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Qeshetim: Angels of Rainbow Glory

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Qeshetim: Angels of Rainbow Glory

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:07 am

by Tau Malachi
Qeshetim: Rainbow Glory Angels

The qeshetim is an order of angels of the Risen Messiah revealed in the Second Coming, and they correspond
with spiritual knowledge and powers of Qeshet of Atzilut, the glory of the unification of Yesod and Malkut of
Atzilut in the Messiah. Aside from their correspondence with Qeshet (Rainbow Glory), these holy and
supernal angels of the Messiah acquire their name from their appearance in the visionary dimension and
luminous dream, for they have what may be called something like a “flaming rainbow aura” though not in the
sense of an earthly flame or fire, and their bodies, or forms, appear as though a brilliant, radiant transparency,
the interior of which is like an infinite meta-dimensional spaciousness, such as cannot be described in terms
of mental consciousness or mortal imagination. They are immeasurably beautiful, glorious, awesome and
wonderful to behold, and their appearance is unbelievably enchanting, so much so that at times when seen
and heard by initiates, some initiates may become overwhelmed by them, falling unconscious, or become
filled with an intoxicating bliss that obstructs the deeper blessing and communion.

These are among the angels of the Supernal Light Transmission and Abundant Mercy that often appear
during revelations of the Body of Glory of the Risen Messiah and Anointed Tzaddikim; and they often appear
in the sacred space around an Anointed Tzaddik when they hold the intention of blessings and empowerments
in their heart for those whom they are with, whether near or distant from their physical presence. Likewise,
they appear in the sacred space of Anointed Community to bear witness in the Spirit of God to true utterances
and revelations of the Living Word and Wisdom of God, or the inspired utterances of the Divine I Am.

The very appearance and vision of these holy angels of God is a great blessing, and they themselves are
blessings raying out from the Glory Body of Anointed Tzaddikim, communicating Supernal Knowledge and
Power – the power and wisdom of God, the True Light.

Qeshetim are angels of the Clear Light, and as such they bear a very special power and blessing, one that is
received by initiates who become able to abide in their communion; they bear the knowledge and power to
help facilitate the recognition and realization of the Clear Light Nature, and Clear Light Dissolution, and
therefore the realization of the Body of Truth (Amet). In this, perhaps, you may also understand that these are
angels of the divine rapture, and the transference of consciousness into the body of the resurrection, and that
they correspond with spiritual powers of the Light of the True Cross (Shin-Tau).

These are among the angels that bear the Habad of the Sacred Tau.

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As you might imagine, these are holy and supernal angels of the mochin-intelligence of Enoch-Metatron, and
those Anointed Tzaddikim, who abide in their perpetual communion, and that they frequent, embody
something of this Mochin Gadlut; hence, the Supernal or Messianic Consciousness.

Just as there is no conjuring the Spirit of God, but rather one invites and welcomes, and waits upon the Holy
Spirit, so it is with these holy angels; there is no invocation of these angels, but they come through the
conscious intention of those embodying the Supernal Consciousness and through Divine Grace – they are
sent by God to those who are chosen, Anointed.

There are many other orders of holy and supernal angels being revealed and sent in the Second Coming,
naturally so, for there are greater and greater influxes of Supernal Light, or the ruhaniyot and shefa of the
Sefirot and Netivot of Atzilut, and they are angelic emanations of these Supernal Influxes. In this, perhaps,
you may understand that the qeshetim, along with other orders of holy and supernal angels of the Second
Coming, join with the Anointed Tzaddikim or Sacred Tau in the creation of new heavens, or the generation of
pure light realms in the heavens; the revelation of those “spaces that are in the Living Father [Hayyah

As you might intuit, these are holy angels with intimate knowledge of the supernal zelemot, images, of souls,
and the generation of the Jeweled Body in the realization of Diamond Being, which is the radiant display of
the Habad of the Sacred Tau in the Risen Messiah.

Having spoken of these holy and enlightened angels of God, with the angels in heaven and prophets before us
we will proclaim, Kodesh, Kodesh, Kodesh, Yahweh Elohim Tzavaot – “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of
Hosts!” Amen.

In closing it ought to be said, let no one bear false witness concerning visitations by these angels of God, for
they are so lofty and holy that it may venture near to taking the Name of the LORD in vain. They are, in fact,
supernal powers within the Blessed Name; hence, their frequent visitations of those who wear the
corresponding Body of Vision.

Messiah Shalom!

Re: Qeshetim: Angels of Rainbow Glory

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:23 am

by BrandonLw

Some months ago, I recall hearing you speak of a visitation of angels with rainbow glory that subtly occupied
the space in which you took up prayer for the people. If I recall correctly, it was said that these angels took-on
(absorbed) sorrow and suffering for the people while emanating a presence of joy and deep abiding. Does this
visitation spoken of correspond to these queshetim? There seems a familiarity between these and those
spoken of from earlier this year. If so, does this hint to the action of these, and perhaps that of Supernal

Praise Imma Gadol, Kodesh Imma.

Re: Qeshetim: Angels of Rainbow Glory

2 of 3 16/03/2022 03:13 • Qeshetim: Angels of Rainbow Glory

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:21 am

by Tau Malachi
Greetings and blessings in the Holy Light of the Messiah!

Qeshetim are actually a different order than those I spoke of and their appearance is significantly different.
There are, in fact, several kinds of angels that may be described as "rainbow glory" and that have a
correspondence with Qeshet at different levels, supernal, spiritual and astral. Those that I've spoken about
previously are composed of spiritual light and correspond with Qeshet of Beriyah; the vision of sorrow arises
in Perud, and so begins in Beriyah, and these angels perceive the sorrow and respond to it, laboring to relieve
souls of sorrow by absorbing its energy, or taking it upon themselves. In this way they labor to mitigate
judgment and uplift souls. As they take up this divine action they also may help souls recognize the
interconnection of sorrow and joy, and may help souls recognize the subtle peace and joy the exists within
and behind the experience of sorrow. In this, perhaps, you may understand that these are angels of God that
co-labor with the Comforter, engaging in the comforting of souls bound up in sorrow and suffering,
corresponding with the spiritual power of the Compassion of God.

The qeshetim that I'm speaking about here are formed of supernal light, and are far more brilliant, subtle and
sublime in appearance, and their knowledge and power is akin to that of archangels. Those of the spiritual
light, corresponding with Qeshet of Beriyah, manifest Simple Mercy, or measured blessings, while these
qeshetim, corresponding with Qeshet of Atzilut, manifest Abundant Mercy and labor directly for the
salvation of souls, the enlightenment and liberation of souls, and revelations of Supernal Mysteries, and
Mysteries of the World-That-Is-Coming.

The angels I spoke about previously are angels of creation that have received the Messiah, while the qeshetim
are primordial and supernal angels having knowledge, understanding and wisdom of the Great Vision of
Melchizedek, or the generation of the Sacred Tau (Shin-Tau). In other words, their knowledge and power, and
their dominion and presence, is very different, and while we might use similar terms to describe them in
mental consciousness, in the experience of them there is no comparison, they are distinctly of a different

In speaking of the Qeshetim it is given that we can share an open secret. The Order of Melchizedek includes
all manner of sentient beings that are holy and enlightened, or that have intimate Knowledge of the Messiah
and El Elyon, and thus, along with "human souls" that have entered into Supernal Realization, there are also
angelic and divine beings of this Holy and Universal Order, understanding that it is not just human beings
who receive the Messiah, the Anointing, and salvation, but all manner of sentient beings, including angelic
and divine beings.

As perhaps you might surmise, the qeshetim are among the holy and enlightened angels of the Order of
Melchizedek, and in general, all of the primordial and supernal princes and angels are of this Divine Order;
hence, the Order of Primordial and Universal Enlightenment - the "Primordial Tradition."

Peace be with you!

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