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Air Pollution and Air Quality

DISCUSSION: • Cooking and heating

Air pollution refers to the • Building materials
contamination of the indoor or outdoor • Office machines
environment by any chemical, physical • Furnishings
or biological agent that modifies the • Household cleaning
natural characteristics of the substances
atmosphere. Household combustion • Street dust/garden soil
devices, motor vehicles, industrial • Biological agents
facilities, and forest fires are common • Tobacco smoke
sources of air pollution. Pollutants of • Industrial operations
major public health concern include
particulate matter, carbon monoxide, Major Air Pollutants
ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur
dioxide. Outdoor and indoor air pollution • Primary air pollutants -
cause respiratory and other diseases and emitted from identifiable
is an important source of morbidity and sources ( e.i. particulate
mortality ( matter, carbon monoxide,
nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur
Air Pollution Sources dioxide)
• Secondary air pollutants -
Outdoor (Ambient) results from the suspension of
some primary pollutants (e.i.
• Fuel combustion
ozone, PAN)
• Industrial operations
• Solid waste disposal FATE OF AIR POLLUTANTS
• Nuclear devices
• Smoking 1. Photochemical reactions
• Miscellaneous sources -
volcanic eruptions, typhoons, 2. Scavenging processes or
fires, construction disposal reactions
3. Dilution, diffusion, and
Indoor dispersion

Pollutant Disposal reactions

CO Soil organisms

SO2 Oxidation to sulfate

Soluble: stays in the air for only a few minutes. May undergo intermediate processes and beco
Reducing agent H2SO4 that can cause acid rain

Oxidation to nitrate
Soluble: stays in the air for only a few minutes.

Absorption in oceans

HC Photochemical reaction

Processes that will terminate their existence in

Particulate matter
absorption, adsorption, rainout or wash out
Air Pollution Effects • Superficial physical damage
(e.i. sensory irritations,
1. Environmental Effects Discomfort, impairment of
➢ Land visibility)
• Indirect effects (e.i mental
• Adverse effects on soil and well-being)
other surfaces • death
➢ Water

• Adverse effects of acid gases AIR POLLUTION CONTROL

on marine life and vegetation
• Settling of air particles in 1. Technological air pollution control (
water causes water pollution e.i. filters, scrubbers, chimney)
2. Administrative air pollution control (e.
➢ Vegetation i. rules, regulations, standards, laws)
• Chlorosis – discoloration ADDITION LECTURE VIDEO
• Necrosis – drying up
• Abscission – premature falling Reminders:
out of flowers
• Please prepare for a quiz next
• Plasmolysis – disturbance in
meeting. Also, research for
the water balance
examples of technological and
2. Health Effects administrative air pollution
• acute and chronic diseases • Recorded synchronous will be
posted on a separate page.
• Changes in important
physiological functions (CO
Environmental Health

DISCUSSION: • Biological - Disease organisms

present in food and water
According to the • Physical - Noise, ionizing and
WHO, health pertains to a state of non-ionizing radiation
complete physical, mental and social • Socioeconomic - Poor access
well-being and not merely the absence to safe and sufficient health
of disease or infirmity. The main factors care
that influence our health would include • Psychological - Anxiety,
genetics, personal behavior and lifestyle, overcrowding, isolation, and
and environment. The environment is anomie
further believed to be grouped as
physical, biological, and social & cultural. Levels of Concern for Environmental
Environmental health is said to Quality by Winthrop (1968)
include aspects of human health that are
determined by physical, biological, social, • Bare survival – control of
and psychosocial factors in the major disease epidemics and
environment. It also involves the theory violent death; minimum food
and practice of assessing, correcting, and water
controlling, and preventing factors in the • Control of disease and injury –
environment that can adversely affect control of endemic and
the health of present and future dietary disease and accidental
generations. injury

The Basic Requirements for a Healthy • Efficient performance –

Environment adequate and proper diet;
maintenance of environment
• Clean air for efficient use of manpower
• Safe and sufficient water • Comfort – stimulating
• Safe and adequate food environment; aesthetic
• Safe and peaceful settlements satisfaction and comfort
• Stable global environment control
Types of Environmental Hazards • Survival of human species
Hazards are anything (things or Environmental Engineering
situations) that has the potential to
cause harm or injury to an individual. Branch of engineering concerned with:

• Chemical - Air pollutants, • Protection of human

toxins, pesticides, and volatile populations from the effects
organic compounds (VOCs)
of adverse environmental SELF-CHECK ACTIVITY:
• Protection of the environment 1. Research for examples and list them
from potentially deleterious down In your notebook.
effects of human activities
• Improvement of • Types of environmental
environmental quality for hazards
human health and well-being • Examples of diseases and
** Recorded synchronous lecture to be • Environmental engineering
posted on a separate page.

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