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“Basic Concept From Ethics Of Profesional Teachers”

Submitted As An Assignment For The Ethic Of Professional Teacher Major

Arranged by :
Abdullah Damahuri : 60403100320064
Moch Firman Asmianto : 60403100320068
Neng Deril Fahrisa : 60403100320099
Supervior : Hermanto, M.Pd



CONTENTS....................................................................................................................... I
PREFACE.......................................................................................................................... II
1. Definiton Of Teacher Professional Ethics .......................................................... 1
2. Basic Principles of Teacher Professional Ethics..................................................... 2
3. The Teacher Professional Code of Ethics .......................................................... 2
4. The Function of the Teacher Code of Ethics........................................................... 3
5. Purpose Of The Code Of Ethics For Professional Teachers................................... 3
CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................. 4
REFERENCE ................................................................................................................... 5

First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished
writing the paper entitled “Basic Concept From Ethics Of Profesional Teachers” right in
the calculated time.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr.
Hermanto M.Pd as lecturer in Ethic of Pro.Teacher major. 
In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but
with help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. writer also realized there
are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper.
Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the
process of writing this paper. Hopefully allah replies all helps and bless you all.the writer
realized tha this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content.  then the writer hope
the criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper. Last but not
the least Hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge about the
bacisc concept of ethics of pro. Teacher major.

                                       Palabuahanratu, Maret 07th, 2021



1. Definiton Of Teacher Professional Ethics

Ethics comes from the Greek "ethos" means the character of decency,
manners or way of life. So ethics means morality or things related to decency in
doing one job. Ethics shows how to act which is customary because it is followed
by members of the community or human groups. Ethics itself is a reflection of
what is called self control, because everything is made and applied from and for
the benefit of the social group (profession) itself. Where the object of ethics itself
is human action so that it becomes a discussion that continues to be discussed.
Etymologically, the profession comes from English, namely profession, Latin
profecus, which means acknowledging, acknowledging, declaring being able, or
being an expert in doing a job. Whereas in terminology, profession means a job
that requires higher education for the perpetrator which emphasizes mental work;
namely the requirement for theoretical knowledge as an instrument to perform
practical actions, not manual work (Danin, 2002). So a profession must have three
main pillars, namely knowledge, expertise, and academic preparation.
Teachers are professionals who are given the task of educating, teaching,
guiding, training, directing and giving value / taking values from their students.
While teacher training means things that are related to or related to teachers, for
example teaching, education, and teaching methods.
Professional Ethics is a specification of norms that are concrete and practical
for a person within the scope of his profession. It can also mean the principles or
norms of decency which are the guidelines for the attitudes and behavior of
members of a profession.
The norms or values found in professional ethics are:
a. Service concerns what is good and right
b. Recognizing and respecting society's norms
c. Awareness to develop yourself and your profession
d. Cooperate with professional members among themselves or with other
professional organizations
e. Perform responsibilities as a complete professional.
Then, teacher professional ethics are moral or moral provisions which serve as
guidelines for teachers who carry out tasks in the field of teacher training.
A profession, especially a teacher, can only gain the trust of society if there is
a strong awareness in the teacher to heed professional ethics when teaching or
when providing professional expertise services to people who need it. Thus,
without the existence of teacher professional ethics, what was previously known
as a respectable profession will soon be degraded into an ordinary income-
earning job which is not at all tinged with idealistic values and eventually ends up
with no more respect or trust.

2. Basic Principles of Teacher Professional Ethics
There are 3 principles of professional ethics (Ondi Saondi: 2010),:
a. Responsible. There are 2 responsibilities that are carried out, namely the
implementation and results of the work, the impact of the profession on the lives of
other people or society in general.
b. justice, this principle requires us to give to anyone what is due.
c. Autonomy, this principle demands that every professional has and is given the
freedom to carry out his profession.

In a different book, that the basic principles of ethics include:

a. Universalistic means a principle that starts from a universal view of the nature of
human beings and the nature of education.
According to Umar Tirtarahardja, et al, (1995; 4-4), there are 7 points of human
nature that are useful in discussing the concept of education, namely self-
awareness, ability to exist, conscience, morals, responsibility, sense of freedom,
sadness in carrying out obligations and aware of rights, and the ability to live
happiness. While the essence of education is a conscious and planned effort to
create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that students actively
develop their potential to have spiritual, religious, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character and skills needed by themselves, society, the nation
and the state. .
b. Nationalistic means that nationalistic teacher ethics originate from the perspective
of life and the values of life of the Indonesian people. So, Pancasila becomes a
source of guidelines as well as benchmarks for teachers.

3. The Teacher Professional Code of Ethics

a. Definition of Teacher's Code of Ethics
Etymologically, "code of ethics" means a pattern of rules, procedures, signs,
ethical guidelines in carrying out an activity or job. A code of ethics is a pattern of
ethical rules or procedures to guide behavior. Ethical means conforming to the
values and norms held by a certain group of people or society.
Codes are signs or symbols in the form of words, writings or objects agreed
upon for certain purposes. For example, to guarantee a news, decision or
agreement of an organization. Code can also mean a systematic set of rules. A code
of ethics is a norm or principle accepted by a certain group as a basis for daily
behavior in the community and at work.
Professional code of ethics is a guideline for attitudes, behavior and actions
in carrying out tasks and in everyday life. Actually, professional code of ethics is
not new. Attempts have been made for a long time to regulate the moral behavior
of a particular group in society through written provisions which are expected to be
adhered to by the whole group.
So, actually the code of ethics is a guideline that regulates the relationship:
1) Relationships between teachers and students 2) Relationships between teachers
and parents / guardians of students 3) Relationships between teachers and
communities 4) Relationships between teachers and schools and peers peer 5).

Relationship between teachers and the profession 6). Teacher's relationship with
the government.
4. The Function of the Teacher Code of Ethics
According to Sutan Zanti and Syahmiar Syahrun (19920 suggesting 4 functions of
the code of ethics for teachers, namely:
1) In order for teachers to avoid professional deviations, because there is
already a foundation that is used as a reference
2) To regulate the relationship between teachers and students, colleagues and
society, professional positions and the governmen.
3) As a guide and behavior guidelines for teachers to be more responsible for
their profession.
4) Giver the right direction to the use of his profession.

The other functions of the professional code of ethics:

1) Provide guidelines for each member of the profession regarding the
principles of professionalism outlined.
2) As a means of social control for the community on the professionalism
3) Prevent interference from parties outside professional organizations
regarding ethical relationships in professional membership. Professional
ethics are needed in various fields.

5. Purpose Of The Code Of Ethics For Professional Teachers

The purpose of formulating a code of ethics in a profession is for the benefit of
the professional organization it self. According to R Hermawan S (1979) that the
purpose of establishing a code of ethics is
1) To uphold the dignity of the profession
2) To maintain and maintain the welfare of its members
3) To increase the service of members of the profession
4) To improve the quality of the profession
5) To improve the quality of professional organizations.
6) Improve services over personal benefits
7) Having a strong and closely-knit professional organization.
8) Determine its own standard standards.

Teacher professional ethics is the key to the success of student education
where teachers are able to provide good and positive examples so as to influence the
teaching and learning process which ultimately gives satisfactory results and brings
success to their students. A code of ethics that regulates the norms that must be
carried out by a teacher. It aims to serve as a guideline regarding the attitudes and
behavior of teacher professional actors in carrying out and carrying out various tasks
as educators as well as members of society and citizens.
Guidelines regarding teacher attitudes and behavior contained in the teacher's
code of ethics are moral values that can provide differences in teacher behavior from
good and bad, which can be done and should not be done while carrying out their
professional duties when carrying out the teaching, educating, guiding process. , train,
assess, direct and evaluate students, along with the attitude of daily interactions both
inside and outside of school.


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