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Suriel: Prince of the Presence

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Suriel: Prince of the Presence

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 12:20 pm

by Tau Malachi
Suriel: Prince of the Presence

Suriel has a deep connection with Azriel, the angel of death, for Suriel is known as a “merciful angel of
death,” a very gentle and peaceful drawing out of souls from their bodies when the natural end of life has
come. When Suriel engages this divine action with a soul, Suriel then becomes the guide of that soul in the
afterlife, and draws that soul into the heavenly abode to which it is destined. Suriel also has knowledge of the
mystery of “death by a kiss of God,” as with the prophet Moses and other great tzaddikim, and is among the
angels of God that take such righteous and holy souls in a swift ascent into the inmost abodes of heaven.

Suriel is an archangelic prince of the Holy Shekinah, and is a very great and holy angelic presence; he/she is
said to have been the “angelic teacher of Moses,” and so is accounted as one of the guardian angels of Moses.
This angel of God is also known as among the guardian angels of Elijah as well.

This is a great and holy angel with knowledge of very deep mysteries of the Torah, one who is well known to
those who are Baal Shem, a Master of The Name.

When the Messiah appeared at the Sacred Jordan Suriel received the Gospel, and became a preacher of the
Gospel in the heavens, and it is said that this is an angel that instructs souls in their gospel, helping souls
realize their unique and individual understanding of the Gospel of Truth. As a prince of the Holy Shekinah,
this is among the archangel who bore prophecies to Mother Miriam, and who walked with the Magdalene,
becoming an angelic defender of the Tower of the Flock.

Receiving the Messiah, Suriel was exalted as a holy prince of the Supernal Shekinah, Mother Shekinah.

Suriel is a very glorious, beautiful and regal angelic presence that bears a holy staff of power and a sphere
composed of diamond-like light. When Suriel is invoked, the Essential Name and Great Name are called
upon and are unified, and a sacred chant is intoned: Sa-Sha-Sho, Sa-Ah, Sur-ee-el.

God bless you and God keep you!

Re: Suriel: Prince of the Presence

1 of 10 16/03/2022 03:06 • Suriel: Prince of the Presence

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 6:33 am

by Rainbow_Feather11
Hi Tau,

I hope you are well, Grace to you in Yeshua Name,

Thank you for this wisdom of Suriel. I have just begun to work with the Prince of the Presence, and there is
something about this angel that feels very pristine, shining bright.
It's as if he bestows Holy Light through the crown to nourish the bodies and brighten the face.
Suriel himself feels like a gift from God to humans in this way, reminding us of the gifting that is ceaselessly
given from El Elyon and Holy Spirit.
He for sure helps one stay in the light, to see the light and goodness in others, to be humble and master
He wants us to receive the anointing and enter the Body of Christ, to know salvation.

In this way, I noticed is that Suriel helps to 'prepare' - not necessarily purify, so much as to sanctify or seal it
with the Clear Diamond Light. It reminded me of Exodus 23:20-26:

“See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have
prepared. 21 Pay attention to him and listen to what he says. Do not rebel against him; he will not forgive
your rebellion, since my Name is in him. 22 If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will
be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you. 23 My angel will go ahead of you and
bring you into the land of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites and Jebusites, and I will wipe
them out. 24 Do not bow down before their gods or worship them or follow their practices. You must
demolish them and break their sacred stones to pieces. 25 Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will
be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, 26 and none will miscarry or be barren
in your land. I will give you a full life span."

I am wondering, is Suriel connected to prosperity? Today, it as I opened up through his angel, it brought forth
what I identified as the Light of Prosperity.
Being Prince of the Shekinah, Colossians 1:12 dawned on me:

"Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in

The aspect of Light Suriel beholds is so subtle and sublime. It feels like such a blessing to commune with
Suriel, for it's as if he is a keeper or beholder of this soft, sublime light of the Shekinah. This is a very healing
light, in which one can "rest in the Presence". While I have not worked with Metatron (consciously or
intimately), I sensed that perhaps, they have a close connection operating in the crown of God ?

Lastly, I notice things seem to align with this angel, in that it is bringing internal alignment. Being an angel of
death, is it that the Prince of the Presence helps one in transitions in life, to leave behind the old (mentalities,
attitudes, habits, dynamics) like Abraham and take up in the new self, in Yeshua Messiah?

For now I am communing and opening up through Suriel as a gateway into the Mother field, it appears, as he
is like the keeper of the temple, temple being innermost lights of the Shekinah. Any recommendations for
practices with him in the Tradition?

May all beings com to conscious knowledge of Christ in them,

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To know the inheritance of the saints of light

And partake in the good fortune our Father has given by Grace


Of Much Light

Re: Suriel: Prince of the Presence

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 12:25 pm

by Tau Malachi
Blessings to you in the Holy Light of the Messiah, the light of all apostles and prophets of El Elyon!

Thank you for sharing your insights and contemplations of Suriel. They are delightful, and stir in my heart
some things to share.

Yes, indeed, it is a wonderful blessing to commune with the powers of heaven, the angels of God, the True
Light, and to enjoy their companionship in the Holy Shekinah. As we may speak of the Sefirot and their
interiors - specifically the Six and Malkut - as various aspects and manifestations of the interior Shekinah, so
we may speak of the archangels and angels as the glory and power of the exterior Shekinah in various divine
actions and manifestations within the Realm of Perud - Beriyah, Yetzirah and Asiyah. In this regard we may
recall that Malkut - the exterior aspect of the Holy Shekinah - corresponds with the manifestation of the
presence and power of God and realities arising within each olam - within each level, or dimension, universe.
When it is said that Malkut - 'has no light of her own,' this is completely true, for Malkut-Shekinah is the
intersection and co-arising of the influxes, powers, of all of the Sefirot of the corresponding olam, the radiant
display, realities - universes, worlds, realms and all that is in them - generated by the Holy Sefirot within and
behind Malkut. Thus, at the level of Beriyah this would be archangelic forces, great cosmic forces, at the
level of Yetzirah it would be orders, hosts, of angels, and at the level of Asiyah it would be celestial
intelligences, the jinn, elemental forces, nature spirits, and so on, as well as all creatures and the matrix of
creation appearing in the physical, material dimension. Thus, the entire matrix of creation on all levels is the
manifestation of the Divine Presence - Holy Shekinah.

Quite naturally, to commune in the Holy Shekinah, to abide in her 'good company,' is also a communion with
archangels and angels. In this communion, though, our devotion, cleaving, is directed towards the Messiah, to
the Holy One, Holy Shekinah, not to the angels. In this regard we might recall the apostle and prophet in his
vision of the apocalypse attempting to bow down before an archangelic guide in his vision twice and being
rebuked for it. Thus we do not teach or practice devotions with archangels and angels in the way that we do
with Holy Partzufim - personifications of the Divine. But rather we teach how to invoke them in prayer,
meditation and sacred ceremony, as we invoke the Holy One, Holy Shekinah, and engage in theurgic actions
and worship of the Holy One. And so teach their names, correspondences, some hint of their revealed images,
and sacred chants for invocation. Likewise we teach how to open heart and mind to them in prayer and
meditation to entertain communion with them in the Messiah, and the Holy One, Holy Shekinah. The angels
we invoke correspond with the knowledge and power of God that is sought, or with the kavvanot - points of
focus, conscious intentions - within our invocation of the Names of God and our prayers, or the sacred
ceremony we are enacting; hence, corresponding with our theurgic intention, the specific blessings,
empowerments that are being shared, or spiritual actions we are taking up in the Holy Shekinah, Holy Spirit.

The revealed names and images of angels are not their true names and images, and many different images of
an angel may be revealed to us as we commune with them, the forms they assume being an integral part of

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their communication and contact with us. As we commune with them and we exchange knowledge and
power with them in the Holy Shekinah, Holy Spirit, so they reveal more of themselves to us, and reveal
various ways of communion with them, various ways moving with them, as they invoke and pray with us,
and worship the Holy One with us, and move with us in the Continuum. What we share are 'introductions,'
then initiates develop their acquaintanceship with the angels through an ongoing communion with them in the
Holy Shekinah, Holy Spirit as they engage in their devotions to the Messiah and God Most High - the Holy

I can share this, however. Whenever I have sought revelation of the knowledge and power of angels, a deeper
communion with angels, or the visitation of angels, I have prayed, asking God for knowledge of the angel,
asking for the angel to come to me and reveal something of its knowledge of creation, redemption and God.
Then, through encounters with the angel, or angels, various ways of communion with them and moving with
them were revealed - realities of the angels and light body, and a deeper vibrational and energetic
communion. Likewise I can share that it is not uncommon for initiates to take up a devotion of union with
Holy Partzuf, such as with the Risen Messiah, Holy Mother, Holy Bride, and so on, and unified with Partzuf,
arising as Partzuf in meditation, then invoke, pray as the Partzuf, extending into invocations of angels, and
entertaining a communion with angels in this way, in an intimate nearness, oneness, with the Holy One, Holy
Shekinah. Needless to say this can bring about a very different experience of communion with angels, and so
a very different knowledge and understanding of the angelic forces, and indeed all spiritual forces.

Now there is something more that it is given for me to share with you concerning Suriel. First, regarding the
meaning of the name. The name 'light of God' is in this name: Uriel, Oriel. With the addition of samekh, the
name may be understood to connote something like 'support of the light of God.' This speaks volumes about
various divine actions that are within the knowledge and power of this great angel. Second, this name is also
among names that denote the various emanations of Metatron, so that the suggestion of Suriel 'receiving the
Messiah' would have a very different meaning than with the angels of creation. For Suriel would be counted
among the angels of Messiah that were present with Messiah from the very beginning of creation. Thus,
'receiving' would correspond with a manifestation of Supernal Grace that helps living spirits and souls receive
the Messiah - the Holy Light and Spirit - and that serves to facilitate Light Transmission and the imparting of
the Holy Spirit.

The true names, and true images, of archangels and angels, let alone those of supernal angels, are not known
to mortals - they are never spoken, revealed in this world. But, if Suriel were to draw very close, and reveal
something of his inner 'image,' it would be an experience of a completely overwhelming brilliance, radiance,
glory, such that in that flood of holy and supernal light a soul would pass away, and if but for a moment, or
just an instant, would experience the No-Thingness of Ain Sof - the Infinite One; hence, the 'Prince of the
Presence' associated with the Holy Mother - Binah-Imma (interior Shekinah).

It is this inner reality of Suriel that is alluded to with the association Masters of the Tradition have made of
the "angel of death" with Suriel; though with Suriel they are speaking of the mystical death, and so a
spiritual, or a supernal rebirth. For quite naturally, even to glimpse, taste, the No-Thingness of Ain Sof, or the
radiance of Ain Sof - Or Ain Sof - for but a moment, or an instant, changes us. It is a life transforming
experience, if indeed we integrate the knowledge and understanding given, and strive to live according to the
Truth and Light revealed, striving always for progress in our realization in Messiah.

And yes, Suriel is a presence and power from God Most High of profound peace and immeasurable joy,
certainly so!

Just this last Sunday I was speaking to the community about the secret mystery of the first and last
commandment being one and the same, the secret mystery of God being Anoki - I - and our True Being,
Divine Self, Divine I Am being an emanation, manifestation of the Infinite One as Anoki. When the Masters

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of the Tradition speak of Suriel being among supernal angels that help facilitate souls realizing their gospel,
do understand that our gospel - the revelation of the Messiah and Holy One to us - corresponds with the true
will, true desire of our Divine Self, and being who and what we are in the Messiah and Holy One. Hence, the
reality of our being as we are in the interior Shekinah - Imma-Mother.

If, indeed, we accept who we are, and live as who we truly are, uniting who we are in ourselves with who we
are in the Holy One - living according to 'our gospel,' and we do not 'covet,' veering to try to be somebody
else, we will be successful and prosper in the Lord - Yahweh, Yeshua, Adonai, certainly so! While God
provides all that we need in this world for our fulfillment, and our realization however, this 'success and
prosperity' is not of this world, but rather it is of the World-That-Is-Coming, the Pleroma of Light.

The passage you cite from Exodus relates this to us, if we consider it closely. If we consider it in the light of
Reality as It Is, and so God as God Is, as we know, the promise made was not completely fulfilled in this
world, and never shall be completely fulfilled in this world. Though in this world it is given that we strive for
this spiritual and supernal realization, we do bring about the actualization of that supernal potential through
our lives in this world, and may manifest something of it in our lives, and it becomes a reality for us when we
pass beyond, in the World-That-Is-Coming. It in interesting. Here we may take note that the archangel the
passage is speaking about is not an angel from the side of mercy, but from the side of judgment, severity. It is
a warrior of heaven sent for the subjugation and destruction of klippot - husks of impurity and darkness, the
shattering of barriers to the spiritual and supernal realization of souls. Such that the Holy One warns the
people not to cross the angel, and not to give way in the presence of the angel on this mission to the ways of
the klippot, lest it strike them down. This indicates an angel in a divine action of severity, judgment. There is
something that we know about angels engaged in a divine action, a mission from God in this world, and this
includes archangels. They take up one single action, mission, when manifesting in this world. Thus, if one is
sent to subjugate and destroy the enemies of Israel, another would be sent to fulfill the promise of relative
peace and prosperity following. This is reflected in the Torah by the three angels that visited Abraham and
Sarah. One was sent to proclaim the miraculous birth of their son - Rafael - another for the deliverance of Lot
and his family from the impending doom of Sodom and Gomorrah - Michael - and another for the destruction
of those cities - Gabriel. So in the passage cited it seems to imply another angel in that movement of the Holy
Shekinah whose action will follow that of the first angel spoken about, or so it would seem.

In this there is a hint of something of our invocations and communion with angels in the Holy Shekinah,
Holy Spirit. If we seek to draw near to angels of the interior Shekinah, or those of the Supernals, and such,
there may be a need for the invocation of other angels to help facilitate our purification, to open that way for
a greater intimacy with such holiness, glory, beauty, power, and to reveal to us, guide us in how to draw
nearer to the Holy One, Holy Shekinah. You see, just as we may speak of an ascent of the soul through the
Holy Sefirot, a cleaving and unifying from one to another, as though something like 'rungs of a ladder,'
something similar is true or archangels and angels, bearing in mind that they corresponds with Sefirot of
Beriyah and Yetzirah, respectively. Various archangels and angels - their presences and powers - directly
correspond with various degrees of nearness to the Holy One, Holy Shekinah, from outer grades of nearness,
to inner and inmost grades of nearness, those of the Supernals corresponding with inmost nearness venturing
into oneness, as with Metatron.

In this we may glean something of the wisdom, the skillful means, of initiates invoking the Sacred Circle, and
very often the six archangels and their hosts - an array of angels as they seek to draw near, and seek to cleave
and unify with the Holy One, Holy Shekinah. In fact, among initiates, when seeking to invoke a specific
angel, seeking knowledge of an angel, or seeking to invoke its power in a theurgic movement, first they will
invoke the Sacred Circle and take up devotions to the Holy One, and worship the Holy One in the Shekinah,
rejoicing in the presence of Yahweh, Yeshua. Then, in the midst of their devotion, they will invoke the
archangel or angel they seek knowledge of revelation from, or whose presence and power they seek to move
with them in a theurgic action, extending blessings, empowerments, and various actions of spiritual

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assistance - deliverances, healings, shifts in fates and fortunes, prophetic utterances, and so on.

This is what it is given for me to share with you and our community today.

Blessing to you, and my love to you! Amen.

Re: Suriel: Prince of the Presence

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 8:39 am

by Rainbow_Feather11

Dear Tau,

Grace and peace be unto you in the Blessed Name Yeshua,

I appreciate this rich response, it nourishes the soul,

I feel like a kid on Christmas day!

Tau Malachi wrote: ↑Fri Jul 23, 2021 12:25 pm

Quite naturally, to commune in the Holy Shekinah, to abide in her 'good company,' is also a
communion with archangels and angels. In this communion, though, our devotion, cleaving, is
directed towards the Messiah, to the Holy One, Holy Shekinah, not to the angels. In this regard
we might recall the apostle and prophet in his vision of the apocalypse attempting to bow down
before an archangelic guide in his vision twice and being rebuked for it. Thus we do not teach or
practice devotions with archangels and angels in the way that we do with Holy Partzufim -
personifications of the Divine. But rather we teach how to invoke them in prayer, meditation and
sacred ceremony, as we invoke the Holy One, Holy Shekinah, and engage in theurgic actions and
worship of the Holy One. And so teach their names, correspondences, some hint of their revealed
images, and sacred chants for invocation. Likewise we teach how to open heart and mind to them
in prayer and meditation to entertain communion with them in the Messiah, and the Holy One,
Holy Shekinah. The angels we invoke correspond with the knowledge and power of God that is
sought, or with the kavvanot - points of focus, conscious intentions - within our invocation of the
Names of God and our prayers, or the sacred ceremony we are enacting; hence, corresponding
with our theurgic intention, the specific blessings, empowerments that are being shared, or
spiritual actions we are taking up in the Holy Shekinah, Holy Spirit.

Ah yes. I am wondering, the Divine Name that we intone for a specific angel, can this be
used as a form of devotional worship, prior to invoking the angelic presence that is sought?
During my meditations, I allow the Holy Spirit to inspire the internal movements as I open
from within. This often includes spontaneous Divine Names intonations, prayer/mantra or
simply a focus/refocusing, ingathering and deepening into Self/Soul/Christ in me. When the
moment is appropriate, I then consciously focus on my intention to invoke through proper
Divine Name and angelic chant. Usually, this occurs when I am deeply ingathered in the
center of the skull region and breathing upward into Beingness. It's here I often feel the
inclination, through the previous interior openings, that have placed me in my power as

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Spirit/Soul to partake in these actions to invoke and work.

The revealed names and images of angels are not their true names and images, and many
different images of an angel may be revealed to us as we commune with them, the forms they
assume being an integral part of their communication and contact with us. As we commune with
them and we exchange knowledge and power with them in the Holy Shekinah, Holy Spirit, so
they reveal more of themselves to us, and reveal various ways of communion with them, various
ways moving with them, as they invoke and pray with us, and worship the Holy One with us, and
move with us in the Continuum. What we share are 'introductions,' then initiates develop their
acquaintanceship with the angels through an ongoing communion with them in the Holy
Shekinah, Holy Spirit as they engage in their devotions to the Messiah and God Most High - the
Holy One.


I can share this, however. Whenever I have sought revelation of the knowledge and power of
angels, a deeper communion with angels, or the visitation of angels, I have prayed, asking God
for knowledge of the angel, asking for the angel to come to me and reveal something of its
knowledge of creation, redemption and God. Then, through encounters with the angel, or angels,
various ways of communion with them and moving with them were revealed - realities of the
angels and light body, and a deeper vibrational and energetic communion. Likewise I can share
that it is not uncommon for initiates to take up a devotion of union with Holy Partzuf, such as
with the Risen Messiah, Holy Mother, Holy Bride, and so on, and unified with Partzuf, arising as
Partzuf in meditation, then invoke, pray as the Partzuf, extending into invocations of angels, and
entertaining a communion with angels in this way, in an intimate nearness, oneness, with the
Holy One, Holy Shekinah. Needless to say this can bring about a very different experience of
communion with angels, and so a very different knowledge and understanding of the angelic
forces, and indeed all spiritual forces.

I have taken this up as prayer now through your insight. This movement in meditation is
akin to the internal openings that takes place as I begin a deeper communion with the
maggidim. It seems that as I open and unite, there are various stages or forms of Holy
Partzuf that I move through as I enter more deeply. As mentioned before, different Divine
Name intonations come forth with I do that bring me deeper, to ascend or descend into
different regions. In regards to Suriel, I have been inclined to use Ha Isha Ha Elyona, Aima
Israel, Shekinah Ha Messiah and Yahweh Elohenu during and throughout the interior
openings, merging with the Yeshua, into Holy Mother Mary, as it brings me upward
through the throat and into "secret closet of the father", in center of the brain region, a
Christic center of consciousness. As Shekinah Ha Messiah chant came forth today
spontaneously, I couldn't help but to sense the Spirit of the Initiates, in Ruach Ha Enoch,
leading me to sense that Suriel is also an angel of initiation, being an angel of death.

Now there is something more that it is given for me to share with you concerning Suriel. First,
regarding the meaning of the name. The name 'light of God' is in this name: Uriel, Oriel. With
the addition of samekh, the name may be understood to connote something like 'support of the
light of God.' This speaks volumes about various divine actions that are within the knowledge
and power of this great angel. Second, this name is also among names that denote the various
emanations of Metatron, so that the suggestion of Suriel 'receiving the Messiah' would have a
very different meaning than with the angels of creation. For Suriel would be counted among the

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angels of Messiah that were present with Messiah from the very beginning of creation. Thus,
'receiving' would correspond with a manifestation of Supernal Grace that helps living spirits and
souls receive the Messiah - the Holy Light and Spirit - and that serves to facilitate Light
Transmission and the imparting of the Holy Spirit.

Speaking of Supernal Grace, after the prayer I took up that you told, the next day I felt the
inclination to learn the Hail Mary prayer in aramaic. I've had this happen with the Lord's
prayer when I had my first born again experience and felt called to take it up in aramaic. It
came to me that there is a great teaching in regards to Suriel, that can be revealed through
the Hail Mary, as it contains mysteries of life and death as well as Light Transmission and
Grace. This is something I am looking forward to receiving more on as I continue in 'good
company' with Holy Spirit.

It is this inner reality of Suriel that is alluded to with the association Masters of the Tradition
have made of the "angel of death" with Suriel; though with Suriel they are speaking of the
mystical death, and so a spiritual, or a supernal rebirth. For quite naturally, even to glimpse, taste,
the No-Thingness of Ain Sof, or the radiance of Ain Sof - Or Ain Sof - for but a moment, or an
instant, changes us. It is a life transforming experience, if indeed we integrate the knowledge and
understanding given, and strive to live according to the Truth and Light revealed, striving always
for progress in our realization in Messiah.

This is connected to my kavanah, to connect with Suriel - in this time on my journey, there
is a greater letting go, changing of resonance and rebirthing into a new identity of who I am
in Christ - taking this up, saying yes to it and taking the placing to live it in abundance,
success, joy and Self-Knowing. Suriel seems to have a way to seal with faith, with 'looking
onward' or Godward to support that transition from the old structure of personality and
into the new self, in Christ. It's as if every time he is invoked during spiritual practice, this
light 'seals the deal' more and more, into Destiny with God and Spirit, the true will of the
Creator in my life.

Just this last Sunday I was speaking to the community about the secret mystery of the first and
last commandment being one and the same, the secret mystery of God being Anoki - I - and our
True Being, Divine Self, Divine I Am being an emanation, manifestation of the Infinite One as
Anoki. When the Masters of the Tradition speak of Suriel being among supernal angels that help
facilitate souls realizing their gospel, do understand that our gospel - the revelation of the
Messiah and Holy One to us - corresponds with the true will, true desire of our Divine Self, and
being who and what we are in the Messiah and Holy One. Hence, the reality of our being as we
are in the interior Shekinah - Imma-Mother.

Amen, the true desire of our Divine Self! this is precisely what I feel many are undergoing
as the world transforms through this massive change in consciousness. I personally feel that
making this internal movement, has been sticky, it has been a journey through the abyss,
which by the flow of divine grace and cleaving to Messiah, taking us forward to be where
we need to be, with the Greater Frequency with God and Spirit. Bless all the maggadim
and tzaddakim for facilitating and being of service!

If, indeed, we accept who we are, and live as who we truly are, uniting who we are in ourselves
with who we are in the Holy One - living according to 'our gospel,' and we do not 'covet,' veering
to try to be somebody else, we will be successful and prosper in the Lord - Yahweh, Yeshua,
Adonai, certainly so! While God provides all that we need in this world for our fulfillment, and

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our realization however, this 'success and prosperity' is not of this world, but rather it is of the
World-That-Is-Coming, the Pleroma of Light.

Amazing, yes, I feel this in my heart. Thank you for this wisdom.

In this there is a hint of something of our invocations and communion with angels in the Holy
Shekinah, Holy Spirit. If we seek to draw near to angels of the interior Shekinah, or those of the
Supernals, and such, there may be a need for the invocation of other angels to help facilitate our
purification, to open that way for a greater intimacy with such holiness, glory, beauty, power, and
to reveal to us, guide us in how to draw nearer to the Holy One, Holy Shekinah. You see, just as
we may speak of an ascent of the soul through the Holy Sefirot, a cleaving and unifying from
one to another, as though something like 'rungs of a ladder,' something similar is true or
archangels and angels, bearing in mind that they corresponds with Sefirot of Beriyah and
Yetzirah, respectively. Various archangels and angels - their presences and powers - directly
correspond with various degrees of nearness to the Holy One, Holy Shekinah, from outer grades
of nearness, to inner and inmost grades of nearness, those of the Supernals corresponding with
inmost nearness venturing into oneness, as with Metatron.

Do you think the 'rungs on the ladder' can be the spontaneous movements that open in
consciousness during meditation - whether that be devotion, worship, ingathering into
object of focus/, etc, as mentioned previously?

In this we may glean something of the wisdom, the skillful means, of initiates invoking the
Sacred Circle, and very often the six archangels and their hosts - an array of angels as they seek
to draw near, and seek to cleave and unify with the Holy One, Holy Shekinah. In fact, among
initiates, when seeking to invoke a specific angel, seeking knowledge of an angel, or seeking to
invoke its power in a theurgic movement, first they will invoke the Sacred Circle and take up
devotions to the Holy One, and worship the Holy One in the Shekinah, rejoicing in the presence
of Yahweh, Yeshua. Then, in the midst of their devotion, they will invoke the archangel or angel
they seek knowledge of revelation from, or whose presence and power they seek to move with
them in a theurgic action, extending blessings, empowerments, and various actions of spiritual
assistance - deliverances, healings, shifts in fates and fortunes, prophetic utterances, and so on.

Grateful for the skillful means here! Could the Sacred Circle be supplemented for the
pentagram ritual for purify yesodot? I am wondering. I have begun to create space
consciously more regularly now before spiritual practices, as it truly amplifies the work

May all beings come to conscious knowledge of our true desire in Soul, Messiah
And have the courage, to walk the path of light with "our gospel" in Christ,
To live according to the Truth and Light revealed to us, with God and Spirit!

With Much Light and Love to you

in the True Light of the Messiah,

Re: Suriel: Prince of the Presence

9 of 10 16/03/2022 03:06 • Suriel: Prince of the Presence

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:17 am

by Tau Malachi
Blessings to you!

Yes, the invocation of Names of God themselves, when invoked with inward cleaving a conscious intention is
itself devotion, worship of the Holy One. When we speak of the practice of 'invoking often' we are speaking
of invoking the Names of God as a devotion in itself.

And yes, various 'rungs' or ways of ascent can be illuminated during prayer, meditation and worship - Spirit-
filled devotion tends to be inspired devotion, inspired, guided by the Spirit and the influence of angels.

The ceremony for the purification of yesodot can be used as and invocation of Sacred Circle, though in
angelic invocation the 'revealed invocation of Sacred Circle' is most common. That is specifically an
invocation of Supernal Influx, and so extends well into the extension of more measured influxes, blessings,
through archangels and angels.

Shabbat Shalom!

Re: Suriel: Prince of the Presence

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 5:05 am

by Rainbow_Feather11
Thank you Tau Malachi!

Blessings and peace unto you!

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