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PGP 2021-23 Batch: IIM Trichy

Project Type • Desk based project rooted in the Indian context

(based on publicly available information such as press
and court judgments)
• No input from any country outside India should be
there in the report

Cover Page • A suitable and comprehensive title with 10 to 12 words

(Content and (Times New Roman, Font 16, Bold, Centrered)
Formatting) • Course Name [Ethics in Business Management] (Times
New Roman, Font 14, Bold, Centrered)
• Institute Logo
• Assigned Group Number (Times New Roman, Font 12,
Bold, Centrered)
• Participants’ full name with full enrolment number
(Times New Roman, Font 12, Normal, Centrered)
• No photograph/picture of the concerned
organization or of anything should be there between
Cover Page and Recommendation

Important No quotation or adage of anyone before or after any

Instruction paragraph

Title Page Part 1: Title Page

(Content and
Formatting) Title of Your Project Report (Times New Roman, Font 14,
Bold, Centrered)
a) Title of
Project Abstract: (Times New Roman, Font 12, Normal, Justified):
Report: 5 • Length: between 180 - 200 words (Times New Roman,
Marks Normal, Font 12)
• Content (Execution Plan): Problem/Issue Identified,
b) Abstract and Objective/Purpose, Methodology, Findings,
Key words: 15 Recommendation
Keywords: 6 to 10 keywords with semicolon (Times New
Roman, Font 12, Normal, Justified)

Body of Project The main body of project report should have four parts.
Part 2: Issue in Detail: You need to give sufficient
Part 2: 20 Marks background and the set-up of the identified Organization and
the issue without any picture and table

Part 3: Analysis: It has two sub-parts.

Part 3: 30 Marks 3.a) Explication of any three (not less or not more)
sound ethical perspectives out of six [3 × 5 = 15
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3.b) You need to provide an analysis of the issue in the
light of three (not less or not more) sound ethical
perspectives only [3 × 5 = 15 Marks]

[No new information about the organization or about the

issue in this part, except the ones given in the first part,
should be there]
[For description of Sound Ethical Perspectives, you should
use the content discussed in Session 2; No inputs with regard
to sound ethical perspectives from outside sources should be
there in Part 3; No picture, no table, and no exhibit should
be there]

[If 3.a is wrong or misinterpreted, 3.b will be considered

as wrong]

Part 4: Findings: On the basis of the analysis, you need to

Part 4: 10 Marks show the findings of your project report.
[No new information about the organization or the issue
except the ones given in the first part should be there; No
picture, no table, and no exhibit should be there]

Part 5: 10 marks Part 5: Recommendation: On the basis of analysis and

findings, you need to clearly recommend ethical courses of
action for the organization
[No picture, no table, and no exhibit should be there]

• Following Project Report Guidelines [5 Marks]

• Innovative Project Report [5 Marks]

Body of Project • No page boarder should be there

Report • No unnecessary gaps should be there before and after
[Formatting] paragraphs
• No empty space must be there in any page
• Text – one and half line spaced, Times New Roman,
Font 12, Justified
• First level headings – Times New Roman 12, bold,
uppercase, Justified
• Second level headings – Times New Roman 12, bold,
mixed case, Justified
• Margins – top 1.0”; left, right and bottom 1.0”
• Exhibits – at the end and referenced sequentially
within the text

Citation and • If you want to put the authors quote as it is (“ ”)

References (Samuel 2021, p.16)
• A quote should not be having more than 10 words
• If you want to put the author’s quote in your own
words (Samuel 2021, p.16)
• Endnotes are the preferred method of reference

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• Format of reference for books and journal articles:
APA Format (You can use: for APA format)
• All references should be there in the end
• Accessed websites must note the date of access (For
example: accessed on August 20, 2021)

Exhibits • Photographs should be part of exhibit

• A source is required for each exhibit
• You are required to clearly mention whether the
exhibit is an original document extraction or a
creation of the author using data from the original
• Exhibits should be of reproductive quality
• If further editing is required, spreadsheets and tables
should be inserted into the document as editable
objects, not as images
• All tables, figures, appendices, etc. should be referred
to as Exhibits and inserted at the end of the project

Project Report • Maximum limit is prescribed as 12 pages including

Length exhibits and reference
• Minimum limit is as 9 pages excluding exhibits and
• Pages are to be numbered in the right bottom of page
in the fashion: Page 1 of 12

Data • Balance sheet, income statement, sales and other

data are desirable if they can be used in the analysis
of the project report

Tense • Description of events that have already taken place

should be written in past tense
• Your analysis of the events can be written in any tense
as appropriate

Intellectual • Acknowledge the sources that you borrow from. See

Honesty the guidelines on ‘References’ as well as ‘Exhibits’
• Any form of plagiarism will fetch you NEGATIVE
MARKS [Hence, use your own words to explain
anything, followed by citation]

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