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© 2018 EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences 2018 October;62(5):542-8

Online version at DOI: 10.23736/S0390-5616.18.04501-0


Pathophysiology of severe traumatic brain injury

Ruth A. O’LEARY 1, Alistair D. NICHOL 1, 2, 3 *

1Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia; 2Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care-Research
Center, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; 3University College Dublin Clinical
Research Centre, St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
*Corresponding author: Alistair D. Nichol, Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia.

Traumatic brain injury is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally, particularly among young people, with significant social and
economic effects. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than five million people die each year from traumatic injuries
worldwide. While public health initiatives such as seatbelts and airbags have had a major impact, it will be impossible to prevent traumatic brain
injury.Therefore, it is important that we understand the pathophysiology of secondary brain injury to be able to effectively treat our patient and
also to develop novel targets of future interventions. The mechanisms of secondary brain injury are complex involving alterations in cerebral
perfusion, activation of inflammatory cytokines and excitotoxicity. While our understanding of these mechanisms has advanced greatly over
the last decade, there is still much to learn and great uncertainty at the bedside. There has been some recent success with the discovery of some
simple interventions that can reduce secondary brain injury and improve outcomes in patients after traumatic brain injury. In this review we
summarize the current understanding of mechanisms and pathophysiology of primary and secondary brain injury, the goals for current treatment
and potential targets for future therapy.
(Cite this article as: O’Leary RA, Nichol AD. Pathophysiology of severe traumatic brain injury. J Neurosurg Sci 2018;62:542-8. DOI: 10.23736/
Key words: Traumatic brain injuries - Pathophysiology - Cerebrovascular circulation - Neurogenic inflammation.

T he World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that

more than five million people die each year from
traumatic injuries worldwide.1 These represent 9% of all
Classification of traumatic brain injury

TBI may be classified in a number of different ways. It was

deaths and are 1.7 times the number of fatalities that re- initially understood in terms of its effect on level of con-
sult from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined.1 sciousness and clinical scores were used to classify TBI on
Over 1.3 million of these deaths are a result of road trauma: this basis. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) has been used
by 2020 this is projected to increase to over 2 million.2 to classify TBIs according to severity — mild (GCS 14-15),
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the leading cause of mor- moderate (GCS 9-13), or severe (GCS 3-8).4 This scale is
tality in young people and as a result it has significant so- made up of verbal, eye and motor responses to increasing
cial and economic impact: globally the estimated annual stimulus and has been in use for more than forty years and
cost of road trauma alone is estimated to be in excess of $ still appears to have adequate reliability to determine long
500 billion.3 We summarize the current understanding of term outcome.5 For accurate assessment the components of
mechanisms and pathophysiology of primary and second- the scale should be reported separately rather than as a sum
ary brain injury, the goals for current treatment and poten- score. This is because the sum score is less reliable than the
tial targets for future therapy. component scores5 and also because the motor component

542 Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences October 2018

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in its own right is a predictor of outcome in severe TBI.6 injury, although commonly focal and diffuse injuries co-
However, in the hospital setting clinical classification of exist.15 Injuries resulting from a direct impact (e.g. closed
TBI may be of limited use due to confounding factors such injury from focal blow or crush injury, penetrating wound)
as sedation.7, 8 In view of this other means of classification are characteristically focal, presenting as contusions or
have become widely adopted in both research and clinical hematomas. Focal contusions are the most common pre-
practice over the last number of years. senting lesion but intracranial hematomas may occur in up
Radiological classification is commonly used to aid in to 35% of patients with severe TBI.4, 15 These are readily
the prediction of prognosis. The presence of a number of visible on radiological imaging studies and may be graded
individual features such as midline shift and subarachnoid using the classification systems discussed above.10, 12 Ac-
hemorrhage are predictive of outcome in severe TBI9 and celeration and deceleration injuries are associated with
in addition to this a number of classification systems are in more diffuse injuries related to rotational, shearing forc-
use. The Marshall classification system10 has been widely es.15 These may not manifest in radiological abnormalities
used for over 15 years. It divides TBI into six categories initially although there may be vascular damage at higher
— diffuse 1-4 with progressive amounts of compression, shear rates, leading to microhemorrhages.4 Diffuse axonal
midline shift and mixed-density lesions and mass lesions injuries may result from these acceleration/deceleration
either evacuated or non-evacuated. It is useful in that it injuries and are characterized by coma and poor outcome
describes the injuries on the brain but it has a number of despite benign radiological appearances.
limitations. Firstly, it cannot be used as a grading system
as mortality does not increase with each grade. Specifi-
Secondary brain injury
cally the mortality for class 5 (an evacuated mass lesion)
is predictably lower than for class 6 (an unevacuated mass Secondary brain injury results from a complex cascade of
lesion).11 In addition to this, it fails to differentiate between events. Alterations in cerebral blood flow and metabolic
different types of hematoma and discounts traumatic sub- dysfunction are associated with poor outcomes. In addi-
arachnoid hemorrhage entirely. Due to these shortcomings tion to this, TBI leads to immune activation with the re-
the Rotterdam scoring system was developed — a linear lease of excitatory neurotransmitters and inflammatory cy-
grading system that correlates with increasing mortality.12 tokines. Our understanding of this complex interplay has
Both scores correlate with mortality and with each other improved significantly since the start of the millennium
and are used widely. Finally, a number of different prog- and the mechanisms detailed below have provided new
nostic models have been developed based on admission therapeutic targets.
criteria. These have been developed from large patient
groups, such as those participating in the CRASH and IM-
PACT trial groups6, 13 and take into account demographic Cerebral perfusion
data, clinical and radiological findings and the presence
Alterations in cerebral blood flow (CBF) are commonly
of extracranial injuries. These models have found asso-
seen in the setting of traumatic brain injury. Inadequate
ciations between age, motor score and pupillary responses
CBF leads to ischemia and consequently worse outcomes
and outcome at 6 months. The addition of CT findings,
with increased morbidity and mortality. These changes re-
specifically the presence of subarachnoid blood, hemato-
sult from complex interactions between systemic hypoten-
ma and mass lesion and compression of the basal cisterns,
sion, impaired autoregulation, raised intracranial pressure
improves the predictive power of the model.6 Although the
(ICP) and vasospasm (Figure 1).16
models developed from these large patient cohorts allow
It is well-recognized that TBI frequently results in hy-
classification by predicted outcome and may be of use on
poperfusion leading to cerebral ischemia. This may be fo-
an organizational level, they should be used to augment
cal or global and has been established by multiple different
rather than replace clinical judgement.14
imaging modalities.17, 18 Cerebral ischemia in this setting
occurs due to a number of different mechanisms including
Primary brain injury direct injury to vessels, mechanical compression, hypoten-
sion and reduced perfusion due to failure of autoregula-
Primary brain injury occurs when an external force results tion.19 Of note ischemia occurs at a higher rate of CBF
in brain damage, which may be focal or diffuse. The pat- than is found in ischemic stroke,20 even though cerebral
tern of damage seen differs according to the mechanism of metabolic rate for oxygen is reduced after severe TBI.21-23

Vol. 62 - No. 5 Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences 543

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be difficult to assess due to the use of sedation. The mech-

anisms leading to vasospasm in this population include
chronic depolarization of vascular smooth muscle due to
reduced potassium channel activity16, 31 and reduced avail-
ability of smooth muscle relaxants such as nitric oxide and
cyclic GMP.32

Cerebral metabolism and oxygenation

Intracranial pressure

In the immediate aftermath of a severe TBI there is an

increase in energy needs but a decrease in CRMO. This
leads to metabolic uncoupling and energy dysfunction.33
This dysfunction is associated with poor neurological
Mass lesion size prognosis.21, 34 Lactate levels are commonly increased in
this setting and this has, in the past, been interpreted as
Figure 1.—The Monro Kellie hypothesis: this schema describes the re-
lationship between the non-compressible components of the intracranial a marker of anaerobic metabolism and a potential target
volume. The skull is a rigid compartment so an increase in the volume for hyperoxic therapy.35 However, in this setting lactate
of brain tissue, CSF or blood must result either in a decrease in the other production may be due to hyperglycolysis in the absence
two components or an increase in intracranial pressure.
of ischemia33 and it may become an alternative substrate
to glucose for metabolism.36 Similarly, mitochondrial dys-
In addition to hypoperfusion, patients with TBI may also function is also seen in non-ischemic areas. These areas
develop cerebral hyperperfusion, which is similarly detri- with injury-induced mitochondrial dysfunction are associ-
mental. This leads to increased cerebral blood volume and ated with worse outcomes.37 Hyperoxia has been investi-
consequently increased ICP.24 gated as a therapy for these metabolic derangements with
CBF is normally tightly autoregulated — blood vessels disappointing results.35
constrict or dilate to maintain a constant blood flow be-
tween mean arterial pressure ranges of 50-150 mmHg.25, 26 Oxidative stress and excitotoxicity
This autoregulation is impaired after TBI so CBF directly
correlates with MAP. As a result, patients are much more Oxidative stress plays a significant role in the development
susceptible to hypoperfusion after traumatic insults. Im- of secondary injury after severe TBI. Reactive oxygen and
pairment in autoregulation may occur immediately after nitrogen species are formed when there is an imbalance be-
the event or it may develop over time and it may persist for tween their production and the activity of antioxidants such
a variable amount of time. Autoregulation is more likely to as glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase.38 Su-
be impaired in response to decreased MAP, suggesting that peroxide is the most common free radical seen after TBI39
patients post TBI are less likely to tolerate hypotension.16 and its production is associated with high intracellular cal-
Cerebrovascular response to changes in CO2 is relatively cium levels.40 The proliferation in free radicals causes tis-
preserved even in severe TBI, suggesting it as a target for sue damage by promoting hydroxyl radicals and through
ICP management. However, multiple studies have shown activation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). MMPs
that arterial vasoconstriction in response to hypocapnia leads are responsible for extracellular matrix degradation of the
to worse outcomes due to cerebral hypoperfusion, rebound blood brain barrier (BBB) and their inappropriate activa-
intracranial hypertension on restoration of normocapnia and tion results in increased BBB permeability (Figure 2).41, 42
N-methyl-D-aspartate-receptor-mediated neurotoxicity.27 In Oxygen free radicals may also lead to the activation of
view of this hypocapnia is recommended only as emergent nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB).43 NF-κB increases the
management of life-threatening ICP rises. transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tu-
Vasospasm is well-described after subarachnoid hemor- mor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6).44
rhage and is associated with poor outcomes.28 A similar Although these mediators may be associated with normal
picture is seen in TBI patients with vasospasm occurring wound healing, inappropriate activation may be associat-
in up to 40% of patients.29, 30 However, vasospasm occurs ed with secondary brain injury. These pathophysiological
earlier in TBI patient, within 12 hours of injury and may changes are seen in other forms of brain injury, such as

544 Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences October 2018

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ronal nitric oxide.40 This reacts with superoxide, discussed

above, to produce peroxynitrite, a highly reactive nitrating
free radical, which causes rapid cell death by a number of
processes.50, 51 The role of NMDA receptors in the devel-
opment of excitotoxicity has been confirmed by the obser-
vation that NMDA receptor agonists are more potent neu-
rotoxins than glutamate when delivered directly into the
brain.52 AMPA receptors are also found to be overactive
in the presence of neuronal injury, as seen after TBI. This
overactivity results in increased intracellular calcium, hy-
perexcitability and consequently cell damage and death.40
In view of these findings there is ongoing interest in target-
ing NMDA and AMPA receptors with the aim of mitigat-
ing glutamate associated neuroexcitotoxicity.
Figure 2.—Schematic representation of oxidative stress-induced BBB
disruption and neuroinflammation in traumatic brain injury. Reactive
oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are the Calcium homeostasis
main sources of oxidative stress in brain injury. ROS include superox-
ide (O2−), hydroxyl radical (HO), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and hypo- Abnormalities in calcium homeostasis play a critical role
chlorous acid (HOCl). RNS refer to various nitric oxide (NO)-derived in the development of secondary injury after TBI. As dis-
compounds, such as peroxynitrite (ONOO–) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
O2− causes tissue damage by promoting hydroxyl radicals from H2O2 cussed above, increased intracellular free calcium levels
and ONOO– when combined with NO. ROS activate matrix metallo- lead to neuroexcitotoxicity resulting in cell death through
proteinases (MMPs) that further exacerbate the condition and lead to
BBB disruption via degradation of the extracellular matrix and tight activation of a number of enzymes. Mitochondrial swell-
junction proteins. Further, MMPs are involved in degradation of vas- ing occurs due to an increase in calcium sequestration and
cular endothelial growth factor (VEGFR) and lead to an increase in the this also leads to membrane depolarization with resultant
level of VEGF that in turn causes ROS and activates caspase-1/3, which
leads to cell death. At the same time, ROS or RNS also activate differ- release of factors that initiate programmed cell death.53, 54
ent inflammatory cytokines and growth factors such as IL-1β, TNF-α, The resultant mitochondrial dysfunction leads to further
and TGF-β, which cause BBB disruption and neuroinflammation (from
Abdul-Muneer et al.).39 calcium influx. Increased axonal membrane permeability
also allows an influx of calcium.55 This leads to activation
of a family of enzymes, calpains, which target and degrade
neurodegenerative disease and alcohol abuse.45, 46 There key structural proteins.56 Ultimately these cascades lead to
has been significant interest in the use of antioxidants to axonal damage and disconnection.40
reduce the impact of these free radicals, however to date
none have proven effective in phase III clinical trials.16, 47
Increased extracellular concentrations of the excitatory Neuroinflammation
neurotransmitter glutamate have been found after severe Traumatic brain injury results in an inflammatory response,
TBI.40 This increase is multifactorial in nature. Disruption described as a sterile immune reaction.57 This reaction is
of the BBB allows glutamate to move into the brain and initiated by purinergic receptor signaling triggered by
in addition to this extravasation of glutamate may occur ATP released by damaged cells58 and involves microglia,
at the site of traumatic vascular damage.48, 49 Excessive monocytes and neutrophils.
synaptic release of glutamate and impairment of glutamate Microglia are immune sentinels that reside in the CNS
transporters compounds this increase in interstitial gluta- and are first responders to inflammation.59 They may
mate.49 The result is overstimulation of glutamate recep- transform into phagocytic cells in response to an injury
tors leading to excitotoxicity. Glutamate mediates these and their response appears to be neuroprotective.57, 59, 60
adverse effects through the stimulation of NMDA and Microglia can respond to purinergic signals after cell death
alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic and become phagocytes known as jellyfish microglia.57
(AMPA) receptors. These microglia can take the place of the dead cells and
NMDA receptors are coupled with the generation of re- thus seal gaps. As such they provide a dual role, remov-
active oxygen and nitrogen species so their overstimula- ing the debris of dead cells and sealing gaps in the glial
tion leads to the release of free radicals, in particular neu- limitans barrier. Monocytes are capable of differentiating

Vol. 62 - No. 5 Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences 545

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into macrophages and dendritic cells in response to inflam- Conclusions

mation or injury and their role appears to be destructive
after TBI. Meningeal macrophage death provides an early Management of traumatic brain injury remains a sig-
source of reactive oxygen species after cortical injury.61 nificant challenge for clinicians. Public health initiatives
Subsequently monocytes cross the blood brain barrier aimed at reducing rates of primary brain injury are of para-
through the production of CCL2 by the choroid plexus.62 mount importance,1 however therapies targeting second-
This response appears to be maladaptive with animal data ary brain injury are also required. A clear understanding
to suggest that outcomes are improved when this pathway of the complex pathophysiology of primary and secondary
is blocked.63 brain injury is necessary to guide the development of new
Neutrophils are rapidly recruited to the site of injury af- therapies. Few therapies to date have demonstrated benefit
ter TBI and their involvement may be neuroprotective or in clinical trials so ongoing research is needed to improve
destructive. There is data to suggest that neutrophils are outcomes in the future.
neuroprotective in the meningeal space, interacting with
dead cells in the acute response to injury. However, they
may also release harmful mediators including reactive ox- References
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Conflicts of interest.—The authors certify that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization regarding the material discussed in the manuscript.
Article first published online: May 22, 2018. - Manuscript accepted: May 8, 2018. - Manuscript received: May 3, 2018.

548 Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences October 2018

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