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Unit 10 PROGRESS TEST version B Name: …………………………………………….

Date: ………………

Choose the correct answer. Write a, b, or c in the box.

1 She’s a DJ. She loves ________ music. a electronic
b classical
c jazz
a not
2 Please ________ walk on the grass.
b don’t
c doesn’t
3 a play chess
b play tennis
c play baseball

a When
4 ________ time does the class start?
b What
c How
a horror
5 Do you like science-________ movies?
b fiction
c drama
6 a pop music
b classical music
c action music

7 ________ your last name Chen? a Does

b Is
c Are
8 Are you playing basketball ________? a last
b late
c later
a Are
9 ________ your brother play the guitar?
b Do
c Can
a on
10 My children love staying ________ a tent!
b in
c at
a next
11 I’m starting a new job ________ month.
b late
c last
a do
12 How often do you ________ yoga?
b play
c go
13 ________ your tickets for the concert here! a Buys
b Buy
c Buying
a next
14 I’m cooking for Luc and Abi ________ evening.
b the
c this
15 ________ Selena at the party yesterday? a Were
b Was
c Does
a volleyball
b basketball
c baseball

a don’t
17 I ________ meeting Francesca on the weekend.
b ’m not
c not
18 We often ________ family on the weekend. a visit
b go
c stay
19 Please ________ home with me tonight. a staying
b stay
c stayed
20 When did you ________ those boots? a bought
b buying
c buy
A1 Beginner Personal Best © Richmond 2018
Unit 10 PROGRESS TEST version B Name: ……………………………………………. Date: ………………

21 Are you ________ a good movie? a watch

b watches
c watching
22 My girlfriend loves rock ________. a climbing
b riding
c hiking
23 Did you watch the soccer ________ on Thursday? a game
b sport
c festival
24 ________ Martin working on Thursday? a Are
b Is
c Do
25 Did you ________ a good time last night? a feel
b have
c make
26 a an action movie
b a horror movie
c a comedy

27 They go ________ every weekend. a hike

b hikes
c hiking
28 ________ go to bed late tonight! a Don’t
b Aren’t
c Can’t
29 Does Julian ________ tennis? a like
b liking
c likes
30 I ________ hockey in school. a go
b play
c do
31 We go ________ in the mountains in the winter. a sailing
b skiing
c swimming
32 I’m going to a ________ this summer. I’m seeing my favorite singer! a hotel
b festival
c art gallery
33 She ________ driving to work tomorrow. a are
b ’re not
c ’s not
34 ________ this video on YouTube. It’s really funny! a You watch
b Watch
c Watching
35 “Are you going out tonight?” a not
b ’s not
“No, we ________.” c ’re not
36 They ________ going to Japan in April. a ’s
b ’m
c ’re
37 Can we ________ a barbecue tomorrow? a have
b make
c go
38 a a science-fiction movie
b an action movie
c a romance

39 We stayed ________ a hotel on vacation. a on

b to
c at
40 ________ you do your homework yesterday? a Did
b Do
c Were

A1 Beginner Personal Best © Richmond 2018

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