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Neural–Immune Gut–Brain Communication in the

Anorexia of Disease
Gary J. Schwartz, PhD
From the Edward W. Bourne Behavioral Research Laboratory, Weill Medical College of
Cornell University, White Plains, New York, USA
Peripheral administration of toxic bacterial products and cytokines have been used to model the
immunological, physiological, and behavioral responses to infection, including the anorexia of disease.
The vagus nerve is the major neuroanatomic linkage between gut sites exposed to peripheral endotoxins
and cytokines and the central nervous system regions that mediate the control of food intake, and thus has
been a major research focus of the neurobiological approach to understanding cytokine-induced anorexia.
Molecular biological and neurophysiologic evidence demonstrates that peripheral anorectic doses of
cytokines and endotoxins elicit significant increases in neural activation at multiple peripheral and central
levels of the gut– brain axis and in some cases may modify the neural processing of meal-related
gastrointestinal signals that contribute to the negative feedback control of ingestion. However, behavioral
studies of the anorectic effects of peripheral cytokines and endotoxins have shown that neither vagal nor
splanchnic visceral afferent fibers supplying the gut are necessary for the reduction of food intake in these
models. These data do not rule out 1) the potential contribution of supradiaphragmatic vagal afferents or
2) a modulatory role for immune-stimulated gut vagal afferent signals in the expression of cytokine and
enodotoxin-induced anorexia in the intact organism. Nutrition 2002;18:528 –533. ©Elsevier Science
Inc. 2002

KEY WORDS: visceral afferents, vagotomy, feeding, lipopolysaccharide, muramyl dipeptide, cytokines,
interleukins, acute-phase response, food intake

Appearing in this issue of Nutrition is a new paper in the special used to evaluate anorexia during disease from the standpoint of a
series highlighting work presented at the Anorexia During peripheral infection process.3 Peripheral LPS administration at
Disease—From Research to Clinical Practice Workshop held re- doses that produce anorexia also elicits increases in plasma levels
cently in Ascona, Switzerland. The workshop was organized by of several cytokines believed to mediate LPS anorexia, including
Wolfgang Langhans, DVM, PhD. Professor Langhans is also tumor necrosis factor-␣ (TNF-␣) and interleukin-1␤ (IL-1␤).4 LPS
Guest Editor of this series. and MDP primarily inhibit food intake by reducing meal fre-
—Editor quency, with no significant effect on meal size.5,6 In contrast,
intraperitoneal administration of IL-1␤ at doses that inhibit food
intake reduce meal size and meal frequency, suggesting that the
INTRODUCTION anorectic effects of cytokines and toxins that promote their release
Infection and inflammation can elicit a common set of physiologic, do not completely share the same mechanisms of action.6 The
neuroendocrine, and behavioral responses collectively known as reduction in meal size after IL-1␤ administration also suggests that
the acute-phase response1 and characterized by fever, increased anorexia-producing cytokines act by modulating food-elicited neu-
sleep, and a cluster of somatic effects known as sickness behav- ral negative feedback signals that contribute to meal termination
ior2: reduced social exploration and locomotion, decreased groom- (see NEUROPHYSIOLOGIC STUDIES).
ing, and reduced food and water intake. Prolonged anorexia during Because the central nervous system ultimately determines the
disease can reduce fat stores and lean muscle mass and thus somatic responses that comprise appetitive (approach and food
represents a significant health risk. seeking) and consummatory (chewing, drinking, and swallowing)
Experimental work on the neurobiological basis of anorexia ingestive behaviors, peripheral signals that arise from conse-
during infection has focused on the examination of neural, phys- quences of infection or inflammation must reach and interact with
iologic, and behavioral changes in rodent models after systemic brain regions that control ingestion to produce anorexia. Lang-
administration of bacterial endotoxins and cytokines as potential hans3 described three pathways of information flow that may
mediators of the acute-phase response. Peripheral administration account for anorexia after peripheral endotoxin or cytokine admin-
of components of both gram-positive (muramyl dipeptide, MDP) istration: 1) a humoral pathway, where endotoxins elicit a release
and gram-negative (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) bacteria have been of cytokine mediators that reach the central nervous system via the
blood; 2) a pathway that involves immunomodulator transport
across the blood– brain barrier and central de novo synthesis of
This study was supported by NIH grant DK 47208.
cytokines; and 3) a direct neural pathway from the gut to the brain,
via sensory vagal or non-vagal, splanchnic afferents (Fig. 1). The
Correspondence to: Gary J. Schwartz, PhD, Edward W. Bourne Behavioral vagus nerve is the primary neuroanatomic linkage between the gut
Research Laboratory, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, 21 and the central nervous system sites that mediate feeding behav-
Bloomingdale Road, White Plains, NY 10605 USA. E-mail: ior.7 Consequently, the majority of experimental work on the peripheral neurobiology of anorexia during disease has focused on

Nutrition 18:528 –533, 2002 0899-9007/02/$22.00

©Elsevier Science Inc., 2002. Printed in the United States. All rights reserved. PII S0899-9007(02)00781-5
Nutrition Volume 18, Number 6, 2002 Gut–Brain Communication in Anorexia 529


Immunocytochemical and in situ hybridization studies have re-
ported cytokine signaling capacity in or activation of multiple
levels of the gut– brain axis after peripheral administration of
endotoxin and proinflammatory mediators. Using autoradiographic
binding and immunocytochemical approaches, IL-1 or IL-1 recep-
tors have been localized to vagal paraganglia, nodose ganglia
neurons, brainstem terminations of gut vagal afferent fibers, in-
cluding the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) and area postrema,
and forebrain regions of the gut– brain axis, including the hypo-
thalamic PVN and arcuate nuclei.8 –10 Peripheral administration of
LPS at anorectic doses and tissue harvesting at postinjection times
consistent with anorexia increase mRNA levels of cytokines and
orexigenic and anorexigenic neuropeptide mRNA at several levels
of the gut– brain axis. Peripheral LPS increases IL-1␤ and IL-1␤
receptor protein expression in abdominal but not in cervical vagus
as soon as 60 min after peripheral LPS administration,8 suggesting
a primary gut vagal afferent pathway for cytokine-to-brain infor-
mation flow in LPS anorexia models. Turin et al. showed that
anorectic doses of intraperitoneal LPS upregulate mRNA expres-
sion of several proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1␤ and/or TNF-␣)
in liver, spleen, and adipose tissue, and in homogenates from
several brain regions,11 including hippocampus and cortex. Intra-
peritoneal LPS also increases pro-opiomelanocortin and cocaine-
amphetamine–related transcript mRNA in the hypothalamic arcuate
nucleus, and melanin-concentrating hormone, cocaine-
amphetamine–related transcript, and galanin in the lateral hypo-
thalamus.12 Of these, central administration of cocaine-
amphetamine–related transcript and the pro-opiomelanocortin
product ␣-melanocyte–stimulating hormone (␣-MSH) reduce food
intake,13,14 whereas galanin and melanin-concentrating hormone
increase feeding.15 It is not known whether LPS-induced eleva-
tions in mRNA are reflected in greater neuropeptide expression,
and the functional significance of these increases for LPS anorexia
remains to be demonstrated.

FIG. 1. Schematic illustration of neural gut– brain pathways that may

mediate anorexia during infection. Peripheral bacterial products stimulate
the production of peripheral cytokines that may stimulate vagal and non-
vagal sensory visceral afferents in the gut. These peripheral neural afferents Intraperitoneal IL-1␤ and LPS at feeding inhibitory doses induce
carry cytokine-elicited signals to central nervous system regions of the c-fos proto-oncogene expression in vagal primary afferent neurons
gut– brain axis, including the area postrema (AP), the nucleus of the at times when their anorexic effects can be observed (1.5 to 3 h
solitary tract (NTS), and the parabrachial nucleus in the caudal brainstem postinjection).16 –18 Indomethacin, a prostaglandin E2 synthesis
(PBN), and the hypothalamus (HYP), the central nucleus of the amygdala inhibitor, significantly attenuates but does not completely block
(CeA), and the bed nucleus of the stria terminals (BST) in the forebrain. vagal IL-1␤-induced c-fos mRNA expression, suggesting that IL-
Note also that peripheral cytokines may affect central gut– brain regions via 1␤–stimulated prostaglandins represent a more proximal stimulus
a humoral pathway involving the blood– brain barrier and/or circumven- to nodose neurons than IL-1␤ itself.18 Peripheral administration of
tricular organs. IL-1␤, interleukin-1␤; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; MDP,
LPS and IL-1␤ at anorectic doses and time points (2 h) also
muramyl dipeptide; TNF-␣, tumor necrosis factor-␣, DMX, dorsal vagal
nucleus. stimulates c-fos expression in a wide range of central gut– brain
axis regions, including the NST, area postrema, parabrachial nu-
cleus, hypothalamic PVN, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and
CeA.19 –24 In time course studies, peripheral IL-1␤-stimulated
brainstem and hypothalamic c-fos mRNA, and protein expression
the potential role of vagal afferent traffic from the gut to the brain. appears to be maximal at 2 to 3 h and decline thereafter in the
Primary sensory cell bodies of subdiaphragmatic vagal afferent hypothalamus but increases in brainstem gut-recipient sites such as
neurons are in the nodose ganglion, whose central projections the NTS.20 This prolonged brainstem activation is consistent with
terminate in the caudal brainstem nucleus of the solitary tract persistent reductions in food intake at times longer than 3 h after
(NST). Spinal afferent information also from the gut ascends to the peripheral IL-1␤ injections. Importantly, peripheral IL-1␤ pro-
NST via the spinosolitary tract. From the NST, ascending projec- duces significantly more expression in several non-hypothalamic
tions reach multiple hindbrain and forebrain sites involved in the regions of the gut– brain axis than does central administration,
processing of gut visceral afferent information and the control of including the NST, the lateral parabrachial nucleus, the bed nu-
food intake, including the area postrema, the parabrachial nucleus, cleus of the stria terminalis, and the CeA.24 These data suggest that
the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), the bed nucleus peripheral IL-1␤’s anorectic effects are mediated by distinct non-
of the stria terminalis, and the central nucleus of the amygdala hypothalamic targets along the gut– brain axis that are different
(CeA). This article focuses on current, limited evidence for the from those that stimulated by central cytokine injections.
existence and likely function of gut– brain afferent neural path- Intraperitoneal LPS at anorectic doses activates c-fos expres-
ways in the mediation of anorexia in disease models from molec- sion in distinct subpopulations of neurons within several of the
ular genetic, neurophysiological, and biobehavioral perspectives. gut-responsive regions of the caudal brainstem, including the area
530 Schwartz Nutrition Volume 18, Number 6, 2002

postrema, NTS, and the dorsal motor vagal complex.25,26 Of the These experiments also do not identify the gastrointestinal origin
c-fos–labeled cells in the NTS, only a subpopulation sends direct of the vagal afferent signals, because the gastric and hepatic
projections to the hypothalamic PVN. In separate studies, intra- branches of the vagus nerves supply multiple gut regions, includ-
peritoneal LPS produced a similar regional distribution of brain- ing the stomach, pylorus, and proximal small intestine (gastric
stem c-fos–labeled neurons projecting to the CeA, a non- branch) and the liver, stomach, and duodenum (hepatic branch).31
hypothalamic forebrain region of the gut– brain axis. Finally, these studies do not characterize the functional capability
Subdiaphragmatic vagotomy eliminated LPS-induced c-fos label- of the vagal sensory fibers in terms of chemosensitivity, mechano-
ing in many of these hypothalamic and amygdaloid-projecting sensitivity, or gut– brain peptide responsivity, which has been well
NTS neurons. These data 1) affirm the role of the subdiphragmatic established.30 Single-unit recordings would provide data on each
afferent vagus in activating hindbrain–forebrain circuits along the of these fronts by establishing which gut vagal afferent sensors are
gut– brain axis after peripheral endotoxin administration and 2) stimulated in terms of gastrointestinal region and functional sub-
demonstrate how combinations of immunohistochemical and neu- type, and facilitate experiments designed to show how gut vagal
roanatomic tract tracing methods can show which neural popula- sensory stimulation might contribute to the anorectic effects of
tions contribute to LPS-induced anorexia more clearly than c-fos peripheral cytokines and endotoxins.
studies alone. Cytokine modulation of neural signaling in central and periph-
Taken together, these results show that peripheral cytokines eral regions of the gut– brain axis may mediate LPS and IL-1␤-
and endotoxins at anorectic doses produce c-fos activation at induced anorexia. Central administration of IL-1␤ receptor antag-
multiple levels of the gut– brain axis at times during which an- onists partly block peripheral IL-1␤–induced reductions in food-
orexia is expressed. However, the temporal relations between the motivated behavior32 and completely block peripheral LPS
patterns of c-fos expression and the magnitude of anorexia have anorexia in mice.33 In the brainstem NTS, where gut vagal affer-
not been explored. Such relations might identify which candidate ents terminate, local pressure injection of femtomole doses of
neural populations mediate LPS-induced anorexia throughout the TNF-␣ stimulate gastric load-sensitive neurons and increases the
24-h period typically assessed in feeding studies. In addition, the subsequent neurophysiologic response to gastric distention,34 a
neurochemical phenotypes and projection sites of LPS-induced potent inhibitor of food intake.35 In the periphery, recent work has
c-fos–labeled cells along the gut– brain axis have only begun to be focused on how immunomodulators interact with signaling mech-
established. Peripheral LPS administration activates brainstem anisms for cholecystokinin (CCK), a gut– brain peptide released
cells positive and negative for tyrosine hydroxylase in the NTS and from duodenal endocrine cells during meals that acts via the
parabrachial nucleus and hypothalamic PVN neurons immunopo- subdipahragmatic afferent vagus to inhibit food intake.36 Two
sitive for oxytocin, corticotrophin-releasing hormone, and functional subtypes of CCK receptors have been identified, CCKA
vasopressin.25–27 Further neurochemical and/or neuropeptidergic and CCKB, and exogenous and endogenous CCK’s feeding inhib-
phenotyping of LPS- and IL-1␤–stimulated fos-labeled cells in the
itory effects rely on its interactions with CCKA receptors.37 CCKA
central nervous system will be critical in characterizing the neural
receptors are localized to several regions of the gut– brain axis,
circuits and transmitters that contribute to cytokine and endotoxin-
including the afferent vagus and the brainstem NTS.38,39 Gastric
induced anorexia.
branch vagal afferents are stimulated by CCK and IL-1␤, and
intravenous administration of IL-1␤ enhances the gastric vagal
afferent excitatory responses to CCK,40 suggesting a neuromodu-
NEUROPHYSIOLOGIC EVIDENCE latory role for IL-1␤ in gut vagal afferent signaling. These data
In neurophysiologic studies, multiunit recordings from the subdi- support the idea that peripheral endotoxins and proinflammatory
aphragmatic vagus nerves support a role for gut vagal afferents in cytokines produce anorexia by amplifying gut neural signals im-
mediating LPS and cytokine-induced signaling. Intravenous ad- portant in the negative feedback control of ingestion.
ministration of IL-1␤ stimulates gastric branch vagal afferents Neurophysiologic responses to intravenous IL-1␤ are attenu-
after a 15-min response latency, with elevated response rates ated in part by pretreatment with the CCKA receptor antagonist
lasting at least 60 min.28,29 Hepatic vagal afferent fibers also are devazepide.28 However, CCKA receptor blockade does not con-
excited by intravenous IL-1␤ administration, but only after laten- sistently block cytokine- or LPS-induced reductions in appetitive
cies longer than 10 to 20 min.29 The relatively long latencies and consummatory ingestive behaviors. In rats, devazepide partly
between IL-1␤ injection and the increased gut vagal afferent blocks the reduction in food intake produced by intraperitoneal
response rate 1) are in sharp contrast with the much shorter latency injections of IL-1␣41 but does not block peripheral intraperitoneal
response (5 to 15 s) to meal-related feeding inhibitory stimuli, such LPS- and IL-1␤–induced reductions in instrumental bar pressing
as mechanical distension, osmolarity, nutrient content, and gut for 20-mg pellet food rewards.42 These data may reflect species
peptides,30 and 2) suggest that the endotoxin and cytokines them- differences in CCKA receptor modulation of infection anorexia
selves are not providing a direct stimulus to the vagal receptors and and demonstrate that CCKA receptors are not essential for LPS-
transduction elements that mediate the increase in neural discharge and IL-1␤–induced reductions in feeding behavior in these models.
rates. Pretreatment with the prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor in- There is limited recent evidence that vagal efferent outflow may
domethacin blocks the vagal afferent response to intravenous mediate some of the immunologic effects of peripheral cytokine
IL-1␤, and vagal sensory neurons in the rat nodose ganglion and endotoxin administration. Intravenous administration of IL-1␤
express mRNA encoding the EP3 subtype of the prostaglandin E2 activates vagal efferent fibers supplying the thymus and inhibits
receptor,18 suggesting that local prostaglandin signaling may be a gastric branch vagal efferent neurophysiologic activity.43,44 Pe-
more direct mediator of the vagal afferent neurophysiologic re- ripheral vagal efferent nerve stimulation after bilateral cervical
sponse to endotoxins than the proinflammatory cytokines elicited vagotomy in rats attenuates the systemic inflammatory response to
by LPS. intravenous LPS, reduces TNF-␣, IL-1␤, and IL-6 in human mac-
Several methodologic concerns make it difficult to interpret this rophage cultures, and reduces serum TNF-␣ and mortality after a
collection of neurophysiologic data. Multiunit recordings do not lethal LPS dose in mice.45 Bilateral cervical vagotomy also in-
reveal whether the immunomodulator-induced increases in vagal creases IL-1␤– elicited sympathetic activity in lumbar, renal, and
afferent activity are due to 1) increased activity in single neurons splenic efferents, suggesting that vagal afferent responses to pe-
over time, 2) recruitment of more single neurons over time, or 3) ripheral IL-1␤ tonically inhibit sympathetic outflow.46 Although
both of these processes. The lack of single-unit data hinders these are intriguing demonstrations of neural–immune communi-
progress in characterizing what types of receptors or transduction cation from an efferent perspective, the relationships between
mechanisms might be responsible for vagal afferent activation. these effects and food intake have not been addressed and cur-
Nutrition Volume 18, Number 6, 2002 Gut–Brain Communication in Anorexia 531

rently do not support a role for such communicatin in the anorexia involved in feeding may attenuate LPS- and IL-1␤–induced an-
of disease. orexia. Central third ventricular or hypothalamic PVN administra-
tion of ␣-MSH, a peptide product of the pro-opiomelanocortin
gene, produces potent feeding-inhibitory effects in rats, and brain
melanocortin-3/4 receptors mediate this inhibition.60 – 61
Nerve Transection Studies Melanocortin-4 receptor mRNA is expressed in brainstem and
forebrain regions of the gut– brain axis, including the dorsal motor
Chemical lesions or surgical transactions have been used to eval- vagal nucleus (DMX), the NTS, the PVN, the CeA, and the bed
uate the role of gastrointestinal vagal afferents in mediating the nucleus of the stria terminalis.62 Further, central third intracere-
neuronal activation and anorectic effects of peripheral endotoxins broventricular ␣-MSH administration activates c-fos in multiple
and proinflammatory cytokines. Subdiaphragmatic vagotomy at- regions of the gut– brain axis, including the lateral parabrachial
tenuates the ability of anorectic doses of peripheral LPS to increase nucleus, the PVN, and the CeA.61 Central administration of the
IL-1␤ mRNA in hypothalamic extracts47and inhibits intraperito- melanocortin-3/4 receptor antagonist SHU9119, at doses that do
neal IL-1␤–stimulated IL-1 mRNA expression in the central ner- not alter food intake and body weight when administered alone
vous system.48 Subdiaphragmatic vagotomy also prevents hypo- blocked the anorectic effects of central IL-1␤.63 Complementary
thalamic PVN and supraoptic nucleus c-fos activation produced by work showed that ␣-MSH exacerbates intraperitoneal LPS-
intraperitoneal but not by intravenous injections of anorexia- induced anorexia and that pretreatment with central SHU9119 at
producing doses of LPS,23 demonstrating that the patterns of doses that are ineffective when given alone block the anorectic
LPS-induced c-fos activity in the gut– brain axis are sensitive to action of LPS. These data demonstrate a central melanocortinergic
the route of immunomodulator administration, and suggesting that mediation of the anorectic effects of LPS and IL-1␤, but do not
intraperitoneal administration selectively stimulates vagal afferent address whether central portions of the gut– brain axis are involved
pathways. However, vagotomy does not block the ability of intra- in this mediation.
peritoneal anorectic doses of LPS to stimulate plasma and brain
LPS anorexia also may be mediated by stimulation of gut–
elevations in IL-1␤,49 –50 suggesting that LPS-induced proinflam-
brain neurons immunopositive for glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-
matory mediators do not require an afferent vagus to mediate their
1), a gut– brain peptide whose central administration has been
feeding-inhibitory effects.
shown to reduce feeding in rats.65 GLP-1–immunoreactive neurons
Data from behavioral studies using total subdiaphragmatic va-
gotomy have demonstrated a role for the intact vagus in mediating have been localized to regions of lateral and medial NST, where
1) the inhibition of food intake produced by gastric, duodenal, and gut vagal afferents terminate.66 Peripheral LPS administration at
hepatic meal-related stimuli,7 2) peripheral LPS- and IL-1␤– anorectic doses and tissue processing at time points during which
induced sickness behavior,51–52 3) cytokine-induced taste aver- anorexia would be expressed produce c-fos protein expression in
sions,53 and 4) instrumental bar pressing behaviors to acquire GLP-1–imunopositive cells in the gut vagal recipient and PVN-
food.54 However, these studies do not specifically address the projecting regions of the NTS.66 Central administration of GLP-1
discrete role of gut vagal afferents in peripheral endotoxin and receptor antagonists at doses that do not alter body temperature or
proinflammatory cytokine-induced anorexia because total subdia- food intake when given alone reduces LPS anorexia.67 Given this
phragmatic vagotomy interrupts ascending vagal sensory fibers GLP-1–mediated enhancement of LPS-induced anorexia, it would
and descending efferent fibers. Thus, it fails to discriminate be- be helpful to determine whether 1) vagotomy blocks LPS-induced
tween the contribution of vagal afferents and vagal efferents to the c-fos in GLP-1 brainstem neurons and 2) brainstem application of
reduction in food intake. Systemic capsaicin treatment, which GLP-1 antagonists would also reduce peripheral LPS- or cytokine-
selectively destroys a subpopulation of unmyelinated primary af- induced c-fos production in other central regions of the gut– brain
ferent axons, does not block LPS- and IL-1␤–induced reductions axis.
in instrumental responding to obtain food, suggesting that capsa-
icin sensitive vagal afferents do not contribute to LPS- and IL-
1␤–induced anorexia.55 With a more direct test of the role of
gastrointestinal vagal afferents, selective surgical transection of all CONCLUSIONS
subdiaphragmatic vagal sensory axons also failed to block the
anorectic effects of intraperitoneal LPS and IL-␤, demonstrating The ineffectiveness of extrinsic gut deafferentation demonstrates
that gut vagal sensory input is not necessary for the reduction of that the sensory gut– brain neuraxis is not a necessary mediator of
food intake in this model.56 The combination of gut vagal deaf- the anorectic response to peripheral cytokine and endotoxin ad-
ferentation with splanchnic nerve transection also failed to atten- ministration. However, this result does not rule out the possibility
uate anorexia produced by LPS, MDP, and IL-1␤,59 demonstrating that vagal and non-vagal afferents contribute to anorexia in these
that the extrinsic innervation of the upper gut is not necessary for models. Supradiaphragmatic vagal afferents are spared by the gut
peripheral cytokine- and endotoxin-induced anorexia. These find- vagal deafferentation procedure, and cytokines and endotoxins
ings were surprising, given the ability of subdiaphragmatic vagot-
may act on these vagal afferents to promote anorexia. C-fos
omy to block LPS- or IL-1␤–induced increases in central neuronal
immunoreactivity has not yet been probed in nodose neurons after
activation, social exploration, and food-motivated instrumental bar
gut vagal deafferentation and would show whether the vagal
pressing (see above).51–54 However, there are some exceptions;
subdiaphragmatic vagotomy does not block intraperitoneal LPS- sensory pathway was still activated in this case and might then
induced fever49 or IL-1␤–induced fever at doses that are sub- contribute to the persistence of LPS-, IL-1␤–, and MDP-induced
threshold for inhibiting food intake.57–58 Surgical vagal deafferen- anorexia. In addition, non-vagal visceral afferent fibers outside the
tation has not been used systematically to determine which aspects celiac-superior mesenteric plexus may be sensitive to cytokines
of the acute-phase response to peripheral cytokines and endotoxin and endotoxins, yet their role in these anorexia models would be
administration (fever, sleep, reduced locomotion and grooming) difficult to assess because of their widespread distribution. The
rely on gut vagal afferents, and would clarify this contribution. ability of peripheral cytokines and immunomodulators to 1) mod-
ify the processing of meal-related negative feedback signals from
Central Neuropeptide Mediation the gut and 2) engage the central neuropeptide systems involved in
feeding have only begun to be explored and will be critical to
Results from two recent studies suggested that pharmacologic understanding the role of neural–immune communication in the
blockade of neuropeptide signaling in central gut– brain regions control of energy homeostasis.
532 Schwartz Nutrition Volume 18, Number 6, 2002

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June in Glasgow, Scotland. For more information, please
20 –22 Practical Aproaches to the Treatment of Obesity. contact: MCI Congress, Rue de Lyon 75, 1211 Geneva
Sponsored by Harvard Medical School and endorsed by 13, Switzerland, or call 41 22 33 99 580 or e-mail
the North American Association for the Study of Obe- ESPEN website: www.espen.
sity and the Boston Obesity Nutrition Research Center. org.
To be held at the Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge,
MA. To view course information or to register online, Oct
visit To receive a course 25–27 27th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian
brochure, please contact Susan Branco Sidell at 617- Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
677-2651 or e-mail (AuSPEN). “Challenges in Longterm Feeding.” To be
held at the Peppers Fairmont Resort, Blue Mountains,
June New South Wales, Australia. For more information,
24 –26 9th World Congress on Clinical Nutrition. To be held contact Paul Woods at
at the Church House Conference Center, Westminster,
London. For more information, please contact Dr. Heema 2003
Shukla, Secretary General, 9th WCCN, at 44 20 7911 Feb
5752. E-mail: website: www. 23–27 IX Asian Congress of Nutrition, New Delhi, India. “Nutrition Goals for Asia-Vision 2020.” For informa-
tion, contact Dr. C. Gopalan, President, IX Asian Con-
Aug 31– gress of Nutrition, Nutrition Foundation of India, C-13
Sept 4 Annual Meeting of the British Association for Par- Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016, India.
enteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN). To be held Tel: 91-11-6857814, 6962615. Fax: 91-11-6560106,
in conjunction with the ESPEN 2002 Congress in Glas- 6857814. E-mail: Website:
gow, Scotland. For more information contact Prof. C.
R. Pennington, Chairman of the Steering Committee
for ESPEN 2002, Dept. of Digestive Diseases and May 5th European Forum for Dieticians, Budapest, Hun-
Clinical Nutrition, Ninewells Hospital and Medical gary. For scientific information, contact Izabelia
School, Dundee DD1 9SY, Scotland. Tel: 44-01382- Henter, Dietitian, HDA delegate to EFAD, H-1051
632307. Fax: 44-01382-425504. BAPEN website: www. Budapest, Arany J. U. 31. IV/65. Tel: 361-311-8947. Mobil: 3630-274-7643. E-mail: mdosz@mail.externet.
hu. For congress information, contact Zsombor Papp,
Aug 31– Head of Office, Convention Budapest Ltd., H-1461
Sept 4 24th (2002) Congress of the European Society for Budapest, P.O.B.: 11. Tel: 361-216-1121 or 361-216-
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN). To be 3421. Fax: 361-456-0888. E-mail: convention.
held at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Center

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