation to reach Masters or above
because have already achieved Diamond? I believe you shouldn’t rely on motivation to
do what you need to, but rely on the person you want to become. You must think:
‘would the perfect future version of myself skip gym today?’ for example.

Task 2 - TRANSFERABLE SKILLS CHECKLIST (Do this task on your Weebly


This is the second task. It’s about skills which you can use on the course which
you may have used in other situations…

Highlight as many of these transferable skills which definitely apply to you…

Key Transferable Skills

Meet deadlines Work independently

Ability to plan Accept responsibility
Instruct others Desire to learn/improve
Good time management Solve problems
Talk in public Team player
Written communications Computer/IT skills

Other Transferable Skills (Dealing with things)

Use my hands Assemble/make things

Safety conscious Follow instructions
Drive vehicles Repair things
Dealing with Data

Analyse data or facts Working with spreadsheets

Locate answers or information Research

Creative, Artistic

Artistic Perform, act Expressive

Draw, sketch Play instruments

Working with People

Patient Care for others Persuasive

Pleasant Sensitive Outgoing
Supportive Help others Tactful
High energy Diplomatic Adaptable
Open minded Take orders Speak in public
Listen Trustful Negotiate

Using Words, Ideas

Articulate Innovative Communicate verbally

Logical Remember information Remember names
Research Create new ideas Design
Speak in public Presentations Edit information
Write clearly

Arrange an event Motivate people Decisive
Plan Delegate Empower others
Explain things to others Self-motivated Get results
Think of others Team builder Solve problems
Take risks

Next, choose ONE transferable skill from each coloured section which you might
identify as being your strongest (you might highlight four skills for Leadership,
but which is your strongest?).

Write a little next to each of these Identifying how you have used each of these
chosen skills AND how this skill might be useful on the Level 3 Esports course.

Desire to learn and improve – all we do is learn and the only thing we do is
improve. I worked hard to get my Maths grade (1-4) to be able to do this course.
Staying consistent in your work is key to success.

I like following a set of instructions, I built my setup recently, so obviously I had to

be present and listen to what I was being told (I had someone more experienced
assist me)

Finding answers – I think I tend to see patterns in things fast so I'm able to find
specific information within a paragraph easily for example. The fact that I'm a
Polyglot probably plays major role in this. This means that I am able to connect
with more players around the world, which helps establish business and social

I have always been described as an expressive, easy-going person, that’s never

a bad thing, this is an important quality to have when working with an audience.

Writing clearly is an important skill in any Job, especially in this area of interest
where we work with social medias, websites and with others. If you can write
clear and concise everyone will work efficiently.

The best thing to do is to motivate others rather than supress them. Even if
someone is being a pain, motivating them to being better helps them not be a
pain and makes your life easier. If you were to tell someone something it should
be motivating. Especially in Esports its important to avoid “Tilt” - this is when you
lose motivation or confidence during a game.
(Do this task on your Weebly page)

OK, for this one I’d like you to give a brief description of how you can apply
each of the following twenty effective working practices to the Level 3 Esports
course and why these are considered important. Also grade yourself out 10
for each one

1 Punctuality – in any job or relationship of that sort, being on time is arguably

the most important way to show your punctuality. People and Employers need
someone to rely on. Being on time shows them you're a trustworthy person. It will
lead to a lot more opportunities than you'd think. Even as you progress in your
career, your managers and bosses are very likely to refer you to someone, if you
have said characteristic.

2 Motivation can certainly be applied to esports. Esports is a very competitive

area of interest and so motivation is very important. It helps us stay consistent
and moving forward. However, it is important to be motivated by the right things.
Money and fame are great motivators, but they only last a short time, and once
that motivation and inspiration is burnt out, you stunt your progress. I like to
motivate myself by thinking what the best version of myself would be doing, it is
something that I'm working on. I rate myself 7/10

3 Review your work (at end of session or assignment) Reviewing your work
is important no matter what you're doing. You want to be sure that your work is of
standard, preferably Exceeding standards. You can do that by yourself, this is
called Self Assessment. Something called Peer Assessment, a friend or
colleague also review your work and progress. In esports, you should be
monitoring your progress over time in game, you can do this by filming your
gaming sessions, then noting down anything you could've done better. As well as
looking at how your audience is growing, the number of views and comments...
keep This takes a long time to build. I rate myself 7/10 - I believe I can adjust my
work according to feedback effectively.

4 Plan ahead – Planning ahead of time helps us stay organised and therefore
opens space for the things important to us. I often hear people complaining about
not having enough time in their day and start listing all these tasks- Stop. All you
must do is schedule and I promise you will find time for everything. Sacrificing
things isn't necessary if you plan your day properly.
In esports, you will be required to fill in many different jobs. From gaming to video
editing. Therefore, time management is a useful skill to have. 6/10 - a work in

5 Be organised – Organisation is linked with planning ahead. So, I'm going to be

talking about the more physical aspect of this. Personally, I can't work if my room
is untidy, and my desk is cluttered. Completing your chores before you start any
work or game is a piece of advice I would give. It helps clear your mind and sets
you up for working. 9/10

6 Create good workday habits – Consuming media that’s not relevant to you or
your interests is a good example of a toxic habit. You want to fill your space and
mind with things that inspire you and make you feel good in a healthy way. Be
present in your classes, when your tutor is speaking to you. Do some extended
research if anything sticks out. These will change your life. 7/10

7 Keep promises to colleagues keeping promises is a good feature to have. In

the workspace, people will be more likely to include you in important projects, you
will find that people turn to you when they need help or require something
because they know you're a solid person who's trustworthy. 7/10

8 Prioritise work – another skill worth picking up. It goes hand in hand with
organisation. You need to have priorities. For me, my priorities are my
schoolwork and health. These two things are going to be planned for and done
first, the rest will follow. In esports, a good example I can think of is practising
your weaknesses. If your flicking is weaker than your tracking, either reduce the
tracking and increase flicking practice, or just do extend flicking practice. I believe
most problems people face has been self-inflicted. Being conscious of bad work
habits, organisation and your health – what you're putting in your body, will
drastically improve your quality of life. 8/10 - improving at this.

9 If unsure, ask – This is a form of procrastination. What's the worst that could
happen if you ask for help? A problem shared is a problem solved. You are only
keeping yourself stuck by not seeking help. In esports, everything is moving very
fast and changes every minute. You need to keep up. 7/10

10 Maintain concentration and focus – Again, decluttering your space and

having your health in check will automatically sort this issue out. Clean your desk;
Clean your room. Your space reflects yourself. Your body is your temple – watch
what you're eating and what kind of media you're consuming. You will see the
results fast once you start working on those. How do you think the best of players
got to where they are now? Discipline. They know the power of these things and
have been utilising them. Be more like them! Start today! 7/10
11 Watch your language - rid of gross words in your vocabulary, especially in a
professional setting. You look unintelligent when doing so. It's really quite ugly.

12 Give positive feedback to others – giving criticism in a positive, constructive

tone will help the person feel like they're being brought a step forward using your
help, rather than being humiliated and dragged down. Don’t forget to include
what's good about the work of the person you're assessing, this reminds them of
their worth. Like I’ve said countless times, The only thing we do is move forward
in time, our progress is growing every second and so we should be constructive
in our criticism. 7/10

13 Share the credit – In simple terms, sharing the credit between a team is a
positive behaviour which you should participate in. It encourages those around
you to do better by making them feel that way. Nobody likes a selfish person
within a team, which is likely you will be working in, in esports specifically.

14 Be a team member - In esports, it's all about working in a team. Everything

you do will be team-based. From the games you play to the dozens of people you
will be working away from the console. Watch your language, demonstrate how
you are a consistent trustworthy employee, and you will flourish in this industry.

15 Avoid complaining – constant complaining is so unattractive in a person. It is

one of the things I despise personally. No employer wants to hire someone who
sees no value in anything, the same way that nobody wants a teammate who is
toxic 24/7 and as a result contributes nothing. Eliminating this mindset will result
in better luck and a brighter world for you. I like to be thankful for 3 things before
going to sleep. This helps ground me and remind me that my problems and this
world is so miniature and temporary. Everything around us and within is merely a
reflection of ourselves. A person who complains all the time will never be
satisfied. Gratitude is key. 9/10

16 Find a mentor/become a mentor – Fill your social life with people who build
you up and inspire you. This reminds me of a role in esports called Coaching.
This is where an Ex-Pro-Gamer or Personal Trainer works with players to
maintain their health and mind, keep track of their progress and areas of
improvement and finding solutions to said problems. 6/10
17 Effective time management – be mindful of time, prioritise tasks and
complete them accordingly – 6/10

18 Taking a short break – Naturally, our bodies are not adapted for repetitive
routines. Our lifestyles were once filled with various activities. Each day was so
very unique. Nowadays, we live a capitalistic lifestyle which is repetitive, boring
and unnatural. Taking breaks and adding some variety to your week will make
your body and mind happier, in turn, improving your performance. - 9/10

19 Recognising errors or mistakes – If you are unable to recognise errors or

mistakes, that doesn’t mean you can't do anything about it. That’s why your
tutors and peers exist: to help you. Politely ask for help and critism where
necessary. In the esports community, there are many Subreddits (online blogs
that can be accessed and used by anyone) where hundreds of people are willing
to review whatever it is you're doing. 7/10

20 Seeing opportunities – See an opportunity? Take it. Take it before

somebody else does before you. Opportunities are like gifts brought to you from
the heavens, its divine intervention nudging you to the right path. A new job
opportunity sticks out? But you have to quit your job and move cities. “Risk it for
the biscuit” as my friend would say. How would you know if something works out
if you don’t try it? The worse that can happen is it doesn’t, and you move on to
the next opportunity presented. 9/10

Worksheets can be completed digitally or by hand.

If completed by hand these must be scanned in or photographed to a decent standard.

This document must be completed on your Weebly site in the page allocated for
Professional Development. The headings can be reproduced within the page or the
document can be embedded using a Scribd window.

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