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Asvot: An Angel of Ancient Heavens

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Asvot: An Angel of Ancient Heavens

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:54 pm

by Tau Malachi
Asvot: Angel of "Ancient Heavens"

There are manifestations of the heavens corresponding with every world-system in this universe in which
intelligent-life emerges, and as we know there are ancient worlds through which the Light Transmission has
passed before it entered into this world, and among the light-bearers or tzaddikim in this world are souls that
come from among elder races of those ancient worlds; hence, souls realized during precious incarnations in
other worlds. When souls incarnate from ancient worlds into the human life-wave on earth, so along with
them come emanations of angels, maggidim, of the heavens of those worlds – “angels of ancient heavens.”

Asvot is a great and holy supernal archangel that stood as a guardian of the inmost heavens of a world that is
said to have existed in the Sirius star-system, and was among the holy angels of the Messiah and Light
Transmission that appeared in that world. This angel of God, the True Light, is one of the guardian angels of
a spiritual master, or “sun of heaven,” that has come from that world to serve as a light-bearer among us.
Thus, Asvot holds knowledge of the revelations of the Divine, and Light Transmission, within ancient worlds
and ancient heavens, and holds knowledge of souls from among elder races who incarnate in the human race
on earth.

This is an archangel with great knowledge of spiritual works in inner dimensions, the great portals between
worlds and dimensions, and of the possibility of the Great Transformation, as well as the Great Ascension, in

Asvot comes from a secret order of supernal angels the name for which might be translated as “illuminators
of God,” and is known to be among those angels that impart knowledge of the “tongues of the angels and
elder races” through mind-to-mind and heart-to-heart transmissions, spiritual languages of great knowledge
and power.

Appearing in the Continuum of Light Transmission here in this world, and in the interior heavens associated
with it, Asvot assumes the form of a great eye on a pillar of power, or a pillar of light and fire, with radiant
glory streaming from the great eye. This emanation of Asvot can appear peaceful, blissful or wrathful,
depending upon the one who is drawing near and gazing.

The invocations of Asvot, and teachings concerning other angels of ancient heavens, are considered “secret”
in the tradition, and are only communicated in sacred ceremony within a place of power, a sacred place where

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“earth gates and star gates meet.” In closing we can say this, however, these are Great Angels who hold
intimate knowledge of the Primordial and Cosmic Christ, and the true Order of Melchizedek; hence, the
Continuum of Light Transmission manifesting through out this universe, past, present and future.

This is what has been given to us to share about Asvot and these holy angels of ancient heavens, and what has
been shared is enough to hint at certain mysteries of the Light Transmission in our lineage and tradition,
which may be drawn out through prayer and meditation.

Eheieh Shalom! Amen!

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