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Akatriel: Revealer of God

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Akatriel: Revealer of God

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:06 pm

by Tau Malachi
Akatriel: A Revealer of God

Sar Akatriel is a supernal archangel from among the elohim who shares deep connections with Haniel and
Ratziel as a knower and revealer of great and supreme mysteries of creation and God. He-she is called a
“prince and herald of the Supernal Abode,” and as such it is said that Akatriel proclaims Ratzon Elyon, the
Will of the Most High, in the upper, spiritual heavens, and is among the archangels who herald the coming of
the Messiah in world-systems, proclaiming it in the heavens associated with them. On account of this,
Akatriel is among the guardian angels of souls that serve in the holy office of high priest in the Order of
Melchizedek, those souls that become Christ-bears to worlds.

This is a holy and supernal angel that labors to guard and preserve knowledge of deep esoteric mysteries in
the generations of the Human One, and so Akatriel is viewed by Christian Mekubalim as a guardian of the
inner mystical tradition of Christianity, and as among the holy angels of God in the ongoing revelation of the
Christian Kabbalah.

Akatriel has intimate knowledge of the Holy Names of God, as do all of the great supernal princes, but
Akatriel is noted for special knowledge of the Holy Partzufim above and below, and how the tikkunim of
various Partzufim are brought about through the Community of Israel and the Messiah, and the divine actions
of the angels of God inspired by them. As perhaps you might imagine, on account of this, Akatriel holds
knowledge of Tikkune Ha-Olam and Tikkune Ha-Adam Kadmon in the Messiah.

Of this lofty and holy archangel it has been said that he/she “gazes into the face of Adam Kadmon,” and
“knows the heart of Adam Kadmon.” What this means no one is able to speak, but in this angelic presence
awareness may arise from the deeper aspects of ones soul that gives some hint, some sense, of this holy gaze
and knowledge.

There is something to be shared her concerning communion with the Great Supernal Princes. Although,
indeed, they can send forth emanations in visitation of tzaddikim and initiates, and often do, the greater
knowledge and conversation with them transpires in the eighth heaven, and through the dawn of Supernal or
Messianic Consciousness; hence, the deeper communion occurs through the ascent of the soul into the
Supernal Abode, and the generation of the Threefold Body. Thus, more than invoking their visitations in this
world, tzaddikim “travel,” in a manner of speaking, to visit theses Holy Angelic Princes in their light realms.

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This is among the archangelic presences that “resemble the Primordial Human Being,” but in an image and
likeness of Yahweh Elohim that is like nothing in this world, and so cannot be described as being like
anything of this world. If and when this Great Prince is invoked a secret Holy Name of the Most High and the
Messiah is called upon, and a chant is intoned in the “tongues of the angels and elder races.”

El Shalom to you!

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