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Unit I Test Review

Period 1 1492 - 1607 and Period 2 1607 - 1754

Identify the following:

1. Columbian Exchange
2. Encomienda system
3. Bartolome De Las Casas
4. Mercantilism
5. Triangular Trade
6. Trade and Navigation Acts
7. Bacon’s Rebellion
8. Stono Rebellion
9. Great Awakening
10. Anne Hutchinson
11. George Whitefield
● Traveling
● Itenerant
12. Mayflower Compact

Short answer:
13. Describe what contributed to Native American tribes settling in large groups?
14. What were the consequences of the Columbian Exchange on the New World?
15. What were the consequences of the Columbian Exchange on the Old World?
16. Compare and contrast the colonization and settlement patterns of the Spanish, French
and English.
17. Compare and contrast the relationship between the Spanish, French, and English and
Native American tribes.
18. What was the impact of mercantilism on the relationship between the English colonies
and Great Britain?
19. What effect did the Navigation Acts have on colonial thinking?
20. Describe the attitude of 17th century Puritans toward religious liberty.
21. Summarize the importance of the phrase “City on a Hill” to Puritans.

22. Why was Anne Hutchinson considered so dangerous to Massachusetts Bay? What was
the result of her dissidence (protest or dissent)?
23. List the beliefs of the Quakers.
● Gender equality
● Believed slavery was immoral
● Non-violent
● Against war taxes
24. What was the motivating factor behind the establishment of the Virginia colony?
25. Why was indentured servitude so instrumental in the success of Virginia?
26. How did Bacon’s Rebellion impact the labor system used in Virginia?
● Slave labor increased
27. What precedent (example for the future) did the House of Burgesses set?
● Representation and democracy
28. Describe the role that religion played in the founding of Maryland.
29. What effect did the Great Awakening have on colonial thinking?
● Individual thinking among colonists
● Increased separation of state and church
30. What precedent (example for the future) did the Zenger Trial set?
31. What was the extent to which slavery developed in the English colonies?
32. Explain Virginia colony relationship with Powhattan tribe and New England colonies’
Pequot War.

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