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SCHOOL: Central Bicol State University Of Agriculture GRADE LEVEL: 7

TIME & DATE: December 5, 2022(8:50am-10:20am) LEARNING AREA: Math

1. Define constant, variables, and algebraic expression.
2. Differentiate between constant and variables in a given algebraic expression.
3. Identify the constant and variables in a given algebraic expression.


Topic: Contant, Variables and Algebraic Expressions
Reference: GRADE 7 LEARNERS' MODULE (Mathematics) pg. 112-116
Materials: Visual Aid, White Board and Whiteboard Marker


Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

PRELIMINARY Prayer Someone will lead the
Everybody let us pray.
“Our father who art in
heaven hallowed be thy
name. Thy kingdom
come, thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily
bread and forgive those
who trespass against us,
lead us not into
temptation but deliver us
from evil. Amen.”

The pupils will arrange

the chair and pick up the
piece of paper.
Classroom Management The pupils listen
Arrange the chair and pick up the piece of paper near
and under your chairs and tables
(Expected answers)
The lesson Last Monday
sir was about the
Measurement of Angle,
Let’s have some recap about our lesson last Monday. Time and Temparature.

What was our lesson last Monday

Very Good!

What is Measurement of angle? An angle is measured in

degrees, hence its called
'degree measure'. One
Anybody? complete revolution is
equal to 360 degrees

Very Good!

“At the end of our discussion you are expected to be

able to achieve the following objectives. Every one
please read.
Define constant, variables, and algebraic expression.
Differentiate between constant and variables in a
given algebraic expression. Identify the constant and
variables in a given algebraic expression.


“Before we start our discussion, we are going to have

an activity. I have here is a bowl of paper with your
name as I call your name you will be the one to
answer in the board. Before we start, I will explain
first the activity.

Ana own a small business where in she make
strawberry jam. She can produce 5-10 boxes daily.
box (Students Perform)
contains 12 jars of strawberry jams.
Complete the table:
No. of
2 4 6 8 10 12
No. of Jars 24 48 72
Question: Without the table, how many jars of
strawberry jams could Ana make in every 12 boxes?
To find the number of jars in all boxes, multiply the
numbers of boxes by 12, thus if we let j =
number of jars; The total number of jars is j × 12 or
12j or n = 12j So 12 boxes = 12(12) or 144
ABSTRACTION “Our topic for today is about Constant, Variables and (students raising their
Algebraic Expressions.” hands)

“Before we go to our lesson, I have a question class “Ma’am, a Constants are

does anyone from the class know what is Constant?” considered as algebraic
expressions which only
involve numbers. They
“Okay. How about Variables?”
have termed constants
because their value is
always the same. No
“Very good. It carries varying values when written in variable can change the
an expression. By convention, mathematicians value of a constant.”
usually assign letters (not mandatory) at the end of
the alphabet (such as x, y,and z) to be variables.” “Ma’am, a variable is a
symbol, usually letters
that represent some
“Very good now let’s proceed to our lesson today” unknown, which represent
a value or a number.”

“Now I have here 2 examples here. Let’s identify

which is constant and which s the variables.”
1st Example:

2nd Example:

- coefficients are the number part of the terms with
Example: 4x – 2y + 9xy - 3
* the coefficient of the first term is 4, the coefficient
of the second term is 2 and the coefficient of the
third term is 9.
– a term is a constant or a variable or constants and
variables multiplied together. For example, 4, xy or
8yz. The term’s number part is called the numerical
coefficient while the
variable or variables is/are called the literal
coefficient/s. For the term 8yz, the numerical
coefficient is 8 and the literal coefficients are yz;
- an algebraic expression is a group of terms
separated by the plus or minus sign.
4y – 7 + 1/2x

- term is a constant or a variable or constants and

variables multiplied together. Example: 4y, 7 and 1/2x

“Any questions or clarification?” “None Ma’am!”

APPLICATION “Okay since you don’t have question, I need a

volunteer student to answer on the board.”
Let’s complete the table. Identify the constant(s) and
Students raising their
variable(s) in the given algebraic expression.
Algebraic Expression Constant(s) Variable(s)
1. x + 7y + 2
2. 2x + 4
1. 2
3. x - 3 2. 4
3. -3
4. 2a + 4 4. 4
5. 8
5. x + y + 8
1. x&y
2. x
3. x
4. a
5. x&y
“As a summary. In this lesson, you learned about
constants, letters and variables, and algebraic
Yes Ma’am!”
expressions. You learned that the equal sign means
more than getting an answer to an operation; it just
means that expressions on either side have equal
values. You also learned how to evaluate algebraic
expressions when values are assigned to letters.?”

“None Ma’am!”
“Do you have any question or clarification?”
“Okay very good, Since there is no more question
Please prepare ½ crosswise. We will have a short quiz”s

Identify the number of terms, the coefficients, and Answers:
the constant term of the expressions below.
Variables: p,pc,c
1. 7p – 6pc + 3c - 2
Variables: Constant: -2
Coefficients: Coefficients: 7 -6+3
2. 8 + 4ab - 5b 2.
Variables: Variables: ab,b
Constant: Constant:8
Coefficients: Coefficients:4-5
3. 3x + 7y - 9 3.
Variables: Variables: x,y
Constant: Constant: -9
Coefficients: Coefficients:3+7
4. 12a + 2c - 6 4.
Variables: Variables: a,c
Constant: Constant: -6
Coefficients: Coefficients: 12+2
5. 5t + 15r - 10 5.
Variables: Variables: t,r
Constant: Constant: -10
Coefficients: Coefficients: 5 +15
Determine the constant/s and variable/s in each Variable/s:
algebraic expression.
1. b
Algebraic Expressions Variable/s Constant/s
2. m
1. b + 12 _________ _________
3. n
2. 3 – m _________ _________
4. p
3. n + 8 _________ _________
5. a,b
4. 6p _________ _________
6. x
5. a + b + 5 _________ _________
7. m
6. 0.3 + x _________ _________
8. a,-b
7. 4/m_________ _________
9. m
8. 1/2a– b _________ _________
10. g
9.m/4_________ _________
11. bc
10. 19 – g _________ _________
12. d
11. 2bc + 8 _________ _________
13. x
12. 2 + d + 12 _________ _________
14. x, y
13. x + 6 _________ _________
15. a, b
14. 2 + x – 5y _________ _________
15. 2/3(a + b) _________ _______ 1. 12
2. 3
3. 8
4. 6
5. 5
6. 0.3
7. 4
9. 4
10. 19
11. 8
12. 2, 12
13. 6
14. 2
15. 2/3

Prepared By:

Maria sharline Basit

Student Teacher

Noted By:

Rey A. Anonuevo
Coordinating Teacher

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