D 85 Eca

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Group 1: “A group of fantasy creatures have a problem and have to find a solution”

Adrian Arteaga: Dragon

Zara Albán: Elf

Luciana Cumba: witch

Maria Grazzia Valle: fairy

Problem: a baby dragon is lost

Place: a forest

(Teacher): In a fantasy kingdom many years ago, existed a group of fantasy creatures that they
have a problem:

Dragon: I am very sad, because my baby dragon is lost:

Elf: Hello, dragon, I am an elf, I have big triangle ears and I can listen very well! Tell me why are
you so sad?

Dragon: I lost my baby dragon and I am so sad.

(Teacher): Suddenly, the witch appears into the scene and with an evil laugh said the following:

Witch: ha ha ha!!! I am an evil witch, I have a cone hat and a broomstick to fly and now with
this baby dragon I will rule the world! Ha ha ha.

(Teacher): A good fairy was flying close to the witch and saw the baby dragon that was crying
and she said:

Fairy: I am a good fairy and I have my magical wand, I am going to do a spell to return this baby
dragon to its family!!!

Dragon: I am so happy! My baby dragon is with me, I feel so happy, thanks to my new friends!

(Teacher): Finally, the family was complete and everybody was happy forever!
Group 2: “Two people discuss whether they believe in a fantasy creature. Then the creature

Cayetano Barona: troll

Micaela Cueva: a girl

Mauro Poveda: elf

Karina López: a girl

Place: forest

(Teacher): Once upon a time, in a forest in somewhere in Ecuador Micaela and Karina were
talking about the existence of mythical creatures:

Karina: Hello Micaela, I believe in fantasy creatures because one day I saw big mark on the
floor and couldn´t be from human or animal!!!

Micaela: Hello Karina, I don´t believe in fantasy creatures because I didn´t see any evidence
about that, and that´s the reason that I don´t believe.

(Teacher): Suddenly, behind the trees start some strange sounds like:

Troll 1: roar

Elf: buzz

(Teacher): And then the troll and elf appear in front of the girls! And the fantasy creature start
describing themselves.

Troll: I am a friendly troll, I am soooo big, I have this club to break rocks! If you need my help,
you can call me with a big rooooar!

Elf: I am a friendly elf, I have big triangle ears, the forest is my home, I protect all the nature
and if you need my help you just have to buzzzz!!!

(Teacher): So the girls were so surprised, and they said.

Micaela: Karina you are right! Now I believe in friendly fantasy creatures!

Karina: I told you jejeje…!

Everybody: Remember that fantasy creatures are part of our imagination and they live if we
Group 3: “Two people discuss whether they believe in a fantasy creature. Then the creature

Felipe Meléndez: a boy

Carlos Quintero: a wolfman

Fabiana Díaz: a bigfoot

José Sánchez: a boy

Place: forest

(Teacher): In the middle of the forest, Felipe and Jose were running and running.

Felipe: Jose I have to tell you something!

Jose: Yes Felipe! Tell me what happened?

Felipe: Jose, I believe in fantasy creatures!!!

Jose: No Felipe, they don´t exist, they are just part of a myth.

Felipe: But today is a full moon…!

(Teacher): Suddenly, a strange sound start and a wolf start howling.

Wolfman: auuuuuuuuuuu!, My name is Carlos and I am a hybrid creature, I am half wolf and
half human auuuuuuuuuuu!!! I am friendly and I want to have friends.

Bigfoot: My name is Fabiana bigfoot, and I am going to present myself, I am big and my foot is
real big, some people said that I am a myth and some people said that I am real, but for sure if
you call me I can appear!!!

Felipe: Look Jose we have new myth friends, let´s play together!!!

(Teacher): They become friends forever and ever

Group 4: “A group of fantasy creatures have a problem and have to find a solution”

Mila Paredes: pegasus

Christopher Mayorga: elf

Juan Ochoa: wizard

Ania Garcia: witch

Problem: a baby pegasus is lost

Place: a forest

(Teacher): In a fantasy kingdom many years ago, existed a group of fantasy creatures that they
have a problem:

Pegaus: I am very sad, because my baby pegasus is lost:

Elf: Hello, pegasus, I am an elf, I have big triangle ears and I can listen very well! Tell me why
are you so sad?

Pegaus: I lost my baby pegasus and I am so sad.

(Teacher): Suddenly, the witch appears into the scene and with an evil laugh said the following:

Witch: ha ha ha!!! I am an evil witch, I have a cone hat and a broomstick to fly and now with
this baby pegasus I will rule the world! Ha ha ha.

(Teacher): A good fairy was flying close to the witch and saw the baby pegasus that was crying
and she said:

Wizard: I am a good fairy and I have my magical wand, I am going to do a spell to return this
baby pegasus to its family!!!

Pegasus: I am so happy! My baby pegasus is with me, I feel so happy, thanks to my new

(Teacher): Finally, the family was complete and everybody was happy forever!
Group 5: “Two people discuss whether they believe in a fantasy creature. Then the creature

Martina Viteri: a girl

Juan Ortega: a boy

Patricio Proaño: elf

Kenan Gutierrez: dragon

Place: forest

(Teacher): Once upon a time, in a forest in somewhere Martina and Juan were talking about
the existence of mythical creatures:

Martina: Hello Juan, I believe in fantasy creatures because one day I saw big mark on the floor
and couldn´t be from human or animal!!!

Juan: Hello Martina, I don´t believe in fantasy creatures because I didn´t see any evidence
about that, and that´s the reason that I don´t believe.

(Teacher): Suddenly, behind the trees start some strange sounds like:

Dragon roar

Elf: buzz

(Teacher): And then the dragonl and elf appear in front of the girls! And the fantasy creature
start describing themselves.

Dragon: I am a friendly dragon, I am soooo big, I spread fire from my mouth! If you need my
help, you can call me with a big rooooar!

Elf: I am a friendly elf, I have big triangle ears, the forest is my home, I protect all the nature
and if you need my help you just have to buzzzz!!!

(Teacher): So the girls were so surprised, and they said.

Juan: Martina you are right! Now I believe in friendly fantasy creatures!

Martina I told you jejeje…!

Everybody: Remember that fantasy creatures are part of our imagination and they live if we
Group 6: “A person visits a magical world and meets a fantasy creature there”

Ana Isabella Jimenez: An explorer (girl)

Luciana Melo: Dragon

Joaquin Jadan: An explorer (boy)

Valentina Cadena: big foot

Place: forest

(Teacher): Once upon a time, in a forest Juaquin and Ana Isabella were talking about the
existence of mythical creatures:

Joaquin: Hello Ana, let´s play in the forest

Ana: Yes Joaquin, let´s play freezing

(Teacher): While the kids were playing they saw a wand:

Ana: Look Joaquin, it is a wand!!!

Joaquin: Let´s play magic “abra cadabra, ocus pocus”

(Teacher): Suddenly, the kids travel into a new magic world, where they find the following
mythological creatures:

Dragon: I am a friendly dragon, I am soooo big, I spread fire from my mouth! If you need my
help, you can call me with a big rooooar!

Bigfoot: I am a friendly bigfoot, I like to dance, I am so big, my feet are very large.

(Teacher): So the kids were so surprised, and they said.

Ana: Joaquin are we dreaming? Are they real?

Joaquin: I don´t know….!

(Teacher): Suddendly Ana weak up from her dream.

Ana: It was a dream… I hope it was real, I am going to continue sleeping….

Ana: ahhhhhhhh!

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