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Massael: Burden Bearer of God

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Massael: Burden Bearer of God

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:25 pm

by Tau Malachi
Massael: “Burden Bearer of God”

This is an archangel from among the ashim, “shining ones,” who is among those angels that are very swift to
respond to the faithful and elect during times of trial and tribulation, or persecution, helping them and guiding
them through difficult times. As the name of this angel of God implies, Massael takes upon him-herself the
burdens of souls, removing their burdens from them, blessing them and bringing about their tikkune, their
healing and salvation.

As perhaps you might imagine, when the Risen Messiah appeared on earth and in heaven, the rite of ransom
having been enacted, Massael, and others of his/her kind, received their supernal essence and greater
empowerment for this divine action, so not only does he/she engage in this divine action in Simple Mercy,
but now also in Abundant Mercy, all on account of the remission of sin, or power of forgiveness, in the Blood
of the Lamb. As you might expect, this is an angel with great knowledge of the power of forgiveness and
healing in the Blood of the Lamb, and deep mysteries concerning the tikkune of souls and the world.

There is another great mystery and divine action that this archangel of God holds intimate knowledge of, the
play of ivurim, the impregnations of souls with the sparks of souls of tzaddikim and the light-power of
maggidim. As we know, tzaddikim and maggidim can send forth sparks of their being into souls to empower
them through difficult times or to uplift them; and likewise, for the very same reason, they may draw sparks
of souls into themselves, taking something of the burden of souls upon themselves. Massael is an archangel
with vast knowledge of these mysteries enacted in the Sacred Heart, and at times is invoke to help facilitate
the play of ivurim, whether by those seeking to give or receive.

Joined with this knowledge, Massael also has great understanding of the shiverat ha-kelim, the shattering of
the vessels of former universes, and the “flying out” of sparks and shards from them into this universe, and
holds knowledge of how they are rooted in spirits and souls in this universe, and how they might be drawn
out, uplifted and redeemed. In this, perhaps, you may understand that this archangel’s knowledge and power
reaches into the Supernal Universe and World of Sefirot (Atzilut), and so understand that this angel has much
knowledge concerning the tikkune of The Name or World of the Sefirot.

Although a very accessible archangelic presence, this is a very lofty and holy angel of God.

This holy angel is a very radiant and glorious presence, one that often appears in the image and likeness of a

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human being with two great wings, having a jeweled body something like brilliant rainbow glory. At times,
however, this angel can assume the appearance of a great warrior of heaven, in full heavenly armor with
sword and shield, and a most intense gaze that is capable of shattering klippotic forces that are assaulting the
faithful and elect.

When invoked, most often the Names of Yahweh and Adonai are woven together, and joined with the Blessed
Name. A sacred chant revealed for this holy angel is: Ma-Ah-Yo-Sho, Ma-Ah-Sa-Ah-El.

Peace be with you!

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