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Conjunto Puerto 65


Barrancabermeja, 25 May 2021

Race 17 # 71-2

Dear Sirs;

I am writing you this letter, in order to publicize the disagreement that, as inhabitants, of the
Aguas Claras neighborhood, we have with the Colombian Company of Petróleos Ecopetrol, in
recent months it has been detected that, from its facilities, it is emanating very strong odors and
sometimes there are very strong gases that leave dust residues on the facades of our houses and
in cars. For this reason, we ask that this problem that is presented to us in the sector and that can
be detrimental to the health of all the inhabitants be evaluated, it is noteworthy that in recent
months there have been respiratory affectations in some of the inhabitants, has determined that
the environment is not the most suitable for them, because it may be generating some other type
of disease.

For this reason, I demand that a study of the air and the contamination of the surrounding areas of
the refinery be carried out, and that the alternatives for improvements be evaluated, to avoid this
great pollution that is being generated by the refining of the hydrocarbons that are produced in
your instalations.

I am entirely grateful that your intervention is prompt, it should be noted that a copy of this
communication was sent to the district health secretary and the environment office, in order to
guarantee the timely intervention.

Thank you very much for your attention to the above request.

Jorge Eduardo Alandete

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