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These workbooks were designed

with one thing in mind: to get you
into action. For that reason, they’re
not complicated, and each exercise
into 1. Watch the video summary of the book. 

should take you no longer than 15 action 2. Set aside 15 minutes to work through
one of the challenges.
minutes.  Do one, or do them all, 3. Print out as many copies of the tools as
you need and keep them handy.
that’s up to you. The important thing
4. Decide which tools work really well, and
is this: you’ve learned something new
share them with your teammates.  
today, so take advantage of it 5. Repeat with each exercise, as desired.
and put it into action.
Find what you love to do
At the intersection of passion, purpose and profit is your best shot for finding a job that fulfills you on a day to day
basis, but also gives you the purpose and quality of life to make it last a lifetime. Here we’ll explore that intersection
and make sure you are lined up perfectly to make it happen.
NOTE: keep working through this exercise until your thinking becomes clear and you think you’ve found your intersection.
You can always come back to it later and do it again.

What do you love to do? (NOT what you think you should love to do, but what you actually love to do)

How do those things tie into your life’s purpose?

Sometimes your purpose can spring from what you love to do - it’s not always obvious which comes first, the purpose or the passion.
However, you should be able to see yourself committing your life to that pursuit. If you can do that, you’ve found a purpose.

How well can you get paid to follow this path?

Everybody is at a different stage in their life, and has different needs and quality of life concerns. Realistically determine if you can create the
lifestyle you want from the income this calling with generate. If you are striking out on your own, cut down your projections by 2 - 3 times to
land on the conservative side.
Find the team you love.
In order to land in a job that keeps you completely engaged, you’ll need to find the right “culture fit” for your personality.
Remember to be completely honest here - you won’t be doing yourself any favours by pretending that you are outgoing and fun-
loving if you are truly serious and conservative.

Describe the best day you’ve ever had at work

Only by drawing on your previous experience will you be able to determine what your best fit will be. Was your best day a crazy day at the
office with everybody goofing around and having fun? Or was it when your door was shut and you got more work done than ever before?

Describe the worst day you’ve ever had at work

Sometimes we have to figure out what we don’t want in order to find out what we do want. Be specific - were you embarrassed when you
gave a presentation and others were critical of you? Remember, be honest with yourself.

Compare your answers with the 12 archetypes in the summary

Take your answers and re-read the 12 archetypes found in the summary of this book. Which kind of culture is your personality most aligned with?
Are you and your team engaged?

How do you find out if you and your team are engaged? Simple, take the quick survey on the following page to find out.
(NOTE: it has been designed so that you can print it out without having to give your team this page.)

If you and your team have an easy time answering 4 and 5 for each question, then you’ve got a very engaged team.

If you and your team give 1s and 2s for each question, you have a disengaged team on your hands.

Pay particular attention to the reasons people give for their answers, as it will give you great insight into what you can do to improve your
Are WE engaged?
Please take 2 minutes and fill out this questionnaire about your experience here at work. Be as honest and open as you can,
and please give as much explanation for your scores as possible so that we can learn from them.
NOTE: these are completely confidential, so please do not identify yourself in any way.

On a scale of 1 - 5 (where 5 means completely agree), please rate the following statements:


I am proud to work for my organization

1 2 3 4 5
Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my organization
as a place of work
1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5
I would gladly refer a friend or family member to my
organization for employment

I rarely think about looking for a new job with another

organization 1 2 3 4 5
Do you have the trust of your team?

Having the trust of your team goes beyond your integrity as a person. For a team member to trust you, you need to have the 3 Cs -
competence, care and commitment.

Are you missing any technical skills that your team would feel is important for you to do your job?
Perhaps you are in a new role in your organization, but were placed there for your leadership skills. What skills to you need to brush up on?
Make a plan to become technically proficient as soon as possible, and let your team know what you are doing.

Have you shown your team that you care about them lately?
Caring is more than checking in on their performance. You need to care about your team members as people. What actions can you take in the
next 2 weeks to show each of your team members that you care about them as human beings?

What have you done to show your commitment lately?

You are on a stage everyday. What have you done to publicly display your commitment to the mission of your organization
lately?  What could you do in the next two weeks?

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