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Military Courtesy and Discipline

The military is well known for its discipline and courtesy. For decades or
centuries maybe, the soldiers have been portrayed as fierce, strong, and disciplined
warriors. They were the ones we could rely on if the nation or country was in danger.
They are risking their lives to defend the people if there is any threat around. For
soldiers or members of the military, courtesy and discipline are very important traits they
should possess. There is a great difference between military courtesy and discipline;
however, these two should come together as they are related in terms of military
principles. Military courtesy is an extension and a formalization of courtesies practiced
in a culture's everyday life. It is intended to reinforce discipline and the chain of
command by defining how soldiers will treat their superiors and vice versa. For military
courtesy, discipline is embedded to make this term meaningful to military people. When
we say military discipline, we mean the manner of leading the troops and showing
respect to every individual in the military. In my own perception, military discipline and
courtesy are the essential foundations of any successful military unit or military officer. 

Nowadays, or maybe before it already happened, it was an unseen issue to the

public, but not a severe issue that might cause other military personnel to be seen as
being disrespectful. The discipline and courtesy of the military aren’t what they once
were. It is evident when I do the ROTC training that it is associated with military acts.
When I also attend other events with the main objective of widening our knowledge
about this training, I’ve seen discipline decline steadily. I am not saying it because I am
making a wrong perception about the two principles of the military; I am fully aware that
it should be acted as the military should show respect and should follow their officer. It
is not widely shown in all military units; in fact, there are many great units and great
soldiers (approximately 90% or more of all soldiers and units who are still alive and still
kicking) who can make a difference by showing that courtesy and discipline are
important and shouldn't be ignored. It is not only based on my observation but also
because it has been discussed before by some Filipinos. They are seeing, maybe in a
formal setting, the following lack of discipline and courtesy that was not conducted by
the soldier: soldiers not saluting their officers, Soldiers talking to General Officers with
their hands in their pants, soldiers intimidating their leaders. Soldiers are constantly late
for formations and being witnessed by other troops in the unit. There are soldiers talking
back to their leaders and acting in a way that would be indiscreet to other soldiers or
ordinary people. Soldiers constantly fail to meet standards but are never held
accountable, so they tend to ignore the courtesy of being one. Soldiers wearing the
uniform like they are back on the block will have a negative impact if witnessed by
civilians. In some of these instances, the soldiers were punished immediately. And in
other cases, the leaders acted as if nothing were wrong. Once again, these issues
aren’t present in every unit. But if you were to visit different units in the military, you
would see that discipline and courtesy are sometimes lost. It is socially affecting the
perception of Filipino people towards military people if the courtesy and discipline issues
will still be manifested in this system, which may be inherited by an incoming aspiring
Daza, Meg. Military Courtesy and Discpiline, Prezi, 2017
Adrei, Ezin. Military Courtesy and Discipline, StudyDocu, 2016
military soldier who came from civilian people, which is the Filipino. The conduct of
military people should be a great example, especially to the ROTC students that are in
training. They have to remember that the main goal of having them trained is for future
use in terms of services, maybe becoming a soldier if needed. I still believe that most
soldiers strive to do the right thing and wear their uniform with pride. Most soldiers
respect Army traditions, rules, customs, and courtesies and have discipline because
they want to be part of a time-honoured tradition. This is to reiterate that discipline and
courtesy in the military really vary by unit. Some units are highly disciplined, and others
aren’t. It really boils down to destroying the image of the unit’s leadership team. If the
leaders make discipline and courtesy a top priority, the unit will be disciplined, and
courtesy will follow, as they are significantly related. If they don’t enforce the standards,
set a good example, and hold their followers accountable, there will be major discipline
and courtesy issues in the unit. It’s as simple as that. It may retract the privileges of
being a member of the army. This kind of act is punishable, or in the worst case, you
may be removed from the service if there are no changes to your behaviour.

The leadership principles should get this issue diluted, maybe completely. Well,
yes, because it really is a matter of the behaviour of leaders that may cause courtesy
and discipline issues in the military services. The results may be long-term, but like what
happened in the service, especially if it is affecting your character as a leader or even
the new members in the service, you may consider taking time to do the following: know
yourself and seek self-improvement. Indeed, no one knows you well except you; try to
limit negative thoughts and actions as they may destroy you while you are in the
service. Being technically and tactically proficient simply means that a person knows
their job thoroughly and possesses a wide field of knowledge. Before you can lead, you
must be able to do the job. This is a courtesy of being in the service as a military officer.
Next is to "know your people" and "look out for their welfare." The leader, or maybe
everyone, should at least know the people around the unit, and each individual perhaps
must make a conscious effort to observe his colleagues and how they react to different
situations. It will relatively widen the respect for each other because by knowing
everyone, respect will be established. Making sure to keep your personnel informed to
promote efficiency and morale, a leader should inform the members of his unit of all
happenings and give reasons why things are to be done. If members know the details,
they will not have any questions. It is a courtesy to their rights; they should be
knowledgeable and will not be abruptly informed, which may cause misunderstandings.
Be a good example to your subordinates. The leader who shows professional
competence, courage, and integrity sets high personal standards for himself before he
can rightfully demand it from others. You will be respected automatically, and you will
see that it is a courtesy to you as you represent your unit. The other thing is that to
ensure that the task is understood, supervised, and accomplished, the command or
direction must give clear, concise orders that cannot be misunderstood and then, by
close supervision, ensure that these orders are properly executed. It is also important to
train your men to work as a team because, as a leader, you must insist on teamwork
from your men. Train, play, and operate as a team. Be sure that each man knows his
position and responsibilities within the team framework. It is fostering organized
teamwork that will lead to harmonious relationships. Making sound and timely decisions
Daza, Meg. Military Courtesy and Discpiline, Prezi, 2017
Adrei, Ezin. Military Courtesy and Discipline, StudyDocu, 2016
will show that the leader must be able to rapidly estimate a situation and make a sound
decision based on that estimation. It is your judgement and guidance that will lead your
team to salute you because you are being outstanding and not being an abusive leader
as other military officials act on other units. You're able to develop a sense of
responsibility among your subordinates; they are indeed your responsibility, so you
have to be fair at all costs. Give your men the opportunity for professional development.
Assigning tasks and delegating authority promotes mutual confidence and respect
between leader and subordinates. It will quickly fix the other bad perception some
Filipino people have because, socially, the issues of greed and unfair treatment rapidly
reach them. It will be a perfect opportunity to leverage those leadership skills and
address the issues of courtesy and discipline. As a courtesy to your position, you have
to employ your command within the capabilities of your men. You must have a thorough
knowledge of the tactical and technical capabilities of the command. Successful
completion of a task depends upon how well you know your unit’s capabilities. Logically
speaking, give commands for which you are sure the result will never fail. Their
performance will reflect on you as a leader. Look for responsibilities and take the
responsibility. As a military person, you must look for professional development and
actively seek out challenging assignments. You must use initiative and sound judgment
when trying to accomplish jobs that are required by your grade. The leadership
principles mentioned here will illuminate the social issues that indicate that qualifications
as a soldier require a higher level of behavioural understanding. It may also give the
civilian an idea that wrongdoing is not being tolerated and should receive punishment

  "Courtesy is the expression or manifestation of consideration for others." It is a

virtue that is expected of all individuals from all walks of life. In the military, courtesy is a
great requirement because it is the foundation on which discipline stands. Without
courtesy and respect among members of an organization, there would be no discipline,
and when discipline disappears, the organization will lose its orderliness and later
disintegrate. Furthermore, courtesy promotes good relationships, closer coordination,
and teamwork among members of the organization. This makes the organization
dignified and ensures good relations with the public. I always remember that here the
John Wesley rule is also applicable when he says, "Do all the good you can, by all
means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all times you can,
to all the people you can, as long as ever you can." For military officials and the new
services, it will not harm your ego if you apply these quotations in the organization. The
social impressions of courtesy and discipline will be forever present as long as we are
doing all the good that we can at all times. 

  On the other hand, military personnel should also know when and where to show
courtesy and discipline when they are in the organization. A salute is a form of courtesy;
therefore, you have to know when and where you should give this courtesy. Who is
entitled to salute? Those are the commissary officers of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, the commissary officers of the Armed Forces of Allied Nations, the civilian
high officials or foreign dignitaries during military honours rendered for them, and
colours and standards, not casings. They are the officers and individuals who deserve
Daza, Meg. Military Courtesy and Discpiline, Prezi, 2017
Adrei, Ezin. Military Courtesy and Discipline, StudyDocu, 2016
the courtesy and also the discipline. I believe if they deserve both, other troops you are
meeting in military service should also deserve to be treated with discipline. It is not only
showing your good side as an individual but also doing it not because you should but
because it gives you a great feeling. It is a give-and-take relationship. You are also
showing yourself courtesy and discipline. It is really evident when you are doing a salute
as a form of courtesy, like when you are reporting to an officer, when meeting an officer
for the first and last time, after conversing with an officer, the national anthem is being
played, etc. This makes us feel good, because it also gives meaning to your being
nationalistic, not because you are in service but because you are receiving courtesy and
showing discipline in every way you are performing that act. 

  It is a battle of life and dreams when an individual finally makes the decision to
be part of the military services. This "heroic profession," as I can call it, will challenge
your physical and mental states. Just remember that motivation keeps you moving and
discipline keeps you growing (John, M.). This will be a guide for an individual to keep on
moving with discipline and look for ways to grow with courtesy. The fruit of your labour
is about to come. Do good and be a good example. To all the military officials, this
should also reflect on their actions. They will get what they deserve instantly, and the
Filipino people will be witnesses when the issue of courtesy and discipline is fixed. A
social issue like this, if that can be that way, will be a lesson for military personnel, not
only to them but to all people in the Philippines. If courtesy and discipline come naturally
in a small organization like the military, there is a great possibility that people in the
Philippines will adopt this kind of behaviour, by which I mean the quality of being a good
person. There are people who don't know when to show courtesy; some youth are
disrespectful to adults and rude sometimes. If ROTC will be a mandatory service for all
students at colleges, there is a great possibility that they will adopt this. They will be
able to apply it in their lives and will spread the importance of having discipline or being
a disciplined person. 

Military courtesy and discipline are two traits that are really significant to all
people in military service and that also have an impact not only on the organization but
on humanity as a whole. basic traits that tend to be forgotten, especially by the youth. It
was a great avenue when they were able to be part of this organization through ROTC
to inject the traits, and sooner or later they will instil them in the real world. Simply
saying that your characteristics reflect your actions is one thing, but with the military,
those should be fixed to make you a reliable person in this organization. Whether you
like it or not, you have to. People will look at you with courtesy and show respect
because you have been doing the right thing. People see you as a good example; you
are being deserving. Whether you are an officer or a normal military member in service,
remember that everyone is entitled to courtesy and discipline. This value in life will have
a good effect if it is adopted by the nation and sooner by the world. It is really nice to
think that way. Just remember that this act is free and will not cause you any harm; it
may instead bring good things. So let's start to have this, and let's show it in every act
we have. Courtesy and discipline are two values that might change the world. The
lesson that military people shared with society and the importance of it This will make
you a hero in your own right. Showing courtesy and discipline are acts of being brave to
Daza, Meg. Military Courtesy and Discpiline, Prezi, 2017
Adrei, Ezin. Military Courtesy and Discipline, StudyDocu, 2016
show good in public. This may recognize you as a great person who shows the act of
greatness from the military code of good conduct. The relation of military discipline to
courtesy is clearly explained by the fact that discipline is founded upon respect and
loyalty to lawfully constituted superiors. In other words, discipline originates and
develops from mutual respect and goodwill among members of an organization,
discipline disappears, and when discipline disappears, there will be no peace and order
in the organization hence it will disintegrate.

Daza, Meg. Military Courtesy and Discpiline, Prezi, 2017
Adrei, Ezin. Military Courtesy and Discipline, StudyDocu, 2016

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