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Melvin V.

BSED major in English

1. Share a story about a time you were especially proud to identify yourself with one of
the descriptors you used above.
I am proud to be myself, even though I have this kinds of identity. I am proud that I am
an introvert because I have the time to focus on the thing I want to do, I can think deeper
make decisions when I’m alone, and lastly I will choose being alone than socializing with
others. But now I have to change that one identity as a future educator.

2. Share a story about a time it was especially painful to be identified with one of your
identifiers or descriptors.
I am unhealthy. When I was elementary I was diagnosed with UTI not only first time but
four times. When I was in secondary level, I was diagnosed with gastritis, it attacks when
I eat food that contains acids. When that illness happen, it was so painful then I was
crying hard. That moment when the whole class goes to make film project for one week
so we have to stay at my classmates place and then my illness strikes that night, I felt
very painful and crying that time, I went out of the house and continue crying because no
one can help me, I didn’t ask for help anymore because I was ashamed. Its 1 am already
and the pain still hasn’t gone until it entered my mind to commit suicide but then I
realized that prayer is the best healer. I also have respiratory disorder until now.
3. Name a stereotype associated with one of the groups with which you identify that is
not consistent with who you are. Fill in the following sentence:
I am an introvert person but I’m not a kind of person that will ignore someone who needs
my help.

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