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1. Name of the speakers and title of their topic.

 Dr. Luzlin P. Elcullada, RGC, Dev.Ed, MSFP
o Building Resilience
 Professor Georgina Orbeta
o Building Resilience “Community Resilency Model”

2. Give the summary of their topic.

a. Building Resilience
Resilience is the ability to recover from adversity, thrive despite pressure,
maintain emotional stability, and foster positive relationships. If we lack
resilience, we become overwhelmed, we keep dwelling on our problems, we fall
apart, and we'll develop unhealthy coping mechanisms. It is stated here that an
individual demonstrates true resilience by emerging relatively unscathed and
ready to face the next challenge that life may throw at them. Our resiliency is
currently challenged by the current situation we have right now, which is the
pandemic that somehow results in difficulty focusing, anxiety, memory
disturbance, change in sleeping patterns, etc
A person exhibits tremendous resilience when they come out of each event
relatively unscathed and ready to face the next challenge life may throw at them.
She asked if we would bend or break. I decided to bend since, according to
Japanese proverbs, "the bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that refuses."
attitude, which encompasses self-awareness and personal ideals. Self-awareness is
the secret of resilience. Thanks to this knowledge, we now have the power to
transform ourselves and lead the lives we desire. To be able to depend on oneself,
one must be resilient and confident. We should engage in self-care activities like
quality time with friends and family, journaling, laughing, eating healthy foods,
getting enough sleep, and other such activities. Life must be so hard, but
challenges are part of it where it teaches us to be strong and be good for us to be
able to live with a smile on our faces and always remember to "count your
rainbows, not your thunderstorms." We should always be thankful for any success
we achieve, because those failures are just an obstacle that we all should take to
achieve our goals.

b. Building Resilience “Community Resilency Model”

According to the American Psychological Association, resilience is both
the process and the outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging
life experiences. In addition to this, Dr. Amit Sood states that resilience is your
ability to withstand adversity and bounce back and grow despite life's downturns.
Resiliency is very crucial as it helps us process and overcome hardships in life.
Those who lack resilience get easily overwhelmed and may turn to unhealthy
coping mechanisms, while those who lack resilience tap into their strengths and
support systems to overcome challenges and work through problems.
Students like me experienced such problems as well, and that tested our
resiliency, which includes physical illness, school-related problems, family-
related problems, etc. Being resilient gives students the ability to tackle new
experiences and challenges head-on, bounce back from any setbacks, and have the
best chance at succeeding. There are so many things that being resilient can help
us with, not just overcoming personal problems, but it also molds us and helps us
be the best version of ourselves.

3. Give your insights about their topic.

a. Building Resilience

Life is full of different challenges that sometimes some people cannot handle,
which results in the most unwanted decision, which is suicide. There are so many
things that we have to learn and understand, and being resilient is one of them. As to
what Dr. Sood said, resilience is your ability to withstand adversity and bounce back
and grow despite life's downturns, which means being resilient helps you face and
overcome life challenges.

As a student who experiences lots of life challenges such as anxiety, school,

family and peer-related problems, etc., being able to understand how helpful and
important resiliency is, I was able to withstand those problems and be more motivated
and inspired to work harder and build the best in me.

We might think that being resilient is a difficult thing to understand, but always
remember that it is up to you if you really want to stand up and fight for your future.
Also, being resilient is one of the keys to having a strong foundation in life.

b. Building Resilience “Community Resilency Model”

According to the American Psychological Association, resilience is both the

process and the outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life
experiences, which means that resiliency helps us face and overcome life challenges.
Also, being resilient is essential because it enables us to cope with and get through
life's challenges. People who lack resilience are more susceptible to feeling
overwhelmed and may use harmful coping techniques, as opposed to people who
have the ability to draw on their resources and support networks to overcome
obstacles and solve difficulties.
Everyone has their own path of challenges and obstacles, just like students who
experience minor yet difficult-to-handle problems, but all these things can be easily
handled when we have resiliency in ourselves.

Learning to become resilient takes time but slowly grows so that when we finally
have it, life challenges will become easy to face and overcome. As others have stated,
resiliency is a key to a better life that assists an individual in succeeding in life. 

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