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Students Bread and Butter.

Nowadays, a normal thing to do for a 16-year-old teen is to find a summer job. You got your usual ice
cream coning, or you can get a bit more crazy and stack boxes in some factory. These all sound
fantastic, right?

In reality, I'm sure that 90 % of teens do not like the sound of any of these jobs. They want to go out
or play video games all day, not working. You cannot blame them with school taking a large part of
their day away. When the summer comes being responsible is the last thing they think about. There
is only one word that can change their mind, money. When parents say "you should get a summer
job", they translate that sentence as "I want money". Sure you want that pair of Jordan 1s to flex in
front of your friends, right?

I think there is no problem with teens working at a young age, even if it is not for all the right
reasons. A majority of adults work only for money as well. Teens get to experience working in high
press situations. Even if the experience is unwanted, it counts. The problem I see is spending the
well-earned money well. That is a whole different can of worms though.

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