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Based on J.R.R.

Tolkien's MIDDLE-EARTH™ as detailed in THE HOBBIT™


of the
Shadow of Death
In the Coldfells of Rhudaur
An Adventure Scenario for MERP
for 6 — 8 mid-level PCs
By V. J. Schiavoni
Nan Guruthos, with Amon Ereb and Bar-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the Pinnath Aegring of Rhudaur, Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By V. J. Schiavoni June 2020.

Valley of the Shadow of Death

An Adventure Scenario for MERP

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction........................................................4 4.5 The Dwelling.................................................8
1.1 Legal Disclaimer............................................4 4.5.1 The Temple.............................................9
1.2 Setting And Requirements.............................4 4.5.2 The Catacombs/Dungeons.....................9
1.3 Definitions/Terms..........................................4 4.6 Dol Duniath....................................................9
2.0 The Setting..........................................................5 5.0 The Adventure..................................................11
2.1 The Tale.........................................................5 5.1 The Task.......................................................11
2.2 Background for the GM.................................5 5.2 Starting the Players......................................11
3.0 NPCs...................................................................6 5.3 Aids..............................................................11
3.1 Dolgubâr........................................................6 5.4 Obstacles......................................................11
3.2 Shom and the Monk-Priests...........................6 5.5 Rewards.......................................................12
3.3 Krum and the Guards.....................................6 5.6 Afterward.....................................................12
3.4 Other Personnel..............................................6 6.0 Encounters........................................................13
3.5 The Captives..................................................6 6.1 … Along the Way.........................................13
4.0 The Sites.............................................................7 6.2 … In Coldwater Valley................................13
4.1 The Coldfells Area.........................................7 6.3 … At the Monastery.....................................13
4.2 The Coldwater................................................8 6.4 … During Withdrawal.................................13
4.3 Coldwater Valley............................................8 7.0 Tables................................................................14
4.4 Lonely Hill.....................................................8 NPC Summaries.................................................14

Author: V. J. Schiavoni
Sponsor: the MERP Fan Modules group
Special Thanks to those who reviewed/commented on the drafts!
Glossary uses Dragon Flame v2.0.
The New Notion Club Archives - Arda Role Playing Wiki and Encyclopedia of Arda were consulted.
Layouts: by author using AutoRealm v2.2.1, GIMP v2.10.18, and Inkarnate.
Image on title page: A painting after the style of Nicholas Roerich, by Ambersky235, CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0.
Image on page 2: Gebirgslandschahft Mit Wasserfall (Landscape with mountains and waterfall), 1886, by August Wilhelm
Leu (1818 – 1897), public domain.
Image on page 6: Evil Wizard, by coalheart on, permission requested.
Clipart gathered from the Web.
©2020 V. J. Schiavoni v0.9196Beta 2020-07-12 Released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

N n u
G ruthos, with Amon r E eb and a
B r-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the i
P nnath Aegring of h R udaur, iM ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the iM ddle-Earth oR le-Playing game. y B V J Schiavoni Page 3 of 15
Nan Guruthos, with Amon Ereb and Bar-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the Pinnath Aegring of Rhudaur, Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By V. J. Schiavoni June 2020.

1.0 Introduction when choosing details. It is also assumed that the party
is aligned on the side of the Free Peoples (or at least not
opposed to them), and against Darkness.
1.1 LEGAL DISCLAIMER The difficulty level is set for mid-level PCs (6 – 8 PCs
with 30 – 40 combined levels), but can be adjusted for
Valley of the Shadow of Death is a non-commercial, higher- or lower-level parties; suggestions: for lower
fan-created adventure scenario designed for the Middle- level of play, reduce by 1-2 the levels of Dolgubâr,
earth Role Playing (MERP) game by Iron Crown Shom, and Krum, and/or have a Ranger assist the party,
Enterprises (now long out-of-print). This document is and ensure that Dol Duniath is unoccupied; for higher
intended for the personal, private use of role-playing level, simply increase by 1-2 the levels of the three main
game (RPG) players and game-masters (GMs), as an aid antagonists, and/or add four more guards, and add 8 – 12
for their study and role-playing enjoyment. All refer- Hillman Scouts at Dol Duniath. A party focused on
ences to the works of J. R. R. Tolkien are the property of stealth capabilities will probably do best.
Middle-earth Enterprises (M-eE) and/or the Tolkien
Estate; additionally, MERP and all references to that Remember that most adventure scenarios, including
game system are the property of Iron Crown Enterprises this one, are adaptable to any role-playing game system
(ICE). All other material is the property of the author, with some work, and are somewhat flexible as to setting,
and may not be offered for sale, nor altered, without both time and place.
permission. Please note that M-eE has been extremely
aggressive against any perceived infringement of their
intellectual property rights. Ad = Adunaic; Bl = Blarm (Hillman); S = Sindarin
• Coldwater – Ad: Nîn Rinig; Bl: Forishka; S: Siring
1.2 SETTING AND REQUIREMENTS • Coldwater Valley – Ad: Tum Nîn Rinig; Bl: Glin
This adventure scenario assumes that the reader is a-Forishka; S: Nan Siring
familiar with the works of J.R.R. Tolkien and the MERP • Coldwater (Water)Fall – Ad: Nîn Rinig Kallabân;
game system. The GM must have access to the MERP Bl: As Forishka; S: Lanthir Siring
rule-book, and may wish to have the relevant maps/mod-
• Dolgubâr – Ad: "evil dark/night" + "lord"
ules for the adventure area chosen; recommended titles:
• Dome/Temple/Vault [of the] Great Eye – Bl: Kil
• #8040: Hillmen of the Trollshaws (background
na Sul Mor; S: Hendaerond
on Rhudaur and Hillmen)
• Dwelling/House of the Great Eye – Bl: Ot na
• #8070: Goblin-gate and Eagle’s Eyrie (color
Sul Mor; S: Bar-en-Hendaer
area map)
• House of Death-Shadow – Ad: Zadan n'Agannâlu
• #8103: Trolls of the Misty Mountains (details of
(Dolgubâr’s name for both monastery and temple)
Caranduin Vale, Dispar, Elnost, etc.)
• Lone(ly) Hill – Ad: Ambon Îr; Bl: Brin Aner; S:
It also assumes the default date of 1640 T.A. set by
Amon Ereb
ICE, however, almost any Third Age date between ca.
1356 and ca. 1975 should work fine. The physical setting • Valley [of the] Shadow-of-Death (originally
is in the Coldfells (S: Pinnath Aegring) of Rhudaur, Coldwater Valley) – Ad: Tum n'Agannâlu; S:
among the western slopes and foothills of the Misty Nan Guruthos
Mountains – although almost any remote location should
suffice. Some rural areas in Dunland or the Westmarch
of Calenardhon (later Rohan) might work well too, with
appropriate modifications. The antagonists described
herein are primarily Hillmen of Rhudaur, with access to
limited resources, so these points should be considered

N n u
G ruthos, with Amon r E eb and a
B r-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the i
P nnath Aegring of h R udaur, iM ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the iM ddle-Earth oR le-Playing game. y B V J Schiavoni Page 4 of 15
Nan Guruthos, with Amon Ereb and Bar-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the Pinnath Aegring of Rhudaur, Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By V. J. Schiavoni June 2020.

2.0 The Setting High mortality and thus high turnover have necessitated
a steady supply of new captives.
The monastery/seminary is currently headed by a
“Where is Pogo?” shouted Ariel, rushing into the Inn.
Black Númenórean (epithet: Dolgubâr) Mage/Animist
“I’m afraid he’s been taken captive by Hillmen,” said from the far south of Middle-Earth. The rest of the
Grog. “He – and others” monk-priests (6 Animists) are male Easterlings. The
“What? Why? Where did they take him?” Hillmen of Rhudaur have no priestly tradition, so as yet
“We found this,” said the Dwarf, showing her a small there are only four acolytes, all male Animists. The
metal amulet shaped like a stylized eye. facility boasts about a dozen support personnel (all male
“We believe that they have taken them to a temple of Hillmen of Rhudaur) – the place has to be self-sufficient.
the Witch-king in the Coldfells,” said the Ranger. “For Due to it's remoteness, there is minimal security (only 8
what foul purpose, I dare not guess.” guards plus a leader, all male Hillmen). Only males are
allowed in Zadan n'Agannâlu. This is for purely practical
“Well, we must rescue him!” she said. “We must purposes, to reduce distractions.
rescue them all!”
All of the Animists possess a custom-made brooch – a
2.1 THE TALE stylized eye in silver with tiger’s eye iris and jet pupil –
that functions as a Power Point multiplier or Spell Adder.
The Elves of Rivendell and the Dúnedain of the North
The main temple (Hendaerond) of Bar-en-Hendaer is
have long known that the Witch-king of Angmar has also shaped like a stylized eye, with an altar at the center
spread his evil influence into Rhudaur, corrupting the
on a raised chancel (the "pupil"), surrounded by a domed
Hillmen who dominate it. Not long ago they became (with oculus) circular area for worshipers paved in
aware that a secret sanctuary dedicated to Dark Worship
colored tile (the "iris"), and two triangular side areas (the
has been established in the remote Coldfells of Rhudaur, "corners of the eye").
but have thus far discovered little more about it. Recent-
ly there has also been a notable increase in Hillmen raids The valley has the "U" shape typical of glacial troughs:
taking prisoners, which the Elves have tracked to Nan the floor is relatively flat, the sides steep. The valley is
Siring (aka Nan Guruthos), the location of the shrine. about 30 miles long from the mouth to the terminus, and
The time has come for the Free Peoples to take action…. up to 5 miles wide. A 200 foot scarp or step blocks the
mouth of the valley, over which the Siring drops in a
2.2 BACKGROUND FOR THE GM spectacular waterfall. A single large hill dominates the
valley, the remnant of an isolated peak that survived
Nan Guruthos – The Valley of the Shadow of Death glaciation. The tree line at this latitude (approx. 53° N) is
Pinnath Aegring (Coldfells), east-central Rhudaur approx. 7,000 ft., which is slightly higher than the valley
T.A. 1640 floor. Hence, the valley floor is heavily forested (not
Zadan n'Agannâlu (Bar-en-Hendaer) was founded shown on ICE maps), as are the lower hills and lower
slopes, but the higher peaks and steeper slopes are bare,
about a century ago as a clandestine monastery/seminary
for Dark Worship. This facility represents a substantial except for scrub. A clear, wide swath on either side of
the stream provides pasture for cattle and sheep. The
investment for the Witch-king, and is expected to expand
greatly. The main functions of this seminary are to train monastery has four mules, a handful of hogs, a half
dozen cows, a few small flocks of sheep, many chickens,
Hillmen priests in the Dark Religion; and breeding
experiments, which are conducted with wanton and several dogs and cats.
depravity. Subjects are criminals or prisoners taken in Four of the servants are shepherds and live (with their
raids. At any time, there may be 4 – 24 subjects, who are sheepdogs) outside the monastery. They have a cottage
kept in abject misery and forced to work menial jobs – beside the main path at the bottom of Amon Ereb, and a
until they no longer can work and become experiments. handful of other shacks scattered throughout the valley
The captives are being held in cages in the dungeon. in which to shelter.

N n u
G ruthos, with Amon r E eb and a
B r-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the i
P nnath Aegring of h R udaur, iM ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the iM ddle-Earth oR le-Playing game. y B V J Schiavoni Page 5 of 15
Nan Guruthos, with Amon Ereb and Bar-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the Pinnath Aegring of Rhudaur, Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By V. J. Schiavoni June 2020.


Shom is the senior of the other six monk-priests here at
Zadan n'Agannâlu. He is short and swarthy like his
3.1 DOLGUBÂR fellows. These Easterling Animists are actually not at all
Dolgubâr is the appointed leader of the monastery, the pleased about their posting here, but are too afraid to
chosen agent of the Witch-king of Angmar. This Black rebel; however, their loyalty only goes as far as their
Númenórean Mage/Animist from the far South is tall, own skins. They do know however that flight would be
pale, and always dressed in black robes, and takes his perilous from this remote location, so they will generally
mission to train Hillmen priests in the Dark Worship act in it’s defense.
very seriously. This character may be evil, but he is also
determined and resolute. 3.3 KRUM AND THE GUARDS
He is assisted by six Easterling priests, of whom the Krum commands the eight Hillmen guards. He is tall
senior is Shom. The four Hillmen acolytes are terrified and muscular for a Hillman, and a veteran Warrior. He is
of him. The Hillmen guards nominally obey him, but nominally subordinate to Dolgubâr, and will generally
their loyalty is questionable. Their chief is Krum. obey him – unless and until he decides that he has better
For purposes of this scenario, Dolgubâr has the abil- ideas. In the absence of conflicting orders, the Hillmen
ities of both a 5th level Mage and a 5th level Animist. servants will also generally defer to Krum, so his will
Dolgubâr is actually an epithet/title that he insists upon carries some weight. He thoroughly dislikes both
– his real name is unknown. Dolgubâr and Shom, and is indifferent about the acolytes
and their training, but the torture of the subjects provides
him with an outlet for his anger, and he indulges himself
in it. The lack of action and the remote location have led
the guards to become complacent, so security is lax.
Krum and his guards however will fight to the death.


The four Hillmen acolytes (Animists) will obey
Dolgubâr in all things, or in his absence Shom or the
other clerics, or finally if necessary Krum. The senior
and chief of servants is a majordomo who is elderly and
crippled, and is enjoying this easy posting and the status
it provides. The twelve Hillmen servants – many of
whom are retired veteran Warriors – will fight to defend
themselves if necessary, or if ordered to do so by Krum,
but they may surrender. Except for the shepherds, they
are unarmed (or bear but a knife), but if forced to fight
they will find spears and swords, if given time. The
shepherds are all well-armed veteran Scouts and capable
of defending themselves and their flocks.


The prisoners are all in poor health. They certainly
cannot fight. The best they can do is to help each other to
Dolgubâr walk.

N n u
G ruthos, with Amon r E eb and a
B r-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the i
P nnath Aegring of h R udaur, iM ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the iM ddle-Earth oR le-Playing game. y B V J Schiavoni Page 6 of 15
Nan Guruthos, with Amon Ereb and Bar-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the Pinnath Aegring of Rhudaur, Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By V. J. Schiavoni June 2020.

4.0 The Sites 5. Lanthir Siring – waterfall (location marked, not

6. Caranduin – a river, tributary to Bruinen
4.1 THE COLDFELLS AREA 7. Elnost – a watchtower
Pinnath Aegring (as generally known to the Elves): 8. Dispar – a village
1. Nan Siring (Nan Guruthos) – the valley 9. Carandor – a village
2. Amon Ereb – the hill 10. Daenost – a watchtower
3. Bar-en-Hendaer – the monastery/seminary 11. Dol Duniath – a watchtower
4. Siring – a stream, tributary to Mitheithel

The Coldfells Area (Pinnath Aegring)

N n u
G ruthos, with Amon r E eb and a
B r-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the i
P nnath Aegring of h R udaur, iM ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the iM ddle-Earth oR le-Playing game. y B V J Schiavoni Page 7 of 15
Nan Guruthos, with Amon Ereb and Bar-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the Pinnath Aegring of Rhudaur, Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By V. J. Schiavoni June 2020.


The Siring (S."Coldwater"; Bl."Forishka") is a stream The trail passes a shepherds’ cottage, barn, and corrals
arising in Nan Siring in the northern Misty Mountains, at the base of Amon Ereb. This hill is heavily wooded
flowing through the Coldfells of Rhudaur and eventually (not shown on the color illustration for clarity) all
into the Mitheithel. The Siring has two forks, arising in around it’s circumference up to within a few yards of the
adjacent valleys: the North or Upper Fork, and the South walls of Bar-en-Hendaer. Climbing the steep hill is Hard
or Lower Fork. They are separated by a ridge of hills (-10 MM) but the cover is mostly excellent (Hide: Easy
which thrusts out westward from the mountains; the two +20 SM). The main path snakes up the hill, and is easily
forks join just west of the last hill. The springs from surveyed from the front gates of the monastery.
which the Siring arises (Eithil Siring) are verily icy cold.
4.3 COLDWATER VALLEY The monastery/seminary sits on top of the hill Amon
Refer to the color illustration on end page. Nan Siring Ereb. The buildings are constructed primarily of locally
holds the South or Lower Fork of the Siring stream. quarried dark red sandstone, with terracotta tile roofs.
Access to the valley is blocked by a 200-foot scarp, over Unless otherwise specified, all items within each area
which the Lower Siring drops in a waterfall called are of ordinary quality and minimal value.
Lanthir Siring. The easiest way into the valley is a
1. Entry Gates – 6” thick oak doors bound in iron
switchback trail leading up the cliff on the south side of
the stream. Once in the valley, the trail leads along the 2. Guard Towers – 20’ tall, embattled; a bell on top
south bank of the stream to a ford and thence to Amon of each can be rung from the ground; interiors:
Ereb. storage, mostly empty barrels and boxes, plus 6-
12 ordinary spears and broadswords in each
3. Barn/Stable – for cattle and horses; hay loft

Bar-en-Hendaer on Amon Ereb

N n u
G ruthos, with Amon r E eb and a
B r-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the i
P nnath Aegring of h R udaur, iM ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the iM ddle-Earth oR le-Playing game. y B V J Schiavoni Page 8 of 15
Nan Guruthos, with Amon Ereb and Bar-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the Pinnath Aegring of Rhudaur, Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By V. J. Schiavoni June 2020.

4. Pig Sty holding sacrifices. The raised chancel is paved in

5. Chicken Coop polished black granite. The circular domed area is paved
in glazed, colored tile. The wings are polished pink
6. Barracks – 2 floors, can house up to 50
marble. Metal braziers, carven statues, polished wooden
7. Dormitory – staff benches and tables, and numerous tapestries depicting
8. Dormitory – captives, barred from outside the Great Eye and such, complete the furniture, all of
9. Temple Hendaerond – see below which is above ordinary quality and value.
10. Refectory
4.5.2 The Catacombs/Dungeons
11. Kitchen
12. Garden Among other projects, the captives are being made to
excavate underground catacombs and dungeons.
13. Library/Scriptorium
14. Cisterns 4.6 DOL DUNIATH
4.5.1 The Temple This utterly unremarkable stone watchtower, located
about 20 miles northwest of Elnost, is in a state of
The main temple – Hendaerond, Vault of the Great Eye disrepair, barely adequate to shelter the Hillman Scouts
– is constructed of dark red sandstone, with a tile roof. who sometimes patrol the area. There is nothing of any
The black granite altar is equipped with shackles for value whatsoever inside nor around it. It does however

Temple Hendaerond, Vault of the Great Eye

N n u
G ruthos, with Amon r E eb and a
B r-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the i
P nnath Aegring of h R udaur, iM ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the iM ddle-Earth oR le-Playing game. y B V J Schiavoni Page 9 of 15
Nan Guruthos, with Amon Ereb and Bar-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the Pinnath Aegring of Rhudaur, Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By V. J. Schiavoni June 2020.

possess an excellent view of the surrounding terrain,

especially the roads.
Dol Duniath (S: Head [of the] West-fence) is the end
of a line of hills that forms part of the divide between the
Hoarwell and Loudwater watersheds.

N n u
G ruthos, with Amon r E eb and a
B r-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the i
P nnath Aegring of h R udaur, iM ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the iM ddle-Earth oR le-Playing game. y B V J Schiavoni Page 10 of 15
Nan Guruthos, with Amon Ereb and Bar-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the Pinnath Aegring of Rhudaur, Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By V. J. Schiavoni June 2020.

5.0 The Adventure Dispar and Elnost (see area map) are by far the closest
friendly havens, and one of them should be used at least
as a way-station. This adventure scenario assumes that
In the dim light of the stars, the Elf led them up the hill the party starts at Dispar. Even so, the PCs will face a
to the base of the wall. It was slow going in the dark, long (~75 mi.) journey through hostile and rugged (but
and they had to focus on not stumbling and staying mostly empty) territory, for which they must be
silent. Fortunately, they succeeded despite the darkness, prepared. Prudent planning is required. The GM should
and it seemed that there were no guards anyway – all ensure that the party has, at least, intelligence as to the
was eerily quiet. existence of Dol Duniath and Bar-en-Hendaer and the
“I will climb the wall,” whispered the Elf, “and then general location of Nan Guruthos. Unless they are
lower a rope, if the way is clear. Let us hope that our familiar with the area (highly doubtful), they will also
enemies are not vigilant.” require a decent map and/or guide and/or good
navigation capabilities.
Other than stumbling across this place by dumb luck, 5.3 AIDS
the easiest hook is to have someone close to the PCs, The very remoteness and emptiness of the entire area
such as a friend or relative – or close to a sponsor such allows for generally unobserved movement, and Nan
as Elrond or Gandalf, who may also offer a bounty – Guruthos itself provides ample cover in it’s wooded
captured and taken prisoner to Bar-en-Hendaer, requiring areas for those seeking stealth.
a rescue mission. Another option is an infiltration/assault The GM may decide to conveniently arrange for the
operation to damage/neutralize the facility and it’s staff, party to intercept a courier or two immediately prior to
but that mission would necessarily expand to include a entering the valley. Said courier(s) could be captured and
rescue of the prisoners. made to divulge details about the valley and monastery
Any attempt at negotiation – for surrender, release of and inhabitants, or even useful documents.
captives, or otherwise – will be met with resolute As mentioned, the guards are complacent and security
rejection as long as Dolgubâr or Krum is in charge. is lax: no one at Bar-en-Hendaer is expecting trouble. An
If they successfully infiltrate by night, the PCs may observant party should discover and exploit this fact.
decide to attempt to methodically kill everyone as they Dolgubâr’s position is actually somewhat precarious:
sleep, and (if the GM allows) indeed they may theo- the Hillmen are famously xenophobic, and while the
retically succeed, but this will require silent, flawless Easterling priests certainly fear and even grudgingly
execution and indiscriminate slaying of anyone and respect him, they have no love whatsoever for this
everyone they encounter. However, the adventure will be “Black Númenórean”. The fact that he is alone – and
more challenging and fun if the party runs into a thus potentially vulnerable – amongst a rabble of
ceremony in progress (see 6.3). Easterlings and Hillmen seems lost on him – he feels
secure in his own right as the appointed chief priest of
5.2 STARTING THE PLAYERS the Witch-king. A clever party might find a way to
The most likely starting places for the PCs are: exploit this weakness….
(a) Dispar or Elnost, both in the Caranduin Vale, A truly expert party may realize that pursuit during
(b) Carandor or Daenost, also near Caranduin Vale, withdrawal will be minimized or prevented by
eliminating the enemy leaders and/or guards.
(c) Rivendell,
(d) the Inn at the Last Bridge, 5.4 OBSTACLES
(e) Etraim, Dol Duniath is a decaying watchtower overlooking the
(f) Fennas Drúnin, main route from Caranduin Vale into the North. It is
(g) or some other such haven. currently controlled by the Hillmen. The GM can have it

N n u
G ruthos, with Amon r E eb and a
B r-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the i
P nnath Aegring of h R udaur, iM ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the iM ddle-Earth oR le-Playing game. y B V J Schiavoni Page 11 of 15
Nan Guruthos, with Amon Ereb and Bar-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the Pinnath Aegring of Rhudaur, Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By V. J. Schiavoni June 2020.

manned or empty, depending on the difficulty desired. If whatever the PCs can loot or steal from their enemies,
occupied, it will be manned by a small troop of Hillmen plus any bounty or boon offered for freeing the captives.
Scouts, who will certainly molest strangers (or worse), If persons such as Elrond, Gandalf, or the Dúnedain are
so it should be avoided. However, sneaking past it at involved, their gratitude will certainly ensure that the
night should be easy. Stats for Hillmen Scouts are PCs are well rewarded.
provided in the Table.
At Bar-en-Hendaer, there are two guards at the front 5.6 AFTERWARD
gates at all times. Security may be loose, but any If and when the PCs are debriefed (by The Wise, a
unknown or unexpected party openly approaching the Wizard, the Elves, or Dúnedain), those of the Free
monastery will be met by Krum and a party of guards Peoples with knowledge of such things will not be
and servants of at least equal size, more if they appear surprised at the discovery of a center of Dark Worship at
dangerous. An open assault will be met by closing of the this time and place, but they should be interested and
gates and defense of the walls by all available personnel. perplexed (or even concerned or alarmed) by the motif
One obvious ruse to gain entry is to pose as a courier, of the Great Eye – though they will not in any way
or even an escort delivering new prisoners. However, understand what it means for many long years – thus
infiltration of this facility by disguise and/or imposture foreshadowing things to come in the distant future.
will be most difficult, suicidal for non-humans: all There will almost certainly be survivors of any raid on
personnel will be very suspicious of anyone but Hillmen Bar-en-Hendaer, and word of events will shortly reach
in this remote area of Rhudaur, and impersonating a the Witch-king. Unless the party has somehow managed
Hillman will require more than just clothes and a strange to completely destroy the place beyond repair, it will
accent. And who would pose as the prisoner(s)? If the soon be repaired and restaffed, with trebled or
GM wishes to allow this option, perhaps the party can quadrupled security.
forge or acquire believable documents and/or credentials If any survivors can identify the raiders, they will be
from a friendly sponsor (e.g., Elrond, Gandalf or such), marked, and spies will be on the lookout for them
or even intercept an enemy courier on their own – the throughout Rhudaur and indeed all Eriador.
guards will not be able to read such documents in any
case, so a single spy or two might make it past the front If either Dolgubâr or Krum survives, they will become
gates, but then what? Krum or Dolgubâr will be even even more vicious, and will pursue revenge against the
harder yet to deceive since both can read. Still, a spy PCs, if at all possible.
may be able to gain entry and reconnoiter the place
ahead of the party. Infiltration by stealth, however,
should be not only possible but relatively easy, espe-
cially at night since there are only two guards, both at
the front door.
Even if rescue of the prisoners is successful, the entire
group must travel far through rough, hostile territory to
reach safety. The freed captives may need assistance just
to move. The good news is that any pursuit will be fee-
ble or hopelessly late, and random encounters likely few.

The task here being primarily a rescue mission, the
main reward is recovery and freeing of the captives, plus
maybe destruction or impairment of the Witch-king’s
plans for this facility. The only material rewards are

N n u
G ruthos, with Amon r E eb and a
B r-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the i
P nnath Aegring of h R udaur, iM ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the iM ddle-Earth oR le-Playing game. y B V J Schiavoni Page 12 of 15
Nan Guruthos, with Amon Ereb and Bar-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the Pinnath Aegring of Rhudaur, Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By V. J. Schiavoni June 2020.

6.0 Encounters 6.3 … AT THE MONASTERY

During the day, the place will be a beehive of activity,
In the darkness, the company gazed through the oculus as the servants, captives and guards go about their daily
of the temple onto the scene below, recoiling from the activities. Approaching by stealth will be Hard (-10) at
heat and smoke. On an altar directly below them, a best. At night, however, almost everyone will usually be
chained form was laying prone. A tall figure in black
abed, with only two guards at the (closed and barred)
robes was leaning over the captive, holding a wicked-
looking dagger. Ten or more robed men surrounded the front gates; these guards may occasionally make rounds
altar, while at least eight other people looked on, all of the monastery grounds. Approach by stealth at night,
watched over by a half dozen guards. The sounds of especially from other than the front, will be Easy (+20,
chanting drifted up. but modified by darkness).
“That’s Pogo!” hissed Ariel. “What should we do?” Assuming that the PCs opt for a stealth approach by
“You stay here and prepare a Fire Bolt as a night, it is recommended that, regardless of the date or
distraction,” said the Ranger. “Grog and I will take the time, they find the entire staff engaged in a religious
North door, the others the South. We’ll attack when we ceremony inside the temple. Dolgubâr will be leading a
hear your spell explode.” human sacrifice of one of the captives – preferably
6.1 … ALONG THE WAY someone known to the party – who is chained to the
altar, about to be slain. Although the enemy outnumber
… will be dictated by the PCs’ starting point and the PCs, the party should achieve complete surprise, and
choice of route, and by the GM. By avoiding major only Krum and the (6) guards will be armed (but not
roads and occupied sites (in particular Dol Duniath), armored). An armed assault by the PCs during this
they can minimize the chance of trouble, but will move ceremony should produce epic mayhem, as the (8)
slower. If manned, Dol Duniath will hold 8-12 Hillmen servants scatter in terror and the (6) priests and (4)
Scouts (see Table for stats). Other encounters are likely acolytes hesitate in uncertainty (the Easterlings may well
with Hillmen, Orcs, or Trolls, though the area is very flee rather than fight). See illustration on end page.
sparsely inhabited. Such encounters are left to the GM.
Another exciting alternative is to have the PCs
6.2 … IN COLDWATER VALLEY interrupt a session in the torture chamber. This could
As mentioned, the GM may arrange for the PCs to occur at any time of day or night. Present will be
intercept a courier. If so, this should happen just before Dolgubâr and Krum, plus maybe one or two each of
they enter the valley, far out of sight of anyone else. Use guards, priests, and/or acolytes – and of course a victim
stats for Hillman Scouts from the Table. in need of rescue.
Local Orcs and Trolls have been warned in the name 6.4 … DURING WITHDRAWAL
of the Witch-king to leave Bar-en-Hendaer and it’s
people unmolested; however, being evil and stupid as Active pursuit will occur only if either Dolgubâr or
they are, they may not always obey this command, nor Krum is alive to organize it. They will mobilize the
are they prohibited from roaming the valley: the remaining guards and half of the servants, and will
monastery’s sheep are just too tempting a target. continue pursuit relentlessly until they succeed or are
Random wanderers in the valley (the PCs) may stumble eliminated, since they realize that failure means death.
across such denizens, especially at night. Due to the remote location, any other organized pursuit
The four shepherds will not be present at the is thankfully many days or even weeks away.
monastery except for some special occasion. They may But the Shadow draws evil to itself: the GM may wish
be encountered (with their sheepdogs) anywhere in the to have a minor encounter or two with Orcs or Trolls, or
valley’s pastures, usually separately, tending to their Hillman Scouts from Dol Duniath, just to harass the
flocks. If they spot intruders, they will attempt to raise an withdrawal, if the party is still intact and operational.
alarm, but this may not be easy since they may be miles
from assistance.

N n u
G ruthos, with Amon r E eb and a
B r-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the i
P nnath Aegring of h R udaur, iM ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the iM ddle-Earth oR le-Playing game. y B V J Schiavoni Page 13 of 15
Nan Guruthos, with Amon Ereb and Bar-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the Pinnath Aegring of Rhudaur, Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By V. J. Schiavoni June 2020.

7.0 Tables
NPC Summaries
AT/ Missile
Name/# Lvl Hits Helm Sh/Gr DB Melee OB 1/2/3* OB* MM** Notes‡
Dolgubâr 10 66 No/No No/No +5 +40bs/+60da/-20 +30da +15 Black Númenórean Mage 5/Animist 5
Item: +15 magical dagger; Item: Brooch, ×3 PP multiplier. PP(Chan): 2×5×3=30; Spell Lists: 6. PP(Ess): 2×5×3=30; Spell Lists: 6. Dir Spells: +95;
Base Spells: +20; Perception: +55
Shom 5 38 No/No No/No +5 +35sc/+10da/-20 +35ja +15 Easterling Animist
Item: Brooch, +3 Spell Adder. PP(Chan): 2×5=10; Spell Lists: 6. Directed Spells: +25; Base Spells: +10; Perception: +40
Krum† 5 86 SL/Yes No/No +15 +80sp/+65bs/+40da +100sp +5/+15 Hillman Warrior. Well-armed.
Item: +10sp. Perception +10
Priests/3 4 33 No/No No/No +5 +30sc/+10da/-20 +30ja +15 EasterlingAnimist
Item: Brooch, +2 Spell Adder. PP(Chan): 2×4=8; Spell Lists: 5. Directed Spells: +23; Base Spells: +8; Perception: +34
Priests/2 3 27 No/No No/No +5 +25sc/+10da/-20 +25ja +15 Easterling Animist
Item: Brooch, +2 Spell Adder. PP(Chan): 2×3=6; Spell Lists: 4. Dir Spells: +21; Base Spells: +6; Perception: +33
Acolytes/4 1 16 No/No No/No +5 +25sp/+10bs/-20 +15sp +15 Hillman Animist
Item: Brooch, +1 Spell Adder. PP(Chan): 2×1=2; Spell Lists: 2. Directed Spells: -18; Base Spells: +2; Perception: +21
Guards/4† 3 60 SL/Yes No/No +15 +54sp/+49bs/+34da +64sp +5/+15 Hillman Warrior. Well-armed. Percept +5
Guards/4† 2 47 SL/Yes No/No +15 +46sp/+41bs/+31da +51sp +5/+15 Hillman Warrior. Well-armed. Percept +5
Servants/4† 3 38 No/No No/No +20 +53sp/+23bs/-10da +63sp +25 Hillman Scout. Well-armed. Percept +29
Servants/4† 2 47 No/No No/No +15 +46sp/+41bs/+31da +51sp +15 Hillman Warrior. Perception +10
Servants/4† 1 34 No/No No/No +15 +38sp/+33bs/+28da +38sp +15 Hillman Warrior. Perception +5
Scouts/4† 3 38 SL/Yes No/No +20 +53sp/+23bs/-10da +63sp +5 Hillman Scout. Well-armed. Percept +24
Scouts/4† 2 32 SL/Yes No/No +20 +47sp/+22bs/-10da +52sp +5 Hillman Scout. Well-armed. Percept +16
Scouts/4† 1 27 SL/Yes No/No +20 +41sp/+21bs/-10da +41sp +5 Hillman Scout. Well-armed. Percept +8
Codes: Lvl = Level; AT = Armor Type; Sh = Shield; Gr = Greaves (A = Arm, L = Leg); DB = Defensive Bonus (includes Shield);
OB = Offensive Bonus; MM = Movement & Maneuver Bonus; PP = Power Points (Chan = Channeling, Ess = Essence).
Weapons Codes: da = dagger; bs = broadsword; ja = javelin; sc = scimitar; sp = spear.
Armor Types: No = No armor; SL = Soft Leather.
* If no weapon is specified, the OB applies to any other weapon. Having a weapon skill does not guarantee that such a weapon is available.
** If two numbers are shown, the first is with armor, the second with no armor.
† The primary Hillman weapon is the spear – thrown; or secondarily retain spear for melee as a 2-H pole-arm at +10 (included).
‡ “Well-armed” means the NPC normally carries all listed weapons.

N n u
G ruthos, with Amon r E eb and a
B r-en-Hendaer, a monastery of the cult of
Sauron, in the i
P nnath Aegring of h R udaur, iM ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-
made resource for the iM ddle-Earth oR le-Playing game. y B V J Schiavoni Page 14 of 15

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