RDNG 225-Lesson Plan in Poetry

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RDNG 225-Lesson Plan in Poetry


Paul Randy Gumanao

Part I: Objectives and Rationale

Related to Goals:

Objectives Designed to meet goals

By the end of the lesson, the student should have:


Key Concepts for Understanding



Part II: Development of Activity Sequence

Activity Purpose/Objective Expected Student Planned Teacher Materials

Behavior Behavior

Pre-reading To 1. Teacher divides Guide question:

Acitivity (1 hour) the class into “If your house
groups of 5-6. were on fire, what
2. S/he gives would you try to
instructions about save? Why?
the form of the
output expected:
3. Teacher may
opt to collect the
scripts of the skits
for ease of

In-class To encourage 1. Students 1. Teacher

discussion (30 critical thinking compare and facilitates
minutes) about skits contrast the discussion of what
presented groups’ the groups’ values
presentations. have in common
or not.
2. S/he relates the
class’ values with
the attitude of the
persona in

Reading the To enable 1. A student reads 1. Teacher asks a Copy of the poem
Poem (30 students to listen the poem aloud student to read “Bonsai” by Edith
minutes) to and appreciate and with proper the poem aloud; L. Tiempo.
the sound of diction and 2. Teacher leads
poetry expression. close reading of
2. Students share the poem, asking:
To allow them to their insights -Who is the
close read and about the poem, persona?
understand the as led by the -What is the
poem by teacher’s situation?
identifying the question. -What metaphors
persona, the 3. They listen are used to
situation and the attentively to the embody meaning?
conflict, and the reading and to the -How does the
metaphors, and discussion. poem render the
the theme paradox of
“scaling love and
To encourage life down to a
them to engage in cupped hand’s
critical thinking size”?
about Philippine 3. Teacher then
culture introduces Edith
Tiempo's own
technique of
writing poetry as
she explains it in
her essay,
Extensions.” S/he
asks students how
these techniques
are seen in the

Group Writing (1 To enable 1. In groups, 1. Teacher asks Optional: Copy of

hour) students to work students translate students to go the Macario Tiu’s
as a team in freely the poem freely back to their sit Cebuano
translating the into their regional groups and translation of
poem into their language, instructs them to “Bonsai”
regional language negotiating with translate the
each other in poem into their
To enable them to solving problems regional language.
engage in creative arising from the While students
thinking through process. are doing the
solving problems 2. A selected activity, teacher
arising from student from each goes around to
literary translation group reads their facilitate process.
translation aloud 2. Teacher
to the class. reminds the
students that
these are free and
3. Teacher asks
each group to
read their
translations to the
4. S/he leads
discussion of the
strengths of each
translation, with
particular attention
to cultural
nuances that may
not be in the
original poem.
For Cebuano
speaking regions:
Teacher presents
Macario Tiu’s
tranalation of
“Bonsai” and
compares it with

Post-reading To give students 1. Students use 1. Teacher No materials

Activity (given as an opportunity to an ordinary box instructs students needed in the
an assignment) reflect further on their preferred to create the box classroom
their personal size and decorate decoupage project because the
values regarding it with images of all that they project will be
love through an symbolizing “All love. Decoupage done at home.
art project that I love” using is a simple
the technique of technique of
To allow students decoupage. cutting images
to demonstrate 2. In the next from magazines
their creativity in meeting, students and glueing them
decoupage exhibit their their onto the box in a
projects in class. particular design.
They are given The boxes may be
some time to given a coat of
examine the varnish for finish
display quietly. and durability.

from Lit Matters: A Manual for Teaching Philippine Literature (2014)

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