Seminar Paper Cisc Bob

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Seminar paper on RISC, CISC and EPIC




Department of computer engineering

October, 2022

What is a microprocessor

A microprocessor is basically a computer processor that is mounted on a single IC (Integrated Circuit). It

means that all the functions of the processor are included on a single chip.

types of microprocessors

It has basically three types, they are as follows:

CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer)

RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)

EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing)


We have three basic types of microprocessors. They are as follows:

1. CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer)

As the name suggests, the instructions are in a complex form. It means that a single instruction can
contain many low-level instructions. For example loading data from memory, storing data to the
memory, performing basic operations, etc. Besides, we can say that a single instruction has multiple
addressing modes. Furthermore, as there are many operations in single instruction they use very few

Examples of CISC Processors

IBM 370/168 – It was introduced in the year 1970. CISC design is a 32-bit processor and four 64-bit
floating point registers.
VAX 11/780 – CISC design is a 32-bit processor and it supports many numbers of addressing modes and
machine instructions which is from Digital Equipment Corporation.

Intel 80486 – It was launched in the year 1989 and it is a CISC processor, which has instructions varying
lengths from 1 to 11 and it will have 235 instructions.

2. RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)

As per the name, in this, the instructions are quite simple, and hence, they execute quickly. Moreover,
the instructions get complete in one clock cycle and also use a few addressing modes only. Besides, it
makes use of multiple registers so that interaction with memory is less.

Examples are IBM RS6000, DEC Alpha 21064, DEC Alpha 21164, etc.

3. EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing)

It allows the instructions to compute parallelly by making use of compilers. Moreover, the complex
instructions also process in fewer clock frequencies. Furthermore, it encodes the instructions in 128-bit
bundles. Where each bundle contains three instructions encoded in 41 bits each and a 5-bit template.
This 5-bit template contains information about the type of instructions and that which instructions can
be executed in parallel.

Examples are IA-64 (Intel Architecture-64), etc.

Applications of RISC and CISC

RISC is used in high-end applications like video processing, telecommunications, and image processing.

CISC is used in low-end applications such as security systems, home automation, etc.


The characteristics of RISC include the following.Z

Pipeline architecture

The number of instructions is restricted as well as decrease

The instructions like load as well as store have right of entry to memory

Addressing modes are less

Instruction is uniform and its format can be simplified


The advantages of the RISC processor include the following

The performance of this processor is good because of the easy & limited no. of the instruction set.

This processor uses several transistors in the design so that making is cheaper.

RISC processor allows the instruction to utilize open space on a microprocessor due to its simplicity.

It is very simple as compared with another processor due to this; it can finish its task within a single
clock cycle.


The disadvantages of a CISC processor include the following.

The performance of this processor may change based on the executed code because the next
commands may depend on the earlier instruction for their implementation within a cycle.

The complex instruction is frequently used by the compilers and programmers

These processors need very quick memory to keep different instructions that use a huge collection of
cache memory to react to the command within less time.


The advantages of CISC include the following.

This processor will create a procedure to handle the usage of power that regulates the speed of clock &

In the CISC processor, the compiler needs a small effort to change the program or statement from high-
level to assembly otherwise machine language.

A single instruction can be executed by using different low-level tasks

It doesn’t use much memory due to a short length of code.

CISC utilizes less instruction set to execute the same instruction as the RISC.

The instruction can be stored within RAM on every CISC

The disadvantages of CISC include the following.

The existing instructions used by the CISC are 20% within a program event.

As compared with the RISC processor, CISC processors are very slow while executing every instruction
cycle on every program.

This processor use number of transistors as compared with RISC.

The pipeline execution within the CISC will make it difficult to use.

The machine performance reduces because of the low speed of the clock.

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