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Kerubiel: Great Kerub of God

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Kerubiel: Great Kerub of God

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:40 pm

by Tau Malachi
Kerubiel: “Kerub of God”

This is the Great Angel set over the order of kerubim, one who is a holy and awesome angelic presence that is
known to provoke the fear of Yahweh in those who gaze upon him, or draw near to him. Almost always this
angel of God appears male, and of his appearance it is said there is a “crown of holiness on his head,” formed
of something like fine gold with rubies, and his body is as though filled with “burning coals,” the “bow of the
Holy Shekinah is between his shoulders,” and there is a great aura of radiant light and consuming fire
surrounding him.

Kerubiel is called the “prince of the gates of heaven and the everlasting doors,” “overseer of the guardians of
the gates of hell,” “knower of the portals of all in-betweens,” including those portals through which spiritual
forces cross to and from other universes and dimensions, and the portals, gates, of the Great Abyss; and it has
been said that it is this Great Kerub who taught the masters of the tradition how to create Portals of Calling.
In other words, this Great Angel holds the knowledge of all gates or portals in creation, and how to pass
through them, and joined with this, so this angel of God has deep knowledge of the Netivot, “secret paths” of
the Tree of Life and how to sojourn in them.

As we know, there are four Great Kerubim that are invoked as the Great Guardians of the Continuum and
Sacred Circle; these are emanations of the presence and power of Kerubiel, and it is said that their root and
essence is in his brow, for from there they emanate and appear.

The four faces of this Great Kerub are vast, radiant with holiness and glory, and his four wings when
outstretched appear to reach into endless space and into other dimensions; his presence and appearance is
very otherworldly and supernal, and there is a profound sense of the primordial reality in it.

Most souls, in truth, are overwhelmed by the presence of this archangel, but with those who are able to enter
into his presence and commune with him, he may communicate great knowledge and power. He holds vast
knowledge of the Works of Creation and Works of the Chariot, and is among those angels that teach
knowledge of the Magical Kabbalah, and therefore knowledge and conversation with this angel of God is
common in the experience of great wonderworkers, or masters of the wonderworking arts.

As perhaps you might imagine, Kerubiel is among those Great Angels that know the secret mysteries of
Leviathan, and those who are called upon to “rein in Leviathan.”

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Truly, this is an awesome and mighty angel of God, one from whom great shades and shadows swiftly flee!

When this Great Kerub is invoked the Name of God, Yahweh Elohim, Shaddai, is called upon, which is a
Name of God appearing in the Book of Apocalypse; but aside from this, nothing of the invocation of
Kerubiel and the four Great Guardians can be spoken in public, but only in private, and only to those able to
see and hear in the Spirit of God, and so receive the transmission of teaching by being shown.

In closing we may say that there is a deep connection between Kerubiel and Serafiel, for together with their
great hosts they form the exterior and interior guardianship of the Holy Shekinah and Community of Israel;
hence, just as the four Great Kerubim emanate from the brow of this Holy Kerub, so the four Great Serafim
emanate from the brow of Serafiel.

God is Great, and the heavenly hosts of God are great and are many! Praise God!

Hallelu Yahweh Elohim Tzavaot!

Dimensionality of Kerubiel

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:30 pm

by Elder Gideon
Shabbat Shalom!

When this Great Kerub is invoked the Name of God, Yahweh Elohim, Shaddai, is called upon, which is a
Name of God appearing in the Book of Apocalypse; but aside from this, nothing of the invocation of Kerubiel
and the four Great Guardians can be spoken in public, but only in private, and only to those able to see and
hear in the Spirit of God, and so receive the transmission of teaching by being shown.

I'm hearing in Kerubiel a dimensionality which invokes a question. Quoted below from the writing on

Kerubiel, and these four Great Kerubim emanating from this holy one, forms a very powerful guardianship of
the Sacred Circle and Continuum, and all of them appear like one another, except for their faces and the
colors of their jeweled bodies; they all have four wings, bear swords of flashing fire, and have great auras of
flaming fire, and are very great powers of God that worship in the Exterior Shekinah.

Revealed by the wonderful writings on kerubim emanating from the brow of Kerubiel--Adamiel, Nesheriel,
Ariel, and Alefiel--what's being implied is that these named are revealed while four more remain unnamed
and concealed. Is this correct? What is it teaching that from the brow of Kerubiel, emanate four revealed and
four concealed kerubim?


Elder Gideon

The One & Twelve Great Kerubim

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:01 pm

by Tau Malachi
Greetings and blessings in the Holy Light of the Messiah!

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First, it must be said that I did not say that teachings cannot be given on the outer emanations of the four
Great Kerubim that emanate from Kerubiel, but rather, I said, or wrote, that it is not given to me to share
teachings in public of the full invocation of the Kerubic Circle; hence, we cannot give teachings in public of
the invocation of Kerubiel, and the four Great Kerubim emanating from this archangel of God, as unified
presence. That invocation is revealed, or shown, to initiates during ceremonies of the inner continuum in
sacred circle, and only in this way can it be known and understood, and an actual spiritual empowerment
given for it. There are, in fact, several different ways of invoking the Kerubic Circle of Guardianship, but
these invocations can be discussed only with initiates who have seen and heard them, and therefore know
them already; hence, when an initiate has received an experiential transmission, and so the discussion can be
based upon experiential knowledge, rather than conceptualizations (klippot) devoid of direct experience.

That having been said, your intuition that there are “secret” emanations of the four Great Kerubim, the names
and invocations of which cannot be spoken outside of the continuum and circle, is true; there are four
emanations of Kerubiel, or rather there are eight, that cannot be spoken about, corresponding with the power
of his/her four faces and four wings. Joined with the four outer emanations that we can speak about, or write
about, you will understand that the full invocation of the Kerubic Circle is composed of Archangel Kerubiel,
and twelve emanations of Kerubiel.

Here it is given, though, that we can share something concerning teachings and revelations of the angels that
are being given; in what is said, and how it is said, many secrets are hidden in “plain sight” for those who
have the “eyes to see them” and “ears to hear them” – hence, for those initiates who have deeper experience
of the continuum in circle. You might say, the writings are in “code,” and experience of the continuum in
circle allows an initiate to “decode” them. This is the way of many teachings in the Holy Kabbalah, Jewish
and Christian, and it serves as a guardianship of secret and holy mysteries.

Thus, there is a need to study and contemplate, and to pray about and meditate upon these teachings and
revelations, allowing the Holy Spirit and angels of God to reveal the deeper meaning and mysteries that are in

Shabbat Shalom!

Re: Kerubiel: Great Kerub of God

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:12 am

by staroath
Shalom Tau Malachi!

Blessings to all in the Light of our Adonai!

I was wondering if anything can be said about relationship (if any) of the four Great Kerubim that emanate
from Kerubiel, and the emanations of Archangel Michael in Kerubic Form that can be found in Rite One in
the Order of St.Michael? Perhaps there is some connection between these 2 teachings, or perhaps they should
be viewed as separate.(?)

This is a question I have pondered for some time and I am wondering if perhaps some pointing out can be
given that may be fruitful.

Thank you,

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Re: Kerubiel: Great Kerub of God

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:00 am

by Tau Malachi
Blessings to you in the Holy Name of Yeshua Messiah!

There are three orders of angels that are spoken of in the Holy Scriptures that we are told have the four faces
of the lion, eagle, human and ox: great angels from among the kerubim, the serafim and hayyot. According to
the tradition Archangel Michael is from the order of the serafim and at times emanates with an appearance
having the four faces, the “faces of the kerub.” These faces, of course, correspond with the power of the four
letters of the Great Name, YHVH, and they correspond with the yesodot, the four elements, and the power of
the four direction and four winds of the Sacred Circle.

In communion with Kerubiel we encounter and archangel that has an intimate connection and relationship
with Michael and Kamael, but as the name of this archangel indicates he is from the order of the kerubim,
while Michael and Kamael are from the order of the serafim. Understand, the kerubim worship in the exterior
Shekinah of Yahweh - “shadow of the Almighty” (Shaddai), and are guardians of the exterior Shekinah; the
serafim worship in the interior Shekinah of Yahweh - before the “face of Yahweh” (Yahweh Elohim).
Understanding this, Rite One of the Order of St. Michael is an invocation of an influx of the interior Shekinah
- Supernal Shekinah, corresponding with Binah, and the invocation of Kerubiel is an invocation of influx of
Yesod into Malkut, and influx of the exterior Shekinah; naturally, though, if there is a full influx of the
exterior Shekinah into this world there is something of the interior Shekinah in it, for the exterior Shekinah
“has no light of her own,” but receives her power and glory from the influxes of the upper Sefirot and upper
Shekinah - the interior Shekinah.

A perhaps you might intuit Kerubiel is among the archangels frequently invoked by Templars, and it is not
uncommon for Templars to join the invocation of St. Michael in Rite One with an invocation of Kerubiel.

In closing we can say that although we often speak of the “four faces of the kerub” with that emanation of
Michael, truly they are the four faces of the great seraf. The term “kerub” is used at times in teachings
associated with the four archangels of Sacred Circle to indicate their dominion over the forces of the elements
and the gates of the elements, or “watchtowers.”

Shalom Aleichem!

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