Transparent Property Management LLC - 1305

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‫عقد إيجار‬


Date 26/10/2022 ‫التاريخ‬
Contract No. Contract no. 19_2022 ‫الرقم‬
Landlord Royal Offices Properties owned by Abu Dhabi Marina Real Estate Investment ‫المؤجر‬
Tenant Transparent Property Management LLC ‫المستأجر‬
Subject of Tenancy Office No. (1305)
‫موضوع اإليجار‬
Tamouh Tower, Al Reem Island Abu Dhabi
Period of Tenancy (12) months ‫مدة اإليجار‬
From 07/12/2022 to 06/12/2023 ‫من‬
Rent Value AED 94,500 (Ninety-Four Thousand Five Hundred Dirham’s only) ‫حق اإليجار‬
5% VAT AED 4,725 (Four Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty-Five Dirham’s Only) ‫ضريبة‬
Terms of Payment (4) Four Payments ‫أقساط الدفع‬
Office Size 78 sqm (GLA) ‫مساحة المكتب‬

CONDITIONS MUTUALLY AGREED UPON AS UNDER ‫الشـــروط المتفق عــليها كمايلى‬

.‫ يتعهد المستأجر أن ال ينقل موضوع اإليجار الى احد غيره بأى عنوان كان‬-1
1- The Tenant undertakes not to transfer the Subject of tenancy to anyone else under his circumstances.
.‫تعتبر هذة الوثيقة قائمة إلى انتهاء المدة المقررة وتسقط من االعتبار حال انتهاء هذه المدة‬-2
2- The Contract is valid up to the end of the specified Period after which date, it is considered null and void.
.‫يكون تجديد موضوع االيجار بإختيارالمؤجر واذا لم يجدد المستأجر االيجار قبل تاريخ انتهاء العقد بثالثة أشهر فسيكون ملزما بدفع حق االيجار الذى يطلبه المؤجر‬-3
3- Renewal of tenancy is at the discretion of the Landlord. If the Tenant does not renew the Tenancy, three months before the Expiry Date,
he will be obliged to pay the due rent according to the Landlord’s demand.
.‫ يتعهد المستأجر فى حالة إخالء المكان ان ال يزيل اى شئ تم تثبيته فى الجدران مثل مد األسالك الكهربائية وأنابيب المياه والخزائن والتركيبات الصحية وغيرها من التى تسبب أضرار بالحوائط او الواجهات‬-4
4- At the time of vacating the office, the Tenant undertakes not to remove anything which he has fixed or nailed on the wall, such
as electric wirings, water pipes, cupboards, sanitary installations, etc. which may cause damage to the wall.
.‫اذا تسبب المستأجر او زويه فى إتالف العين المؤجرة او أراد احداث اى اصالح او ترميم او ادخال تحسينات فى المحل المؤجر فيكون ذلك على نفقتة الخاصة وعليه ايضا مراجعة المؤجر للحصول على موافقته‬-5
5- If the Tenant or his relatives caused any damage in the property or any main changes or maintenance, it will be on his own account
and he must take the approval of the Landlord.

‫اذا خالف المستأجر فى اى وقت احد الشروط المسجلة من هذا العقد او اساء استخدام المكان المؤجر الغراض غير قانونية فللمؤجر الحق بإلغاء العقد فورا ومطالبة المستأجر باخالء المكان‬-6
.‫ يوم وليس له الحق فى استرداد اى مبلغ من االيجار‬30 ‫المؤجر فى خالل‬
6- Should at any time the Tenant be in breach of any item of this Contract or misuse the property for illegal purposes, the Landlord
has the right to terminate the contract immediately and request the Tenant to vacate within 30 days and the Tenant will lose all rights
to the rent paid.
‫يتعهد المستأجر بدفع كل ضريبة تفرضها الحكومة على المحل المؤجر كضريبة البلدية وغيرها من االدارات الحكومية سواء فى الحاضر او فى المستقبل‬-7
7- All Charges / VAT and any other Taxes levied by the Government / Municipality or other Government Departments etc., Either at present or in the
future, is payable by the Tenant.

‫ يوم عليه إشعار المؤجر بذلك كتابيا اما اذا ترك المكان المؤجر خاليا وبدون اعطاء اإلشعار ولم يدفع حق االيجار فانه بموجب هذا العقد‬30 ‫اذا رغب المستأجر فى ترك المكان المؤجر لفترة تزيد عن‬-8
.‫يفوض المؤجر بفتح المحل واستغالله بالوجه الذى يراه وال يحق للمستأجر المطالبة او المعارضة‬
8- Should the Tenant wish to leave the property unattended for a period of greater than 30 days, he should advise the Landlord in
writing accordingly. Should the property be left unattended and the said notice is not given or the tenant has not paid the rent, the
Landlord is authorized by the Tenant to open and enter the property and make use of the same and the Tenant has no right to object
or claim for.

‫) يوم من تاريخ‬30( ‫ فى حالة غياب المستأجر عن البالد بعد انتهاء مده العقد او ترك المحل المؤجر بدون رضاء المؤجر بعد انتهاء العقد او عدم تجديد العقد مع المؤجر بعد انتهاؤه فى موعد اقصاه‬- 09
.‫ بذلك فإنني الموقع ادناه المستأجر افوض المؤجر بفتح المحل وله حق التصرف فيه حسب مايراه مناسب بدون ايه مسئولية على المؤجر‬، ‫انتهاء العقد‬
9- Extra conditions for the Tenant in case of absence of the Tenant outside the UAE after expiring of contract or leaving the country
without the consent of the Landlord: After expiry of the contract without renewal for thirty (30) days maximum, I, the undersigned Tenant
do hereby authorize the Landlord to open the property and to dispose it as he deems fit, without any responsibility whatsoever on the
side of the Landlord.

10- Water and Electricity (ADDC) will be the responsibility of the tenant. ‫ سيكون استهالك الماء والكهرباء على المستأجر‬-10


‫إمضاء المستاجر‬ ‫إمضاء المؤجر‬

Tenant's Signature Landlord's Signature

DATE : 2 6 t h o f O c t ob e r 2 0 2 2
CONTRACT REF NO: 19_2022_Office 1305_Tamouh Tower

1. One (1) month of the Annual Rent as Security Deposit refundable at the end of the contract , paid during the first rental year .
2. Four (4) payment Cheque to be provided at the beginning of t he lease. 1 current dated, 3 PDC.
3. The property is for Commercial use only.
4. There will be no sharing of property with the other people. If there is sharing of the property & there is fine imposed as a
result by any government authority, the Lessee will hav e to pay the fine.
5. Utility bills ( Water & Electricity (ADDC) , Telephone, TV and Internet) to be paid by the Lessee.
6. The Lessor is not responsible for any injury or damages occurred from any accident while using its facilities (electrical, fire,
or any other cause) during the tim e of occupancy.
7. The Lessor is responsible for annual service charges.
8. Lessor full floor insurance as one policy for all.
9. At the time of vacating the premises, the Lessee shall produce the original final Electricity + other utility bills – paid in full
and proof of Etisalat disconnection or transfer of (landline, fax and internet). The Lessee shall remove only his furniture and
fixtures without causing any damage to the premise s. The property should be left clean , tidy and good condition. Any damage
caused by the tenant shall be immediately repaired. If Lessee failed to do so, the Lessor reserves the right to use the
security deposit to retain the premise to its original conditio n.
10. No repairs/paintings/alterations (inside or outside) affecting the structure of the building to be carried out by the Tenant
without permission of the Lessor.
11. Three (3) months’ notice for non -renewal of the lease. The Lessee should send formal letter fo r non renewal of lease duly
signed and stam ped indicating the handover date if fail ed to do so two (2) month as per Annual rent penalty will be applied.
12. Three (3) months’ notice is required for early termination. The Lessee should send formal letter for early termination duly
signed and stamped indicating the handover date and two (2) month penalty will be applied.
13. If the Tenant does not want to renew or vacat es earlier, in the last 6 weeks of the tenancy, they will give access to
prospective clients at 1 days’ notice.
14. The validity of this Tenancy Contract is subject to clearance of the Cheques.
15. For loss of any access card (Tamouh & parking) or keys the Lessee will have to bear the charges.
16. The Security Deposit shall be refunded after a thorough Snag and c heck by the Lessor /his Agent/Any New Lessee of the
Office for any. And Lessee must provide the clearances (ie ADDC & Utility) & Tawtheeq Cancellation required by the Lessor.
The Refund shall take place two (2) weeks from final handover of all required doc uments.
17. If Lessee fails to handover the premise after the last day of the agreemen t, Lessee will be charged rental till the last day of
handover accordingly.
18. The office was handed over with existing furniture. Also , the Lessee must provide the furniture in good condition at the time
of handover.
19. A charge of AED 1,000/ - will be made for a ny un-cashable cheques.
20. One (1 ) free access park ing has been provided and allocated with one (1 ) parking space.

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