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1. Task
The Passive Voice
(пасивний стан дієслова)
I. Пасивний стан дієслова означає дію, що була здійснена над предметом або особою.
II. Пасивний стан в англійській мові утворюється за допомогою дієслова to be в різних
часових формах, залежно від змісту.
IІІ. В пасивному стані для позначення особи чи предмета, що виконує дію, слід вживати
by – з живими істотами,
with – з предметами:
The house was built by my grandfather.
The window was broken with a ball.
Для того, щоб вказати, з чого зроблений якийсь предмет, вживається of:
The table is made of wood.
Indefinite Continuous Perfect Perf.
a d f
am am have **

is + Ved is + being + Ved + been + Ved

are (PII) are (PII) has (PII)
b e g
was was
+ Ved + being + Ved had + been + Ved

were (PII) were (PII) (PII)

c h
shall * shall
+be+ Ved +have+been + Ved

will will (PII)

* Форми The Future Continuous Passive не існує, для цього вживається або форма The
Future Indefinite Passive або The Future Continuous Active.
** Форми The Present, Past, Future Perfect Continuous Passive не існує, для її передачі
вживаються форми The Present, Past, Future Perfect Passive або The Present, Past, Future Perfect
Continuous Active.
IІІ. A. Write correct tense in the Passive of the verb in brackets.
1. A new school (to build) near our house next year. 2. These trousers (to make) last century by a
famous tailor. 3. An old man (to hit) by a taxi while he was crossing the street yesterday. 4. The
weather report (to give) after TV news every night. 5. If you don't pay a bill, your electricity (to
cut) off by the electric company. 6. Spiderman commics (to read) by teenagers all over the
world. 7. Our bags (to weigh) before we got onto the plane. 8. If I ever see the UFO I am sure I
(to frighten). 9. Come quickly, someone (to injure). 10. New records (to play) a lot on the radio.
11. Letters (to send) to parents next week about the trip to England. 12. That book (to write)
many years ago.
В. Use the verb brackets in the appropriate form.
1. The second draft resolution (not/to discuss) yesterday; it (to withdraw) long before the
beginning of the meeting. 2. The inspector is not in the town; he (to send) on a special mission to
the mining district. 3. You can't use the refrigerator at the moment, it (to fix) by the mechanic. 4.
A new metro line (to construct) now. One of its stations (to build) in our street already. 5. Maize
(to use) by many people of the world to make their bread. 6. No objections to the plan (to offer)
so far, but it (not/introduce) until it (to put) to vote. 7. Some final touches (to put) to the picture;
it (to complete) in a quarter of an hour. 8. Why (the curtains/to draw) across the window? 9. The
customs officers (to examine) the luggage. It (to examine) by the time the train leaves. 10.
Postage stamps with gummed backs (to invent) in 1840. Before that letters (to frank) with a
stamping machine to show that the postage (to pay). 11. We shall start working according to the new
program as soon as it (to adopt) by the board.
VI. A. Translate the following sentences.
1. В таких випадках завжди викликають лікаря. 2. Мені нічого про це не сказали. 3. Я
впевнений, що доповідача будуть слухати дуже уважно. 4. Коли дадуть відповідь
на цей лист? 5. Шкода, що її не запросили на вечірку. 6 Коли я зайшов до зали, то
вже продиктували назву нової книги. 7. Не заходьте в аудиторію, там екзаменують
студента. 8. Коли народився Шекспір? 9. Мене ніколи не питали про це. 10. План
обговорюється вже дві години. 11. Я гадаю, що пам’ятник не буде споруджений до
кінця року. 12. Чи буде ця стаття перекладена до 3-ї години?
2. 1. In such cases, always call a doctor. 2. I was not told anything. 3. I explain that the
speaker will be listened to very carefully. 4. When will this letter be answered? 5. It
is a pity that she was not invited to the party. 6 When I entered the hall, the title of
the new book was already dictated. 7. Do not go into the auditorium, the student is
examined there. 8. When was Shakespeare born? 9. I was never asked about it. 10.
The plan has been discussed for two hours. 11. I don't think the monument will be
built until the end of the year. 12. Will this article be translated by the 3rd year?

Дринк вотер хайд волтейдж статион бридж роудс хайвейс скулс университет дамбс
B. 1. В магазині йому запропонували декілька книг на тему, що його цікавила. 2. Чи буде
йому надана можливість користуватись лабораторією? 3. Чи вам задавали додаткові
запитання на екзамені? 4. В дитячому садку за дітьми не тільки доглядають і не тільки
граються з ними, а також навчають їх пісень і танців, водять їх в кіно і дитячі театри. 5.
Цю зірку добре видно тільки перед сходом сонця. 6. Не говоріть таких речей, над вами
будуть сміятися. 7.– Ваш проект вже прийнятий? – Ні, його все ще розглядають. 8. Де
конструюються такі пристрої? 9. Минулого місяця нарешті вийшла книжка, яку з
нетерпінням чекали. Зараз її широко обговорюють у пресі. Про неї вже написано багато
статей, з яких видно, що погляди критиків щодо неї розділилися. 10. Шкода, що на
конференції таких питань не торкалися. 11. Вулицю перед нашим будинком перерили,
ремонтують газопровід. 12. Вам пояснили, чому вам не дозволили приймати участь у цих
змаганнях? 13. Таке взуття не носять в дощову погоду.

The store offered him several books on a topic that interested him. 2. Will he be
given the opportunity to use the laboratory? 3. Were you asked additional
questions on the exam? 4. In kindergarten, children are not only cared for and not
only played with, but also taught their songs and dances, taken to the movies and
children's theaters. 5. This star is clearly visible only before sunrise. 6. Do not say
such things, you will be laughed at. 7. - Has your project already been approved? -
No, it is still being considered. 8. Where are such devices designed? 9. Last month,
the book we were looking forward to finally came out. Now it is widely discussed
in the press. Many articles have already been written about her, which show that
critics' views on her are divided. 10. It is a pity that such issues were not touched
upon at the conference. 11. The street in front of our house was dug up, the gas
pipeline is being repaired. 12. Have you been explained why you were not allowed
to take part in these competitions? 13. Such shoes are not worn in rainy weather.

V. Rewrite the sentences about David and Allie's new house with the correct form of have
something done.
1. Some builders repaired the roof last month.
They had the roof repaired last month
2. Some decorators are decorating the house.
3. An electrician has serviced the central heating.
4. A gardener is going to cut the grass.
5. A painter is painting the front door.
6. A plumber fitted a new shower.
7. Some cleaners are going to clean the whole house.

VI. Study the situations, then write the answers using passive construction have something done.
1. Tony is going to the dentist’s for a check-up tomorrow. What’s he going to do? ______________
2. Their house is very cold. Installing central heating would help. What should they do?
3. James has written some songs and they’re going to be recorded. What is James going to do?
4. Sarah is at the hairdresser’s. The hairdresser is cutting her hair. What is Sarah doing?
5. The baker has made a special cake for Joan. What has Joan done? ________________
6. Their windows are very dirty. What should they have done? _____________
7. Claire’s shoes are made by hand especially for her. What does Claire do? ________
8. Sam has paid the plumber for repairing his washing machine. What has he done?

Tony is going to the dentist’s for a check-up tomorrow. What’s he going to do? he will have going to
the dentist’s for a check-up tomorrow
2. Their house is very cold. Installing central heating would help. What should they do? They
should have the central heating instolled.
3. James has written some songs and they’re going to be recorded. What is James going to do?
James will have going some songs recorded.
4. Sarah is at the hairdresser’s. The hairdresser is cutting her hair. What is Sarah doing? Sarah is
having her hair cut.
5. The baker has made a special cake for Joan. What has Joan done? Joan has had a special cake
6. Their windows are very dirty. What should they have done? They should have had the windows
7. Claire’s shoes are made by hand especially for her. What does Claire do? Claire has the shoes

VII. Translate into English.

1.Твоя борода вже геть кудлата - сходи до перукарні, аби її підстригли. 2. Холодильник пора
ремонтувати-його гудіння не дає спати. 3. Вікна пора помити. 4. Поклич когось, аби натерти скло,
воно став зовсім тьмяне. 5. Костюм слід віддати у хімчистку- буде як новий. 6. Автомобіль слід
помити після такої поїздки. 7. Спробуйте перефарбувати це пальто у зелений колір. 8.
Зателефонуй і замов, щоб принесли сендвічі і каву. 9. Домовтесь, щоб усю церемонію
фотографували. 10. Ради такої нагоди слід помити килими шампунем. 11. Плаття слід вкоротити -
сходи до кравця. 12. Дах пора фарбувати, зателефонуй і домовся. 13. Поклич садівника і
підстрижи кущі. 14. Віддай телевізор у ремонт - він не показує. 15. Замов прибиральницю і
прибери квартиру. 16. Вже прийшла весна - віддай увесь зимовий одяг у хімчистку. 17. Для
кожного автомобіля слід регулярно проводити профілактичний огляд. 18. Її волосся зовсім
посивіло - слід регулярно його фарбувати. 19. Домовся, аби усю кореспонденцію доставляли до
офісу. 20. Замовте, щоб усі килими в офіci чистили пилососом щодня.

Your beard is already quite shaggy - go up to the barber shop to get it

trimmed. 2. It's time to repair the refrigerator, its buzzing keeps you awake.
3. It's time to wash the windows. 4. Call someone to rub the glass, it became
completely dim. 5. The suit should be given to a dry cleaner - it will be like
new. 6. The car should be washed after such a trip. 7. Try repainting this coat
green. 8. Call and order sandwiches and coffee. 9. Arrange for the entire
ceremony to be photographed. 10. For this occasion, carpets should be washed
with shampoo. 11. The dress should be shortened - stairs to the tailor. 12. It's
time to paint the roof, call and agree. 13. Call the gardener and trim the
bushes. 14. Give the TV for repair - it does not show. 15. Order a cleaning
lady and clean the apartment. 16. Spring has already come - give all winter
clothes to the dry cleaner. 17. For each car it is necessary to carry out
regularly preventive inspection. 18. Her hair is completely gray - it should be
dyed regularly. 19. Arranged that all correspondence be delivered to the
office. 20. Have all office carpets vacuumed daily

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