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Grad Minds Executive Meeting #3

Online via Discord

November 7, 2022


Elizabeth K

Actionables for next meeting

● Project/event updates
○ Distillery:
■ Reschedule date to week of Dec 5-9.
■ @Curtis will look into booking location options
○ Trivia:
■ @Lavanya & @Riddhita will book room location, finalize ad by this
Friday (soft deadline), work out logistics and connect with @Selina
● Policy/advocacy
○ Policy team will meet next Mon, Nov 7 @ 4:30-5:30
○ Food Insecurity
■ @Felix will share meeting minutes from last year for potential action
and review on current UofT strategies
● Marketing/communication
○ Everyone: Send IG content and tips to @Dana, listserv content to
@Ayushi and advertising events to @Britney
● Any other business
○ Website
■ Everyone (optional): send headshots to @Curtis / review your bio
& profile on
○ Graduate Wellness Network (GWN)
■ Everyone: RSVP to join GWN meeting at the end of November to
provide feedback for this campus-wide mental health network.
■ @Curtis will post details on the Discord: When2Meet link:

○ Notetaker
■ Everyone: Need 1 notetaker for Mon, Dec 5th meeting
○ Discord:
■ Everyone: add/accept friend requests on Discord so that you can
send private messages and set up team chat or video calls for
smaller projects etc.

Item Notes

1. Meeting comes to order Time: 5:00PM

a. Adoption of agenda Adoption of last week’s minutes
b. Minutes from last meeting

2. Project/event updates A. Distillery

a. Distillery Winter Village - Date: Reschedule from Wed, Nov 30 to week after (e.g.
b. Trivia Dec 6/7)
c. Social night - Grad Minds budget:
- $ for refreshments and
- Ideas:
- Scavenger hunt?
- Interactive - maybe have 2 larger groups
- Distillery+: Rent a room for an after event?
- Scheduling
- We could reschedule to Dec if too close to other
events and be framed as a holiday event (having
3 events at the same time may not be ideal)
B. Trivia
- Date: Tues, November 29
- Advertisement
- Soft deadline this Friday:
Riddhita/Lavanya will send the
advertisement to UTGSU and confirm
booking rooms/location
- Nov 11 - ad
- Nov 14 - Publish on UTGSU digest (at
least once)
- Nov 18: last date to send ad
- Location
- Room capacity
- 20-30 depending on room capacity?
- Could book a room for 40 so that capacity
is less dense
- Budget:
- Food and drinks and incentivize
- UofT COVID-19 policies & restrictions -
confirm policy; may be personal
preference (masks recommended)
- Connect with Selina

C. Social (Yunfan & Hania)

- Date: TBC end of November

3. Policy/advocacy updates Biweekly Mon 4:30-5:30 (off weeks of general meeting)

a. Updates?
Graduate Wellness Network (GWN) Meeting
- Meet and connect with Karthik, Lexi and SGS
- Need folks to attend the GWN Meeting to provide
feedback to SGS
- Meeting details here:
- When2Meet link:

Food Insecurity
- Felix will share meeting minutes from last year’s
meetings (e.g., student food bank)
- Unclear what the UofT initiatives are to deal with
graduate student food insecurity

4. Marketing/communication Marketing team members were not able to attend

a. Send details to Dana a. Send details to Dana (Instagram)
b. Listerv i. Mental health tips, resources or other ideas
c. Advertising for events, b. Listserv (Ayushi)
others i. 300 subscribers
ii. Ideas for content - share on Discord or DM
c. Advertising for events, others (Britney)
i. Streamlined way to share information to Brit (e.g.
graphics etc.)
ii. Policy team: if we need to create resources,
survey infographics / results, Britney can support

5. Treasury updates Payments & reimbursement - contact Elizabeth

Info: In past years, our budget was used for facilitator fees. Feel
free to use budget to enhance social events

6. Any other business a. Website blurbs to Curtis

a. Send headshot/short i. Website has been updated with headshots/blurbs
blurb for website to so please review for any errors
Curtis (if you wish) b. Fall meeting note takers
b. Fall meeting note takers i. December 5th notetaker needed
ii. We will assign 2023 notetakers at a later date

November 7th: Felix

November 21st: Jessica A.
December 5th: Yunfan L
December 19th: Serrina P.

c. Discord
i. Reminder about the Chat feature in the voice
ii. Please remember to Send Friend Requests on
Discord so that you can private message / start
group chats (Felix will post in the thread)

Adjournment Time: 5:45

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