Guidelines On Writing The Internship Report - 2022

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Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (M.

Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology & Science
Agriculture Engineering Department

Session: July - Dec 2022


(Note: - As per Notification SVVV/N-083/2019 (Notification on Guidelines for

Monitoring and Evaluation of Industrial Internship)

Industrial Internship Training Report Objective

The main objective of the Report is to prepare the student to write a professional and detailed
report. This should demonstrate his/her ability to present specific information and to develop his
overall communication skills. The essence of the Report is to describe the work a student has
undertaken during his/her internship, the techniques he/she has learned, and the skills he/she has

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Report Quality

1. The organization of the Final Report should be in sequence, and it should help the reader to
obtain a clear understanding of the detailed points presented in the report.
2. Topics within the report should be coherent, clear, and concise. Discussions should be
focused on work oriented.
3. The report should be illustrated with appropriate tables, diagrams, and graphs where
necessary. Tables and graphs should be properly labeled.
4. Any facts and figures about the company where the internship was completed should be
supported by references, internal company reports, etc.
5. The report should describe your work in your own words (Copy-paste from the website,
journal, books, and thesis, etc. is unethical because it is a form of theft).
Plagiarism test can be investigated by department if necessary.
6. The report should have a bibliography and references, where appropriate.

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The report should follow the following format:

1. Preparation of Manuscript and Copies

a. The report needs to be prepared using a standard text processing software and must
be printed in black text (color for images) using a laser printer or letter quality
printer in standard typeface (Times New Roman).
b. The report must be printed or photocopied on single side of white paper. All copies
of internship report pages must be clear, sharp and even, with uniform size and
uniformly spaced characters, lines and margins on every page of good quality white
paper of 75 gsm or more.
2. Size and Margins
a. A4 size paper is the recommended for internship report.
b. The top, bottom and right-side margins should be 1-inch, whereas the left side
margin should be 1.2 inches.
3. Page Numbering
a. Beginning with the first page of the text in the report (chapter 1), all pages should be
numbered consecutively and consistently in Arabic numerals on bottom right side of
b. Page numbers prior to Chapter 1 should be in lower case Roman numerals. The title
page is considered to be page (i) but the number is not printed.
4. Line Spacing: The general text of the manuscript should be in 1.5 lines.
5. Tables, Figures and Equations
a. Tables, figures, and equations should be numbered sequentially either throughout
the report or chapter-wise using Arabic numerals. They are referred to in the body
of the text capitalizing the first letter of the word and number, as for instance,
Table 5.3, Figure 3.11, Equation (4.16), etc.
b. Good quality drawings/figures must be drawn using standard software.
c. Images, Photographs, etc. must be scanned in resolution exceeding 200dpi with 256
grayscales for the monochrome images and 24 bit per pixel for the color images.
6. Font sizes:
Chapter Title Font size: 16(All Caps)
Subtitle font size: 14
Bottom Right- Page No.

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1. Title Page: Please refer the specimen is provided. The title of the Report, author’s
enrollment number and the author’s name, must be in capital letters. The name and address
of Institute must also be included on this page and be in same case as the title. The type of
degree must be written in capital letters. The title page, declaration page, internship
approval sheet and certificate must not be numbered. A colour photocopy of the certificate
issued by the industry/organization should be placed after the Declaration page (considered
to be page (iii) but the number is not printed).
2. Acknowledgements: This is a section which acknowledges the help, assistance and advice
given to the student during his internship and the preparation of his report.
3. Abstract: This section will comprise a summary of the entire report. No illustrations,
graphs, tables, or charts should be included in this section.
4. Table of Contents: The report must have a table of contents, which shows the principal
divisions of the work and the page numbers on which they are found. All the pages except
the Title Page, certificate page, declaration page and certificate issued by company/industry
must be listed. From acknowledgement page must be numbered in lower case Roman
numerals at the bottom center of each page, starting with “vi”.
5. List of tables, figures, and Abbreviations


1.1. A Brief Introduction of the Organization’s Business Sector

Provide an overview of the main area or business sector in which the organization falls
into; i.e. telecommunication, petroleum, financial services, etc. Here, you should discuss
the main business sector and NOT the organization under consideration. For example, if
the organization is in the telecommunication sector (e.g. BSNL), then you should briefly
describe the telecommunication sector in India here. You should NOT include an
introduction of the specific organization here, as this will be written in the following
section and the rest of the report.

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2.1. Brief History
2.2. Organization chart
2.3. Company logo & product
2.4. Business Size and Customer details (For the private sector: total number of stock,
shares, bonds/ commodities, etc. For the public sector: Total number of
2.5. Competitors
2.6. Brief summary of all the departments
2.7. Plant process flow
In chapter 1 & 2, students are expected to collect information from various sources such
as within the organization (managers, internship supervisors, employees and other
concerned persons) as well as the organization’s website, documents, brochures, etc.
However, it is necessary to mention the sources of information. Also, The Description
Should Be In Your Own Words.


a. A brief introduction of the branch or department where you performed your internship
b. The starting and ending dates of your internship
c. The names of the departments in which you obtained training and the duration of your
training in these departments.

(Note: 4-6 pages maximum)
Duties and Responsibilities Performed: Provide a detailed description of the duties and
responsibilities that you have performed during your internship either on a daily or a
weekly basis. Describe in detail the project(s) (if any) that were assigned to you during
your internship program. This is NOT the Weekly Log! The weekly log states briefly the
tasks performed with a stamp from your supervisor for each week. In this section you are
required to elaborate and describe in detail.

Explain your project in briefly.

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a. Knowledge acquired: Briefly describe the knowledge you gained through your training
experience and relate this knowledge to what you learned in specific department and institute
of SVVV.
b. Skills learned: Describe the skills and any career-specific abilities that you gained during
your internship. Discuss any of the skills that you had learned earlier as part of your curricula
/Courses at specific department and institute of SVVV, which were helpful during the
training. (Note: the skill means the ability to achieve something like reading and
understanding financial reports, analyzing problems, working on software and
hardware tools, working in groups, etc.).
c. Observed Attitudes and values gained: Describe the manners, mindsets or values that
you found, and you perceive as important, in your training program, for a successful career
(e.g. hard work, dependability, honesty, etc.)
d. The most challenging task performed: Describe the best and the most challenging
mission that was assigned to you during your internship, how you performed it, and how you
overcame challenges while performing it.

Note: Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 are important sections of this internship report. You are required
to describe all the tasks that were performed by you during your internship in main section as
well as in other sections, in detail. Also note that descriptions given in bullet points will
NOT BE ACCEPTABLE: you must provide explanations. This is in addition to the
weekly log that you will need to submit.


The student is expected to perform SWOT analysis for the organization in which he/she has
been trained during the internship duration. It is very important that the student elaborates, as
this will assist the evaluator in assessing the analysis.

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Students must identify a strategic/operational problem either related to their major or
overall company/organization and propose a solution. Your analysis should keep in
mind the page limit. You are NOT required to provide a whole report on the problem;
you are required to be precise as possible.
a. Problem identification: Clearly identify and describe the problem in detail
b. Consequences of the current problem: Identify how the current problem is affecting the
company/organization and detail the consequences.
c. Solutions: Suggest a solution to the problem. You need to elaborate and document your
solution with either prior research or based on your program of study. You need to properly
reference whatever sources you use in forming the solution.

(Note: 1-2 pages maximum)
Summarize your overall experience in the internship keeping in mind the tasks performed
and your learning experience.
Sections 5, 6, 7, & 8 are NOT expected to be copied from anywhere. You must provide
information in these sections based on your personal observation, learning and
experience obtained throughout your internship. Cheating or copying in these sections
is NOT acceptable and hence the entire internship report will be completely rejected as
per the Collusion and Plagiarism Policies of the university.
Provide all the references and sources that you have used for data collection in your
internship Report. (For example)
1. Ariponnamal, S. and Natarajan. S. ‘Transport Phenomena of Sm Sel – X Asx’,
Pramana – Journal of Physics Vol.42, No.1, pp.421 – 425, 1994
2. Rajput R.K ‘Thermal Engineering’ 3rd Ed. S.Chand & Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2004

If necessary, students may provide any additional information that is relevant to their
report and reference should be made to it in the report. However, you must include
the following:
A. Fortnightly Report of the Student/Intern –Annexure-I
B. Industry Mentor Evaluation of Intern - Annexure-II (Stamped and Signed)
C. Feedback of Student on Internship- Annexure-III

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Sequence of Pages to be followed as
Title Page
Color Scanned Copy of Internship Completion Certificate
issued by the Company/Organization (on its letter head,
duly signed and sealed).

Internship Approval Sheet

Abstract/Executive summary
List of Figures (with page numbers)
List of Tables (with page numbers)
Table of Contents (with page numbers)
1. A Brief Introduction of the Organization’s Business Sector
2. Overview of the Organization
3. Plan of Internship Program
4. Training Program
5. Project details
6. Learning Experience
7. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT)Analysis
8. Problem Identification and Solution
9. Conclusion


1. Internship Report must be submitted in green cover* hard binding and
duly signed by your respective guide and HOD.
*Green cover for Agriculture Engineering Students.
2. Total No of copies of the Report= 4= (one copy for the student) + (one copy
for Department) + (one copy for Library) + (one copy for the internal

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