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[Insert Logo of the City Administration]


[Insert No.]
Year] FOR PERIOD ENDED [Insert Date]

Date : [Insert Date]

P a g e 1 | 27
Section Content Page

Executive Summary.............................................................................................................................27
1. Introduction and Background..................................................................................................28
2. Summary of achievements, issues and problems....................................................................30
2.1. Intermediate Results Area 2: Infrastructure Delivered and Expenditures to date.........30
2.2. Intermediate Results Area 2: Operation and maintenance budget and expenditures to
date 32
2.2.2. Issues/Problems faced in operation and maintenance...............................................33
2.3. Intermediate Results Area 3. Summary of Temporary Jobs Creation...........................33
2.3.1. Temporary Jobs Planned in CIPs and achieved to date.............................................33
2.3.2. Issues/Problems Encountered in job creation............................................................33
2.4. Intermediate Results Area 3: People Employed in firms that were provided with
serviced land and/or MSE sheds under CIP..............................................................................33
2.4.1. Issues/Problems Encountered....................................................................................34
2.5. CIPs and Utilization Rates.............................................................................................34
2.5.1. Projects completed but not yet functional.................................................................35
2.5.2. Issues/Problems Encountered in CIP implementation...............................................37
2.6. Revenue Performance: Municipal and State Revenues.................................................37
2.6.1. Intermediate Result Area 1.1. Municipal Revenues (excluding land lease)..............37
2.6.2. Municipal Revenues (including land lease)...............................................................37
2.6.3. State Revenues...........................................................................................................37
2.7. Internal Audit & External Audit....................................................................................37
2.7.1. Intermediate Result Area 1.2 & 1.3. Status of Audit.................................................37
2.8. Financial Management...................................................................................................38
2.8.1. Timely Financial Reporting.......................................................................................38
2.8.2. Monthly cash and bank reconciliation.......................................................................38
2.8.3. Issues/problems and how they were/will be addressed.............................................38
2.9. Procurement Management.............................................................................................38
2.9.1. Overall status of procurement for all city..................................................................38
2.9.2. Procurement Outcomes..............................................................................................39
2.9.3. Procurement Complaints...........................................................................................39
2.9.4. Procurement Audit.....................................................................................................39
2.9.5. Issues/problems and how they will be addressed......................................................39
2.10. Environmental & Social Management...........................................................................39
2.10.1. Environmental and social management performance for the year............................39
2.10.2. Issues/Problems faced in environmental and social screening..................................40
2.11. Urban Resilience and Disaster Risk Management.........................................................40
2.11.1. Intermediate Result Area 3.12. Establishment of Emergency Response Units and
Preparation of Emergency Response Plans...............................................................................40
2.12. Gender Mainstreaming..................................................................................................40
2.13. Urban Planning..............................................................................................................42
2.14. Land Management.........................................................................................................42
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2.15. Local Economic Development......................................................................................42
2.15.1. Intermediate Result Indicator 3.13. Public Private Dialogue....................................42
2.16. Planning & Budgeting...................................................................................................43
2.17. Quality of Infrastructure: Follow up on VfM Audit Recommendations.......................43
2.18. Accountability & Transparency: Timely Submission of Reports..................................43
2.19. Staffing of UIIDP ULG Focal Persons Team................................................................45
2.19.1. Problems encountered in staffing the UIIDP ULG Focal Persons Team..................45
3. Summary of capacity building activities undertaken by the ULG........................................46
3.1. Capacity Building activities of ULGs............................................................................46
3.2. Issues/problems faced in undertaking the capacity building activities..........................46
4. Grievances cases.........................................................................................................................47
5. Fraud & Corruption cases........................................................................................................47
6. Challenges faced in UIIDP implementation and Remedial Measures..................................47
7. Lessons Learnt in UIIDP Implementation..............................................................................47
8. Overall Conclusions and Recommendations...........................................................................47

List of Tables

Table 1. Intermediate Results Area 2: Infrastructure Indicators for EFY [Insert Year]and cumulative to
end of reporting period..............................................................................................................................30
Table 2. Other key infrastructure not included in Results Framework.......................................................32
Table 3. Projects not yet completed for more than a year and those completed but not yet functional.....35

P a g e 3 | 27
Executive Summary

[Insert a para on major plans and achievements during quarter/half year/year]

[Insert a para on the major issues and challenges faced by the program and city]

[Insert a para on the remedial measures taken by the city to address the challenges]

[Insert the overall conclusion on the program progress and achievements]

[Insert further action and recommendations]

P a g e 4 | 27
1. Introduction and Background

The UIIDP, as with previous urban development programs led by the Ministry (the Urban Local
Government Development Program, ULGDP I and ULGDP II), has been designed and is being
implemented to support the achievement of some of the ECSPGs and some of the targets under the GTP2
and the upcoming GTP3. The UIIDP builds on the same design components of ULGDP II, while
deepening the institutional performance targets to be achieved by ULGs and strengthening the focus on
job creation / local economic development, urban resilience and gender.

Program Development Objective of UIIDP

The Program Development Objective (PDO) is to enhance the institutional performance of

participating urban local governments to develop and sustain urban infrastructure, services, and
local economic development.

Key Results and Expected Outcomes

It is expected that the institutional performance improvements and the infrastructure delivered by cities
will result in: -

(a) enhanced citizen participation and engagement in ULG planning and budgeting;
(b) increased own source revenue at the ULG level;
(c) improved infrastructure, service delivery, O&M systems;
(d) improved efficiency and effectiveness in fiduciary management;
(e) Improved environmental and social management and safeguards; and
(f) strengthened accountability and oversight systems; and
(g) strengthened ULG resilience, improved local economic development (LED) and enhanced gender
equity in the ULG operations.

The key results indicators are:

(a) People provided with improved urban living conditions under the UIIDP [corporate indicator].
(b) Cities with improved livability, sustainability, and management [corporate indicator].
(c) Composite institutional performance of participating ULGs, averaged across all cities.1
(d) Composite performance for achievement urban infrastructure and service targets, maintenance
performance and value for money in investments by ULGs, averaged across all cities.
(e) Composite performance for achievement of LED targets, averaged across all cities

Program Duration

The program with support from the World Bank and AFD, will be implemented over a period of 5 years
and 4 months from March 2018 to July 2023, with 4 rounds of performance grants in EFY 2012
(2019/20), EFY 2013 (2020/21), EFY 2014 (2021/22) and EFY 2015 (2022/23). The program covers the
In the core thematic areas of: Planning and budgeting, assets management, public financial management,
procurement, own source revenues, accountability and transparency, environment and social safeguards, land
management, and strategic urban planning.
P a g e 5 | 27
remaining year of the GTP2 (2015/16-2019/2020) and part of GTP3 (2020/2021-2024/2025) both of
which are aligned to the country’s goal of achievement of middle income status by the year 2025. The
program will also contribute in the first year FY 2018/19 to cover the fiscal gap due to over-the target-
performance of ULGs in the ULGDP II.

Program Scope and Coverage of Urban Centres

The UIIDP consists of the provision of performance-based grants to ULGs for eligible infrastructure
investments and support to achieve Program results at the regional level on capacity building, financial
audit, procurement audit and environmental and social safeguards audits. The program will have an
additional 73 cities to the existing 44 cities making a total of city that will participate in the program. This
substantial scale-up to city will bring about greater impact in terms of population coverage and size of the
Program (increasing beneficiaries from 4.36 million under UGLDP II to an estimated 6.62 million in
UIIDP) and result in exponentially larger positive impact for the country.

Ethiopia has a significant number of secondary cities that are spatially distributed across the country. The
government’s current policies of industrial development and promoting urban-rural linkages present good
opportunities for promoting more balanced regional growth through the creation of a linked system of
cities. The scale-up also allows strengthening of the overall programmatic and performance-based
approach to support sustainable urban development and leverages on economies of scale for program
management and implementation. In addition, the scale-up is built on the solid foundations and tried-and-
tested overall successful experiences of ULGDP I and II. Timely support to improve institutional
performance in the planning, delivery, and sustained provision of urban services and infrastructure by
local governments is critical especially for these rapidly growing cities.

ULGs will use the Program funds to finance urban infrastructure works as well as capacity
building activities, in compliance with the Program’s investment menu and capacity
building manual. Eligible infrastructure investments fall under eight groups including: (a) urban
roads, (b) integrated infrastructure and land services, (c) sanitation (liquid waste), (d) solid waste
management, (e) urban drainage, (f) urban disaster risk management and urban resilience, (g)
built facilities, and (h) urban green infrastructure. Ineligible investments include any World Bank
environment and social impact assessment Category A projects. Compliance with the investment
menu is a minimum condition for receiving funds. In addition, ULGs will be required to prepare
the project in a participatory manner, and consider: (a) social inclusion requirements, including
gender and disability considerations; (b) climate change and disaster adaptation; and (c)
contribution to LED and long-term job creation. 2 ULGs could also spend up to 5 percent of
investment grants and regional/city contributions on capacity building support. For regional
government entities, the grants will mainly be used for capacity building, operations and
management expenses, subject to the eligible capacity building areas, similar to the ULGs.

The program funds are disbursed to ULGs based on their performance against four (4)
Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs). These are DLI 1. Minimum Conditions; DLI 2:

Details of and procedures for the use of investment project, prioritization and selection criteria are included in
the POM.
P a g e 6 | 27
Institutional Performance; DLI 3: Infrastructure and Service Delivery Performance; DLI 4.
Local Economic Development, Urban Resilience and Gender Mainstreaming.

2. Summary of achievements, issues and problems

2.1. Intermediate Results Area 2: Infrastructure Delivered and Expenditures to date

2.1.1. Intermediate Results Area 2: Infrastructure Indicators

The infrastructure types included in the UIIDP Results Framework are urban cobblestone roads,
gravel roads, serviced land for industry, MSE sheds & housing, drains, public parks and greenery
built or rehabilitated. The city planned all or part of these infrastructures for the [Insert
“quarter” or “half year” or “year”] and the summary of the intermediate results Area 2:
Infrastructure Indicators areas is shown in Table 1 and the detailed status of the infrastructure
indicators by infrastructure type and by project is shown in Annex 1. MS Excel Sheet No. 4

The summary of the plans and achievements are as follows:

o Urban cobblestone roads built or rehabilitated under CIP : Planned EFY
[Insert EFY] : [Insert number] km; Achievement Actual: [Insert number] km;
Achievement [Insert %age] percent.
o Urban gravel roads built or rehabilitated under CIP : Planned EFY [Insert
EFY]: [Insert number] km; Achievement Actual: [Insert number] km; Achievement
[Insert %age] percent.
o Serviced land for industry, MSE sheds and housing under CIP : Planned EFY
[Insert EFY]: [Insert number] hectares; Achievement Actual: [Insert number] hectares;
Achievement [Insert %age] percent.
o Drains built or rehabilitated under CIP : Planned EFY [Insert EFY]: [Insert
number] km; Achievement Actual: [Insert number] km; Achievement [Insert %age]
o Public parks and greenery built or rehabilitated under CIP : Planned EFY
[Insert EFY]: [Insert number] hectares; Achievement Actual: [Insert number] hectares;
Achievement [Insert %age] percent.

Table 1. Intermediate Results Area 2: Infrastructure Indicators for EFY [Insert Year]and cumulative to end of
reporting period

IRA Infrastructure Unit Planned Achieved Percentage Cumulative Cumulative

No Indicator EFY for EFY Achieved Actual Actual
2012 2012 for EFY at start of to end of
(2019/20) (2019/20) 2012 reporting reporting
(2019/20) period period
2.1 Urban cobblestone
roads built or
rehabilitated under CIP
2.2 Urban gravel roads Km
P a g e 7 | 27
IRA Infrastructure Unit Planned Achieved Percentage Cumulative Cumulative
No Indicator EFY for EFY Achieved Actual Actual
2012 2012 for EFY at start of to end of
(2019/20) (2019/20) 2012 reporting reporting
(2019/20) period period
built or rehabilitated
under CIP
2.3 Serviced land for Km
industry, MSE sheds &
housing under CIP
2.4 Drains built or Km
rehabilitated under CIP
2.5 Public parks and ha
greenery built or
rehabilitated under CIP

2.1.2. Other key infrastructure not included in Results Framework

The city planned infrastructures 3 such as landfills, abattoirs, markets, street lights and toilets for the
[Insert “quarter” or “half year” or “year”].and so far, achieved the following:-

o Landfills: Planned EFY [Insert EFY]: [Insert number] Number; Achievement Actual:
[Insert number] Number; Achievement [Insert %age] percent.
o Abattoirs: Planned EFY [Insert EFY]: [Insert number] Number; Achievement Actual:
[Insert number] Number; Achievement [Insert %age] percent.
o Markets: Planned EFY [Insert EFY]: [Insert number] Number; Achievement Actual:
[Insert number] Number; Achievement [Insert %age] percent.
o MSE Shades: Planned EFY [Insert EFY]: [Insert number] Number; Achievement
Actual: [Insert number] Number; Achievement [Insert %age] percent.
o Street lighting: Planned EFY [Insert EFY]: [Insert number] km; Achievement Actual:
[Insert number] km; Achievement [Insert %age] percent.
o Toilets: Planned EFY [Insert EFY]: [Insert number] Number; Achievement Actual:
[Insert number] Number; Achievement [Insert %age] percent.
o Water Supply: Planned EFY [Insert EFY]: [Insert number] km; Achievement Actual:
[Insert number] km; Achievement [Insert %age] percent.
o Electricity Supply: Planned EFY [Insert EFY]: [Insert number] km; Achievement
Actual: [Insert number] km; Achievement [Insert %age] percent.
o [insert other infrastructure appearing in CIP and not stated above]

The detailed status of the other infrastructure indicators by infrastructure type and by project is shown in
Annex 2. MS Excel Sheet No. 4

Table 2. Other key infrastructure not included in Results Framework

S/N Infrastructure Indicator Unit Planned Achieved Percentage Cumulative Cumulative

These infrastructures categories are not specified in the POM Results Framework.
P a g e 8 | 27
EFY for EFY Achieved Actual Actual
2012 2012 for EFY at start of to end of
(2019/20) (2019/20) 2012 reporting reporting
period period
1 Landfills built or rehabilitated Number
under CIP
2 Abattoirs built or rehabilitated Number
under CIP
3 MSE Sheds built or rehabilitated Number
under CIP
4 Markets built or rehabilitated Number
under CIP
5 Streetlighting built or km
rehabilitated under CIP
6 Toilets built or rehabilitated Number
under CIP
7 Water supply under CIP km

8 Electricity Supply under CIP km

[Insert a text by analyzing the plans and achievements]

2.2. Intermediate Results Area 2: Operation and maintenance budget and expenditures
to date
2.2.1. Intermediate Results Area 2.9: Operation & Maintenance Budget & Expenditures
for the city

The total planned O & M and utilization for EFY [Insert Year] for the city is ETB [Insert Amount while
actual achievement for quarter/half year/year is ETB [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percent.

The city achieved/did not achieve [delete inapplicable] the APA performance indicator on maintenance
budget being a minimum 10% of CIP or minimum 2% of Total Asset Replacement Cost whichever is
lesser. The detailed status is shown in Annex 3. MS Excel Sheet No. 5

The Total Maintenance Deficit for the city as per the Asset Management Plan for EFY [Insert Year] to
EFY[Insert Year] is [Insert Amount] and the annual maintenance budget for EFY [Insert Year]is [Insert
Amount] which means the coverage of the deficit by the city this year is [Insert %age] percent. The
detailed status is shown in Annex 4. MS Excel Sheet No. 5

2.2.2. Issues/Problems faced in operation and maintenance

[Insert the issues and problems faced by the city on operation and maintenance]

P a g e 9 | 27
[Insert the remedial measures taken]

2.3. Intermediate Results Area 3. Summary of Temporary Jobs Creation

2.3.1. Temporary Jobs Planned in CIPs and achieved to date

In EFY [Insert Year] [Insert Number] the city planned to create temporary jobs for [Insert Number]
persons of which [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percent are female. Out of which, the total number
persons employed over 30 years old are [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percent and the number for
under 30 years old are [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percent. Annex 5 MS Excel Sheet No. 14 shows
the detailed information on jobs planned and created by project, age group and gender.

2.3.2. Issues/Problems Encountered in job creation

[Insert issues and problems faced by the city on temporary job creation]

[The remedial measures taken]

2.4. Intermediate Results Area 3: People Employed in firms that were provided
with serviced land and/or MSE sheds under CIP
In EFY [Insert Year] [Insert Number] city planned that firms will employ [Insert Number] persons of
which [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percentage female. Out of which, the total number persons
employed over 30 years old are [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percent and the number for under 30
years old are [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percent. Annex 6. MS Excel Sheet No. 15 shows the
detailed status by project, age group and gender of people employed in firms that were provided with
serviced land &/or MSE Sheds under CIP.

P a g e 10 | 27
2.4.1. Issues/Problems Encountered
[Insert issues and problems faced]

[Insert the remedial measures taken]

2.5. CIPs and Utilization Rates

CIP approval: The CIP for [Insert EFY] was approved by the City Council on…[Insert date] and by the
region on …..[Insert date] .

Matching Funds: The total budgeted IDA performance grant for the city is ETB [Insert Amount] The
total budgeted ULG contribution is ETB [Insert Amount] or [Insert %age] percent. The total budgeted
regional contribution is ETB [Insert Amount]. or [Insert %age] percent. The actual amounts deposited in
the UIIDP bank accounts by the city is ETB [Insert Amount] or [Insert %age] percent and Region: ETB
[Insert Amount] or [Insert %age] percent. Annex 7. MS Excel Sheet No. 6.

shows the detailed matching fund status for the city.

 [Insert a text by comparing the achievements from the previous years]

P a g e 11 | 27
 CIP Utilization: CIP Expenditures to date for the city for EFY………… are as
follows: Planned ETB …………………..; Cumulative Actual Expenditure
ETB………………… ; Utilization Rate ……. %
Annex 8.MS Excel Sheet No. 6 shows the detailed status by quarter of the CIP
budgets and utilization rates for EFY [Insert Year].

 [Insert a text by analyzing the plans and achievements and challenges/problems

encountered and how they are being addressed]

2.5.1. Projects completed but not yet functional

As shown in Table 3, there are [Insert Number] investment sub projects which have not been completed
for more than a year and [Insert Number] are completed but not yet functional due to the reasons

Table 3. Projects not yet completed for more than a year and those completed but not yet functional

P a g e 12 | 27
Date Started Reasons why project Follow up action being
Date is not taken to complete the
No Project Name
Completed completed/functiona project or to make it
l functional

P a g e 13 | 27
2.5.2. Issues/Problems Encountered in CIP implementation
[Insert a text on issues and problems faced in CIP implementation]

[Insert a text on remedial measures taken]

2.6. Revenue Performance: Municipal and State Revenues

2.6.1. Intermediate Result Area 1.1. Municipal Revenues (excluding land lease)
The planned municipal revenue of the year is ETB [Insert Amount] and actual amount of municipal
revenues (excluding land lease) is [Insert Amount] or [Insert %age] percent.

The city achieved/did not achieve [delete inapplicable] an increase in municipal revenues (excluding
land lease) of at least 10 percent in EFY [Insert Year] over the previous financial year are [Insert
Number]. Annex 9. MS Excel Sheet No. 1 shows the detailed status for the city.

[Insert a text on reasons for under/over performance]

2.6.2. Municipal Revenues (including land lease)

The planned municipal revenue of the year is ETB [Insert Amount] and actual amount of municipal
revenues (including land lease) is [Insert Amount] or [Insert %age] percent. Annex 10. MS Excel
Sheet No. 1 shows the detailed status for the city.

[Insert a text on reasons for under/over performance]

2.6.3. State Revenues

The total planned state revenues for the year is ETB [Insert Amount] and the cumulative actual
achievement of the [Insert “quarter” or “half year” or “year”] is ETB [Insert Amount] or [Insert
%age] percent. The detailed state revenues by city are shown in Annex 11. MS Excel Sheet No. 2

[Insert a text on reasons for under/over performance]

The total planned municipal revenues for the year is ETB [Insert Amount] and the cumulative actual
achievement of the [Insert “quarter” or “half year” or “year”] is ETB [Insert Amount] or [Insert
%age] percent.

[Insert a text on reasons for under/over performance]

2.7. Internal Audit & External Audit

2.7.1. Intermediate Result Area 1.2 & 1.3. Status of Audit

The city obtained a qualified/unqualified [delete inapplicable] audit report for EFY [Insert Date]. The
detailed status of timely submission of audits and audit opinion for the city for EFY [Insert Year] is
shown in Annex 12. Excel Sheet No. 3.

[Insert a text on achievements as compared with previous reporting period]

P a g e 14 | 27
Audit Compliance: The total number of audit queries for the city for the previous EFY [Insert Year]
were [Insert Number] and the number acted on are [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percent. The
detailed status of audit compliance for the city for EFY [Insert Year] is shown in Annex 13. Excel Sheet
No. 3.

[Insert a text on achievements as compared with previous reporting period]

2.8. Financial Management

2.8.1. Timely Financial Reporting.

Quarterly financial reports were/were not [delete inapplicable] formally submitted to the regional office
with registered cover letter by deadline in accordance with regional FM manual & regulations.

2.8.2. Monthly cash and bank reconciliation

Monthly cash and bank reconciliation reports were/were not [delete inapplicable] submitted to BoFED
timely as per regional regulations and manuals.

2.8.3. Issues/problems and how they were/will be addressed

The issues and problems faced in Financial Management are [Insert Issues and Problems]

The remedial measures taken are [Insert measures]

2.9. Procurement Management

2.9.1. Overall status of procurement for all city

Total Projects: Out of the planned [Insert Number] contracts [Insert Number contracts or [Insert
%age] percent have been signed. The number of contracts not yet advertised are [Insert Number] or
[Insert %age] percent. To date, out of the signed contracts [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percent are
under implementation and [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] are completed.

Rolled Over Projects: Out of the planned [Insert Number] contracts [Insert Number contracts or
[Insert %age] percent have been signed. The number of contracts not yet advertised are [Insert Number]
or [Insert %age] percent. To date, out of the signed contracts [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percent
are under implementation and [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] are completed.

New Projects: Out of the planned [Insert Number] contracts [Insert Number contracts or [Insert %age]
percent have been signed. The number of contracts not yet advertised are [Insert Number] or [Insert
%age] percent. To date, out of the signed contracts [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percent are under
implementation and [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] are completed.

[Insert a text on the reasons for delay, roll over, etc]

Refer to Annex 14. MS Excel Sheet No. 9 for the detailed procurement status of the city.

P a g e 15 | 27
2.9.2. Procurement Outcomes
The detailed status of procurement outcomes for the previous and current financial year for the city are
indicated in Annex 15. MS Excel Sheet No. 23

[Insert a text on the main points]

2.9.3. Procurement Complaints

The city has during the year received [insert no.] procurement complaints and resolved [Insert no.]. The
number of complaints received this year are [insert no.] or [insert %age] percent [insert “above” or
“below”] the previous year. The main reasons for this are [Insert Reasons]. The details of complaints
received is shown in Annex 16. MS Excel Sheet No. 10

2.9.4. Procurement Audit

The Procurement Audit for the previous year, EFY [Insert Year] was carried out by the Regional Public
Procurement & Property Administration Agencies (RPPPA) starting on ………… and was completed for
the city on ………………….. The Procurement Audit Report is dated ………….

2.9.5. Issues/problems and how they will be addressed

[Insert a text on issues and problems faced in Procurement Management ]

[Insert a text on remedial measures taken]

2.10. Environmental & Social Management

2.10.1. Environmental and social management performance for the year

With regard to environmental and social management, for EFY [Insert Year], the city has so far screened
[Insert Number] projects or [Insert %age] percent as per the ESMSG. Out of these, [Insert Number]
projects or [Insert %age] percent were categorized as Schedule 1; [Insert Number] projects or [Insert
%age] percent as Schedule 2 and [Insert Number] Projects or [Insert %age] percent as Schedule 3. The
number submitted to REPA were [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percent and [Insert Number] were
accepted/approved by REPA. Of the [Insert Number] projects categorized as Schedule 1, only [Insert
Number] EIAs have been completed [Insert %age] percent and [Insert Number] are still pending [Insert
%age] percent. Of the [Insert Number] projects categorized as Schedule 2, only [Insert Number]
projects have had partial EIAs (Environmental Review Report and EMP) completed and [Insert Number]
are therefore still pending.

[Insert Number] projects were screened as per the RSG with [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percent
requiring no further action. RAPs have been done for [Insert Number] projects which means RAPs for
[Insert Number] projects or [Insert %age] percent are still pending. Details of the environmental and
social management status by project is shown in Annex 17. MS Excel Sheet No. 8.

P a g e 16 | 27
2.10.2. Issues/Problems faced in environmental and social screening

 [Insert issues/problems faced in environmental and social screening]

 [Insert remedial measures taken]

2.11. Urban Resilience and Disaster Risk Management

2.11.1. Intermediate Result Area 3.12. Establishment of Emergency Response Units

and Preparation of Emergency Response Plans
The city has/has not [delete inapplicable] established Emergency Response Unit. The city has/has not
[delete inapplicable] developed Risk Map. The city has/has not [delete inapplicable] prepared
Emergency Response Plan. Annex 18. MS Excel Sheet No. 16 provides the Status of staffing of the
Emergency Response Units.

[mention how the city developed the risk map and prepared the emergency response plan, what resources
and resource persons were used, the challenges faced and what the is doing or proposing to overcome

2.12. Gender Mainstreaming

Women's voice and rights: Women's participation in decision making process & Women's voice
heard: The initial public consultations (separate for women) was held/not held [delete inapplicable].
Annex 19. MS Excel Sheet No. 17 shows the detailed status of the number of women attending the
public consultations, minutes of meeting and the number of awareness raising workshops/training on
women's right in workplace against annual target.

Gender Mainstreaming System: Gender -based employment: Proportion of women public

professionals in city administration: The total number of professionals in the city are [Insert no.] with
[Insert no.] men [Insert no.] or [Insert %age] percent women. The total number of head of department,
deputy head of department, process head and above are [Insert no.] with [Insert no.] men and [Insert
no.] or [Insert %age] percent women. A gender focal person is in place/not in place [delete
inapplicable] in the city administration. The annual gender development plan/budget for EFY [Insert
Year] has been/has not been [delete inapplicable] approved by the City Council. The detailed status of
gender based employment is Annex 20 (MS Excel Sheet No. 17).

P a g e 17 | 27
The quarterly meeting with gender focal persons from each sector office were held as per the details in
Annex 21. MS Excel Sheet No. 17. The total number of gender activities in the city’ Gender
Development Plan & Budget for EFY [Insert Year] are [Number of Activities] and the cities have
implemented [Number of Activities] or [Insert %age] percent. The cities budgeted a total of ETB [Insert
Amount] for gender development as per the plan for EFY [Insert Year] and the cumulative expenditure
up to the end of the reporting period was ETB [Insert Amount] or [Insert %age] percent. The detailed
status of the implementation of gender development activities and utilization of gender development
budget is shown in Annex 22. MS Excel Sheet No. 17.

P a g e 18 | 27
2.13. Urban Planning
The status of the city’s statutory structure plan approval is in Annex 23. MS Excel Sheet No. 18.

The city’s structure plan has expired/will expire [delete inapplicable] on [Insert date].

2.14. Land Management

The total number of plots released through allocation/allotment is higher than the plots released through
auction by [Insert percentage] percent. The details of the plots of land released for different uses by the
city during EFY [Insert Year] are indicated in Annex 24. MS Excel Sheet No. 19

The number of parcels planned to be updated in the land inventory during EFY [Insert Year] for the city
is [Insert Number]and the actual number is [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percent. The cumulative
actual number of parcels in the land inventory including the current year are [Insert number.]. The
detailed status by city is shown in Annex 25. MS Excel Sheet No. 19

2.15. Local Economic Development

2.15.1. Intermediate Result Indicator 3.13. Public Private Dialogue

The city has/has not [delete inapplicable] held public private dialogue/open meetings at least twice a
year with city mayor and wide range of private sector representatives. The city achieved/did not achieve
[delete inapplicable] 50% women participation in these meetings.

2.15.2. Micro Small Enterprises (MSEs)

No. of MSEs supported through open business plan competitions, against annual target for EFY [Insert
Year] is [Insert Number] and the actual achievement is [Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percent. The
number of MSEs supported through open business competition for EFY [Insert Year] is [Insert Number]
and the actual achievement is.[Insert Number] or [Insert %age] percent. The number of MSE One Stop
Centres (OSC) supported to be fully functional against annual target for EFY [Insert Year] is [Insert
Year] and the actual achievement is [Insert Number] . The number of graduated MSEs provided with
support from the Medium Manufacturing Enterprises Development Unit in the CA against annual target
for EFY [Insert Year] is [Insert Number] and the actual achievement is [Insert Number] or [Insert
%age] percent.. The detailed status for the city is in Annex 26. MS Excel Sheet No. 20.

P a g e 19 | 27
2.16. Planning & Budgeting
The city’s total capital budget for EFY [Insert Year].was ETB [Insert amount] and actual expenditure
up to the end of the reporting period was ETB [Insert amount]or [insert %age] percent which is [Insert
“below” or “above”] the target of [insert %age] percent for the reporting period. The city’s recurrent
budget for EFY [Insert Year] was ETB [Insert amount] and actual expenditure up to the end of the
reporting period was ETB [Insert amount] or [insert %age] percent which is [Insert “below” or
“above”] the target of [insert %age] percent for the reporting period.

The city’s total budget (capital + recurrent) for EFY [Insert Year] was ETB[Insert amount] and actual
expenditure up to the end of the reporting period was ETB [Insert amount] or [insert %age] percent
which is [Insert “below” or “above”] the percentage target of [insert %age] percent for the reporting

The city recorded an increase/decrease in the number of participants in the public consultation process
in that for current year the total number of participants in the three meetings were [Insert number] of
which [Insert number] or [insert %age] percent were women whereas in the previous year the total
number of participants were [Insert number] of which [Insert number] or [insert %age] percent were

Annex 27. MS Excel Sheet No. 21 shows the detailed status for the city of the capital, recurrent and
capital plus recurrent.

2.17. Quality of Infrastructure: Follow up on VfM Audit Recommendations

The total number of VfM Audit recommendations from the previous EFY [Insert Year] for the city were
[insert number] of which [insert number] or [insert %age] percent have been addressed.

2.18. Accountability & Transparency: Timely Submission of Reports

The Monthly M & E MS Excel reports for EFY [Insert Year] were submitted by the ULG to region as
per details indicated in Annex 28. MS Excel Sheet No. 25

The public consultation process is reported under Gender Mainstreaming.
P a g e 20 | 27
ULG to Region

The 1st Quarter Progress Report for EFY [Insert Year] was submitted by the ULG to region as per
details in Annex 29. MS Excel Sheet No. 25. The report was/was not [delete inapplicable] submitted on

The Semi-Annual Progress Report for EFY [Insert Year] was submitted by the ULG to region as per
details in Annex 29. MS Excel Sheet No. 25. The report was/was not [delete inapplicable] submitted on

The 3rd Quarter Progress Report for EFY [Insert Year] was submitted by the ULG to region as per
details in Annex 29. MS Excel Sheet No. 25. The report was/was not [delete inapplicable] submitted on

The Annual Progress Report for EFY [Insert Year] was submitted by ULG to region as per details in
Annex 29. MS Excel Sheet No. 25. The report was/was not [delete inapplicable] submitted on time.

P a g e 21 | 27
2.19. Staffing of UIIDP ULG Focal Persons Team
[Insert a text on the status of the team]

Annex 30. MS Excel Sheet No. 13 provides the details of the staffing of the UIIDP ULG Focal Persons

2.19.1. Problems encountered in staffing the UIIDP ULG Focal Persons Team
[Insert text on problems encountered in staffing the UIIDP ULG Focal Persons Team]

[Insert text on remedial measures taken]

P a g e 22 | 27
3. Summary of capacity building activities undertaken by the ULG

3.1. Capacity Building activities of ULGs

The total capacity building budget for city for EFY [Insert Year] is ETB [Insert Amount] and cumulative
expenditures as at the end of the quarter/half year/year was ETB [Insert Amount] or [Insert %age]
The number of capacity building activities in the capacity building plan/budget for the city for EFY
[Insert Year] is and the cities completed [Insert total number of activities completed] or [Insert %age]
percent of the activities up to the end of the quarter/half year/year. Annex 31. MS Excel Sheet No. 7
provides the details of status of the capacity building activities of the city.

3.2. Issues/problems faced in undertaking the capacity building activities

[Insert text on problems encountered in undertaking the capacity building activities of the city]
[Insert text on remedial measures taken]

P a g e 23 | 27
4. Grievances cases

The city received in total [Insert total number of cases] grievance cases and resolved [Insert total
number of resolved cases] which is [insert percent] percent. Annex 32. MS Excel Sheet No. 11
indicates the summary of cases by city. [Insert text comparing cases of the previous reporting period
and the major areas of these cases]

5. Fraud & Corruption cases

The cities received in total [Insert total number of cases] Fraud and corruption cases and resolved [Insert
total number of resolved cases] which is [insert percent] percent. Annex 33. MS Excel Sheet No. 12
indicates the summary of cases by city [Insert a text comparing the previous reporting period and the
major areas of these cases]

6. Challenges faced in UIIDP implementation and Remedial Measures

[Insert Text]

7. Lessons Learnt in UIIDP Implementation

[Insert Text]

8. Overall Conclusions and Recommendations

[Insert Text]

[Annexes are in MS Excel Model/File to be downloaded to CD/USB and attached to hard copy
Annex 1: Detailed status of the infrastructure indicators on the UIIDP Results Framework by
infrastructure type: MS Excel Sheet No. 4

Annex 2: Detailed status of other key infrastructure indicators by infrastructure type: MS Excel Sheet
No. 4

Annex 3. Achievement of the APA performance indicator on maintenance budget being a minimum
10% of CIP or minimum 2% of Total Asset Replacement Cost whichever is lesser: MS Excel Sheet No. 5

Annex 4. Total Maintenance Deficit for the city as per the Asset Management Plans for EFY [Insert
Year] to EFY [Insert Year]: MS Excel Sheet No. 5

Annex 5. Temporary Jobs Created on Infrastructure Projects in the CIP under CIP for EFY [Insert Year]:
MS Excel Sheet No. 14

Annex 6. People Employed in firms that were provided with serviced land and/or MSE sheds
under CIP for EFY [Insert Year]: MS Excel Sheet No. 15

Annex 7. Detailed status of CIP approval by City Council and Region for the EFY [Insert Year]: MS
Excel Sheet No. 6

Annex 8. Budgeted and actual IDA performance grants, regional and ULG contributions: MS Excel
Sheet No. 6

Annex 9. CIP budget and utilization rate for EFY [Insert Year]: MS Excel Sheet No. 6

Annex 10. Achievement of an increase in municipal revenues (excluding land lease) of at least 10
percent in EFY [Insert Year]: MS Excel Sheet No. 1

Annex 11. Planned and actual municipal revenues (including land lease) for EFY [Insert Year]: MS
Excel Sheet No. 1

Annex 12. Planned state revenues and cumulative actual expenditures and achievement for EFY [Insert :
MS Excel Sheet No. 2

Annex 13. Detailed status of timely submission of audit and audit opinion for EFY [Insert Year]: MS
Excel Sheet No. 3

Annex 14. Status of audit compliance for EFY [Insert Year]: MS Excel Sheet No. 3

Annex 15. Detailed procurement status for EFY [Insert Year] : MS Excel Sheet No. 9

P a g e 25 | 27
Annex 16. Detailed status of procurement outcomes for the previous and current financial year: MS
Excel Sheet No. 23

Annex 17. Procurement Complaints received and resolved for EFY [Insert Year] : MS Excel Sheet
No. 10

Annex 18. Details of the environmental and social management status [Insert Year] : MS Excel Sheet
No. 8

Annex 19. Status of Emergency Response Unit, Risk Maps & Emergency Response Plan and staffing of
Emergency Response Unit EFY [Insert Year] : MS Excel Sheet No. 16

Annex 20. Status of the number of women attending the public consultations, minutes of meeting and
number of awareness raising workshops/training on women's right in workplace against annual target:
MS Excel Sheet No. 17

Annex 21. Status of quarterly meeting with gender focal persons from each sector office EFY [Insert
Year] : MS Excel Sheet No. 1

Annex 22. Status of the implementation of gender development activities and utilization of gender
development budget: MS Excel Sheet No. 17

Annex 23. Detailed status of approval of structure plan: MS Excel Sheet No. 18

Annex 24. Detailed status of release of plots EFY [Insert Year] : MS Excel Sheet No. 19

Annex 25. Status of updating of land inventory EFY [Insert Year] : MS Excel Sheet No. 19

Annex 26. Number of MSEs and MSE OSC supported and number of graduated MSEs
supported by MMEDU EFY [Insert Year] : MS Excel Sheet No. 20

Annex 27. Capital, recurrent and total budget utilization rate for EFY [Insert Year] : MS Excel
Sheet No. 21

Annex 28. Number of VfM Audit recommendations and those addressed from the previous EFY [Insert
Year]: MS Excel Sheet No. 24

Annex 29. Submission by ULG to Region of Monthly M & E MS Excel reports for EFY [Insert
Year]: MS Excel Sheet No. 25

Annex 31. details of the staffing of the UIIDP ULG Focal Persons Team.

Status of capacity building activities of the city for EFY [Insert Year]: MS Excel Sheet No. 7

Annex 32. Status of capacity building activities of the region for EFY [Insert Year]: MS Excel
Sheet No. 7

P a g e 26 | 27
Annex 33. Status of Grievance Cases Received and Resolved by the cities in the region for EFY
[Insert Year]: MS Excel Sheet No. 11

Annex 34. Status of Fraud & Corruption Cases Received and Resolved by the cities in the region
for EFY [Insert Year]: MS Excel Sheet No. 12

P a g e 27 | 27

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